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On TB every waking moment

Worldwide Freedom Protests… Awesome
Posted by Kane on July 25, 2021 3:49 pm

1:07 min
Freedom protesters sing ‘you’ll never walk alone’ in London

Netherlands, Amsterdam
Italy, Milan
Melbourne Sydney Brisbane
Finland, Helsinki
Japan, Tokyo
England, London
France, Paris Toulon Provence Bayonne Brest Valence
Réunion, Saint-Pierre
Northern Ireland, Belfast
Spain, San Sebastian
South Africa, Cape Town

3:53 min

10:32 min



Veteran Member

Protesters Rage Across Europe As Lockdown, Vaccination Mandates Begin

There is no rage. Rage is at least breaking a window. Maybe all of them staying home from work and not sending kids to school. The powers that be already know they do not want vaccine madates or lockdowns, but nothing is stopping them. Adding, they have no guns and very dangerous for them, so no idea what I expect these people to do.


On TB every waking moment

CDC Quietly Pulls RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Togethera

CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together

By J.D. Rucker • Jul. 25, 2021

Here’s a punch in the gut for a nation that’s already hurting. As it turns out, the so-called “gold standard” testing referenced by so many “doctors” like Anthony Fauci, as well as government officials across the board, has had its Emergency Use Authorization revoked.

The CDC announced, albeit quietly, on Wednesday that the RT-PCR tests used to tell millions of Americans they’re infected with Covid-19 has been unable to accurately differentiate between the various coronaviruses. Of particular note is the inability of these tests to know whether someone is infected with Covid-19 or influenza.


To be clear, this is not a new development. These assays have been known for years to be unable to distinguish between the different types of coronaviruses, but they ran with it anyway. According to the CDC website [emphasis added]:
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season. Laboratories and testing sites should validate and verify their selected assay within their facility before beginning clinical testing.
As bureaucrats are wont to do, they give just enough information for their target audience to take action while omitting any details that explain the root cause. In this case, there are two reasons for this move. The first is very straight-forward. They’re switching fearmongering tactics.

The RT-PCR assays could detect the presence of a coronavirus from a swab in real-time, making it a good indicator of the potential for Covid-19 infection. In a sane world that wasn’t driven by a nefarious agenda, positive results on the RT-PCR tests would have been treated as indicators that someone needed to get a real test, like an antigen test, to determine if they were infected. But this isn’t a sane world and the powers-that-be saw an opportunity to bump up numbers to drive panic. They ran with it, and revoking the EUA means they’re done with that particular type of fearmongering. The RT-PCR assays served their purpose.

The other reason for this move is very concerning. This shift and its timing both indicate the powers-that-be are anticipating a need to differentiate between the various coronaviruses. If it really is the need to differentiate Covid-19 and influenza as they’re claiming, then that jibes with the sudden push to maximize or even mandate flu vaccines within months. If that’s the scenario they have planned, expect a sudden surge in flu cases after a year where they “miraculously” disappeared thanks to RT-PCR tests claiming everything was Covid-19.

If it’s not really flu they’re trying to detect, what is it? What do they know? What do they have planned? Is there another novel coronavirus on its way? Are they expecting Covid-19 variants to mutate into variants that will require different treatments, perhaps different “vaccines”?

If we’ve learned anything in the last year-and-a-half, it’s that we cannot dismiss “conspiracy theories” without asking real questions. I was never a conspiracy theorist in the past just as I was never an anti-vaxxer, but 2020 and 2021 have made me realize things really are as bad as some have been saying. Reality may be worse than the dystopian future they’ve been warning us about for years.

The RT-PCR tests they’ve been touting for 17-months are suddenly being blacklisted by the CDC. They lied from the start and they’re switching to new lies for whatever is coming around the corner. Question everything, folks.


On TB every waking moment

“This is Under Active Consideration – I Am Part of the Discussion” – Dr. Fauci Says Masks May Come Back for Vaccinated Americans (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published July 25, 2021 at 5:58pm

But, please get your vaccine.

Dr. Tony Fauci told fake news Jake Tapper that masks may come back in the US even for those people who were vaccinated.


Jake Tapper:
“Do you think masks should be brought back for vaccinated Americans?”
Tony Fauci: “This is under active consideration… Yes, I am part of the discussion.”
TAPPER: “Do you think masks should be brought back for vaccinated Americans?”

FAUCI: “This is under active consideration… Yes, I am part of the discussion.”
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1:33 min

Tony Fauci is now under criminal referral for lying to Congress.


Veteran Member
ahh.. The PCR test isn't giving valid results, we don't know yet what to replace it yet, and you can use the current test until the end of this year. And, of course we can trust them....

Rocky Mountain News & Discussion
Forwarded from West Coast News & Discussion
Rocky Mountain News & Discussion
This is a Class 1 recall. All measurements based on PCR Testing should come to an end...however the CDC notes they are waiting until Dec 2021 to give labs a chance to transition.

The new, preferred testing method is unclear, but the recent purchase of Mologic Ltd by a Soros & Gates'-backed consortium is a bit hair raising. Mologic Ltd, is best known for its highly disturbing & invasive "deep nostril" tests used to deliver rapid results.

Also concerning is recent footage of a covid testing lab in the UK that was caught collecting and discarding tests, delivering results without processing them in a lab. While it appears tests were abandoned at the time of discovery, questions remain of whether labs like these were collection sites for the Chinese govt.

In Feb, The U.S. Natl Counterintel & Security Center (NCSC) had warned that China was collecting genomic & other Healthcare data.

Sources linked above

Do you think it might have something to do with Soros and Gates buying a drug testing company in the UK?

Fair Use ...

Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Covid test company Mologic

Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Covid test company Mologic

George Soros and Bill Gates are part of a consortium acquiring a British developer of rapid-testing technology, including for Covid-19 and tropical diseases, to turn it into a social enterprise.

The group, led by the Soros Economic Development Fund, an investment division of the billionaire philanthropist’s Open Society Foundations, is investing at least £30 million in Mologic, which develops lateral flow and fast diagnostic technologies.

155 arty

Veteran Member

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Says We Must Create ‘Reward-Punishment’ System for Vaccines

By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published July 25, 2021 at 12:30pm

While appearing on on ABC’s “This Week,” former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that there needs to be a “reward-punishment system” to force people to get vaccinated.

Emanuel said that people should not be able to participate in activities within society unless they take the rushed out jabs.

