
Veteran Member

A lefty! Big dude never saw it coming.

Little guy stayed square (warning! Danger, Will Robinson!).
Nothing more dangerous in a fistfight than a knowledgeable lefty.

That punch would've put a lot of us down, even back in the day... arms must be held up high, and your feet and head must be moving....or you'll end up kissing the concrete.


No. 311 quoting a prior post: "Trump can't do anything," [Also above, "Trump won't do anything"--some Americans want blood on the streets as "strong man Trump" overpowers the enemies of freedom--BAD IDEA, BAD, BAD, BAD. "It's a trap"--and he avoided it in typical stable genius fashion!

Trump is acting in a wise, and PRESIDENTIAL manner: [A very incomplete list--feel free to add to it]

* He wisely refused to overrule state governors [IL; WI; MI; CA] whose cowardly decisions led to BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN LOSSES to their constituencies. [They called for "National Guard" to take charge-bad idea, "it's a trap"]

* He advanced a plan, a "bail out" which prevented immediate and near-total anarchy and economic chaos.
[Our economy remains not merely fragile, but on "life support"--but it has a chance to avoid abject depression.]


* He announced in firm and cogent fashion that rioters arrested by federal officers FACED UP TO 10 YEARS IN PRISON. And he manifested his willingness to fulfill that promise--a couple of hundred and more have been arrested and charged UNDER FEDERAL LAWS AND BY FEDERAL FORCES OVER WHICH HE HAS GREATER CONTROL.

* He made pointed and inspired attacks against "THE OPPOSITION"--pointing out the errors, lies, ill-intent of proposed legislation by Demonrats at Federal and State levels. HE HAS RALLIED THE PEOPLE IN "OCCUPIED ZONES" IL, CA, WI, MI etc.

* He has eloquently, persistently, and vigorously taken a stance, an attitude, and an "in control" temperament and force of conviction, AFFIRMED HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE ENTIRE NATION; THAT HE RESPECTS ALL CREEDS; COLORS; AND BELIEFS.

* He has made a series of SIMPLY OUTSTANDING speeches which have driven home the previous point and have RALLIED THE "SILENT MAJORITY" ON HIS BEHALF. [No Romney "kiss of death" remark about "I don't care what 47% of the people think."]

* He has used the "Tulsa Trickery" re: phony registrations and fraudulent schemes to damage the citizens' rights to assemble, peaceably, as an object lesson of the TRUTH THAT "VOTE BY MAIL" WOULD BE AN ABJECT FRAUD

* He has announced to all the world HIS BATTLE CRY: "AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST NATION". L-I-N-E I-N T-H-E S-A-N-D.

He has advanced an innovative, even brilliant plan to HONOR AMERICAN HEROES, AGAIN OF ALL CREEDS AND COLORS.

* He has reached out with charm and vigor to minorities, including legitimate BLACK LEADERSHIP--his approval rating among blacks continues to RISE!

He has: admitted he has made mistakes; sought with humility and faith the counsel, prayers, and guidance of all religious leaders; made some likely much needed comments about Jared and others.

* He has remained a firm supporter of allies around the world, while plainly criticizing the grevious errors of other nations and heads of states where appropriate to do so.


He is and will always be my duly elected President, raised up by God [despite his egotism and adultery] to preserve as much of our Union as possible. I PRAY FOR HIM, HIS FAMILY, HIS STAFF, HIS ALLIES, AND ALL PATRIOTS AND BELIEVERS AROUND THE WORLD EVERY DAY. I see the Hand of God in this man--critics be damned.
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Veteran Member
When I was working in corrections sometimes we had to go into a pod/dorm and tighten it up and when we left there was peace and quite. I believe the MSM needs to be tightened up before anyone responds to these idiots. I have my own ideas about how they should be tightened up but however it's done the result would be MSM weighing out the idea if it's worth it to report something that might bring personal life threatening retaliation to themselves. Gain control of the minds of the MSM and half your battle is won. It's time to turn the table on them.


So far it has been Trump this and Trump that, and I have offered my share of what I consider deserved criticism.

But the bottom line is that every day I get to sit on my porch and not stand in the trenches is a win for me. I hope I have time to wait as long as necessary for DJT to do whatever his thing might be.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
my own kids, can and have given me multiple black eyes and bruises all over my body, just by being kids.

and they love me.

they have no formal training.

if they can do that with no training and they love me, think of what and idiot with a weapon that hates you can do.
I use that scene in raiders of the lost ark where harrison ford just shoots the guy waving his sword at him
I have no intention of fighting these yahoos hand to hand, that is what guns are for.:D


Senior Member
I don't know if this has been posted. It's about a minute and it's one of the members of the black militia group explaining what their goal is. basically they want Texas to turn it into their own little wakanda.

