I know this poll won't answer who died, but the above posts in the "Brain Injury" thread got me curious. I feel very certain that the population of TB2K is in no way representative of the overall "vaccination" rate of the country, but I'm curious how far off we are. I made the poll private so...
For links see article source.....
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Trump Could Win It All
A new survey shows a sizable number of Democrats ready to defect from Hillary Clinton to Donald...
For links see article source.....
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The Ethics of Killing Baby Hitler
A moral dilemma is better understood as a historical one.
Matt Ford | Oct 24, 2015
Comments 431
The New...
Okay (late edit) situation is as follows: Power has unexpectedly gone out in the whole country.
Your local power company cannot complete a black start ..... no power to come...... major cities burning..
Sorry, Just learning... will get this computer figured out about the time the next...
Primarily about the economy. Here are some of the lowlights for your reading pleasure.
*The president in the speech declared that his administration has cut taxes for 95% of Americans. He even chided Republicans for not applauding on that point. However, just 21% of voters nationwide...
Here's a poll to do--it's quick. Asks who you would vote for if you voted your conscience, and who you WILL vote for.
Just over 300 votes and it shows way different results than what the media is pushing down our throats.
Yeah, I know polls are bs, but thought it was pretty interesting....
Do you support or oppose a federal bailout of Wall Street?
Support 11% 58
Oppose 89% 494
Total Votes: 552
This is not a scientific poll
(little more than half way down on right side)
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