“There’s a lot of things we can do without calling it a mandate. Just make it almost impossible for people to live their lives without being protected and protect us,” panelist Margaret Hoover said.

“I agree. I’m the son of a pediatrician…The fact is no child can show up at school without showing their immunizations, smallpox and measles. You have to make this familiar to people. Second is, I would close the space. If you want to participate in activities, you have to show you are vaccinated. So it becomes a reward-punishment system. You make your own calculation. The fact is there’s data this week that 30% of health care workers are not vaccinated,” Emanuel responded. “They have got to lead by example.”

He added, “My own recommendation is the religious community ecumenically, across the board needs to speak up and encourage people. So you hit all populations with a singular message. I do give credit to the White House, whether it’s Fox TV or Republican leaders, getting a chorus of voices, across the spectrum, not just political, religious et cetera, with a singular message and lead by example.”
Hey, I got an idea why don't you go **** yourself!

155 arty

Veteran Member

Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID?

SUNDAY, JUL 25, 2021 - 05:00 PM

We have detailed (most recently here and here) the controversy surrounding America's COVID "casedemic" and the misleading results of the PCR test and its amplification procedure in great detail over the past few months.

As a reminder, "cycle thresholds" (Ct) are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients, the public, and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. However, as JustTheNews reports, health departments across the country are failing to collect that data.

Here are a few headlines from those experts and scientific studies:

So, in summary, with regard to our current "casedemic", positive tests as they are counted today do not indicate a “case” of anything. They indicate that viral RNA was found in a nasal swab. It may be enough to make you sick, but according to the New York Times and their experts, probably won’t. And certainly not sufficient replication of the virus to make anyone else sick. But you will be sent home for ten days anyway, even if you never have a sniffle. And this is the number the media breathlessly reports... and is used to fearmonger mask mandates and lockdowns nationwide...

In October we first exposed how PCR Tests have misled officials worldwide into insanely authoritative reactions.

As PJMedia's Stacey Lennox wrote, the “casedemic" is the elevated number of cases we see nationwide because of a flaw in the PCR test. The number of times the sample is amplified, also called the cycle threshold (Ct), is too high.

A month later, Dr. Pascal Sacré, explained in great detail how all current propaganda on the COVID-19 pandemic is based on an assumption that is considered obvious, true and no longer questioned: Positive RT-PCR test means being sick with COVID.

This assumption is misleading. Very few people, including doctors, understand how a PCR test works.

In mid-November, none other than he who should not be questioned - Dr. Anthony Fauci - admitted that the PCR Test's high Ct is misleading:

So, if anyone raises this discussion as a "conspiracy", refer them to Dr.Fauci.
In response to this and the actual "science", Florida's Department of Health (and signed off on by Florida's Republican Governor Ron deSantis), decided that for the first time in the history of the pandemic, a state will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

Then, in January, as Biden takes office, The FDA publicly admits it...

First Fauci, then WHO, and then FDA all admit there is malarkey in the PCR Tests, but have - until now, done nothing about it... allowing the daily fearmongering of soaring "cases" to enable their most twisted 1984-esque controls.

All of which brings us to today's announcement from The FDA, that it will be abandoning the PCR Test for COVID at the end of the year

Audience: Individuals Performing COVID-19 Testing
Level: Laboratory Alert
After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Visit the FDA website for a list of authorized COVID-19 diagnostic methods. For a summary of the performance of FDA-authorized molecular methods with an FDA reference panel, visit this page.

In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.

The question one is forced to ask is simple - as with everything else that happens in the Healthcare-Industrial-Complex - cui bono?

Is another provider of testing about to be enrichened?

Or is it even more sinister than standard crony capitalism? Given the traditional winter spike in 'flu' cases and the PCR-Test-driven "casedemic" we experienced into the election and through the start of the Biden administration, one could be forgiven for suggesting that the last thing an already weakened Democratic Party, desperate to cling to control in DC, would be a dramatic re-emergence of the "deadly" virus (driven by the numerous false positives of the PCR Test as described in detail above) ahead of the Midterms?

Killing off the PCR Test would go a long way to "solving" the "casedemic" and offer Biden and his pals a positive talking point for voters.
Because they don't work !!!!!!!!


Membership Revoked
I'm getting so cynical that I don't believe a thing that anyone says anymore. I wondered why there were no flu deaths last year. Well, now we know. Don't believe them. Believe what you see with your own eyes and from first person actual accounts. All else is George Orwellian hyper bullshit designed from the Ministry of Truth to deceive you. We're going down the drain. Watch Europe. Not sure what direction it will all go or who will win in the end. But IMO their resolution will also be ours. If the freedom fighters lose, we're up that creek without a paddle.


Veteran Member
I'm getting so cynical that I don't believe a thing that anyone says anymore. I wondered why there were no flu deaths last year. Well, now we know. Don't believe them. Believe what you see with your own eyes and from first person actual accounts. All else is George Orwellian hyper bullshit designed from the Ministry of Truth to deceive you. We're going down the drain. Watch Europe. Not sure what direction it will all go or who will win in the end. But IMO their resolution will also be ours. If the freedom fighters lose, we're up that creek without a paddle.

I have been wondering if there were as many flu deaths before 2020. I am trying to remember. I do not know anybody that died of COVID. I know one went to the hospital and it was because she was weak and she is extremely overweight and bad knees, not for oxygen. She went home in a day or 2. Nobody in our church died.

In 2010 we had flu and pneumonia in the church. The whole town did. Not sure if people died. My husband and daughter got pneumonia. They were in the church choir and most of the choir got it.

The hospital in this town several time over the years during flu season have had too many patients and saying they may have to send to other towns, but when I come to this site, over and over more and more asking for prayers for family or friends or themselves for COIVD and some have died. Some have thought from vaccine reaction.

Are there more members and their families sick on TB2 with COVID than would have been normal for flu and pneumonia? Have you had family members in the past on ventilators before 2020? I just can't remember life before this horrible 2020/2021. Ventilators, whole body shutting down, I guess so. Ventilators were made before 2020, somebody was using them.


Veteran Member
I have been wondering if there were as many flu deaths before 2020. I am trying to remember. I do not know anybody that died of COVID. I know one went to the hospital and it was because she was weak and she is extremely overweight and bad knees, not for oxygen. She went home in a day or 2. Nobody in our church died.

In 2010 we had flu and pneumonia in the church. The whole town did. Not sure if people died. My husband and daughter got pneumonia. They were in the church choir and most of the choir got it.