Eye for an eye. My kind of fight. Unless you can cheat and get more. If General Lee had felt that way this shit would not be going on.


Country exile in the city
Well, someone said it's private property, so what do they think they're gonna do?

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It is BECAUSE it IS private property that this is all the more heinous.

The only thing that is State-owned at St Mtn Park anymore is the MONUMENT carved on it---the rest of the park was sold to a private entity years ago.

Open-carry and Concealed-carry rules, if I am not mistaken, are subject to a Private property owners's rules---so if a private property owner says in a sign or some such "no guns allowed on this property", then you have to respect that. The private property owner's rights supersede gun-carry rights---I 'think' that is correct.

It is in PUBLIC spaces that the GOVERNMENT MAY NOT restrict open-carry or concealed-carry.

So what this means is that the leadership / ownership of Stone Mountain Park--by not STOPPING this happening on their private property, is FULLY COMPLICIT IN and in AGREEMENT with what happened.


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
When I was working in corrections sometimes we had to go into a pod/dorm and tighten it up and when we left there was peace and quite. I believe the MSM needs to be tightened up before anyone responds to these idiots. I have my own ideas about how they should be tightened up but however it's done the result would be MSM weighing out the idea if it's worth it to report something that might bring personal life threatening retaliation to themselves. Gain control of the minds of the MSM and half your battle is won. It's time to turn the table on them.
Agreed, start by pointing out the deep state passed a law mandating the media carry the deep state message, lies, omissions, etc. it's a travesty that this is not drummed home. The media is propagandizing as the deep state dictates. The people have every right to put an end to an illegal law. Vince Flynn shouts slide in and off a dozen media whores to and the politicians who wrote this law.

If you've not read Vinces exploits, you're missing some good stuff.

I know a lot of hunters and regular folks. I suspect when duty calls, they will respond in appropriate fashion.

This is the reason NBC gear is wise to have, as they've proven its effectiveness. Wait till they drop the really bad stuff, likely this fall.


Country exile in the city
If this has been posted already forgive me--I found it on the internet this morning and didn't realize it had been posted here on TB2K because I didn't at first recognize this thread as being about the Stone Mountain incident:

As many as 200 heavily armed Blacks dressed in military-style uniforms swarmed Stone Mountain Park in Georgia on Independence Day.

“Black power,” they chanted. “Black power.”

Police told television station WXIA that the northern and western entrances to the park were shut down after the self-identified members of the “Black Militia” entered the area.

Video also shows some of the militia threatening motorists who were caught in the chaos.

“What the f*** you laughing at,” one of the gunmen told a white motorist. “I’m your worst nightmare.”

The gunman then asked the motorist, “Where’s my reparations?”

Police said the protests were peaceful.

However, a video shows a man in a sniper position aiming artillery at the face of the Civil War carvings on the side of Stone Mountain.

“We’re trying to send a message,” one speaker said at the rally. “From now on this is how you protest. Don’t come with any God-**** signs anymore. Stop taking a sign to a gunfight.”

The massive crowd chanted in unison, “We are not f***ing around no more.”

“Black power,” they yelled. “Black people. Black man. Black woman. Black child. Black nation.”

The Black Militia leader then ordered his troops to put their fists in the air.

“We are not talking any f***king more,” they declared.

So, here are a few thoughts on what went down.

If the members of the Black Militia are law-abiding gun owners they have every right open carry. And to the leader’s credit, he called out the man who was aiming his weapon at the mountainside.

But let’s get real.

If this had been hundreds of armed white people marching through Stone Mountain there would have been wall-to-wall network and cable news coverage. Democrats would have accused the whites of trying to start a Civil War.

So far, there has been no national news coverage of what happened today. And the reason why is because it doesn’t fit the media’s narrative.

Need more proof?

Just last week in St. Louis two law-abiding gun owners defended their mansion against a rampaging mob that had torn down a gate and trespassed in their neighborhood.

Instead of being saluted, they were subjected to a political lynch mob — not because they were law-abiding gun owners, but because of their skin color.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
I think people are confusing the type of soldier/black militia we saw in Georgia with a trained, disciplined and well led military unit. The "black militia" is a clone of the African type you see in South Africa raping and killing white farmers, or the child "soldiers" of Uganda. Is this black militia capable of going into a snowflake city, or suburb, and slaughtering them, yes they are, but they are really just thugs with better guns.
They are Obama"s and Soro's "army" and yes they are core mercenaries. Much like Tilly's "soldiers" sacking Magelburg back in 1628 or so. And they are usegul idiots and will go into the ditches once they "win".


