CRIME Arizona Senate Report on the Maricopa County Election Audit Highlights 49,000 Questionable Votes, Asks AG to Investigate

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
_______________ /politics/2021/09/25/arizona-senate-draft-report-on-the-maricopa-county-election-audit-highlights-49000-questionable-votes-asks-ag-to-investigate/

AZ Senate Audit of Maricopa County Election: 49,000 Questionable Votes

Michael Patrick Leahy13-16 minutes 9/25/2021

The report of the Maricopa County Forensic Election Audit of the 2020 election released at a public hearing of the Arizona State Senate chaired by Senate President Karen Fann (R-1) and Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Warren Petersen (R-12) on Friday identified a number of significant election irregularities discovered during the audit.

Out of 3.4 million votes cast in Arizona in the November 3, 2020 presidential election, about 2.1 million were cast in Maricopa County. Of these, a little more than 1.9 million were early votes, either cast by mail or deposited in drop boxes.

Joe Biden was certified as the winner of Arizona’s 11 Electoral College votes over former President Donald Trump by Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D-AZ) and Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ) on November 30, 2020 by a margin of 10,457 votes. According to those certified results, Biden received 1,672,143 votes in the state, while Trump received 1,661,686 votes.

Senate President Karen Fann and Senate Judiciary Chairman Warren Petersen, the majority leader, listen during the presentation of the report on the election audit to Arizona lawmakers in the Senate chambers of the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix on Sept. 24, 2021.

Senate President Karen Fann and Senate Judiciary Chairman Warren Petersen, the majority leader, listen during the presentation of the report on the election audit to Arizona lawmakers in the Senate chambers of the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix on Sept. 24, 2021. (David Wallace/The Republic via Imagn Content Services, LLC).

“The audit included a full hand-recount of all 2.1 million ballots from the 2020 General Election,” the report, Maricopa County Forensic Audit, Volume III: Result Details, began.

At the presidential ballot level, the report found very little difference between “the results of the hand-recount of the Presidential Race of the Maricopa County Forensic Audit” and the Official Maricopa County Canvass.”

Of 2,089,563 votes counted in the official Maricopa County Canvass of the November 3, 2020 election, 1,040,774 were cast for Joe Biden and 995,665 were cast for Donald Trump, a margin for Biden in the county of 45,109.

Of 2,088,569 votes counted in the Maricopa County Forensic Audit of the November 3, 2020 election, 1,040,873 were cast for Joe Biden and 995,404 were cast for Donald Trump, a margin in favor of Biden in the county of 45,469.

Establishment media outlets have celebrated the fact that the Maricopa County Forensic Audit hand count showed that Biden’s margin over Trump was 360 votes greater than the Maricopa County Official Canvass results. (Biden gained 99 votes, while Trump lost 261 votes in the audit hand count).

They have claimed these results confirm Biden “won” Arizona.

As Breitbart News reported, a draft of the executive summary, dated September 23, was leaked early Friday morning, and establishment media outlets focused on the statement in that leaked draft that, “there were no substantial differences between the hand count of the ballots provided and the official canvass results for the County.” .

The official executive summary, Maricopa County Forensic Election Audit, Volume I: Executive Summary & Recommendations, as released by the Arizona State Senate on Friday afternoon and dated September 24, can be seen here.

The results of the audit, however, actually raise more doubts about the legitimacy of more than 49,000 votes included in the final counts of both the forensic audit and the Maricopa County Official Canvass results, a number that is more than four times greater than Biden’s 10,457 vote certified margin of victory.

Of these more than 2 million votes counted, the report stated the results of the audit found that there were questions about 49,718 of these votes that had a critical, high, or medium “potential impact the finding may have had on the election.”

PHOENIX, AZ - OCTOBER 31: Ballots are pulled aside for a hand audit by Maricopa County Elections Department staff ahead of Tuesdays election on October 31, 2020 in Phoenix, Arizona. Early voting lasted from October 7th through the 30th in Arizona, which had a record number of early voters. (Photo by Courtney Pedroza/Getty Images)

Ballots are pulled aside for a hand audit by Maricopa County Elections Department staff. (Courtney Pedroza/Getty Images).

The audit broke the election into four phases: “voter history, paper ballots, voting machines, and the certified results.”

