As a Life Long Republican, I Will Not Vote For Romney


On and On, South of Heaven
As a Life Long Republican, I Will Not Vote For Romney.
Posted on August 29, 2012 by The Watchdog

The last republican I voted for both times I held my nose in the voting booth was George W. Bush in the General election. Al Gore and John Kerry seemed at the time not the kind of people I wanted to see in the oval office. There was a time I voted for the lesser of two evils which was not a good choice. I am guilty as charged. I voted for Dole in 1996 and Ross Perot in 1992. I voted for George H W Bush in 1988 thinking he would be like Reagan. George H.W. Bush was the first President I voted for.

I was inspired to be a Republican during the Reagan years. The actor, love him or hate him, he restored national confidence and our pride as Americans. When Reagan was sworn into office, I was 13 years old. People lost their way and had no will or optimism for the future. I remember when I was 17 years old, our national pride and dignity was restored when Reagan asked the American people for four more years. My Mom and Dad loved Reagan and cried tears seeing Reagan’s flag draped casket on a gun carriage going to the capital building.

The GOP has abandoned the American people. They no longer stand for the principles that made this country great. They have sold out to Wall Street and turned their backs on Main Street. How they played the underhanded games at the GOP convention in Tampa was nothing more than cheating. They are sore losers. They work for the Bankers and Wall Street corporate interest.

In 2008, I voted for Pastor Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party. He is an upright man above reproach who would have served the American people well if he was President. This year I am voting for Gary Johnson who is much closer to Ron Paul on many issues. He has executive experience and like Ron Paul was alienated by the party. Gary Johnson has my vote.

The convention in Tampa should not have been called the Republican National Convention. It should have been called the Romney National Convention. It is a neo-con Romney love fest. It was not a convention, but a dog and pony show. There is nothing about what is going on in Tampa that is Republican at all. They disenfranchised the American people and the Ron Paul supporters.

There is not one difference between Romney and Obama. From government-run healthcare, illegal wars of aggression, the patriot act, the NDAA to gun control. There is nothing that stands out to make a clear distinction between the two. They are both paid for by the same shadow government that hides in the shadows.

I might be blamed for putting Obama back in office because I did not vote the lesser of two evils. Well I choose not to vote for evil. I have to vote my conscience. I cannot vote for evil anymore if it is less or more. As a life long republican. I am not voting for Romney.


I'm voting for Romney.

And there are things that I know, that make that a prudent vote.

I'm sorry, but there are differences between Romney and Obama that are frightening/surreal.....


I'm voting for Romney.

And there are things that I know, that make that a prudent vote.

I'm sorry, but there are differences between Romney and Obama that are frightening/surreal.....

I have to agree. I don't like Romney much at all, but he's better than Obama. At this point, that's all we have. And that's a shame, since there were some good candidates in the earlier running.


On and On, South of Heaven
I have to agree. I don't like Romney much at all, but he's better than Obama. At this point, that's all we have. And that's a shame, since there were some good candidates in the earlier running.

Which only goes to show it's all staged... There is no difference because all roads lead to the same destination no matter who is driving.

Mind boggling that is not understood, yet.

Especially, on TB2K of all places...


Veteran Member
As much as I hate to admit it, I'm also voting for Romney. The thought of another 4 yrs of Bobo is terrifying. I think a vote cast for one of the fringe candidate's is the same as a vote for Obama.


On loan from Heaven
My belief is with Osama we will have immediate destruction of this country, with the other I think we will have a little more time to turn things around. This country cannot take another 4 years of this current madness.

I guess this sums me up.

Texans might pull lever for Romney, but many will be voting against Obama
Austin American Statesman ^ | August 29, 2012 | Tim Eaton
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On and On, South of Heaven
Romney Executes Republican Party Power Grab
The Republican National Convention Rules Committee voted 63-38 to approve a new rule allowing granting the Republican National Committee — and Mitt Romney — sweeping new powers to amend the governing document of the GOP

2012 US Elections -- Obamney vs. Rombama: What Should We Do About It?
War, economic collapse, and personal devastation await Americans no matter who they vote for - and what we should do instead.