Country exile in the city
In all honesty, I hope that they don't. Let these people "do their thing" and show themselves on the MSM for who they are without getting it mixed up with anyone else. Yes there is very likely going to be damage to private property, but in the long run it IMHO is better than having something kicked off that can be confused by another group being present.

ONLY ONE "MSM" in ATLANTA showed this---WXIA (Channel 11). They had video from INSIDE the park. Channel 5 (USED to be FOX but is now out-liberaling the most liberal stations in Atlanta) did a few-second cursory report from OUTSIDE the park, not showing the ARMED protestors.

PLUS the MSM keeps emphasizing that "all" the protestors were "legally carrying" the firearms.


What, did someone ask every one of them for their license and gun registration?

It's PRIVATE property--so the PARK has the right to say who can or cannot bring guns onto their property (only the monument is State-owned, anymore).

NO National coverage on MSM AT ALL--per the article I posted a few posts back.

I've been doing my BEST to get this OUT, via Facebook and other social media.

I DID try to post it---4 times--on STONE MOUNTAIN'S Facebook page----but they are pulling the post down every time.

So Stone Mountain Park--though it seems to have "no problem" with the protestors---Sure DOES NOT want the news / videos to get widely out of WHAT HAPPENED THERE YESTERDAY.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
But the bottom line is that every day I get to sit on my porch and not stand in the trenches is a win for me. I hope I have time to wait as long as necessary for DJT to do whatever his thing might be.
I referenced Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift to folks last night. On reflection, not a lot has been learned since 1879, apparently.
Isandlwana was ASSUMED to be stupid, poorly trained undisciplined savages. Which is how folks here seem to see the Zulu team under Grand Master Jay's tutelage/"leadership".
The FIRST half of Isandlwana/Rorke's Drift cost the Raj/Brits a LOT of battle land, skin/lives, and damn near the Colours.
Rorke's drift had seniour Leadership who got it a bit more right and actually succeeded in making a successful defense.
Read on both of them (see my earlier post (pg3 or 5ish). Should make you pull out ALL of your toys to get them lubed and set ready, by Tomorrow...or earlier.

Or as my mom used to say "Do xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER!!!"


Country exile in the city
From what I've witnessed almost all (white or black or anything else) are scared sh!tless to be out there at night.

I used to love that park (still do, for the memories).

Went there many times with my parents as a child---toured the plantation (real plantation house, slave cabins, smokehouse, other buildlings, cobbled together from various plantations all over GA to show what plantation life had been like. They did NOT glorify slavery but in fact revealed how horrible living conditions were in a slave cabin.) Parents took me to the museums there to see the antique cars/ jukeboxes, the display/video of geological facts about how the mountain was formed and how "Stone Mountain granite" underlies all of north Georgia all the way to the mountains, and saw the "War in Georgia" history display that explained on a 3-D map display all the battles that took place in GA from the initial Sherman-led push into the state from Chattanooga to his taking of Atlanta and the March to the Sea. Saw the museum display about how the carving was made--the Swiss artist who designed it (who also designed Mount Rushmore)--and how it is SO massive the entire group of those who spearheaded planning / construction of the carving had a catered dinner--complete with tables / tablecloths/ the works--INSIDE the carving, on Generral Lee's shoulder (see pic below). Also rode the paddlewheel boat (used to be a real steamboat but they started using only diesel years ago), climbed to the top several times, toured the grist mill, rode the Swiss cable cars, watched the fireworks shows with friends repeatedly as a teen / young adult. Never was scared there -- daylight OR after dark---felt totally safe. I remember walking alone there, crossing the covered bridge to the island, going on dates there, remembering the starlight reflected in the waters of the lake. I remember the train rides---when I was very young they had also a real steam train (again, now diesel) and along the trip the train would be stopped and "attacked" by "Indians" running through the passenger cabin chasing the Conductor; later on they changed that to a "Wild West" kind of "train robbery" scenario. SO many good memories--and ALWAYS felt safe there! THAT is what I hate to see die.



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Country exile in the city
All I'm saying is our country is burning to the ground, and we don't seem to be able to do a damn thing about it! Always excuses. Trump can't do anything, Congress won't do anything, now, patriots don't want to do anything, either, for whatever reason suits them. All we know how to do is VOTE.

I never said that American patriots should fire the first shot. At least a show of force would be nice, though.

part of EVERY Marxist uprising (as seen in his works--or those of Saul Alinsky--a role-model of Obama's by the way)--to bring about Communist (Socialist) revolution, they must first set one part of any society INTO CONFLICT WITH ANOTHER.

