draft registration

  1. MinnesotaSmith

    GOV/MIL Will Women in the U.S. Have to Register for the Draft in 2021?

    Note that Biden has previously come out in favor of this. Everyone here okay with their 19-YO daughters who are mothers of toddlers being sent to be MPs in another Bosnia or Somalia? https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/01/laurence-m-vance/will-women-have-to-register-for-the-draft-in-2021/ Will...
  2. H

    GOV/MIL Congress takes its first step toward killing the military draft

    Though the article is talking about scrapping "the Draft", the key sentence with regards to what may actually be going on is the second with the comment regarding "...instructions to examine the Selective Service program's viability and possible “alternatives” as part of its review of the annual...
  3. H

    GOV/MIL Army Sec: American Women Could Be Required to Register for Draft if Combat Jobs Integrated

    In all frankness, I'm surprised this hasn't come up a lot sooner..... For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... http://freebeacon.com/national-security/army-sec-american-women-could-be-required-to-register-for-draft-if-combat-jobs-integrated/ Army Sec: American Women Could Be...