EBOLA aesop on home care for an Ebola victim. Sobering reading.


On TB every waking moment
When the disease is in your home where you are having contact with viral loads through bodily fluids, you, yourself have a good chance of getting it yourself between 2-42 days of exposure. (I believe the average is 12 days, but the nurses in Texas got it sooner if I recall.) Remember the DEATH rate is as high as 70% not the infection rate. You may not be up to taking care of anyone else and there may be no one to take care of you. Hopefully everyone else in the house has gone because it will be a hotbed of virus at that point.

We all have this vision of us taking care of others as if we are immune. It may take us before our children. Do we want others in the family to take care of us or do we want to do everything we can to stay away from them?

I think this guy is right, put your efforts in isolating yourself and your family not in an unrealistic hope that you are going to be able to take care of them yourself without killing everyone on the household.

I thought CS was antibacterial not anti-virus.