POL 8 States Are Declaring Sovereignty


Veteran Member
This book was written in the "90's, warning about sovereignty and gun control
I copied part of the last page.

Their objective is to emasculate sovereign states, merge nations under universal government, centralize economic power, and control the world's people and resources.


Study the constitution of your state. You may find that your state constitution no longer describes the boundaries of the state effectively abolishing the state. At last check, the only states that still lay out their boundaries in their constitutions are Washington, Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arizona, New Mexico and Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida.

When the State borders are no longer in the State Constitution, it is the signal that the State has lost its sovereignty (and its State Citizens). Now a CENTRAL GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN FORMED WHICH IS THE STEP INTO INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM THROUGH THE UNITED NATIONS ...WAKE UP AMERICA!

Vote Down Home Rule! THIS IS A DESIGNED AND PLANNED POLITICAL REVOLUTION. This is being done through the ballot box to destroy our State Constitutions and State Governments while we are kept busy fighting brush fires and fanning windmills on lesser matters of importance or of no significance.

Obtain a copy of your present State Constitution and a copy of my proposed changes of your State Constitution. Keep watch for attempts to remove boundaries.

The prohibition in both the State and the United States Constitutions are very clearly defined and impregnable. The only way that these changes can be made, of course, is to change the Constitutions. The perpetrators of Regional and World Government well know this. They well know that the STATE GOVERNMENTS WILL HAVE TO BE ABOLISHED BEFORE THEY CAN FORCE REGIONAL, METROPOLITAN AND WORLD GOVERNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES

- This has already been done in 30 of the 50 states!

OFFICERS, here is the present government plan for disarming Americans, of ALL weapons.


(System operator will add this diagram as time allows)

Stage I U.S. and USSR Military - Large - U.N. Peacekeeping Small

Stage II U.S. and USSR Military - Smaller - U.N. Peacekeeping Increased

Stage III U.S. and USSR Military GONE. - U.N. Peacekeeping has all Military. U.S. and USSR has only Internal Security Forces to quiet any who object.

This diagram, certainly proves that P.L. 87-297 means what it says. State Department Paper 7277 compliments P.L. 87-297. Does 7277 mean what it says? Certainly Senator Clark made it clear that it does. Read his statement while discussing 7277.

Former Senator Joseph S. Clark of Pennsylvania stated on the floor of the U.S. Senate during debate on March 1, 1962, that this program is "the fixed, determined and approved policy of the government of the United States."

Following are excerpts from State Department Paper 7277:

The United State Program for General and Complete Disarmament... A world in which adjustment to change takes place in accordance with the principles of the United Nations. In order to make possible the achievement of that goal, the program sets forth the following specific objectives toward which nations should direct their efforts:

The disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their re-establishment in any form whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for contribution to a United Nations Peace Force.

The elimination from national arsenals of all armaments, including all weapons of mass destruction and the means for their delivery, other than those required for a United Nations Peace Force and for maintaining internal order:

The manufacturer of armaments would be prohibited except for those of agreed types and quantities to be used by the U.N. Peace Force and those required to maintain internal order. All other armaments would be destroyed or converted to peaceful purposes.


Officers who think they will be at home watching their own children and spouses are wrong. Once the N.W.O. is set up in the year 2000 (just a couple of years away) you, officer, guardsman, and soldiers, will be in other countries . Foreign police troops will be guarding and enslaving your spouses and children in the U.S.A. [see diagram in printed manual]




The original, bound version of this document is attractively designed, and formatted, and includes graphics such as informational maps not included in the online version. If you feel that this document is useful towards our goal of awakening America, please support the Authors by purchasing the original copy(s). You'll be glad you did.

To order original copies of Operation Vampire Killer 2000 please visit our order form

AID & ABET All rights


Great Great Grandma!
... you, officer, guardsman, and soldiers, will be in other countries . Foreign police troops will be guarding and enslaving your spouses and children in the U.S.A. ...
This would explain why they are sending the national guardsmen to Iraq, and why they even went so far as to lure border guards over there.

Part of the "change" that was voted into power is simply changing the troops location from Iraq to Afghanistan. He didn't lie about "change", he simply didn't tell his followers that HIS change isn't the same as THEIR change.

I think it's time for the states to create their own military and arm them well. And get the boundary identification back into state constitutions.

Old Eagle

Veteran Member
Another Article Has Popped Up on This

Fair Use laws apply to this article
(link to original article provided at end of article -- active links to additional information appear in the original article. These links do not appear in the copy below.)