A vote for Obama will bring war with Syria, Iran, and eventually Russia and China. The economy will continue to suffer in order to bolster the interests of off-shore corporate-financier interests, while the collective prospects of Americans continue to whither and blow away. A vote for Romney, however, will also bring war with Syria, Iran, and eventually Russia and China. The economy will also continue to suffer in order to bolster the interests of off-shore corporate-financier interests, while the collective prospects of Americans continue to whither and blow away. Why?

Because the White House is but a public relations front for the corporate-financier interests of Wall Street and London. A change of residence at the White House is no different than say, British Petroleum replacing its spokesman to superficially placate public opinion; when, in reality, the exact same board of directors, overall agenda, and objectives remain firmly in place. Public perception then is managed by, not the primary motivation of, corporate-financier interests.

It is the absolute folly to believe that multi-billion dollar corporate-financier interests would subject their collective fate to the whims of the ignorant, uninformed, and essentially powerless voting masses every four years. Instead, what plays out every four years is theater designed to give the general public the illusion that they have some means of addressing their grievances without actually ever changing the prevailing balance of power in any meaningful way.

The foreign policy of both Obama and Romney is written by the exact same corporate-financier funded think-tanks that have written the script for America's destiny for the last several decades.

As was previously reported, while the corporate media focuses on non-issues, and political pundits accentuate petty political rivalries between the "left" and the "right," a look deeper into presidential cabinets and the authors of domestic and foreign policy reveals just how accurate the equation of "Bush = Obama = Romney" is.


Image: Professional spokesmen, representative not of the American people but of Fortune 500 multinational corporations and banks. Since the time of JP Morgan 100 years ago, the corporate-financier elite saw themselves as being above government, and national sovereignty as merely a regulatory obstacle they could lobby, bribe, and manipulate out of existence. In the past 100 years, the monied elite have gone from manipulating the presidency to now reducing the office to a public relations functionary of their collective interests.

George Bush's cabinet consisted of representatives from FedEx, Boeing, the Council on Foreign Relations, big-oil's Belfer Center at Harvard, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Circuit City, Verizon, Cerberus Capital Management, Goldman Sachs, and the RAND Corporation, among many others.


Image: The Henry Jackson Society is just one of many Neo-Conservative think-tanks, featuring many of the same people and of course, the same corporate sponsors. Each think-tank puts on a different public face and focuses on different areas of specialty despite harboring the same "experts" and corporate sponsors.

His foreign policy was overtly dictated by "Neo-Conservatives" including Richard Perle, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Paul Wolfowitz, James Woolsey, Richard Armitage, Zalmay Khalilzad, Elliot Abrams, Frank Gaffney, Eliot Cohen, John Bolton, Robert Kagan, Francis Fukuyama, William Kristol, and Max Boot - all of whom hold memberships within a myriad of Fortune 500-funded think-tanks that to this day still direct US foreign policy - even under a "liberal" president. These include the Brookings Institution, the International Crisis Group, the Foreign Policy Initiative, the Henry Jackson Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, and many more.


Image: A visual representation of some of the Brookings Institution's corporate sponsors. Brookings is by no means an exception, but rather represents the incestuous relationship between US foreign and domestic policy making and the Fortune 500 found in every major "think-tank." Elected US representatives charged with legislative duties, merely rubber stamp the papers and policies drawn up in these think-tanks.

Obama's cabinet likewise features representatives from JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, the Council on Foreign Relations, Fortune 500 representatives Covington and Burling, Citi Group, Freedie Mac, and defense contractor Honeywell. Like Bush's cabinet, foreign policy is not penned by Obama sitting behind his desk in the Oval Office, but rather by the very same think-tanks that directed Bush's presidency including the Council on Foreign Relations, RAND Corporation, the Brookings Institution, the International Crisis Group, and the Chatham House. There are also a myriad of smaller groups consisting of many of the same members and corporate sponsors, but who specialize in certain areas of interest.


Image: Obama, not a Marxist. A visual representation of current US President Barack Obama's cabinet's corporate-financier ties past and present. As can be plainly seen, many of the same corporate-financier interests represented in Obama's administration were also represented in Bush's administration.

And with Mitt Romney, "running for president" against Obama in 2012, we see already his foreign policy advisers, Michael Chertoff, Eliot Cohen, Paula Dobrainsky, Eric Edelman, and Robert Kagan, represent the exact same people and corporate-funded think-tanks devising strategy under both President Bush and President Obama.