The hospital in this town several time over the years during flu season have had too many patients and saying they may have to send to other towns, but when I come to this site, over and over more and more asking for prayers for family or friends or themselves for COIVD and some have died. Some have thought from vaccine reaction.

Are there more members and their families sick on TB2 with COVID than would have been normal for flu and pneumonia? Have you had family members in the past on ventilators before 2020? I just can't remember life before this horrible 2020/2021. Ventilators, whole body shutting down, I guess so. Ventilators were made before 2020, somebody was using them.
It was different than the flu. I'm 58 and due to my business I know a lot more people than most. I never heard of people dying from the flu before, so the ones that did were out of my age association. Now with this SARS CoV-2 me and 3 other people know of 25 that died, all had co-mormbities. Having said that, from folks we know about the PCR test, I don't have any faith in those numbers. So I believe actual cases were much lower and many folks that were sick and got through it ok were really flu cases. I can't begin to tell how many folks were sick but never got tested, who knows what they had.


Veteran Member
It was different than the flu. I'm 58 and due to my business I know a lot more people than most. I never heard of people dying from the flu before, so the ones that did were out of my age association. Now with this SARS CoV-2 me and 3 other people know of 25 that died, all had co-mormbities. Having said that, from folks we know about the PCR test, I don't have any faith in those numbers. So I believe actual cases were much lower and many folks that were sick and got through it ok were really flu cases. I can't begin to tell how many folks were sick but never got tested, who knows what they had.

Twenty-five that died, that tells a lot. Of course nobody knows how many had low vitamin D3 levels and things like that, but like you said, never heard of people dying of the flu like that.


Veteran Member
Do you think it might have something to do with Soros and Gates buying a drug testing company in the UK?

Fair Use ...

Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Covid test company Mologic

Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Covid test company Mologic

George Soros and Bill Gates are part of a consortium acquiring a British developer of rapid-testing technology, including for Covid-19 and tropical diseases, to turn it into a social enterprise.

The group, led by the Soros Economic Development Fund, an investment division of the billionaire philanthropist’s Open Society Foundations, is investing at least £30 million in Mologic, which develops lateral flow and fast diagnostic technologies.

I would say that these guys are likely to be put forward as THE source for a new test. Was this part of an original plan? I don't know. As more people are waking up to the inconsistencies and holes the cov story and being more vocal about it, the system has to attempt to get control of the story line back. I think this company would add to that effort as far as having a quote "reliable" test was concerned. Consider this move as a "product" line upgrade, a new and more comprehensive test to cover as those cov variants said to be out these, without the all negatives of the old test. From people who really care...

YMMV (yes, my tin foil needs to be loosened a little bit (maybe))


Veteran Member
Twenty-five that died, that tells a lot. Of course nobody knows how many had low vitamin D3 levels and things like that, but like you said, never heard of people dying of the flu like that.
Well, a lot of those cases came from an acquaintance of mine who was a part time preacher so he made up a disproportonate amount of the cases, he did eventually die himself. I didn't include some family members because they are in the medical field and their numbers would have screwed the survey up.

The preacher was black, so yes, there is a definite possibility of D3 problems.
Last edited:

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic

UPDATE FROM SYDNEY: There are 141 New COVID Hospitalizations – All of Them Were Vaccinated Except One (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft
Published July 25, 2021 at 2:25pm

NSW News – 9News – reported this weekend on the new COVID hospitalizations in Sydney, Australia.

Almost a million people can’t leave their homes because one man died in his 80s.
Sydney authorities announced the new lockdowns last week.

This is insanity.

In a video update by NSW-9 News the medical official announced that there were 141 people in hospitals with COVID and 43 are intentsive care including several young Australians.

All but one are vaccinated.

Again… All but one are vaccinated.

Rumble video on website .49 min

In the same news conference, towards the end, he came back on and said he misspoke - he meant to say were not vaccinated, which is consistent with the report he gave the day before. Whether someone told him to go out there and change the report or he really did misspeak is probably going to be debated by both sides, but personally because the day before's report he said 'not vaccinated' I think he misspoke.


Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic
That being said, the situation is not the same in Singapore.

(fair use applies)

Report: Vaccinated Comprise 75% of Coronavirus Infections in Singapore
Hannah Bleau
23 Jul 2021

Vaccinated individuals comprise the majority of new coronavirus infections in Singapore, according to government data.

According to Reuters, vaccinated people made up three-quarters of the country’s coronavirus infections in the last month, although severe cases among the vaccinated have been limited:

While the data shows that vaccines are highly effective in preventing severe cases, it also underscores the risk that even those inoculated could be contagious, so that inoculation alone may not suffice to halt transmission.
Of Singapore’s 1,096 locally transmitted infections in the last 28 days, 484, or about 44%, were in fully vaccinated people, while 30% were partially vaccinated and just over 25% were unvaccinated, Thursday’s data showed.

“There is continuing evidence that vaccination helps to prevent serious disease when one gets infected,” the health ministry said in a statement, noting fully vaccinated people generally exhibit mild symptoms or none at all.

Singapore boasts a high vaccination rate, as 75 percent of the 5.7 million in the country have received the jab.

The Singapore Ministry of Health announced in early July that it would only count recipients of the American made Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines as vaccinated for the purposes of national statistics. Vaccinated individuals who have contracted the coronavirus are presumably recipients of one of the American products. Individuals who received other options such as Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine or one of several Chinese products officially count as unvaccinated.

The news comes as the Biden White House urges Americans to get vaccinated as the delta variant spreads across the U.S. Notably, White House press secretary Jen Psaki cited findings revealing that vaccinated people are more concerned about the variant’s spread than the unvaccinated.

“I believe it was a CBS poll — that showed that vaccinated people in the country are more fearful about the Delta variant than unvaccinated people,” she said.

“That’s clearly concerning to us because unvaccinated people should be more fearful. And what the President wanted to convey to people in the country is the impact and effect of getting vaccinated,” she added.

Meanwhile, Texas state Rep. Donna Howard (D), one of the fully vaccinated Texas state lawmakers who tested for the coronavirus after fleeing to Washington, D.C., alongside her maskless colleagues to prevent House Republicans from pursuing election integrity measures, is now among those calling for a universal mask mandate.

See also:

Heliobas Disciple

TB Fanatic

Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say
The regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier to requirements, former government officials said.

