GOV/MIL CNN tells readers "Don't be nosy about Fast and Furious"


The one and only...
Don't be nosy about Fast and Furious

Well, here's a real treat of a CNN Headliner.

Journalist LZ Granderson calls us a nosy nation and says that not everything is our business. Then he cites other messy deals our country has made and tries to make a case for them being illegal, yes, but necessary. He calls innocent people who die in these deals collateral damage and quotes from "A Few Good Men" that we shouldn't be poking into these things because we can't handle the truth.


Veteran Member
Jeeze Granderson, why don't you just hit the floor on your knees and worship "the one" live and in living color in the "situation room" for petes sakes. What a friggin tool!. Here is a note to you from one VERY pissed off American.

If government does it, it IS my business. MY tax dollars pay for it. And you asshat reporters are supposed to dig for and unearth the TRUTH. no matter what. if you can't, or don't want to do that because it may embarass "the anointed one" then call yourself what you really are. A whore. NOT a journalist.


Actually, it is CNN that can't handle truth. Actually, they are probably allergic to it, and would be in danger of going into anaphylactic shock if exposed to too much truth.


Faithful Steed
Kind of like don't be nosy about the June 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office complex in Washington, D.C.? (Watergate Break-ins)

Kind of like don't be nosy about "I am in control here, in the White House, pending return of the Vice President and in close touch with him." (Alexander Hague)

Kind of like don't be nosy about Israel would ship weapons to Iran, and then the U.S. would resupply Israel and receive the Israeli payment. (Iran Contra Affair.)

Humph! We're supposed to let them do whatever they want - like the farm animals we all are? (Well, at least one of us?)

I think you humans know better. And deserve better from your news media.



F-4 Phantoms Phorever
The United States government, under Pres Obobo, engaged in acts of supplying arms to narco-terrorists in a neighboring country and we're not supposed to care? Like nobody (especially CNN) cared when the Reagan Administration was sending arms to the Contras?

If this were any other nation on the planet doing the same thing to a neighboring country the UN, the Obobo Administration and CNN would all rightly be commenting in strongly worded letters if not screaming bloody murder.

But of course this is the Obobo Administration, favored by the UN other leftists and not some conservative cowboy like Reagan. And CNN along with other lame-stream media is self-blinded to what some rightly call an act of war.

The blatant hypocracy is astounding.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
If Bush had been prez and this happened, CNN (and all the rest of the "not-nooz-networks") would be having a collective fit of apoplexy screaming for his head on a plate. But since it's their beloved HNIC committing these CRIMES, they tell us to STFU?

Oh yeah....


Membership Revoked
The "cat's outta the bag"

When agent Brian Terry was killed with one of those F & F
guns, the Obama (Clinton-CFR) agenda went into damage
control. The cat's outta the bag now. Have't seen any good
investigative reporting from the MSM that potentially leads to
UN Small Arms Treaty but it's no doubt coming. The American
people are awakening to the implications of F & F; whether
the Congress (both houses) have "the guts" to pursue it
or not.



It's funny that that's the second time this week that someone has used that "you can't handle the truth" quote. They usually don't bring up that, right after he gave that little speech, Col. Jessep (Jack Nicholson) was arrested for his part in the conspiracy.

Most telling about this little article is the way that this so-called journalist is picking and choosing which stories we should investigate, which stories the media should write about, and which stories we should read. That seems to be the major problem with the MSM these days. They're trying to tell us what is important and what isn't. In the old days, journalists were called reporters. They told us what happened and left it to the reader to decide what it meant. These days, they increasingly refer to themselves as commentators, telling us what happened, why it happened and whether it was good or bad. Reporters are long gone.

The worst part is that they are now overtly becoming the story. NBC/MSNBC is rewriting history. ABC and CBS, if they aren't doing the same thing, just ignore the history that they don't approve of. Even though Fox calls itself "fair and balanced", I see many of the same things, just on the opposite end of the political spectrum, though not necessarily as bad as the others.

The press that was supposed to guard our freedoms, is now telling us not to notice, as they are taken away. The press that was even given a special notice in the Bill of Rights, and was given the task of keeping our government honest, has become derelict in their duty and now openly supports a corrupt regime, bent on removing the last vestiges of a Constitution that is the only protection they, and we, have left.


Even though Fox calls itself "fair and balanced", I see many of the same things, just on the opposite end of the political spectrum, though not necessarily as bad as the others.

Are you trying to say Fox is CONSERVATIVE? Now that is funny. They are not conservative, they just are not as far to the left as the others. I would welcome a conservative new channel.


Are you trying to say Fox is CONSERVATIVE? Now that is funny. They are not conservative, they just are not as far to the left as the others. I would welcome a conservative new channel.

Firstly, I didn't say that. If anything, I would say that NBC, CBS and ABC are decidedly pro-democrat, while Fox is more pro-republican.

The GOP is not a synonym for conservatism anymore, and hasn't been for a very long time.

