HEALTH Anyone here with sciatic back and leg pain, what do you do for it?

Old as dirt

Old as dirt
Dennis ,[ you said is this what I want], No don't want to go out this way. I just been on my own my whole life, Hate asking folks for help. I did get the Pastors wife to take me to city for Toms pets scan, She was nice about it. I guess I should be screaming for help. I tell myself they all got families, and most wives work and they already have more to do than they can handle.
Okay I can pull legs up in bed, If I got down on the floor to do leg pull ups, I would never get off the floor. I will try a ice pack now, Need to buy ice bag. I am going to try the boron in water. I think I got some twenty mule team borax here.
Living out in the boon docks is for the birds in old age, Its a ninety mile round trip to Doctors. Tom is all about Doctoring now. I have no clue how to insert myself into all the appointments he has to have. Next week he goes for radiation everyday, I drive to my daughters and she will take it the rest of the way into the city. You say why can't she help more, Well she is no spring chicken , 68 and a husband who is a invalid himself. When you are 85, your kids are also very old. My other daughter is in Florida.
Grass is growing a foot high, That scum bag who left the dog used to mow, so now no one to do that. Not that I give a damn right now. Let it grow. I was looking through the peddler to see if there was a Mexican looking to mow, Nothing.
I swear I would give this place to a good Christian family if there is such a thing out there for there help. But who can you trust. The scum bag with Reba, was suppose to be a Christian and look how he turned out.
I don't have the energy to sell, And where would I go? I pray about this everyday, I simply don't get a answer.
Okay enough of my problems, 85 is not a good age. Tomato's are rotting on the vine, Garden is going and will be gone now, Chickens will die off and be gone. I have two hot houses, they are sitting empty.
Oh hell I am just feeling sorry for myself right now. That's not me. God bless


. . . .
Here's another link indicating a possible cause:

And If you're dealing with a flare up, these simple moves can help by targeting one of the most common causes: Piriformis Syndrome. "This happens when the piriformis, a small muscle deep in your hips, becomes tight and compresses the sciatic nerve, often leading to burning pain and numbness on one side of your butt and down the back of your leg,"

I have this condition and when it flares, my girlfriend has finally learned to use her elbow and upper body weight to massage deep enough in my a$$ to get the tensed up (hard as a rock) Piriformis muscle. She does not have the hand/arm strength to successfully reach the muscle like a back massage. Usually, when my flares are bad, it takes about 15 minutes of the deep massage for 2 or 3 consecutive days to eliminate the pain (until the next time).

I have used the exercises/stretches in this article (and also shown higher up in this thread) and they definitely help and are preventative. The have not relieved a flare once it is occurring. Only the deep massage has helped. Medical doc wanted to give pain pills and do imaging. Tried the simplest possibility on my own and it manages the condition. Most massage folks know enough to go deep enough and find the muscle. You solution may be a $20 half hour massage with someone that can find that muscle.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I hear you OAD. But on YOUR headstone, would you like them to carve, "She was a right prideful woman"?

More people hurt and kill themselves due to pride than any other reason. Pride goeth before the fall. Time to let go.


Veteran Member
Please call your Pastors wife. She didn't mind helping you. Tell her everything going on and you cannot handle it anymore. Church people want to help others, it is a blessing to them. What if God is telling them to help you and you say no thanks. The lesson you were both going to learn from that is not going to be learned. You will have to learn it another way.


paradigm shaper
i will +1 listening to colonel holman

and would add i have back problems that are muscular/connective tissue oriented and i use regularly

1) capzacin gel

2) arnica gel

3) an accupressure mat/pillow - i love this thing

it makes blood rush to the sites on the nails and in the blood there is healing

but it all really depends on what is causing the pain

for spinal probs that would be putting a band aid on a gaping chest wound

but once you know what is really going on, what is really causing the pain, then you can come up w/ effective treatment


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Yes, under under circumstances, both of you would be in assisted living. I'm keeping both of you in my prayers.


paradigm shaper
that's a heart wrenching post at the top of this page

praying for you oad, for wisdom, for resources you need, for peace


Veteran Member
What a sad, worrisome thread...

You are under so much stress mentally and physically, I don't know how you can even breathe. If you don't feel comfortable asking friends for help, please look to the organizations that help cancer patients and seniors. There appear to be a lot of them in Texas. I'm not sure if it's national but the American Cancer Society will give a one-time $500 payment for whatever the cancer patient needs. Talk to the nurses at the hospital where Tom is getting radiation; they probably can point you in the right direction.