While Presidents Bush and Obama attempted to portray the West's global military expansion as a series of spontaneous crises, in reality, since at least as early as 1991, the nations of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, and many others that previously fell under the Soviet Union's sphere of influence, were slated either for political destabilization and overthrow, or overt military intervention. While the public was fed various narratives explaining why Bush conducted two wars within the greater global "War on Terror," and why Obama eagerly expanded these wars while starting new ones in Libya and now Syria, in reality we are seeing "continuity of agenda," dictated by corporate-financier elite, rubber stamped by our elected representatives, and peddled to us by our "leaders," who in reality are nothing more than spokesmen for the collective interests of the Fortune 500.


Image: The International Crisis Group's corporate sponsors reveal a pattern of mega-multinationals intertwined with not only creating and directing US, and even European foreign policy, but in carrying it out. ICG trustee Kofi Annan is in Syria now carrying out a ploy to buy time for NATO-backed terrorists so they can be rearmed, reorganized, and redeployed against the Syrian government for another Western-backed attempt at regime change - all done under the guise of promoting "peace."

No matter who you vote for in 2012 - until we change the balance of power currently tipped in favor of the Fortune 500, fed daily by our money, time, energy, and attention, nothing will change but the rhetoric with which this singular agenda is sold to the public. Romney would continue exactly where Obama left off, just as Obama continued exactly where Bush left off. And even during the presidencies of Bill Clinton and Bush Sr., it was the same agenda meted out by the same corporate-financier interests that have been driving American, and increasingly Western destiny, since US Marine General Smedley Butler wrote "War is a Racket" in 1935.

What Should We Do About It?

1. Boycott the Presidential Election: The first immediate course of action when faced with a fraudulent system is to entirely disassociate ourselves from it, lest we grant it unwarranted legitimacy. Boycotting the farcical US elections would not impede the corporate-financier "selection" process and the theatrical absurdity that accompanies it, but dismal voter turnout would highlight the illegitimacy of the system. This in many ways has already happened, with voter turnout in 2008 a mere 63%, meaning that only 32% of America's eligible voters actually voted for Obama, with even fewer voting for runner-up John McCain.

Ensuring that this mandate is even lower in 2012 - regardless of which PR man gets selected, and then highlighting the illegitimacy of both the elections and the system itself is the first step toward finding a tenable solution. People must divest from dead-ends. Presidential elections are just one such dead-end.

Focusing on local elections and governance first, not only emphasizes the primacy of local self-determination, but affords us a grassroots-up approach to transforming our communities, and collectively our nation back into something truly representative of the people.

2. Boycott and Replace the Corporate Oligarchy: The corporate-financier interests that dominate Western civilization did not spring up overnight. It is through generations of patronage that we the people have granted these corporate-financier interests the unwarranted influence they now enjoy. And today, each day, we collectively turn in our paychecks to the global "company store," providing the summation of our toil as fuel for this oligarchy's perpetuation.

By boycotting the goods, services, and institutions of this oligarchy, we steal the fire out from under the proverbial cauldron - the very source of the current paradigm's power. While it is impractical to commit overnight to a full-spectrum boycott, we can begin immediately by entirely boycotting corporations like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Kraft, Unilever, WalMart and others by simply supporting local businesses and our local farmers market.

This "voting with one's wallet" is a form of democracy that unlike elections, will undoubtedly shift the balance of power toward a system more representative of the people's interests.

By creating self-reliant communities independent of the machinations of corporate-financier interests, we provide ourselves with the greatest form of insurance against instability and uncertainty - an insurance policy placed solely in our own hands.

3. Get Educated, Get Organized: Leveraging technology is a necessary step in eliminating dependency on other corporate-financier interests - such as big oil, big defense, big-agri, big-pharma, and the telecom monopolies. To leverage technology, people at a grassroots level must get organized, educate themselves, and collaborate to create local business models and solutions to systematically replace large multinational holdings.

A recent interview by geopolitical analyst Eric Draitser with Seth Rutledge, featured on Stop Imperialism, explored the possibilities of developing local broadband networks. Community spaces dedicated to technological education, collaboration, and resource pooling are also an emerging phenomenon. Called "maker spaces" or sometimes "hacker spaces," these grassroots initiatives serve as incubators for innovative, local small businesses.