July 20, 2021, 8:30 AM UTC
By Shannon Pettypiece

WASHINGTON — The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted.

The three vaccines authorized by the FDA for emergency use against the coronavirus have proven safe and effective under that expedited review process and in the real world, and doctors and the nation's top public health officials have said there's no need for anyone to wait to get inoculated.

But as the pace of vaccinations lags and concerns about the highly-contagious delta variant grow, the official regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier for businesses and government agencies that want to require vaccinations for their employees and customers, former health officials from the Biden and the Obama administrations said.

“I think once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table, and I think that everything will be on the table at the level of municipalities, states, employers, venues, government agencies,” said Andy Slavitt, who stepped down as President Joe Biden’s Covid response coordinator last month and remains in close contact with administration officials.

Many institutions, including colleges and universities, have long required certain immunizations. Still, the suggestion of Covid vaccine mandates, whether by local governments for school children or by businesses for their customers, has so far been met with sharp resistance — primarily from conservative lawmakers and activists.

At least 20 state legislatures have passed bills or are considering measures that would ban businesses and state and local governments from placing restrictions on unvaccinated people. Even so, some colleges, concert venues and employers have already started requiring Covid vaccinations.

But the expedited review process for Covid vaccines has been cited as a safety concern by some people yet to get vaccinated and as a legal hurdle for organizations that have hesitated to put a mandate in place.

Institutions that have put vaccine requirements in place have already faced lawsuits, with opponents arguing that the statute creating the emergency use authorization indicates people should have the option to refuse a treatment. One such lawsuit by health care workers at Houston Methodist was thrown out last month.

But with the new delta variant spreading and hospitals once again filling up, there is a renewed sense of urgency by public health officials to find ways to reach the nearly 1 in 3 eligible Americans who have yet to get their first dose. Pfizer, maker of the first vaccine authorized for emergency use in the United States, said Friday it expects the FDA to grant full approval by January 2022 at the latest. Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock has said a decision should come well before then.

Health officials said they believe vaccine requirements could be that last push for people who haven't made getting vaccinated a priority or have been indifferent about needing it.

“Shame on us if we sit here in July and don't do something to increase the vaccination rates and then we can't open schools or have a situation where, God forbid, the economy takes another hit because businesses have to shut back down,” said Kathleen Sebelius, who served as health and human services secretary under President Barack Obama.

Biden's administration has so far resisted any vaccine requirements, opting instead to offer incentives. But Slavitt said he expects that to change with full FDA approval.

He said he believes some federal agencies should then begin requiring vaccinations for their employees, including members of the military, health care workers at Veterans Affairs hospitals and nursing homes, and other federal workers in close contact with the public, like airport security screeners.

“I think every government agency ought to rethink what's appropriate,” Slavitt said. “There are a number of people in surveys, by the way, who say precisely these words, ‘I'm not going to take it, unless it's required.’”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to say Friday whether the administration was considering making the vaccine a requirement for the military or the federal workforce. The federal government already requires members of the military to get certain vaccinations. Immigration applicants must also be vaccinated against a range of ailments.

It is unclear how much authority the Biden administration could have as far as requiring vaccinations beyond the federal workforce. No federal vaccination mandate has ever been tested in court and none has ever been issued for the general population. Instead, much of the power to require vaccinations has rested with state and local governments following a Supreme Court ruling in 1905 that upheld a city board of health law requiring all adults get vaccinated against smallpox.

Just a handful of major companies, businesses and venues have put in place any vaccine mandates so far. Delta Air Lines and United Airlines are among the few companies requiring new employees to get vaccinated, but the policy doesn’t apply to current employees.

Several other companies, like BlackRock, have said only vaccinated employees can return to the office but have yet to say what will happen with unvaccinated ones. Madison Square Garden and Yankee Stadium have both limited their events to vaccinated attendees, but many other venues have only encouraged guests to get vaccinated.

Even hospitals and nursing homes have been hesitant about making vaccines compulsory for employees. Among nursing home employees, the rate of vaccination is below that of the general population and in some states, including Florida and Georgia, the vaccination rate is under 50 percent for workers, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“I do think it is a responsibility of employers and others that have the ability to mandate it at their sites,” Zeke Emanuel, a health adviser in the Obama administration, said of requiring vaccines for health care workers. “It is not like it is easy, but this is a moment of leadership and sometimes when you are a leader, you have to do hard things.”

Hundreds of colleges have required students to be fully vaccinated against Covid before returning to campus, but it’s unclear how those mandates will be enforced and there has already been pushback, including lawsuits. A federal judge on Monday upheld Indiana University's vaccine requirement. Most colleges already had vaccine requirements in place for other diseases.

Slavitt said one compromise employers could offer those who are firmly against getting vaccinated would be to requiring them to get tested several times a week.

Biden's administration has been supportive of private companies putting vaccine requirements in place and his chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said July 11 he believes there should be more vaccine mandates at the local level.

The Biden administration's strategy has focused heavily on trying to make vaccinations more accessible, spreading information about the vaccines and warning about the risks of not getting the shots.

“We know that some employers, hospitals, health systems, colleges, universities and local leaders have chosen to take this step, and we expect others to do so as well," Psaki said regarding vaccine requirements. “But our role we're playing from here is continuing to go community by community, person to person, making sure we are meeting people where they are to get the vaccine out.”

Last week the White House turned to the pop star Olivia Rodrigo to try to reach younger people, who have the lowest vaccination rates. The surgeon general also released a report on the influence that misinformation on social media has had on vaccination efforts. Biden said Friday that those social media platforms, including Facebook, were “killing people” by allowing lies about the Covid vaccines to spread on their websites. Hewalked back the criticism Monday, saying those posting the false information were to blame.

The rate of vaccinations has fallen by half since June 1, when the administration declared a “month of action” to redouble efforts as the delta variant spread. By the end of last week, new cases had risen 70 percent over the past seven days with the bulk of infections in four states with relatively low vaccination rates, and the number of deaths had increased by 26 percent to 211 a day, according to the CDC.

“We've got a chance to really continue the progress, the incredible progress that's been made since January,” Sebelius said. “But we also have some real warning signs across the world that we should pay close attention to.”

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
Do you think it might have something to do with Soros and Gates buying a drug testing company in the UK?

Fair Use ...

Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Covid test company Mologic

Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Covid test company Mologic

George Soros and Bill Gates are part of a consortium acquiring a British developer of rapid-testing technology, including for Covid-19 and tropical diseases, to turn it into a social enterprise.

