
  1. Doomer Doug

    PREP Why you really, really need a Survival Bag in your car trunk!

    While the famous BOB bag gets all the press, it is also true that a survival bag in your car trunk, especially in winter, is a LIFE AND DEATH issue. The link below says why:wvflg...
  2. Doomer Doug


    Despite frequent forays into assorted political, economic and military topics, Timebomb2000 was originally, waaaaaay back into that quaint period known as "preparing for Y2K," as in Gary North anybody,? :D a forum to discuss survival and preparation for TSHTF type of scenarios. Here is a link...
  3. theberkeyguy

    HEALTH "The Truth About Expiration Dates” by Dr. Bones of Doom & Bloom

    Just wanted to share this blog post that we put up this morning, that has had a great response from those who have read it: "The Truth About Expiration Dates” by Dr. Bones of Doom & Bloom The following post is from our friends Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy over at...
  4. theberkeyguy

    PREP Wise Food Storage

    I just wanted to let everyone know here about our new line of Food Storage, as many TBK members have purchased Berkey Water Filters because of our last post on TBK and we really appreciated the response here. Anything purchased does support TBK, as we are making a donation today. We are...
  5. theberkeyguy

    HEALTH Big Berkey gravity-fed water filters are a top pick for clean water

    Just wanted to share this amazing article and independant review by Mike Adams, at He wrote an article this week about the Big Berkey's, and I thought our friends here might enjoy reading it: Big Berkey gravity-fed water filters are a top pick for clean water and long-term...
  6. theberkeyguy

    PREP New Radio Show: The Berkey Guy

    We have had a lot of members here contact us about Berkey's and preparation in General, and we wanted all of you to know about our new radio show that will debut Tuesday Sept 21st, 2010 at 5 PM PST. It is on Blog Talk Radio, on the Dr. Prepper Network. Our show will be called, The Berkey Guy...
  7. theberkeyguy

    FOOD We now offer Emergency Seed Banks

    There are a lot of people here on TB2K who we hear from all the time, and we wanted to let all of you know about a new item we offer that may be of interest. We now offer Emergency Seed Banks at What is included: * 37,000 seeds. 1.4 Lbs of...