Secondly, I would also love to see a conservative news channel, as well. But, after seeing the support that has been built around Romney, I don't think that it would survive financially. Too many people still don't know that the Republican party is just as progressive as the Democrat party. When the progressives are driven back under a rock, like they were once before, maybe things will change.

Many people in the republican party still believe that they can have their cake and eat it, too. They embrace many of the same social programs that the democrats do, just because it either benefits them, or it makes them feel warm and fuzzy and that they are "helping" others. But, the only help that people really need is for the government not to get in the way. Then, the people that are abusing the system will either survive or perish, and it will be their choice.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
When a news network stops reporting on national issues and starts telling the public NOT to want information on illegal activities perpetrated by their "leaders" (spits), you know that network has become a propaganda organ for that government.

CNN is done. They can join Dan Rather on the ash heap of history...


On TB every waking moment
Well here's a little truth for ya...

Americans do not have news media - they have propaganda outlets. Americans are the most propagandized population on the planet bar none. Recall that WND article from a decade or so ago that said hundreds of graduates of the Army's propaganda school (AKA Psychological Operations) were working in American "news media," including CNN?

The US government is the biggest drug smuggler on the planet. Drug smuggling is the most profitable business on the planet. The profits have been used since WW2 to finance intelligence operations, covert paramilitary operations etc.

The US government is one of the biggest weapons dealers/suppliers on the planet as well, if not the biggest.

Most of the money laundered in the world is laundered in the US.

There has been a nexus where drugs, guns and money laundering come together for decades - Iran Contra, Fast and Furious, BCCI, Nugan Hand, etc.

Got Google?


Maybe this is why? :siren:

The Bones of Fast and Furious: Hillary Clinton Deep In It?
June 25, 2012
By Maggie

What if Hillary Clinton and a couple of deputies in the State Department, The National Security Council, Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the White House, and maybe Senators Durbin and Feinstein were all complicit in Fast and Furious? What if Hillary led the strategic planning? What if the administration wanted to restrict our Second Amendment rights and both she and Barack Obama told us that 90% of the weapons used in crimes in Mexico came from the United States – after Durbin and Feinstein had already set the mood for 90%? What if that statistic was more like 17% – and at least nowhere near 90% or 80% or 70%, they knew it, but they continued the lie? What if Fast and Furious was devised to walk sufficient weapons into Mexico to meet their 90% goal? What if that is the framework, the whole being of Fast and Furious?

Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars is the force behind peeling back the layers of Fast and Furious, of government tyranny and the Second Amendment. You’ll have to spend some time at Sipsey Street and look though his massive Fast and Furious archives there and make your own determination about the worth of his information, but if true, the bones of the story are below:

The Examiner, October 7, 2011:

As previously reported, the meme parroted by Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano, and Hillary Clinton concerning the number of American guns used by criminals in Mexico was patently false, and they knew it was false. This is precisely why the Obama Administration concocted the scheme in the first place. If the facts do not prove that 90% of the guns come from the States, then make sure those numbers can be proved correct by walking the guns straight across the southern border directly into the hands of criminals.

Thus, the State Department, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the ATF, the FBI, ICE, and a host of other federal agencies went to work to send thousands of guns across the border, deliberately placing them in the hands of the cartels…

One month after Hillary’s trip to Mexico, Barack Obama visited with Mexican President Calderon, where he stated once again,

This war is being waged with guns purchased not here, but in the United States. More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that line our shared border.”

This was a blatant, barefaced lie.

The much discussed (this past week) press conference of March 24, 2009 happens. Fast and Furious is publicly announced. The issue was important to the President…directed by the President….

March 25, 2009, Newsweek’s Michael Isikoff asked Holder why he is backing off of an assault weapons ban. The belief is that Holder held off until Fast and Furious could get the guns inside Mexico before hammering gun sellers.

After fierce resistance from the gun lobby and its allies in Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder has dialed back talk about reimposing a federal assault weapons ban to help curb the spiraling violence in Mexico.

Mike Vanderboegh at Sipsey Street Irregulars – October 7, 2011:

It is now the morning of 26 March 2009. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Mexico City. In an interview recorded the day before with Lara Logan, Clinton says,

“We have to recognize and accept that the demand for drugs from the United States drives them north, and the guns that are used by the drug cartels against the police and the military, 90 percent of them come from America.”…

The next month, President Barack Obama is in Mexico City and at a joint press conference with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, repeats the same meme:

“This war is being waged with guns purchased not here, but in the United States. More than 90 percent of the guns recovered in Mexico come from the United States, many from gun shops that line our shared border.”

He also says ‘I have not backed off’ on a new assault weapons ban…

Isikoff, Clinton and Obama were simply parroting a meme begun by notoriously anti-firearm Senators Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein during a 17 March congressional hearing.

Durbin said: “According to ATF [the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], more than 90 percent of the guns seized after raids or shootings in Mexico have been traced right here to the United States of America.”