This link lists many Texas senior assistance programs; please call them.
You should not be going through this alone and you will be no help to Tom if your health fails.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Lots of good advice here, mixed in with some weird stuff.

I will second, third, whatever, doing the exercises. Start gently and go further as everything gets used to moving the way it's supposed to again. And arnica gel (but double check against any meds you are taking first). When I can't get a handle on it with stretches, relaxing and compresses, I'll use arnica gel. Truth is I should probably use it from the start but I save "meds" for use after any non med forms can't do it.

But you have to give your back time off. Plot to work smarter, not harder. And ask for help. What are you going to do if you get so hurt that you can't help him and are in bed beside him? That is where you are headed.


Veteran Member
Old as Dirt I am a pastors wife...we expect to be called and try to help out especially in cases like yours. Even if she herself can't come out she will probably know folks in the church or community that can help you. You have worked long and hard and are in the very most difficult time of your life, let others help you too. Let her know exactly what you need help with, don't be shy.
The back pain and sciatica will only get worse if you don't take care of it, you will be useless to your husband when you can no longer move due to pain. My 83 yr. old mother just spent the last month dealing with this and she ended up in the emergency room twice because she tried to brave it out. Now that she has had an epidural shot in her back she is off of all pain meds and back to driving and planting flowers.
I am also dealing with two herniated discs and sciatica, until you can see a doctor, try ice packs. I was taking 600 to 800 mgs of ibuprophen every 12 hours to get me through. I'm now on muscle relaxants and trying to get my doctor to give me the epidural shot my mom got. Unfortunately the chances of this going away on it's own is pretty unlikely for you, so the sooner you get in to the doctor, the better.
Your children should also know what your situation is, even if they are older themselves (Japanese live to be so old here we have lots of elderly taking care of each other) ,together the family can hopefully come up with a workable plan.
This is too much for you alone, and there is help, but you do need to let others know you need it. Praying for you sweetie.


Goodness before greatness.
Here is a link too sOme weird voo-woo-doo LOL.

Posted 'Fair Use Title 17 USC'

Ginger for sciatic nerve pain and inflammation
Ok many of you might have been brought in to read this post thinking
Ginger from Gilligans island is the topic and we all know she is hot,

Marianne was not bad herself, But all that aside!

Who has used ginger for nerve pain sciatica type pain?

I been doing everything to avoid my scs implant coming up by always push and stretch to see if there is some way to beat this pain and stiffness without having another surgery such as the scs,

There is not a day where i dont try to stretch and excercise when i am able, I have done all i can the last 8 years after 3 failed back surgery to beat this,

Few days ago i stretched the left leg and hip muscle to the point nerve got agrivated where nothing could stop it for the last 3 days,

Fanrynal patch wont help and along with norco i could still barely stand the sciaric nerve pain shooting down my leg,

I find some info about ginger they say helps inflammation and sciatic pain so i reach in the cabinet and find we have the powder ginger so i go for it,

Put some in my cofee, Not the best cofee i have had but pain wont let up so i dont care how cofee taste, Few hours later i finaly realise pain is leting up a litle finaly,

I am thinking how is this posible, I mean i know its no cure but how is it posible meds could not calm the nerve down alone and ginger helped,

I always tried anything natural remedy that i could for meds never done the job, But this ginger now has me realy confused,

Not confused as not to keep using it of course for i dont care so much of why and how it helps, I will take any releif i can get,

But i am very curious who else has used this here or is using it?

Old as dirt

Old as dirt
Is that just kitchen ginger, Mine is probably not fresh. What a blessing that would be if it worked. I been laying on the bed and doing a couple of the exercise , I can feel the pull on the muscle that is all tight.
I will ask for help, got to. Can't do it alone.

paul d

Veteran Member
i will +1 listening to colonel holman

and would add i have back problems that are muscular/connective tissue oriented and i use regularly

1) capzacin gel

2) arnica gel

3) an accupressure mat/pillow - i love this thing

it makes blood rush to the sites on the nails and in the blood there is healing

but it all really depends on what is causing the pain

for spinal probs that would be putting a band aid on a gaping chest wound

but once you know what is really going on, what is really causing the pain, then you can come up w/ effective treatment

My neighbor just had this flare up out of nowhere. Until she gets to the doc, I gave her some turmeric. Too early to tell if it helps, but I know it helps me with any kind of joint inflammation.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
All good recommendations. I have lower back issues. My back stretching technique is to dangle my leg while suspended by my hands to expand the compressed space between the vertebrae. Sometimes I will hold a small weight with my feet. Combined with ice and inflammation reducers.