The group, led by the Soros Economic Development Fund, an investment division of the billionaire philanthropist’s Open Society Foundations, is investing at least £30 million in Mologic, which develops lateral flow and fast diagnostic technologies.
“…to turn it into a social enterprise.”

What on earth is a “social enterprise??”


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say
The regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier to requirements, former government officials said.

July 20, 2021, 8:30 AM UTC
By Shannon Pettypiece

WASHINGTON — The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted.

The three vaccines authorized by the FDA for emergency use against the coronavirus have proven safe and effective under that expedited review process and in the real world, and doctors and the nation's top public health officials have said there's no need for anyone to wait to get inoculated.

But as the pace of vaccinations lags and concerns about the highly-contagious delta variant grow, the official regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier for businesses and government agencies that want to require vaccinations for their employees and customers, former health officials from the Biden and the Obama administrations said.

“I think once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table, and I think that everything will be on the table at the level of municipalities, states, employers, venues, government agencies,” said Andy Slavitt, who stepped down as President Joe Biden’s Covid response coordinator last month and remains in close contact with administration officials.

Many institutions, including colleges and universities, have long required certain immunizations. Still, the suggestion of Covid vaccine mandates, whether by local governments for school children or by businesses for their customers, has so far been met with sharp resistance — primarily from conservative lawmakers and activists.

At least 20 state legislatures have passed bills or are considering measures that would ban businesses and state and local governments from placing restrictions on unvaccinated people. Even so, some colleges, concert venues and employers have already started requiring Covid vaccinations.

But the expedited review process for Covid vaccines has been cited as a safety concern by some people yet to get vaccinated and as a legal hurdle for organizations that have hesitated to put a mandate in place.

Institutions that have put vaccine requirements in place have already faced lawsuits, with opponents arguing that the statute creating the emergency use authorization indicates people should have the option to refuse a treatment. One such lawsuit by health care workers at Houston Methodist was thrown out last month.

But with the new delta variant spreading and hospitals once again filling up, there is a renewed sense of urgency by public health officials to find ways to reach the nearly 1 in 3 eligible Americans who have yet to get their first dose. Pfizer, maker of the first vaccine authorized for emergency use in the United States, said Friday it expects the FDA to grant full approval by January 2022 at the latest. Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock has said a decision should come well before then.

Health officials said they believe vaccine requirements could be that last push for people who haven't made getting vaccinated a priority or have been indifferent about needing it.

“Shame on us if we sit here in July and don't do something to increase the vaccination rates and then we can't open schools or have a situation where, God forbid, the economy takes another hit because businesses have to shut back down,” said Kathleen Sebelius, who served as health and human services secretary under President Barack Obama.

Biden's administration has so far resisted any vaccine requirements, opting instead to offer incentives. But Slavitt said he expects that to change with full FDA approval.

He said he believes some federal agencies should then begin requiring vaccinations for their employees, including members of the military, health care workers at Veterans Affairs hospitals and nursing homes, and other federal workers in close contact with the public, like airport security screeners.

“I think every government agency ought to rethink what's appropriate,” Slavitt said. “There are a number of people in surveys, by the way, who say precisely these words, ‘I'm not going to take it, unless it's required.’”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to say Friday whether the administration was considering making the vaccine a requirement for the military or the federal workforce. The federal government already requires members of the military to get certain vaccinations. Immigration applicants must also be vaccinated against a range of ailments.

It is unclear how much authority the Biden administration could have as far as requiring vaccinations beyond the federal workforce. No federal vaccination mandate has ever been tested in court and none has ever been issued for the general population. Instead, much of the power to require vaccinations has rested with state and local governments following a Supreme Court ruling in 1905 that upheld a city board of health law requiring all adults get vaccinated against smallpox.

Just a handful of major companies, businesses and venues have put in place any vaccine mandates so far. Delta Air Lines and United Airlines are among the few companies requiring new employees to get vaccinated, but the policy doesn’t apply to current employees.

Several other companies, like BlackRock, have said only vaccinated employees can return to the office but have yet to say what will happen with unvaccinated ones. Madison Square Garden and Yankee Stadium have both limited their events to vaccinated attendees, but many other venues have only encouraged guests to get vaccinated.

Even hospitals and nursing homes have been hesitant about making vaccines compulsory for employees. Among nursing home employees, the rate of vaccination is below that of the general population and in some states, including Florida and Georgia, the vaccination rate is under 50 percent for workers, according to data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“I do think it is a responsibility of employers and others that have the ability to mandate it at their sites,” Zeke Emanuel, a health adviser in the Obama administration, said of requiring vaccines for health care workers. “It is not like it is easy, but this is a moment of leadership and sometimes when you are a leader, you have to do hard things.”

Hundreds of colleges have required students to be fully vaccinated against Covid before returning to campus, but it’s unclear how those mandates will be enforced and there has already been pushback, including lawsuits. A federal judge on Monday upheld Indiana University's vaccine requirement. Most colleges already had vaccine requirements in place for other diseases.

Slavitt said one compromise employers could offer those who are firmly against getting vaccinated would be to requiring them to get tested several times a week.

Biden's administration has been supportive of private companies putting vaccine requirements in place and his chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said July 11 he believes there should be more vaccine mandates at the local level.

The Biden administration's strategy has focused heavily on trying to make vaccinations more accessible, spreading information about the vaccines and warning about the risks of not getting the shots.

“We know that some employers, hospitals, health systems, colleges, universities and local leaders have chosen to take this step, and we expect others to do so as well," Psaki said regarding vaccine requirements. “But our role we're playing from here is continuing to go community by community, person to person, making sure we are meeting people where they are to get the vaccine out.”

Last week the White House turned to the pop star Olivia Rodrigo to try to reach younger people, who have the lowest vaccination rates. The surgeon general also released a report on the influence that misinformation on social media has had on vaccination efforts. Biden said Friday that those social media platforms, including Facebook, were “killing people” by allowing lies about the Covid vaccines to spread on their websites. Hewalked back the criticism Monday, saying those posting the false information were to blame.

The rate of vaccinations has fallen by half since June 1, when the administration declared a “month of action” to redouble efforts as the delta variant spread. By the end of last week, new cases had risen 70 percent over the past seven days with the bulk of infections in four states with relatively low vaccination rates, and the number of deaths had increased by 26 percent to 211 a day, according to the CDC.