Technology will eventually provide solutions to problems generally "solved" by government subsidies. Medicare, for instance, is a government subsidy to address the expenses and subsequent inaccessibility of medical care. Medical care, in turn, is expensive because the means to provide it are scarce. The supply of doctors, hospitals, treatments, biomedical technology, and many other aspects of modern health infrastructure are vastly outnumbered by demand.

Until technology can better balance this equation, people must organize to either defend temporary stopgap measures, national programs that provide care to those who can't afford it, or create local alternatives. To cut programs people depend on for the sake of saving an economy plundered by special interests, and to specifically preserve these same special interests is unconscionable.

An organized political front that demands the preservation/reformation of these programs, as well as investment in the development of permanent technological solutions, needs not pass the hat around to the working or even productive entrepreneurial classes of society, but rather level taxes on parasitic financial speculation and market manipulation - thus solving two problems in a single stroke. Geopolitical analyst and historian Dr. Webster Tarpley has already enumerated such an approach in his 5 point plan for international economic recovery (.pdf) by specifically calling for resistance to austerity and a 1% Wall Street tax.


Undoubtedly people realize something is wrong, and that something needs to be done. To ensure that the corporate-financier elite remain in perpetual power, a myriad of false solutions have been contrived or created out of co-opted movements, to indefinitely steer people away from influencing the current balance of power and achieving true self-determination.

By recognizing this and seizing the reins of our own destiny, we can and must change the current balance of power. In the process of doing so, we must recognize and resist attempts to derail and distract us by way of the incessant political minutiae now on full display during the 2012 US Presidential Election. For every problem faced by society, there is a permanent, technological solution. For hunger there was agriculture, for lack of shelter, there was architecture; and no matter how daunting today's problems may seem, there lies similar solutions.

We must realize that by endeavoring to solve these problems, we jeopardize monopolies as insidious as they are monolithic, constructed to exploit such problems. If we fail to recognize and undermine these interests through pragmatic activism, we will be resigned to whatever fate these special interests determine for us, no matter how cleverly they sell us this fate as one of our own choosing.
Will also be voting for Romney!

Love the person who said "There are two camps---those who are part of the problem and those that are part of the solution".

Seems the forest must be seen before the trees... The main problem is economic. I prefer to be lead by a person very successful in life rather than a person who can "relate".


My goodness

the amount of effort that folks put into keeping 0 in office.

It's truly sad.....that folks think that somehow America can be turned's too late people.

But, I'm still voting for Romney....going down the slippery slope a little slower with Romney is my plan.
There is a BIG difference between Romney and Obama. If one cannot see that, then they are stupid, have blinders on , or fail to see what the major problem is (or a combination of the options). Sorry, but I am not a fatalistic person standing there wringing my hands. I prefer rolling up the sleeves and getting the problems prioritized and solved. NOT going down without a fight....

Seems the brouhaha includes a debate about a $900 shirt that Ann Romney wore vs. a $5800 jacket that Mrs. O wore. Give me a break! If you have the $ buy whatever you want---it should have no bearing on your ability to "relate". I would rather vote for a successful person than a marginal one who could "relate".....
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Veteran Member
I believe it is much more important to get a Republican majority in both the House & the Senate...then whoever is president will be less important.


Heart of Dixie
I'm a conservative and have been an Independent voter for the past three decades. I don't ever see me being a Republican again or voting for any of them.

The thing is, I don't care who yall vote for. That's part of America allowing us to do what we want.

But I have to vote for what is right. From this I will sleep good at night no matter what America turns into. I will be rested for the Tyranny you helped create.

If you have to vote for what is wrong, to keep out a wrong, you will get it. And when your worst nightmare comes to life you will be too tired to fight it to the end. Being negative and pouring negative energy into this whole system will make you weaker than those coming at you. An evil enemy is much stronger than a tired pacifist.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yeah sure.... there is a big difference between Romba and Obamney.


Each side sings the tune their constituents would like to hear. If you could listen closely there is an undertone with a base beat calling out: sucker, sucker, sucker.

I want my wrestler to win because he is better than the other wrestler.


Veteran Member
It's truly sad.....that folks think that somehow America can be turned's too late people.