Or-as Jesus said---"A house divided against itself CANNOT STAND"---Marx, Lenin, and Alinski KNEW this

"RULES FOR RADICALS" explains what is happening in our country today...

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Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
I would say about 3 or 4 M134s would have the vast majority of those idiots laying in the road with massive trauma
That's what I was thinking while watching this clown show. Also, there's a lot of good equipment there to be re-purposed. Separate the equipment from the trash. Use an end loader and push the trash into a pile and burn it.


Veteran Member
In the past I've seen these clowns carry the mocked up AR that's actually a .22 long, they tend to be cheaper and easier to get then the .223 platform but still potentially deadly nonetheless. I'm far from an expert but I'm sure of the more knowledgable on here might be able to pick them out on the video.

I'm heading out and did not watch the video but I'm curious if anyone who did could tell me how they did marching in formation? that to me is always a sign of discipline, just curious if they pulled it off or ended marching like an unruly mob, I'm gonna guess it was the latter.
Marching was more like watching a prison chain gang walking down the road.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
part of EVERY Marxist uprising (read his works--or those of Saul Alinsky--a role-model of Obama's by the way)--to bring about Communist (Socialist) revolution, you must first set one part of any society INTO CONFLICT WITH ANOTHER.

Or-as Jesus said---"A house divided against itself CANNOT STAND"---Marx, Lenin, and Alinski KNEW this

Read "RULES FOR RADICALS" if you want to UNDERSTAND what is happening in our country today...

You're assuming that I don't already know this.


Country exile in the city
The Bible says race against race incoming...and here we are.

Getting right with Jesus comes first. Defending ourselves comes second.

I hope these guys have some good "hunters" as some of them whities are pretty good hunters.

It says parents against children, brother against brother, and a man's enemies will be those of his own household--but where do you see it saying "race against race"?

I've heard this from my parents and others of their generation, but have yet to find that in the Bible.


Black Out


Country exile in the city
You're assuming that I don't already know this.

I'm making no "assumptions" at all--just sharing my own thoughts about this whole mess. It grieves me that I can never go to Stone Mountain---a staple of my childhood--and feel safe there, again.

And it grieves me even more to see that I'm losing my ENTIRE COUNTRY.

I didn't post this just for you, but for all members here, though I know most of us here DO already know these things.

I've reworded my original post so it is clear the post was not directed personally at you.

Knowledge is, as they say, power.
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ZeroHedge has the story now, so it's out of the MSM's control now:

Reader comment:

"The white militias were celebrating July 4, what do you expect morons? You marched up the mountain to fight a faux enemy who was at his back yard barbeque with his family celebrating our nation's birthday. Why weren't you? Oh right, I forgot, you don't recognize yourselves as Americans... "



All I'm saying is our country is burning to the ground, and we don't seem to be able to do a damn thing about it! Always excuses. Trump can't do anything, Congress won't do anything, now, patriots don't want to do anything, either, for whatever reason suits them. All we know how to do is VOTE.

I never said that American patriots should fire the first shot. At least a show of force would be nice, though.
It's never going to be "time" for 99% of those that have kept repeating that phrase and if someone does pop their head up to push the envelope, those same people will be first in line to help crush them, all the way up to them being put on the wall...and even then, they will claim it's not time.
The right will never have the moral high ground as the media/5th column will never allow for it,
we are all on our own, no one is coming to help.


Country exile in the city
This is not a joke. Yesterday, the trends were Malia Obama's birthday on July 4. All worshipfully calling her "Queen" and saying July 4th is Malia Obama Day, and not Independence Day. They're all still living in the Bams era. Seriously.


I saw one of my (white, of course) cousins post on his FB the other day the "10 Reasons why Obama was the BEST PRESIDENT EVER."

Yes, believe it or not.

I forced myself not to puke long enough to read it, to see what they thought was so great.

Demoncrat lies and talking-points all the way.

Yet the libtards swallow it like it was the sweetest wine...
They will burn through it and piss it all away in a few short years. Also, power hates a vacuum. Who is really their leadership and financial backer? Probably China. They invite the Chinese into this country, and they'll be back in slavery again.
That's if they're lucky. Unlikely they would get off that easily though since they are proven subversives.
He sounds like a Palestinian to me. Is he sure he's in the correct country?
Was thinking similar - how many of the "leaders/participants" of this "demonstration" are ACTUALLY reasonably successful capitalist home-folk black citizens (appear "organized" and squared-away, per se, can afford their firearm and kit presumably bought with their legally earned money) versus 1st generation middle-east migrant infiltrators being guided by the hand of international communist financiers and planners/logisticians?