“We've got a chance to really continue the progress, the incredible progress that's been made since January,” Sebelius said. “But we also have some real warning signs across the world that we should pay close attention to.” of our dearest members here at TB has warned.... federally mandated vaccine precedent using smallpox, will be used.
And right there it is, being mentioned.



On TB every waking moment

Megalomaniac Dr. Fauci Argues Unvaccinated People Are Going to Cause the Virus to Mutate into Deadly New Variant

By Jim Hoft
Published July 26, 2021 at 8:10am

Why is this man still in charge and not charged?

You truly cannot trust a single word this man says. His statements today are completely contradicted by his statements tomorrow. He continues to rewrite science on a whim and not based on anything but the words from his mouth.

Fauci is now blaming unvaccinated Americans for the next new variant.
Dr. Rand Paul filed a criminal referral against Fauci this past weekend.

Dr. Tony Fauci: If you allow the virus to freely circulate because so many people are unvaccinated you give it yet again an opportunity to mutate more and you may wind up with creating a variant that in fact eludes the protection of the vaccine. We are really fortunate that even if this delta variant is a real bad actor in the sense of being highly transmissible, for the most part, the vaccines work very well against it. In particular, protecting you from severe disease leading to hospitalization.

You can watch the full video here. Via The Storm Has Arrived:

6:00 min


On TB every waking moment

California to Require Proof of Covid Vaccine or Weekly Testing For all State Workers and Health Care Employees
By Cristina Laila
Published July 26, 2021 at 2:24pm

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday announced the state will require proof of Covid-19 vaccination or weekly testing for all state workers and some health care employees, the Associated Press reported.

State workers will have to provide proof of vaccination or must test weekly by August 2nd.

Health care workers will have until August 23rd to provide proof of vaccination or proof of negative Covid tests two times a week.

Health care workers who refuse the vaccine will also be required to wear a mask.

Newsom said unvaccinated people are responsible for new Covid cases and deaths.

“We’re at a point in this epidemic this pandemic where choice, individuals’ choice not to get vaccinated, is now impacting the rest of us in profound and devastating and deadly way,” Embattled Governor Gavin Newsom said in announcing the new order. “That choice has led to an increase in case rates, growing concern around increasing death rates and self evidently brought hospitalization rates.”


TB Fanatic

Megalomaniac Dr. Fauci Argues Unvaccinated People Are Going to Cause the Virus to Mutate into Deadly New Variant

By Jim Hoft
Published July 26, 2021 at 8:10am

Why is this man still in charge and not charged?

You truly cannot trust a single word this man says. His statements today are completely contradicted by his statements tomorrow. He continues to rewrite science on a whim and not based on anything but the words from his mouth.

Fauci is now blaming unvaccinated Americans for the next new variant.
Dr. Rand Paul filed a criminal referral against Fauci this past weekend.

Dr. Tony Fauci: If you allow the virus to freely circulate because so many people are unvaccinated you give it yet again an opportunity to mutate more and you may wind up with creating a variant that in fact eludes the protection of the vaccine. We are really fortunate that even if this delta variant is a real bad actor in the sense of being highly transmissible, for the most part, the vaccines work very well against it. In particular, protecting you from severe disease leading to hospitalization.

You can watch the full video here. Via The Storm Has Arrived:

6:00 min
So, based on everything he has said in the past:
Those vaccinated will cause the virus to mutate into more contagious and deadly variants.

(which has already been observed)


TB Fanatic

California to Require Proof of Covid Vaccine or Weekly Testing For all State Workers and Health Care Employees
By Cristina Laila
Published July 26, 2021 at 2:24pm

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday announced the state will require proof of Covid-19 vaccination or weekly testing for all state workers and some health care employees, the Associated Press reported.

State workers will have to provide proof of vaccination or must test weekly by August 2nd.

Health care workers will have until August 23rd to provide proof of vaccination or proof of negative Covid tests two times a week.

Health care workers who refuse the vaccine will also be required to wear a mask.

Newsom said unvaccinated people are responsible for new Covid cases and deaths.

“We’re at a point in this epidemic this pandemic where choice, individuals’ choice not to get vaccinated, is now impacting the rest of us in profound and devastating and deadly way,” Embattled Governor Gavin Newsom said in announcing the new order. “That choice has led to an increase in case rates, growing concern around increasing death rates and self evidently brought hospitalization rates.”
mental note: Avoidance of government and healthcare workers is paramount


On TB every waking moment

VA becomes first government agency to mandate vaccines for its frontline workers

The VA is moving ahead on the question of government mandated vaccine requirements

By Sophie Mann
Updated: July 26, 2021 - 3:18pm

The Department of Veterans Affairs will require all 115,000 of its frontline health care workers to receive coronavirus vaccines over the next eight weeks, becoming the first federal agency to insist that its employees be immunized.

The mandate arrives as concern mounts that the unvaccinated faction of the U.S. population is contributing to the spread of the fast-moving delta variant os the virus. It will apply to employees of the agency including doctors, dentists, nurses, physician assistants and a number of specialists.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough says he has alerted the White House of his decision, adding that he made it "because it's the best way to keep our veterans safe, full stop."

Representatives of the Biden administration have repeatedly, and as recently as Friday, iterated that the administration believes mandates are a decision to be made by private sector companies and communities at a local level.

Testing that proclamation, on Monday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the city's roughly 340,000 municipal workers will be required to receive an inoculation by the time schools reopen in September, or be subject to weekly testing.

McDonough's announcement follows weeks of breakout infections among VA staff members at care centers in Baltimore, Chicago, Orlando, Fla., and Little Rock, Arkansas.

Though the 70% of employees at VA care centers who have been vaccinated falls significantly above the national average, the clusters of staff impacted by the virus have caused staff shortages, sometimes causing the department to invoke emergency planning measures.

"Our clinicians are arguing that we do need a higher number than that," said McDonough, emphasizing that veterans in need of care tend to be older, sicker, and likely more susceptible to illness than other parts of the population.

Many hospital networks and health care systems have already implemented vaccine mandates for their employees, and several recent court decisions have supported their right to do so. Earlier this month, a federal judge also ruled that Indiana University had the legal right to require students to be vaccinated as well.


