water purification

  1. Safecastle

    GROUP BUY Get the HM Digital COM-300 today and start monitoring your water quality! $115

    Order your HM Digital COM-300 today and start monitoring your water quality in minutes! Measures four parameters: pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and temperature. Five scales: pH, µS, mS, ppm 0.5 (NaCl) Scale & 0.7 (442™) Scale. Automatic Temperature Compensation...
  2. theberkeyguy

    PREP Travel Berkey System w/ Free Sport Berkey Water Bottle

    Travel Berkey System w/ Free Sport Berkey Water Bottle http://www.directive21.com/products/travel-berkey-system/ This Deal will go on all summer long, no coupon code needed. Sport Berkey Water Bottle comes with a filter, and is valued at 24.99 theberkeyguy
  3. theberkeyguy

    PREP Last Day of Royal Berkey Systems on Sale at 270.50

    (Monday) Last Day of Royal Berkey Systems on Sale at 270.50 http://www.directive21.com/products/royal-berkey-system/ Regular Price will go up to 283 dollars on Tuesday. theberkeyguy
  4. theberkeyguy

    HEALTH Big Berkey gravity-fed water filters are a top pick for clean water

    Just wanted to share this amazing article and independant review by Mike Adams, at www.naturalnews.com He wrote an article this week about the Big Berkey's, and I thought our friends here might enjoy reading it: Big Berkey gravity-fed water filters are a top pick for clean water and long-term...
  5. ainitfunny

    HEALTH People asked to toss copper/silver alloy coins into India's rivers to kill pathogens.

    I always said the American pioneers used silver (and possibly copper too) coins in their covered wagon water barrels kill germs to purify drinking water. Silver coins SERVED A PURPOSE, they were not merely a medium of exchange but a way in everyone's pocket to kill germs. THAT IS WHY THE...