
  1. Doomer Doug

    WEATHER Bomb Cyclone Could Hit Northeast USA 10-16-2019?

    Anybody who lives in the Northeast here on timebomb, especially in the Boston area should keep an eye on this. https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/bomb-cyclone-could-strike-northeast-wednesday-unleashing-intense-rain-and-winds "Bomb Cyclone" Could Strike Northeast Wednesday, Unleashing Intense...
  2. Melodi

    WEATHER Wet, wet, wet: last decade saw most rainfall in 300 years [but similar weather in the 1700's]

    I am posting this because even with the headline, the story is a great example of REAL weather research, Ireland and the UK do have some of the longest running official weather records (not even counting the farming annals from the 5th through around the 12th century) and this suggests that...
  3. H

    WEATHER Nat'l Weather Service-CA to be blased with rain/snow measured in feet.

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... http://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/atmospheric-river-will-blast-california-with-heavy-rain-and-snow-%E2%80%98measured-in-feet%E2%80%99/ar-BBxRnaL?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp Atmospheric river will blast California with heavy...
  4. H

    WEATHER Severe Weather Alerts - San Jose, CA

    Just started raining heavily in the last 5 minutes.... http://www.accuweather.com/en/us/san-jose-ca/95110/weather-warnings/347630
  5. Suzieq

    WEATHER Winter Storm JUNO Warning for Northeast - Updated 1/26/15 - Post# 74

    Okay all those living in the south, go get your milk & bread! The winter mix is on it's way, coming from West Texas and headed eastward! ----------------------------------- *Winter Storm Iola: Snow for Southern Plains, Southwest and Possibly the Mid-South (FORECAST) By Linda Lam...
  6. M

    LEGAL Rain water collection becoming illegal

    So, they own the rain that falls on your land now? If that's the case, maybe we can sue them for getting our property wet and making a mess of things? What about the bird poop? Can we bill them for car washes after those flying poop factories decorate our rides...