
  1. Doomer Doug

    ALERT CNN Fires Chris Cuomo "effective immediately."

    Well, this just makes my early morning. :eleph: I didn't see it posted even though it is a few hours old. Hell, this is just such great news on so many levels. Finally, some accountability for these maggots...
  2. jward

    HATE BREAKING: CNN director admits network is anti-Trump propaganda: 'Our focus was to get Trump out of office'

    BREAKING: CNN director admits network is anti-Trump propaganda: 'Our focus was to get Trump out of office' CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester was caught admitting that CNN used their platform to help Joe Biden's presidential campaign, to the detriment of then President Donald Trump...
  3. INVAR

    HATE Because Everyone Here Needs A Good Laugh At CNN

    Quite likely the largest run-on-sentence king in the history of all mankind - but hilarious analysis enough to make you spew your morning dark roast coffee through your nose onto your keyboard. WARNING - intelligent fast-paced humor with witty witticisms and profanity-lite observation. View...
  4. Magdalen

    MSM Koi-gate: CNN is at it again

    You think they'd learn by now .... I've heard showing a "normie" CNN's take on Abe and Trump's koi feeding escapades was successful at getting the scales to drop from the "normie's" eyes. A red pill moment for sure. Fair use ...
  5. R

    MSM CNN - did they just blackmail the GIF maker in July 4th?

    Did not see a thread on this but here is a story about the Reddit user that created the GIF that CNN went so crazy about - well they tracked him down, apparently made him apologize and are saying they will release / could release his name should he change his statement of apology. - seems a lot...
  6. Melodi

    PLAY I Just can't resist posting this joke on CNN - Feel free to add more funnies and memes

    Today trending on Facebook...
  7. Suzieq

    Trump Supporters Launch #BlackoutCNN: Americans are Fed Up with Media Dishonesty

    Thursday, November 17, 2016 by: Natural News Editors (Article is written by Amy Moreno, republished from We have a dishonest North Korea-style, government-run, propaganda media that exists to be the far left-wing of the globalist movement. They are a methodical machine that...
  8. Rabid Dogfish

    Media Bias

    Came across this one and it's just too good not to share. The bit of truth merely makes it funnier. Enjoy! ----- A CNN Reporter, BBC Reporter, and an Israeli commando were captured by terrorists in Iraq. The leader of the terrorists told them that he would grant them each one last request...
  9. Kritter

    GOV/MIL CNN tells readers "Don't be nosy about Fast and Furious"

    Don't be nosy about Fast and Furious Well, here's a real treat of a CNN Headliner. Journalist LZ Granderson calls us a nosy nation and says that not everything is our business. Then he cites other messy deals our country has made and tries to make a case for them being illegal, yes, but...
  10. M

    CRIME New York: Founder and CEO of Muslim TV channel beheads wife

    New York: Founder and CEO of Muslim TV channel beheads wife Founded TV network to combat negative perceptions of Muslims Bridges TV founder and Chief Executive Muzzammil Hassan founded the TV network in 2004. According to a Reuters story at that time, "his wife came up with the idea in...