Feinstein added: “It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico used to shoot judges, police officers, mayors, kidnap innocent people and do terrible things come from the United States, and I think we must put a stop to that.”

The “90 percent” allegation was dutifully reported as fact by a whole host of news organizations including the Christian Science Monitor, Washington Post, the New York Times, NBC and the Chicago Tribune.

Sipsey Street Irregulars, in the article linked and quoted above, reports that Fox News refuted the 90% stat and “put it closer to 17%.” The 17% was refuted of course and bounced back and forth between 80% and 70%. Details here.

Sipsey Street Irregulars – October 10, 2011 (read the details of Hillary’s State Department enablers here):

…What was the importance of insisting that it was 90 percent, 80 percent, or finally 70 percent? Would such statistics make any difference to the law enforcement tactics necessary to curtail them? No…

Recall what the whistleblower ATF agents told us right after this scandal broke in the wake of the death of Brian Terry: “ATF source confirms ‘walking’ guns to Mexico to ‘pad’ statistics.”

In other words, to accomplish the goal of an assault weapon ban, or other assaults on the Second Amendment that the administration lusted for, American guns, in huge quantities had to be found inside Mexico…so we walked them there.

Indeed, our sources say, Hillary was obsessed with defending the 90 percent meme. There was a pervasive sense at the highest levels of the White House, State, Justice and in DHS that the Mexican agony could provide domestic opportunities for Rahm Emanuel’s dictum: “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” the sources say.

At the strategic level, this meant that there were increasing demands for “better statistics.” In other words, if the 90 percent meme was not provable it must be because enough statistics of the “right” sort were not being gathered. Again, the comparison with Vietnam War body counts was striking, say the sources. The demand this time though, as noted above in Part 2, was for statistics indicating defeat, not victory.

Discussions at the White House and within the State Department and DOJ regarding gunwalking were referred to as “strategy meetings on Mexico and the problem of drug and gun trafficking.” James Steinberg from State often represented Hillary at meetings, a fact that she attested to, saying ”

…”Steinberg had been a “fixture” at a meetings with the National Security Council (NSC) and frequently represented the US State Department at the White House.”

The Examiner (see the first link above):

That statement is key. Hillary herself stayed out of all meetings dealing with strategy…Hillary’s absence would give the impression that she had no connection to the scheme while making sure that her views were represented by Steinberg and Shapiro, both of whom were fully complicit with the details that developed concerning how to pad statistics on U.S. guns in Mexico…

Padding the numbers of weapons that were making their way into Mexico had to be done to justify (in their sick and deviant public service minds) a heavier thumb on gun control. “Walking” the guns had to be done.

Americans, both Republicans and Democrats alike, don’t like politicians messing with the Second Amendment, but these Progressives thought they had a chance to engineer a scenario that would render us impotent. Instead, they killed Border Agent Brian Terry and maybe ICE Agent Jaime Zapata, 200-300 Mexican nationals with more deaths expected.

A Twitter story: Rep. Darrell Issa had a television interview with Jake Tapper who was sitting in for George Stephanopoulous. Issa told Tapper that emails within the ATF discussed using Fast and Furious for an assault weapons ban. Tapper intimated that wasn’t enough to prove stricter gun laws were the purpose of Fast and Furious. Issa said (paraphrasing) we don’t know which came first, the chicken or the egg.

I tweeted the following to Tapper:

Maggie Thornton ‏@maggiesnotebook

@JakeTapper Read the docs re: #FastandFurious and 2nd Amendment. Issa: Emails “we can use this” to thwart assault weapons ban

Tapper answered:

Jake Tapper ‏@jaketapper
@maggiesnotebook thats not the same thing as it being the purpose of the operation

I answered back:

Maggie Thornton ‏@maggiesnotebook
@maggiesnotebook@JakeTapper But…we might know which came first, the chicken or the egg, if the docs were released.

THEN I saw this tweet from former Congressman Tom Tancredo and the article above evolved from there:

Tom Tancredo ‏@ttancredo
Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker

The information Mike at Sipsey Street Irregulars (#justablogger) has uncovered, if accurate, clearly shows that the only goal was to get guns into Mexico, blame American gun sellers and restrict your Second Amendment Rights and mine. Why isn’t Issa hauling Clinton and her deputies from State in front of his Oversight Committee? It’s mindblowing.

Cartoon courtesy of Glen McCoy at Townhall
fair use


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Has No Life - Lives on TB
And, what is "CNN"? Is that like some kind of disease?

Maybe its the poisonous compound-

A cyanide is a chemical compound that contains the cyano group, -C≡N, which consists of a carbon atom triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom.[1] Cyanides most commonly refer to salts of the anion CN−, which is isoelectronic with carbon monoxide and with molecular nitrogen.[2][3] Most cyanides are highly toxic.[4]


Veteran Member
CNN and NBC/MSNBC are not news organizations. They do not investigate, they do not report, they cheerlead Obama.