Optics intended. Pure theater, at THIS "demonstration" event.

They might want to get some optics for their new rifles before they need to use them... just least a BUIS..

View attachment 207147
Crisis actors?

What is "behind the curtain," Dorothy?

Toto knows.


ETA - have not yet viewed the video, so commenting from a quick perusal of the printed info.
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Country exile in the city
It's never going to be "time" for 99% of those that have kept repeating that phrase and if someone does pop their head up to push the envelope, those same people will be first in line to help crush them, all the way up to them being put on the wall...and even then, they will claim it's not time.
The right will never have the moral high ground as the media/5th column will never allow for it,
we are all on our own, no one is coming to help.


I do get SO tired of the "arm-chair Daniel Boone's" who are always bragging about what we're "going" to do, but then when you try to pin them down as to exactly WHEN--"it's not the right time yet.."

By that logic it never WILL be the right time. The frog sits in the pan as the water warms....

If we don't win the fight NOW --- by DISSEMINATING THE TRUTH (kinda hard to do when so many have RETREATED from social media--you have to be careful but you can still post the truth if you are careful), by not giving up TRYING to teach your friends and family the truth, by teaching your CHILDREN the truth, by SUPPORTING conservative patriotic candidates, by VOTING for them, by WORKING for a true untampered-with election (volunteer to be a poll-worker!)---& I'm sure there are many OTHER suggestions--

if we don't TRY to stem the tide of evil NOW, then that tide WILL keep rising until each of us is on our own individual ISLAND with the armed fools coming at us---and THEN, TRULY, it WILL be time to fight, or die....(or both)


Country exile in the city
I think people are over focusing on the discipline thing. In 1775 the British Army was the best trained and equipped military on the planet, and yet a bunch of farmers & shopkeepers in Lexington & Concord, MA sent them packing. Motivation matters. In 1775 the colonists felt they were in a position of having to fight back or risk losing it all. They were motivated and had a cause. The British elite had much to lose, but there wasn't much in it for the soldiers on the ground. They were merely protecting the interests of the elite. There was no threat to their families back in England. Their only motivation was to somehow survive the conflict.

The BLM crowd is motivated to gain power and the $ rewards that come with power and they are encouraged to keep ratcheting it up by the virtual lack of resistance to their rioting/looting/arson and demands being made. The left and the media have already surrendered and are falling over themselves to see who can defund police the fastest, remove the most statues/erase history, and "cancel" the unwoke in their midst. The BLM crowd doesn't need to be disciplined when there is no meaningful resistance.

Thus far we can expect all public vestiges of the confederacy will be removed (statues, flags, and names of buildings, streets, schools and so forth). School curriculums will be rewritten to castigate historical white men while elevating a host of minority characters as the people deserving of being honored and to whom all credit for the building of this nation will be given. Columbus Day will be replaced with Juneteenth. Reparations in some form is coming. DC & Puerto Rico will become the 51st & 52nd States. Police forces will be shrunk. Fewer crimes will be prosecuted and of those that are fewer will carry prison sentences. And more. They didn't need military style discipline to achieve all of this.

Indeed--if Trump doesn't win.

And even if he does (please God)---once his 2nd term is done.

God help us.

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
It says parents against children, brother against brother, and a man's enemies will be those of his own household--but where do you see it saying "race against race"?

I've heard this from my parents and others of their generation, but have yet to find that in the Bible.

It comes from the verse Nation against Nation. When written and interrupted for 2000 years many scholars believe Nation meant race back then. Moses wife was a Black Women. Miriam didn't like it. What was the skin color of a Roman Citizen? Tough question for 2000 years ago.


Country exile in the city
One of the BIGGEST festivals--and money-makers for Stone-Mountain Park and GA--

is the YELLOW DAISY FESTIVAL--held every year over 3 days on Labor Day Weekend.

(I didn't know till I saw the link below the "yellow daisies" the Festival celebrates were called the "CONFEDERATE Yellow Daisy"--

Vendors come from all over the country---and THOUSANDS attend and buy crafts, watch entertainment, etc.

I had already been worried they'd cancel it due to Covid--

now I'm scared to go at all.

I wonder if the all-wise current owners/rulers of Stone Mountain have THOUGHT of this, and how much REVENUE their being so "woke" as to allow this, will eventually COST them???

Course--that's PROBABLY why they keep taking my posts about the little "celebration" they had there for this past July 4 DOWN off their Facebook page....