Senior Member
I love some of the quack medicine promulgated on this thread. Colonel holman is a doctor, listen to him. You have a MECHANICAL PROBLEM with your back. While meds might alleviate some of the pain, you MUST address two things: 1) the LOAD you're putting you back under, and 2) relieving pressure on the nerve itself. You can do (1) yourself, but (2) will require tests and treatment. QUOTE]

And, DO NOT wear a belt. A spine brace, hip brace will help, but a waist belt will not.


Goodness before greatness.
Is that just kitchen ginger, Mine is probably not fresh. What a blessing that would be if it worked. I been laying on the bed and doing a couple of the exercise , I can feel the pull on the muscle that is all tight.
I will ask for help, got to. Can't do it alone.

I used the fresh ginger root. Skinned it, sliced thin with and against grain, and steeped in a thermos with 160 degree hot water for an hour.

ETA: I may be 25 years younger, but I still go to a good chiropractor and acupuncturist for linger problems that the good doctor has helped leagues beyond my semi-instant pain reduction. For the first time in my life on my current job, (32 years) I am now enjoying privileges I did not use/require. I'm no run to the doctor type. When I do, I do appreciate their expertise.

Recently I spoke with the CP Doctor about inflammation and curcumin. Especially the use on my own twisted ankle. My dosage was internal, his grandmothers technique was to make a topical paste with flour, curcumin and water to the same effect.


Senior Member
will OAD allow us to know the general area she lives in...I have a son in west texas and other contacts in the houston area I can reach out this type of request allowed?


Veteran Member
I've suffered greatly from sciatica for many years. I've tried every single thing in the world, and here's what worked for me: Every morning, I spent 20-30 minutes doing stretches and exercises that "strengthen the core."

Were it not for those exercises, I'd probably be an invalid.

My sufferings have been great, but I haven't had a spasm in 15 months now.

colonel holman

Veteran Member
For education purposes... Here's the sequence of exercises used by top PTs specializing in LBP (without getting into dangerous specifics)...

First, correct disc bulging with McKenzie extension stretches. If the disc is degenerated, it often also responds to extension stretches, but may need flexion if the axis of bending has chnaged by the stiffening of disc.

Hamstrings must be stretched if tight because tight hamstrings severely alters how the spine bends, often increasing disc strain. It is often essential to address this early on.

Disc problems usually shift the alignment of the pelvis and sacrum (sacroiliac strain). That is corrected by single leg flexion, knee to chest with one leg with other leg remaining flat. If the sacrum or pelvis has shifted, then the piriformis muscle tightens badly, causing that nasty spasm deep in the butt. It also squeezes the sciatic nerve passing thru it. This is the rotator cuff of the HIP. This is corrected by a specific piriformis stretch (left ankle atop right knee, pull left knee toward right shoulder as you twist chest to left, causing a pull deep in butt).

Once this flexibility is improved and pain has decreased by 20%, then start those core strengthening exercises. These can be condensed into just two such strengthening procedures: planks (on belly on elbows, lift torso so held up by flar forearms and toes) and powerbridges (on back, lift butt, hold it lifted as you reach out with one leg, ten the other). This is a summary and should be modified by the PT to match what is identified on movement testing, so exercises can be specifically modified.

I am finishing up a short ebook on this, for use in my prevention and wellness classes. Perhaps I can post it as a pdf somewhere here? Anything to help those who suffer

NC Susan

My mom was 84 and at that point living in my downstairs dining room that had converted to a bedroom The Church of God came everyday for prayer and encouragement. They offered all kinds of assistance cuz they actually like assisting people. And if i had asked i am certain they would have even cut the grass !!! Or cooked All of us meals

Not even a card from the 5031c Main Stream Church as she wasnt a member


A 'maker', not a 'taker'!
I had severe sciatica for a decade, I am a minor expert on the stuff. In addition to the stretches below, I used an inversion table to stretch my spine. It works wonders. Eventually I had to have surgery, and I wish I had it done ten years earlier.


One of the consequences of being sedentary, and also being incredibly active, is back pain. About 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given moment. It’s a common affliction and one that takes care and diligence to eliminate.

Whether you experience stiffness, aches, or spasms, the following stretches will help keep your back fit and strong.
1. The hamstring floor stretch.
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Hold for 30 seconds twice for each leg.
2. Knee to chest stretch.
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This helps strengthen and relax your glutes. Hold for 20 seconds for each leg twice.
3. Spinal stretch.
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This was a favorite of mine when I suffered sciatica. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other knee. Do this as many times as you like but don’t overdo it.
4. The piriformis stretch.
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Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
5. The hip flexors stretch.
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