Friday, February 06, 2009

WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Lawmakers in 20 states move to reclaim sovereignty
Obama's $1 trillion deficit-spending 'stimulus plan' seen as last straw
Posted: February 06, 2009
11:50 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi


NEW YORK – As the Obama administration attempts to push through Congress a nearly $1 trillion deficit spending plan that is weighted heavily toward advancing typically Democratic-supported social welfare programs, a rebellion against the growing dominance of federal control is beginning to spread at the state level.

So far, eight states have introduced resolutions declaring state sovereignty under the Ninth and Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, including Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Washington.

Analysts expect that in addition, another 20 states may see similar measures introduced this year, including Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Nevada, Maine and Pennsylvania.

"What we are trying to do is to get the U.S. Congress out of the state's business," Oklahoma Republican state Sen. Randy Brogdon told WND.

"Congress is completely out of line spending trillions of dollars over the last 10 years putting the nation into a debt crisis like we've never seen before," Brogdon said, arguing that the Obama stimulus plan is the last straw taxing state patience in the brewing sovereignty dispute.

"This particular 111th Congress is the biggest bunch of over-reachers and underachievers we've ever had in Congress," he said.

"A sixth-grader should realize you can't borrow money to pay off your debt, and that is the Obama administration's answer for a stimulus package," he added.

The Ninth Amendment reads, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

The Tenth Amendment specifically provides, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Brogdon, the lead sponsor of the Oklahoma state senate version of the sovereignty bill, has been a strong opponent of extending the plan to build a four-football-fields-wide Trans-Texas Corridor parallel to Interstate-35 to Oklahoma, as WND reported.

Rollback federal authority

The various sovereignty measures moving through state legislatures are designed to reassert state authority through a rollback of federal authority under the powers enumerated in the Constitution, with the states assuming the governance of the non-enumerated powers, as required by the Tenth Amendment.

The state sovereignty measures, aimed largely at the perceived fiscal irresponsibility of Congress in the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, have gained momentum with the $1 trillion deficit-spending economic stimulus package the Obama administration is currently pushing through Congress.

Particularly disturbing to many state legislators are the increasing number of "unfunded mandates" that have proliferated in social welfare programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid, in which bills passed by Congress dictate policy to the states without providing funding.

In addition, the various state resolutions include discussion of a wide range of policy areas, including the regulation of firearms sales (Montana) and the demand to issue drivers licenses with technology to embed personal information under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative and the Real ID Act (Michigan).

Hawaii's measure calls for a new state constitutional convention to return self-governance, a complaint that traces back to the days it was a U.S. territory, prior to achieving statehood in 1959.

"We are trying to send a message to the federal government that the states are trying to reclaim their sovereignty," Republican Rep. Matt Shea, the lead sponsor of Washington's sovereignty resolution told WND.

"State sovereignty has been eroded in so many areas, it's hard to know where to start," he said. "There are a ton of federal mandates imposed on states, for instance, on education spending and welfare spending."

Shea said the Obama administration's economic stimulus package moving through Congress is a "perfect example."

"In the state of Washington, we have increased state spending 33 percent in the last three years and hired 6,000 new state employees, often using federal mandates as an excuse to grow state government," he said. "We need to return government back down to the people, to keep government as close to the local people as possible."

Shea is a private attorney who serves with the Alliance Defense Fund, a nationwide network of about 1,000 attorneys who work pro-bono. As a counter to the ACLU, the alliance seeks to protect and defend religious liberty, the sanctity of life and traditional family values.

Republican state Rep. Judy Burges, the primary sponsor of the sovereignty resolution in the Arizona House, told WND the federal government "has been trouncing on our constitutional rights."

"The real turning point for me was the Real ID act, which involved both a violation of the Fourth Amendments rights against the illegal searches and seizures and the Tenth Administration," she said.

Burges told WND she is concerned that the overreaching of federal powers could lead to new legislation aimed at confiscating weapons from citizens or encoding ammunition.

"The Real ID Act was so broadly written that we are afraid that it involves the potential for "mission-creep," that could easily involve confiscation of firearms and violations of the Second Amendment," she said.

Burges said she has been surprised at the number of e-mails she has received in support of the sovereignty measure.

"We are a sovereign state in Arizona, not a branch of the federal government, and we need to be treated as such, she insisted.



Yes there is Dissimulo, however, if we tell our State governments that it is what WE THE PEOPLE want then we have a better chance of them passing them.

