Beck Says He Prefers Bernie Sanders Over Donald Trump

sierra don

Veteran Member
Glen Beck Says He Prefers Bernie Sanders Over Donald Trump/ Glenn Beck Endorses Ted Cruz

The Doctor Of Common Sense

I set this part of the vid to start where beck is prepping himself for a little fake crying routine

Glen Beck prepping his eyes for for fake crying, practicing his sad face.....Ya Gotta see this..........hard to say who is the bigger phoney....beck or obama

Click on the link above or skip to minute mark of 5:17 in video below to see the faker........

The Full Video


Veteran Member
So is there a site where we can see the entire video of Beck so we can put that part in context? Cutting and pasting can create any image you want to create. Provide the entire video so we can judge based on why he was doing that.



Veteran Member
You guys need to hear the whole thing.

He said, like he has numerous times on his radio show, he would rather sit down and talk with Bernie Sanders, because he knows where he stands on the issues. Glenn doesn't agree with ANYTHING Bernie represents. But Bernie doesn't hide that he's a socialist. And Bernie probably believes everything he says.

Trump has been ALL OVER the roadmap. For and against on most every issue.
Bernie has been the same Bernie all along.

I'm a Cruz supporter and I totally agree. I won't vote for Bernie but I won't discount the fact that he doesn't hide or constantly contradict himself based on what angry Americans want to hear.

Wise Owl

So is there a site where we can see the entire video of Beck so we can put that part in context? Cutting and pasting can create any image you want to create. Provide the entire video so we can judge based on why he was doing that.


That IS the whole video......Sierra Don is just telling you to go to the 5 min mark to see how Beck does his crying stuff. With VICKS vapo rub under his eyes.

paul d

Veteran Member
8 minutes of "uh...common sense...uh...common sense..." with a few Glenn clips? Once again, an iron clad...uh...common sense...uh..air tight....uh...argument.

No, no, no Hawkgirl. No one wants context (unless it's the new anointed one, then you have to provide context, which will be ignored anyway).

Besides, this guy is the DOCTOR of common sense. With a Bachelors in rationality and a Masters in logic (and a second masters in horse sense), his words are like the movement of the stars, perfect and unquestionable. He has done the thinking for you. He is the Doctor.


This morning I was running into town and doing some errands. I was punching around on my FM presets with not much of interest so I went to AM. Behold, Mr. Beck was on and I listened to him for 10 minutes. He stated a few positive things about Cruz, called him a constitutionalist and that Cruz was the 'only hope' and then launched into a tirade about Trump. Beck seems to feel he is the devil incarnate. [Cruz should be careful as Mr. Beck has a habit of turning around later and skewering the people that a few months before he was praising such as Ron Paul.] But anyway.....I couldn't listen to him for more than 10 minutes. I went into town and did my thing. 45 minutes later I'm heading back home and punching around the dial again and Mr. Beck was still going at it. Don't know if he was bashing Trump for the whole 45 minutes or not but the few hundred people that were listening to him on the station were probably getting bored as I was. Trump's draw is primarily that he knows how to succeed in business, he's a savvy negotiator, he is not a politician or part of the political class and eschews the politically correct sacred cows of Washington. Mr. Cruz has turned into a right fine politician and we've been privy to enough of his issues that I think he would be almost as easily controlled by the establishment as any of the other candidates. Not that it matters much. We're too far gone to turn the ship around. But it's at least enjoyable to see the establishment melt down over him.


For many years i WAS A HUGE Beck fan.....I have read all his books and even flew clear across the country in 2010 to see him and Sarah Palin in Washington DC.....

But....he's gotten stupid I discount everything he says these days.


Neither here nor there.
For many years i WAS A HUGE Beck fan.....I have read all his books and even flew clear across the country in 2010 to see him and Sarah Palin in Washington DC.....

But....he's gotten stupid I discount everything he says these days.

I suspect he has neurosyph or something similar.


Certa Bonum Certamen

IMHO a SHILL - I personally NEVER trusted and NEVER paid attention to Beck

Thank you! Feels good to not be alone. I have never understood why so many people, some fairly intelligent people, would give him the time of day, let alone hang on his every word as some do/have.

He is a nutter.