But, I'm still voting for Romney....going down the slippery slope a little slower with Romney is my plan.

I will be holding my nose and voting for Romney.

Four reasons

I would never join those who love obama - and not voting for Romney is joining them - screw them

Romney is a not a muslim

Romney is not a white hater

A vote for Romney will piss off the white hating blacks - and I want to do that - I'm sick of them.

Just about very thing else you can say negative about Romney I won't argue about.

I'll add another reason - I would REALLY love to see Michele obama thrown out of the White House.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Fear is how TPTB keep the sheep in line. And the sheep have been conditioned from birth to support the "two party" meme. You're wasting your time trying to get through to these people. They hold more tightly to their meme than to life itself (and I'm not exaggerating.) Trying to strip that meme from the mind and heart of the sheep will be met with torches and pitchforks. These sheep are why CONgress, even with a low teens approval rate, has a 90+% re-election rate.

The sheep are stupid. They need to be lied to. They need it more than the air they breathe. They need to be led. They need to be told what to think. Because it is flat-out impossible for them to think for THEMSELEVES, even when they bleat otherwise from the rooftops.

The sheep are why our country is doomed. And I admit that I was me of them until the 2004 election cycle, when my eyes were opened to the sick play that the elites force us to participate in through fear and intimidation. ANYONE who can't see that Rombama and Obamney are essentially identical in every meaningful way is absolutely delusional.

Which is how the sheep want to be...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just the way Romney's campaign STOLE votes from Ron Paul and snuffed out the real choice for America, gives me enough concern to never vote that corrupt scumdog into office. He is not as bad as Obama..... on the surface.... but when it comes to a choice of being bitten by a cobra or a mamba, I think I will choose to leave the snakes to their own devices without my endorsement.

Anyone who wants to look at what Romney did in Massholechussetts can get a real idea of what he is about. Remember this is the party that brought you George Bush and John McCain. They are the flip side of the same coin as the demoncrats.


I will vote. I encourage all to do so. I am not so sure it is a secret ballot anymore, but I am not afraid to vote.


Veteran Member
I'll probably get dogpiled for this, but Ron Paul is as scary, to me, as Obama is. I know a lot of people like his libertarian stances, but his foreign policy ideas and some of his economy ideas seem batshit crazy to me. Let the evisceration begin. I hate politics, but you get over five people together and it gets political.
Fear is how TPTB keep the sheep in line. And the sheep have been conditioned from birth to support the "two party" meme. You're wasting your time trying to get through to these people. They hold more tightly to their meme than to life itself (and I'm not exaggerating.) Trying to strip that meme from the mind and heart of the sheep will be met with torches and pitchforks. These sheep are why CONgress, even with a low teens approval rate, has a 90+% re-election rate.

The sheep are stupid. They need to be lied to. They need it more than the air they breathe. They need to be led. They need to be told what to think. Because it is flat-out impossible for them to think for THEMSELEVES, even when they bleat otherwise from the rooftops.

The sheep are why our country is doomed. And I admit that I was me of them until the 2004 election cycle, when my eyes were opened to the sick play that the elites force us to participate in through fear and intimidation. ANYONE who can't see that Rombama and Obamney are essentially identical in every meaningful way is absolutely delusional.

Which is how the sheep want to be...

This is definitely a person standing in the wings crying "Woe is me....."....


Faithful Steed
There is not one difference between Romney and Obama.

Um. Maybe a little overstated.

I'm fortunate. Because of my specie, I'm barred from voting in human elections. I've looked into the absentee ballot thing, but in Cow Hampshire this is still verified prior by a personal appearance at one's Town Office. The Town Clerk knows me personally, having been to Hayride at Owner's Farm.

But back to any difference. I think Romney will do all he can for his friends. Primarily for purpose of profitability. Obama too, except his friends think much less of humanity, much less of profitability, and much higher of themselves and being at the leading end of the tether.

In the Romney world, the electorate is an entity to keep to the plow. In the Obama world, the electorate is an entity to be fenced in. Human spirit is an Obama enemy. Obama has no interest to the plow, but rather to keep humanity for himself. Like pets. Like dependents. To do his bidding and his pleasure.