Maricopa County Forensic Election Audit. Volume II: Operations & Methodology, stated:

The audit was designed to be a comprehensive review of the results from the Maricopa County 2020 General Election to confirm the effectiveness of existing legislation in governing elections, and to provide additional insights on possible areas of legislative reform that could ensure an even greater level of integrity and accuracy in how elections are conducted.

“For this reason, the audit focused on four main areas of the election process: voter history, paper ballots, voting machines, and the certified results. These four areas enabled the audit team to focus on factors that impact elections in order to highlight areas of concern,” the report continued. (Emphasis added).

Of the 49,718 questionable votes of critical, high, or medium severity identified in Maricopa County Forensic Audit, Volume III: Result Details, 34,466 of these were in the voter history phase, 12,660 were in the certified results phase and 2,592 were in the ballot phase. The report did not identify any questionable votes in the voting machine phase.

Here is a breakdown of those 49,718 questionable votes:

23,344 mail-in ballots were counted from individuals who no longer lived at the address to which the mail-in ballot was sent. The audit called these “mail-in ballots voted from prior address” in the voter history phase. (critical impact)
9,041 more ballots returned by voters than received in the voter history phase. (high impact)
5,295 voters that potentially voted in multiple counties in the certified results phase. (high impact)
3,432 more ballots cast than the list of people who show as having cast a vote. The audit called this group of ballots “official results does not match who voted,” in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
2,592 more duplicates than original ballots in the ballot phase. (medium impact)
2,382 in person voters who had moved out of Maricopa County in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
2,081 voters moved out of state during 29 day preceding election in the voter history phase. (medium impact)
1,551 votes counted in excess of voters who voted in the certified results phase. (medium impact)
An additional 3,587 votes were in the “low impact” category across 14 findings.

Section 5.1 of Volume III of the report identified the ballot scoring methodology used to separate ballot findings into the four categories of severity as to their impact on the election results: critical, high, medium, or low:

Ballot related findings are scored based on the total number of potential ballots impacted by the finding. Based on the range in which this falls within, a Severity is assigned . . . In these circumstances a severity will still be assigned to the finding based on the potential impact the finding may have had on the election.

If a ballot finding impacted more than 10,000 potential votes, its severity level was classified as critical. If a ballot finding impacted more than 5,000 potential votes, but less than 10,000 potential votes its severity level was classified as high. If a ballot finding impacted more than 1,500 potential votes, but less than 5,000 potential votes, its severity level was classified as medium. If a ballot finding impacted less than 1,500 potential votes, its severity level was classified as low.

A separate report, Pattern Recognition of Early Voting Ballot (EVP) Return Envelope Images for Signature Presence Detection, was prepared by EchoMail, and presented to the panel by its lead investigator, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. The findings of that report included the following:

Maricopa County allowed 9,589 more Early Vote Ballot return envelopes (EVBs) to move forward to the signature verification process than the audit determined were eligible.
Maricopa County counted 1,917,008 EVBs as eligible to move on to the signature verification process. The audit determined that only 1,907,419 EVBs should have been eligible to move on to the signature verification process. (Early voting ballots were contained within EVB return envelopes, which required a signature of the voter on the outside envelope prior to moving it forward to the signature verification process).
34,448 Early Vote Ballot return envelopes (EVBs) were duplicates, submitted by 17,126 individual voters, most of whom submitted two ballots, but some of whom submitted either three or four.
A third report on cybersecurity from a firm called CyFir, Digital Findings, was delivered by Ben Cotton. Key findings of that report included:

Maricopa County failed to perform basic OS Patch Management;
Maricopa County failed to update antivirus definitions;
Maricopa County failed to preserve security logs;
Maricopa County failed to establish and monitor host baseline; and,
Maricopa County failed to establish and monitor network communications baseline.

You can watch a recording of Friday’s Senate hearing on the audit report, as delivered by Doug Logan, president of Cyber Ninjas, the firm that led the investigation, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, and Ben Cotton, here.

In a statement released by the Save America PAC Friday morning, former President Trump praised the audit results as reported in a leaked early version of the report:

The Fake News is lying about the Arizona audit report! The leaked report conclusively shows there were enough fraudulent votes, mystery votes, and fake votes to change the outcome of the election 4 or 5 times over. The number includes 23,344 mail-in ballots, despite the person no longer living at that address. Phantom voters! The official canvass does not even match who voted, off by 11,592—more than the entire Presidential Election margin. Voters who voted in multiple counties totaled 10,342, and 2,382 ballots came from people who no longer lived in Maricopa County. There were also 2,592 “more duplicate ballots than original ballots.” Just those fraudulent ballots alone total 50,252, and is fraud many more times than the so-called margin of “victory,” which was only 10,457. In addition, election data appears to have been intentionally deleted, and ballot images were “corrupt or missing.” This is not even the whole state of Arizona, but only Maricopa County. It would only get worse!