PLEASE everyone contact your Representatives and tell them this is what YOU want. We might have a little hope in at least slowing this runaway train down.

Hope and PRAY and WRITE


Now that the Arizona critter corral is populated by conservatives and Krappy Nappy has fled for Washingtoon, this thing has a chance with Governor Brewer!!!


Are you sure about that?
Where in the hell is Texas in all of this?! I guess it's time to fire up the phone/faxes/emails and get Perry off his goodhair a$$ and put OUR name in the hat!


< Yes, I do look like that.
Okay, everyone does realize these are mere window-dressing declarations that won't actually be pushed through and have any real effect, right?

These are all just efforts by politicians to buy time by making it appear something's being done. Nothing will come from them unless the country begins to implode in earnest, at which point states will break off as acts of self-preservation.


Are you sure about that?
Okay, everyone does realize these are mere window-dressing declarations that won't actually be pushed through and have any real effect, right?

These are all just efforts by politicians to buy time by making it appear something's being done. Nothing will come from them unless the country begins to implode in earnest, at which point states will break off as acts of self-preservation.

While I would like the resolutions to pass RIGHT NOW, even if they are failed for the moment, they will be precedent when the implosion begins. The more we speak up and support the declarations, the better all of it will be.

Altura Ct.

Veteran Member
NH Calls "Shenanigans"


Word is certainly getting out. (Although NH isn't unusual this year, apparently.)

Herewith, the NH House State-Federal Relations Committee hearings on HCR6: "affirming States' rights based on Jeffersonian principles," 2/5/2009.

Surprise, surprise: unanimous testimony. Even the Representative who believes that there aren't really any hard limits intended on the feds' power still supports HCR6! This is soooo cool.

The Executive Session is scheduled for 2/12/2009. I expect to be posting video of that here, too.

Hell yes! My fellow Americans. Live Free or Die! NH may just be leading the way. This is great stuff.

The first video is about 10 minutes

This one is over an hour.

Old Eagle

Veteran Member
Now 9 States Have Introduced State Sovereignty Bills

While I would like the resolutions to pass RIGHT NOW, even if they are failed for the moment, they will be precedent when the implosion begins. The more we speak up and support the declarations, the better all of it will be.

Amen, Searcher!!!


(The below article is from "The Sovereign Society" newsletter. "Fair Use" laws apply to this article.)

Sovereign When Necessary

States’ Rights Revived?

Dear A-Letter Reader,

This week, various state legislatures introduced bills intended to revive one of the most important gifts left to us by our forefathers…state sovereignty.

No, you won’t hear about this on CNBC or Fox News. In fact, we just got word of it a few hours ago. All the way from Hawaii to New Hampshire…Georgia and California, nine states have so far introduced bills that would reaffirm state sovereignty as laid out in the ninth and tenth amendments to the constitution.

Now – like I said – we just heard about this news ourselves. And we haven’t had enough time to really decide what it all means…but there is some strong wording in a few of these bills, to say the very least…

This from Arizona’s bill, “…if the President or any other federal entity attempts to institute martial law or its equivalent without an official declaration in one or more of the states without the consent of that state … individual members of the military return to their respective states and report to the Governor until a new President is elected…” [emphasis added]

We’ll stay on top of this one and update you next week.

As for the rest of the week in sovereignty, take a look at Bob’s special comment from Thursday, “The Audacity of Nope,” where Bob gives you the kind of expert retrospective on Obama’s first two weeks in office that you could only get from a former Congressman.

On Monday, Eric explained why it’s not a great idea to invest in Russia, and on Friday he told us about stock market values and why valuations alone can’t end a market trend. On Wednesday, Currency Analyst Sean Hyman shared the three tricks he wishes he’d known when he first started trading currencies.

And don’t forget about Eric’s special “crisis investing” reports next week. As we proceed from “just” bailing out banks and the financial system to full-blown fiscal stimulus, Eric tells you how you can protect your wealth with some of the safest investments out there.

Until then, keep your wits about you, enjoy the weekend, and

De Omnibus Dubitandum

A-Letter Editor

• Erika Nolan, Publisher • MattCollins, Managing Editor
• Bob Bauman, Legal Counsel • Eric Roseman, Investment Director
• Autumn Dodson, Email Marketing Manager

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now this is some strong wording:

This from Arizona’s bill, “…if the President or any other federal entity attempts to institute martial law or its equivalent without an official declaration in one or more of the states without the consent of that state … individual members of the military return to their respective states and report to the Governor until a new President is elected…” [emphasis added]