On TB every waking moment

Decline In UK COVID Cases Signals Coming "Inflection" For US As Delta Fears Subside

MONDAY, JUL 26, 2021 - 03:05 PM

Just one week ago, as Dr. Anthony Fauci was cranking the Delta variant "fearmongering" up to 11 once again, JPM's Croatian quant Marko Kolanovic was telling the bank's clients that a looming inflection point for new cases in the UK (widely seen as a leading indicator for the direction of new cases in the US) would soon arrive, kick-starting demand for value stocks and reopening plays.

Althought Kolanovic is a Wall Street quant, not an epidemiologist, it turns out his view was correct. Because one week later, the number of new cases being confirmed in the UK and EU has fallen, even as the UK's "Freedom Day" has come and gone. Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid described the decline in new cases in the UK "nothing short of remarkable".

According to Reuters data, the number of new cases fell for a sixth consecutive day, to 24,950 on Monday from 29,173 on Sunday. The total number of new cases over the past week, at just over a quarter of a million, is more than 20% lower than the prior week.

While the UK's economy-crippling "pingdemic" continues, and many have continued to isolate, meaning the UK is still a way's away from achieving a return to "normality".

Additionally, despite the fast rise of cases to near peak levels, mortality is currently 95% lower than during the January peak. This should give confidence to investors that delta is not a serious threat to global growth. If the US follows the template of the UK, daily cases might be peaking in the next 12 days...while we think Energy-Epicenter stocks are going to start to rally beginning this week.

While the Delta variant continues to dominate "our discussions with clients," Kolanovic claimed that fears about the variant are overblown. The UK, he added, appears to be following a timeline similar to what the world saw in India. This should give confidence to investors that Delta isn't a serious threat to global growth. Well, that and the drop in mortality. Speaking of markets, Kolanovic suggested that this is the start of a rotation into cyclicals.

Some might be tempted to attribute the drop in UK cases to a fluke, or the pingdemic, or some other factor. But as Kolanovic reminds us, the trajectory of India's recent COVID flareup (the first national outbreak to be caused by the delta variant) was similarly swift, as JPM illustrates with a handy chart.

The main thrust of Kolanovic's latest note is that markets - particularly bond markets - are too fixated on the potential economic impact of the Delta variant. Given the strong correlation between cases and vaccinations, BofA adds that economic risks for heavily vaccinated countries like the US - despite the Biden Administration's warnings about a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" - remain low.

The disparity can be seen quite clearly in a pair of charts from a recent BofA note: just look at the difference between the vaccination rate for the UK, and its attendant impact on virus-related mortality...

...and Indonesia, which has an adult vaccination rate well below 10%.

Analysts at Goldman have reached a similar conclusion: while rising cases may lead to more cautious consumer behavior, we ultimately view the economic and medical risks from the delta variant as manageable, given convincing evidence that the vaccines help prevent serious illness.

The implication for the US is pretty clear.


On TB every waking moment

California City Orders Vaccinated Employees To Wear Stickers If They Want To Work Without Masks

MONDAY, JUL 26, 2021 - 01:45 PM

One California city has become embroiled in a battle over whether city employees should wear a "sticker" on their employee badges to show that they have been "fully vaccinated" should they opt not to wear a mask at the office. The city of Montclair (no, not the one in New Jersey) has declared that the policy will start next week, according to City Manager Edward Starr.

Starr argues the policy is designed to ensure that Montclair is in compliance with an edict issued in June by California's workplace safety board, which instructs all public employees in the state to submit evidence or sign a pledge attesting that they have been vaccinated if they opt to abstain from wearing a mask.

In response to recommendations from the CDC, California’s Department of Public Health has encouraged the use of stickers on employee ID badges "to demonstrate they have been fully vaccinated," Starr said.


But while Starr believes the policy won't lead to any "problematic" outcomes, one city councilman is opposing the new measure, arguing that it might make employees uncomfortable, and could lead to the city becoming embroiled in a lawsuit.

The legal precedence here is certainly confusing. While the CDC has gone so far as to offer a set of printable stickers that businesses can offer to their workers, there's no explicit guidance recommending that they be used. Now, city councilman Ben Lopez argues the policy is a violation of employee privacy.
"This policy is being rushed through and rammed down the throats of our employees with no legal counsel being sought and no discussion from our City Council," Lopez said during a council meeting earlier this week. "I think we are on shaky legal ground."
Councilman Lopez expresses concern that the stickers could make employees "uncomfortable" around one another and that they may even create a "level of ostracism" in the workplace.

Starr, however, has pushed back against Lopez's concerns that a "number of complaints" about the city's approach to certifying vaccination status had already been filed with state authorities. Starr openly challenged this allegations, claiming he hasn't heard of a single case in which a city employee had objected to how Montclair deals with these matters.

Councilman Lopez claimed that several city workers had told him they oppose the new policy, and in interviews with the local press, Lopez says he supports keeping the city's previous policy, whereby employees submitted paperwork documenting their status to their employer, but weren't asked to make a visible display affirming it to their fellow coworkers.

In recent months, policies requiring workers to wear stickers or badges affirming their vaccination status have triggered a heated backlash among vaccine skeptics.

But while Lopez pushes back against the policy in Montclair, pretty soon, cities across the US might be implementing something similar: NYC just made vaccination mandatory for all workers in the city's health and hospital workers.


On TB every waking moment

Super Bowl Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers to Label Unvaccinated Players with Yellow Wristbands (1)

Super Bowl Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers to Label Unvaccinated Players with Yellow Wristbands

By J.D. Rucker • Jul. 26, 2021

Nazi Germany forced Jews to wear yellow patches with the Star of David on them so everyone could easily spot them in a crowd. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are forcing unvaccinated players to wear yellow wristbands so journalists can spot them on the practice field. Irony is lost on the NFL.

Players who are vaccinated get to wear the red wristbands of honor while yellow wristbands will denote which players need to be pressured by press, fans, and sponsors. It is intended as a mark of shame; there is no other way to describe it. Claims by the organization that they’re doing it for the safety of players is absolutely ludicrous.

According to NBC Sports:
The Buccaneers have informed PFT that the Super Bowl LV champions will be using two different wristbands at practice to distinguish vaccinated players from unvaccinated players. According to the team, vaccinate players will wear red wristbands and unvaccinated players will wear yellow wristbands.
As the Bucs begin practicing today, photos inevitably will emerge from the session — and many will be looking for the yellow wristbands. (It’s hard to spot them, if they’re even there, in practice videos posted by the team on social media.)