There is fraud and cheating in Arizona and it must be criminally investigated! More is coming out in the hearing today.

As the hearing began on Friday afternoon, Trump added this statement:

CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and other Lamestream Media are feeding large-scale misinformation to the public about the Arizona Audit. The Audit was a big win for democracy and a big win for us. Shows how corrupt the Election was. Arizona State Senate hearing going on now and the information about what took place is terrible—a bigger Scam even than anticipated!

Midway through the hearing, Trump sent a third email:

It is not even believable the dishonesty of the Fake News Media on the Arizona Audit results, which shows incomprehensible Fraud at an Election Changing level, many times more votes than is needed. The Fake News Media refuses to write the facts, thereby being complicit in the Crime of the Century. They are so dishonest, but Patriots know the truth! Arizona must immediately decertify their 2020 Presidential Election Results.

Saturday morning Trump sent out a fourth email that read, “44,000 Ballots the Left Wants You to Ignore,” and included an image of the “Finding Summary Table” included in Section 5.2 of the report, Maricopa County Forensic Audit, Volume III: Result Details.

The theme that Maricopa County refused to cooperate with the audit was highlighted by each presenter during the hearing.

“I’m very disappointed to see that Maricopa County refused to cooperate with us. Not only did they not cooperate with us, they even went so far as to sue us,” State Senate President Fann said at the beginning of the hearing.

Fann added:

What you have not seen and not heard is about the statutes that were broken, how chain of custody was not followed, how we had a number of issues, which is why people questioned the ballots and the election. So I ask that you please keep an open mind, I ask that you please listen to this, because the reality of this is that this is all about making sure your vote counts.

At the close of the hearing, it was clear the State Senate expected the Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to follow up on the results of the report aggressively. Brnovich signaled his intent to do so even before Friday’s afternoon hearing began.

“I will take all necessary actions that are supported by the evidence and where I have legal authority,” Brnovich said in a tweet on Friday morning:

Judiciary Chairman Petersen identified eight key points at the close of the hearing:

The county’s obstructionism must be addressed. Their willingness to spend resources to block this audit;
The numbers don’t reconcile. We should be able to pull up these election results and be able to come up with a reconciliation so everything balance;
It appears they broke the law with duplicate ballots;
Churning of logs. we need to find out why that happened. Who did it;
Chain of custody;
Failure to preserve data files;
Cybersecurity weaknesses; and,
The envelopes with blank signatures. We have a lot of questions there that need to be answered.
“I look forward to working with the Attorney General,” Petersen concluded.

Fann also highlighted the follow up by the Attorney General.

“I have already transmitted a letter to our AG’s office with those reports. We are asking him to open up a formal investigation … perhaps get some of the missing things we were unable to get. I have every confidence he will be doing that,” Fann concluded.


Let's Go Brandon!


Has No Life - Lives on TB




Yep !!!

If God Almighty Himself came to earth, and declared that it was a fraudulent election and that Trump won, the Democrats, the media, and Rinos would declare that God was a right wing nut case and should be ignored ! And after hearing enough of that, many others would then question His declaration !!

Sad Sad, Sad !!!

:ld: :shk: :shk: :shk:


Bayou Renaissance Man: About the Maricopa County election audit in Arizona...

About the Maricopa County election audit in Arizona...

... the quickest and simplest vignette of the results is provided by A Nod To The Gods.

