Barack Obama Disses Ayn Rand


Veteran Member
Barack Obama Doesn’t Think Ayn Rand is a ‘Fountainhead’ of Ideas

If you’re thinking of asking President Barack Obama to see “Atlas Shrugged: Part II,” hold on to those tickets. In a new interview with Rolling Stone magazine (one in which the president suggests that young people can look at Mitt Romney and sense ” ‘Well, that’s a bullsh–ter, I can tell’”), Obama takes a shot at novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand, the author of “The Fountainhead,” and a favorite thinker of some conservatives.

When asked about GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan’s interest in Rand, Obama said, “Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we realize that a world in which we’re only thinking about ourselves and not thinking about anybody else, in which we’re considering the entire project of developing ourselves as more important than our relationships to other people and making sure that everybody else has opportunity – that that’s a pretty narrow vision. It’s not one that, I think, describes what’s best in America. Unfortunately, it does seem as if sometimes that vision of a ‘you’re on your own’ society has consumed a big chunk of the Republican Party.” The full interview is in the Nov. 8 issue of the magazine


Son, Husband, Father
Rugged individualism and self-determination is what built America, not the modern collectivist society. I am so sick of the myriads of "collectives" in our society that I could puke.

Ask yourself why is it that everything Obama says contains tinges of Marx?

I recommend reading "Don't Feed the Monkeys."


end game

Veteran Member
Rugged individualism and self-determination is what built America, not the modern collectivist society. I am so sick of the myriads of "collectives" in our society that I could puke.

Ask yourself why is it that everything Obama says contains tinges of Marx?

I recommend reading "Don't Feed the Monkeys."


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hopefully, in the not so distant future, some may ask, "Who was Barack Hussein Obama?" I believe many will remember a wonderful voice for reason, Ayn Rand...

OA, out...
0bama can dismiss Rand all he wants to. The fact is, she could see what could happen if Progressives got power and she exposed it. 0bama hates to be shown up by anyone, particularly someone who sees through his facade. Anyone who reads Atlas Shrugged will easily be able to identify all the players on the stage today, their foibles and faults, and the narcissist in chief can't stand that. It just doesn't coincide with his personal vision of himself as the most intelligent, coolest, wisest person on the planet who will ultimately be the savior of the world. The Greeks knew a thing or two about hubris ... 0bama should read up on that.
The current WH occupant's agenda and philosophy are the complete antithesis of Ayn Rand.

It would be difficult to find someone having greater conflict with her notions of Objectivism.

Rand grew up during the years when the commies took over Russia - she knows the enemy of freedom well.

The blather spewed forth by the current WH occupant in the lead post is pure and utter bull$hit of no merit whatsoever.


Faithful Steed
0bama can dismiss Rand all he wants to.

VERY true. One can call the wind non-existent because one can't see it. But the sentient can certainly FEEL it.

Obama the non sentient lives in a world not only without wind - but without air. For humanity, achievement is like breathing. If humans can't achieve, then humans die. Just like suffocation.

But that is EXACTLY what Obama wants.

Rand pointed out the force of nature that man's quest for achievement is. To do anything but acknowledge is to deny humanity it's nature. And God's gift.

Gosh I'm so envious of you all.