And given what we know of the GIBSMEDATS and how they conduct their lives and affairs, I think you all know intuitively what the effect on humanity generally will be by an Obama policy. Romney may have crop in mind but you can be sure he will take care of the livestock along the way. Obama takes not care of ANYTHING - except himself. His are fallow fields.

Gosh I wish I could vote. I would vote for Romney. But I fear not the collar, it is my natural state. And mankind has been wearing it's own collar for more than a few generations now.

But I am but an equine savant.

Hopefully not an idiot savant.

This for others to judge.



I believe it is much more important to get a Republican majority in both the House & the Senate...then whoever is president will be less important.

We already had that in the second term of Bush. We had not only a Republican President but a Republican Senate and House....just what did that get us? More debt, bailing out the globalist
banking cabal, patriot act extension, ect. The second term of Bush saw an acceleration of the loss of liberty and a dramatic expansion of government. There is no functional difference between
the two parties. They simply give lip service to get elected or to stay in office. The Romney camp and Republicans are now embracing some of what Paul wanted to do such as an audit of the
Fed but does anyone in their right mind think that after the elections any of it is going to be followed through on? Bread and circuses to make the people think that their votes change anything.
It won't stop the inevitable of what is coming. Four years ago we still had a chance but we're way past the tipping point, the trigger has been pulled and the hammer is falling. They are trying
to keep it together through the elections but the jury is still out on that one.


Veteran Member
Let me reiterate what I mentioned earliar. A vote for a fringe candidate is a vote for Obama. Keep this in mind, unless you think the country can withstand another 4 years of this crap.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Let me reiterate what I mentioned earliar. A vote for a fringe candidate is a vote for Obama. Keep this in mind, unless you think the country can withstand another 4 years of this crap.

The cure to someone being on fire is to jump out the window of the 20th floor.

Little people who think they can elect a president at this point of the game are delusional. You are all welcome to your delusions.


Canadian Loonie

But I am but an equine savant.

Hopefully not an idiot savant.
........give the nice horsie a big bale of hay!!!!

I think Romney will do all he can for his friends. Primarily for purpose of profitability........I believe Romney thinks all Americans are his friends and that his country will gain from "profitability" to cut back and rebuild.

Romney for building, Ryan for cutting......a good team.


Veteran Member
LE, if you don't think you can elect a president, then why start a thread to ardently state who you won't vote for, followed by stating the fringe party candidate you will vote for?
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
I was ready to hold my nose and vote for Romney, up until the he showed what he really is at the convention.

Him and Obama want the same things. But he's much better organized and able to get those things done. Plus, the Republicans won't be putting up any resistance against him.

We can at least count on the Republican controlled House to try to hold Obama back now. With Romney if office, he can finish off our country with no resistance.

There is no choice Obama = Romney.
I was ready to hold my nose and vote for Romney, up until the he showed what he really is at the convention.

Him and Obama want the same things. But he's much better organized and able to get those things done. Plus, the Republicans won't be putting up any resistance against him.

We can at least count on the Republican controlled House to try to hold Obama back now. With Romney if office, he can finish off our country with no resistance.

There is no choice Obama = Romney.

I have had the convention on quite a bit and have not seen anything equating Romney with Obama. Please reiterate the similarities....


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"Which only goes to show it's all staged... There is no difference because all roads lead to the same destination no matter who is driving.

Mind boggling that is not understood, yet."

It is understood, by some.


Veteran Member
"Which only goes to show it's all staged... There is no difference because all roads lead to the same destination no matter who is driving.

Mind boggling that is not understood, yet."

It is understood, by some.

soooo, the whole thing can be boiled down to that Ragnarok is not voting at all

ok, I get it now


Veteran Member
While I can concede that they are similar--BUT I can't see Romney closing down offshore oil permits as "O" has done (and then given money to foreign countries to help them drill) I could also see Romney rubber stamping the Keystone pipeline.

And Do you think Romney will bow before a Muslim King? Are you people all saying Romney is a narcissist too?

I think it was "O" that commemorated Niel Armstrong's death with a picture of himself.

This "they are the same" thing is just B.S. But you guys have taken that Huffington Compost bait pretty well.