I have no problem with the audit's findings that its final vote totals closely matched those reported immediately after the election. However, that's not the point. All the mainstream media and progressive-left pontificating about how this "proves" that the election results were valid is so much hooey.
Karl Denninger points out:

... what's been discovered thus far and proved (and for which the evidence is now in the public domain) shows that:

1. The election in Maricopa County for federal offices, including President, was not conducted in accordance with Federal Law.
2. The results, based solely on the count of duplicated ballot envelopes (people who voted more than once), which exceeds the margin of victory for the Presidential Office, are not able to be confirmed since once duplicate ballots are removed from the envelopes it is impossible to identify them. Maricopa county claimed no such duplicates exist. We now know more than 17,000 in fact do exist and the envelopes still exist. What we cannot prove one way or another is whether the ballots inside those envelopes were counted and, if only one was counted, which one was counted. We thus have no way to know who won.
3. The persons running the election have made materially false statements on an intentional basis about the equipment never being connected to the Internet.
4. The persons running the election both deliberately destroyed data related to the election in direct violation of Federal Law and, as a separate and distinct offense, attempted to cover up that destruction and identification of the person who did so. This act, standing alone, demonstrates intent to tamper with the election results.
5. The vast majority of said deliberately destroyed data was not recoverable and likely is not recoverable.

By forensic evidence, not presented and unrebutted, the outcome of the election in Arizona was falsely certified.
What's the remedy for this?
That's a separate debate -- but that this one county alone did in fact corrupt their election, did so intentionally, and did so in such a fashion that at this time it not possible to know what the result actually was is not subject to reasonable dispute.
Finally, not only was their forensic computer person credible he displayed exactly the process that I, as a person skilled in the art and who has performed computer forensics, would utilize. I found no fault in his procedures, his process and analysis. Not did I find him to make a single unproved assertion of fact. This is exactly what a professional is supposed to do in this field.

There's more at the link.
To put it as simply as possible, it's irrelevant that the audit's vote totals closely match those reported after the election, because we cannot prove or disprove that those vote totals are measuring valid ballots, validly cast and validly counted.
If an election result cannot be guaranteed to be accurate, the election itself is called into question. When the questionable ballots total more than five times the margin of victory for a candidate in that state, it's even worse, because there can be no certainty that the winning candidate did, indeed, triumph in the polls.
The only valid, honest, truly democratic solution to the election imbroglio in Maricopa County, AZ, is to:

  1. Declare that the November 2020 election results were ineligibly and invalidly certified as correct;
  2. Nullify the certification of those results;
  3. Re-run the election, this time making certain that all the irregularities identified in the previous election are addressed and prevented from happening again;
  4. Re-calculating the results of the November 2020 elections using the new and certifiably valid results from Maricopa County;
  5. Declaring winners and losers for state and federal office based on the new, valid vote count.
Anything less is nothing more or less than "papering over the cracks": admitting that, despite obvious, provable, verifiable deficiencies that make the November 2020 election results unknowable and unable to be validly certified, we're simply going to "go with the flow" and not question them.

Now, let's find out how many of those "errors" occurred in other swing states and cities, and do the same thing there - and not just there. Similar problems have already been discovered in, for example, Colorado.

Mesa County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder Tina M. Peters has submitted a forensic examination report to the Mesa County commissioners. The report shows that a massive amount of election data was deleted and “destroyed” by the office of the Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold and Dominion Voting Systems, which performed a supposed system upgrade on the voting equipment in May. Luckily, Peters had the data backed up before it was destroyed, hopefully keeping alive the prospect of performing a full forensic audit of the 2020 election.

If more of the same shenanigans are found, across multiple states, I'd say the results of the November 2020 elections across the entire nation will be in so much doubt that it should basically be written off and done over. After all, what other fair, honest solution is there? If you can think of one, I'd love to hear it.
Makes you think, doesn't it?

EDITED TO ADD: Larry Correia, who's a forensic auditor himself and had so much to say about electoral fraud immediately after the November 2020 elections, takes a look at the Maricopa County audit. Bold, underlined text is my emphasis.

Basically the headlines are all coming off of the executive summary, section 2. And note, they’re only taking the very first part, and then quit reporting ... To break this down, the first part, the recount/canvass matches what was there before, and the only differences are statistically insignificant. News media goes Yay! Biden won by even more votes! Cope! Cope! Cope!
Except, the second part they aren’t talking about is… are those votes all actual legal votes? And the answer is possibly not (why possibly? I’ll get to that). Then see all those bullet points of problems, weirdness, and ****ery. Which comes down to there being about five times as many questionable votes as Biden’s margin of victory (for the state, in this one county).
This is where it gets sticky ... Section 4 is the tally results. That’s what the media is talking about. Section 5 is the problems. That’s what they are studiously avoiding talking about.
They are divided into 13 types of problems, ranging from critical to inconsequential. Statistically, it’s the first few that are the big ones, and each of those gets their own breakdown in 5.3 and 5.4. Go read through those.
On some of these types you’ll be thinking, why didn’t the auditors take these problematic ballots and track them back even further to see if the signatures match the actual human being who supposedly cast the vote? Sorry. I believe the democrats blocked them from doing that in court. (which is totally not suspicious at all from people who have absolutely nothing to hide!)
. . .
The rest of the report is about the systems and controls, and how they should be improved. This part is really telling. Basically the Arizona election system is easily manipulated trash, with crap controls, and if any private company I ever worked at got caught with this many holes in it, they’d fire all the accountants and half the managers.
Now, for the idiot brigade that is crowing about how this proves whatever they want it to prove about the election and how everybody else should shut up forever, here’s some stuff that’s not in this report to think about.
This was the audit of one county, in one of the questionable states. Back in the aftermath of the election, I found Arizona to be the least interesting of those questionable states. Other counties had way more ****ery afoot. Atlanta and Detroit were way crazier than Phoenix on election night. No audits there.
And even in Arizona, this is one county. I don’t know the area that well so I’m just going off of what friends of mine who live there say, but Maricopa is usually the red county. Pima (2nd biggest) is the blue county. And they still found 5x the margin of victory in questionable votes in the red county. I’m sure next door was totally clean.

There's more at the link.
Funny how the mainstream media are avoiding like the plague the "big picture" revealed by the audit, isn't it?

Posted by Peter at 9/27/2021 09:05:00 AM


On TB every waking moment
POL - November 3: The 2020 U.S. ELECTION DAY MAIN THREAD POST 14,770 (not reposting - formatting was a bitch)

This is Toto pulling back the curtain on some information buried, omitted and redacted from the report due to back stream dirty politics. Let the sun shine in every corner!

.10 min


Are you sure about that?
You first ... :D

My point exactly. So please quit berating folks for not storming the gates, or whatever you think should be done. There are multiple possible things to be done, and multiple approaches. The Audit is one thing ONLY.

Crapping on each and every audit thread with "nothing will be come of this" does precisely nothing. Neither does hanging all our hopes on the audit is not enough, either. Give us some credit.


Senior Member
It's comical how yall don't see that they give us the Presidents that they want us to have!


You guys act like this WWE Wrestling show is real!

Do you really believe that your Warp Speed pro vaxx potus is on your side???


So please quit berating folks for not storming the gates, or whatever you think should be done.

Apparently you do not discern OBSERVATION and only hear COMPLAINING.

When a train derails in my area, do they call me? No, and for good reason. I don't even get called out for fires or medical emergencies any more. I am retired from all that. I have family responsibilities that are full time employment AND RESPONSIBILITIES for me at my present age and stage. Setting America back on the tracks, beyond discussing the status quo locally and voting (now totally useless IMO) is all I can do at present. What precisely would you have me do differently?

I did national level activism after the massacre at Waco. Yet here we are....

I am convinced there is but one thing that will make any difference at this point, and voting ain't it. Yet I am not willing to play into the opposition's hands either.

So please, give me a mission oriented task list ......


Are you sure about that?
Apparently you do not discern OBSERVATION and only hear COMPLAINING.

When a train derails in my area, do they call me? No, and for good reason. I don't even get called out for fires or medical emergencies any more. I am retired from all that. I have family responsibilities that are full time employment AND RESPONSIBILITIES for me at my present age and stage. Setting America back on the tracks, beyond discussing the status quo locally and voting (now totally useless IMO) is all I can do at present. What precisely would you have me do differently?

I did national level activism after the massacre at Waco. Yet here we are....

I am convinced there is but one thing that will make any difference at this point, and voting ain't it. Yet I am not willing to play into the opposition's hands either.

So please, give me a mission oriented task list ......

Fine. Keep repeating yourself. As I said, we heard you.


If election fraud was a concern of ANYONE at a legal/political level who had the horsepower to stop it, we would not be here.

Obviously it is not.

That by the way is also an observation.


Are you sure about that?
If election fraud was a concern of ANYONE at a legal/political level who had the horsepower to stop it, we would not be here.

Obviously it is not.

That by the way is also an observation.

You might just be right. And also saying something that you've said many times lately.

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that sitting on our hands is not going to make the change we need. Harping the same message ad infinitum won't do it either.

We ARE on the same side.
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