So run with it...You'll "feel good" and sleep well.[sarc off]


. . . .
Considering representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood will be in Charlotte tomorrow and basically endorsed by the DNC. They have visited the White House, along with countless Communists. Sorry, but I do not see Romney as the same as Obama. If Obama is re-elected, those people will soon have offices in and run their organizations directly from the White House. I don't see Romney maintaining the current relationships with Holder, Farrakahn, the Brotherhood and the Panthers.

Bush = Obama = Romney - Not a chance, Obama must go....

Tennessee gal

Veteran Member
We already had that in the second term of Bush. We had not only a Republican President but a Republican Senate and House....just what did that get us? More debt, bailing out the globalist
banking cabal, patriot act extension, ect. The second term of Bush saw an acceleration of the loss of liberty and a dramatic expansion of government. There is no functional difference between
the two parties. They simply give lip service to get elected or to stay in office. The Romney camp and Republicans are now embracing some of what Paul wanted to do such as an audit of the
Fed but does anyone in their right mind think that after the elections any of it is going to be followed through on? Bread and circuses to make the people think that their votes change anything.
It won't stop the inevitable of what is coming. Four years ago we still had a chance but we're way past the tipping point, the trigger has been pulled and the hammer is falling. They are trying
to keep it together through the elections but the jury is still out on that one.

As much as I hate to admit it, HFcomms what you wrote is the way I see it also.


Veteran Member
Considering representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood will be in Charlotte tomorrow and basically endorsed by the DNC. They have visited the White House, along with countless Communists. Sorry, but I do not see Romney as the same as Obama. If Obama is re-elected, those people will soon have offices in and run their organizations directly from the White House. I don't see Romney maintaining the current relationships with Holder, Farrakahn, the Brotherhood and the Panthers.

Bush = Obama = Romney - Not a chance, Obama must go....



Veteran Member
At least voting for Romney will put the O's out of their million vacations they are taking on our dimes! And I want the race baiting to quite that O is starting. Otherwise I can't see a difference.


Veteran Member
We already had that in the second term of Bush. We had not only a Republican President but a Republican Senate and House....just what did that get us? More debt, bailing out the globalist
banking cabal, patriot act extension, ect. The second term of Bush saw an acceleration of the loss of liberty and a dramatic expansion of government. There is no functional difference between
the two parties. They simply give lip service to get elected or to stay in office. The Romney camp and Republicans are now embracing some of what Paul wanted to do such as an audit of the
Fed but does anyone in their right mind think that after the elections any of it is going to be followed through on? Bread and circuses to make the people think that their votes change anything.
It won't stop the inevitable of what is coming. Four years ago we still had a chance but we're way past the tipping point, the trigger has been pulled and the hammer is falling. They are trying
to keep it together through the elections but the jury is still out on that one.

Hmmm, the last two years of the 2nd Bush administration actually had both a Democrat House and Senate.

just a slight correction

but not voting at all does save on the gas to get to the poll - heh heh heh


Computer Hacking Pirate
I'm a conservative and have been an Independent voter for the past three decades. I don't ever see me being a Republican again or voting for any of them.

The thing is, I don't care who yall vote for. That's part of America allowing us to do what we want.

But I have to vote for what is right. From this I will sleep good at night no matter what America turns into. I will be rested for the Tyranny you helped create.

If you have to vote for what is wrong, to keep out a wrong, you will get it. And when your worst nightmare comes to life you will be too tired to fight it to the end. Being negative and pouring negative energy into this whole system will make you weaker than those coming at you. An evil enemy is much stronger than a tired pacifist.

The destruction of the U.S. is already in the cards. It's going to happen. Get used to it. Anyone who tries to deny this simple fact is in for a rude awakening.

People say that Romney will give us more time to turn it around. That's BS. A President Romney may take us over the cliff a little slower, but that only means that more of our personal resources are sucked out of us over a longer period of time.

The best way to do the collapse is to let it happen now - and make it really devastating. That way, those who are smart enough to prepare will retain more of our resources - while those who are not prepared will receive a defining education.

You could argue that a devastating collapse could cause the government to dissolve. But that only means we have the opportunity to wipe out the corrupt bankers and politicians . . . but to do this, we must be vigilant and act quickly when the time comes - so that we create honesty and integrity in the next government.

I'm not an Obama fan. I will not vote for Obama; nor will I vote for Romney. I will vote for someone I want, rather than voting for someone I don't want.