Running back Leonard Fournette surely will have one. Via Rick Stroud of the Tampa Bay Times, Fournette said on Sunday that he’s still deciding whether to get vaccinated.
As can be clearly seen in this article, attempts by the press to single out and expose unvaccinated players has already started. This is going to get ugly. Shame on the Buccaneers for embracing this Nazi tactic.


On TB every waking moment

Fauci, Ben Franklin, And The One Big Question
Time to make a choice, America: Liberty or a false sense of safety?

By: Graham J NobleJuly 26, 2021Articles, Healthcare, Opinion
| Opinion News Article

by Graham J Noble

Those face masks, the ultimate symbol of control and subservience, are making a comeback – although they never really went away. Did they ever work? Of course not – and that was always known by anyone who attended at least one school biology class.

It is human nature to become skeptical when one hears a person offer advice on any given subject, only to advise the opposite just a week or two later and then, after another short time, repeat the guidance they initially gave. Yet, Dr. Anthony Fauci appears to be almost entirely immune to skepticism in the halls of power and most of the nation’s newsrooms. Despite admitting in an email that most of the masks people wore for the last year or so are not effective barriers against COVID-19, Fauci is once again saying that people should wear masks – even those who are vaccinated against the virus. Not so long ago, it should also be remembered; the doctor assured recipients of the vaccine that masks were not necessary for them in most situations.

Despite an avalanche of pro-vaccine propaganda, the very fact that health officials are discussing the possibility of mandating masks even for the vaccinated is pretty solid evidence that these hastily developed and unapproved vaccines are not entirely effective. So, why would anyone in their right mind get the jab if there remains a relatively strong possibility that one can still contract the virus?

This isn’t rocket science. In fact, it’s not science at all. Modern society, alas, has entered the realm of the irrational. If masks were as effective as the American public had been led to believe, then why would anyone need to get vaccinated?

And if the vaccines are as effective as people have been told, then why would any vaccinated person need to wear a mask?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has become the Keystone Cops of the health care world. As sad as it is, a great many Americans will continue to chase their tails in one direction and then the other, as decreed by Fauci and the rest of the unelected bureaucrats who have mismanaged the response to this pandemic from day one.

It Will Never Be Over Until We End It
There are those people – this author among them – who realized very early that the virus scare-a-thon was going to continue for years, if not forever. At some point in the future, no doubt, the medical geniuses running the show will declare that, because of their advice and vaccines, the threat from the Delta variant of COVID-19 has abated. Yet by that time, another variant will already have replaced it as the new threat. The masking of America will go on, and Big Pharma will continue to wallow in cash as it is called upon to develop new vaccines and booster shots, to which all Americans will be threatened and bullied into submitting.

Probably the most over-quoted and least-followed piece of advice was handed down to us by Benjamin Franklin, who wrote: “They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither Liberty nor safety.” Countless other statesmen and thinkers throughout history have expressed this same sentiment; that rulers and political leaders will always look for ways to deny ordinary people their freedom in the name of protecting them or doing what is best for them.

What these great men and women warned of is happening today, right now, here in America and across the world.

Natural herd immunity is, and will always be, the most effective way to deal with COVID-19 and its endless variants. This fact is being denied, though, probably because herd immunity is not profitable. It is, for many people, a difficult thing to withstand a never-ending stream of anger, criticism, and ridicule for one’s refusal to blindly accept whatever trend or narrative is fashionable at any given time. At some point, for the sake of sanity and the sake of liberty, every American must ask themselves this question:

Is enduring the constant scorn of those who are unable to think for themselves a worthwhile price to pay for living as a free person, or should I succumb to that scorn and dutifully line up, every year or two, for my vaccine – and be muzzled, literally and figuratively, for the rest of my life?


Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit...
From AlertsUSA...

CDC & State Dept. issue LEVEL 4 travel advisories for Spain urging Americans to avoid all travel to the country due to high levels of COVID-19.


Veteran Member

Connor Perrett , Ellen Cranley , and Natalie Musumeci

8 hours ago

An NYPD vehicle in New York.

An NYPD vehicle in New York. Tim Drivas Photography/Getty Images

New York City to require all city workers — including the NYPD, firefighters, and teachers — get vaccinated

New York City plans to require that all city workers be vaccinated against COVID-19 by the middle of September or be tested for the disease weekly.

The vaccine requirement is expected to affect about 340,000 municipal workers, including teachers, firefighters, and NYPD officers.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio officially announced the mandate in a Monday-morning press conference.

The mandate will take effect on September 13 and will require workers who refuse to get vaccinated to undergo weekly COVID-19 testing, de Blasio said. For workers in high-risk health and hospital settings, including foster care, shelters, and senior centers, the mandate is expected to take effect on August 16.

De Blasio called September the "pivot point of recovery" as employers, students, and other residents are expected to return in full to the city.

Ahead of the requirement, de Blasio said that as of August 2, authorities would again enforce the unvaccinated mask mandate for all city employees.

De Blasio also called for private businesses to require employees to get the jab.

"My message to the private sector is to go as far as you can go," de Blasio said, urging private employers to "at minimum" require all their employees to get vaccinated or do weekly testing.

In a statement to Insider after the announcement, the director of New York City's largest municipal workers union called for de Blasio to "bargain."

"While we encourage everyone to get vaccinated and support measures to ensure our members' health and well-being, weekly testing is clearly subject to mandatory bargaining," said Henry Garrido, District Council 37's executive director. "New York City is a union town and that cannot be ignored."

The United Federation of Teachers said it supported the new city requirement.

"Vaccination and testing have helped keep schools among the safest places in the city," a UFT spokesperson said. "This approach puts the emphasis on vaccination but still allows for personal choice and provides additional safeguards through regular testing. There are still many things to do before we are prepared to safely open our schools in September."

Representatives for the city's fire and police unions did not immediately provide comment when reached by Insider.

About 70% of hospital workers in New York City have been fully vaccinated, state data said, compared to 74% across the state.

Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi said the requirement is a needed push for "stronger medicine to deal with Delta, and that's why we are taking these steps today."

For New Yorkers who are vaccinated or tested negative, de Blasio announced plans for a new "NYC COVID Safe" app that would allow users to show their status. The app is set to debut on August 2 as an additional tool to paper vaccination cards and the state's Excelsior Pass.

About 54% of New York City residents are fully vaccinated, and 59% have had at least one dose, city data said. De Blasio previously expressed support for stricter vaccine mandates in the public and private sector amid concerns over the highly infectious Delta variant.

"If people want freedom, if want jobs, if people want to live again, we have got to get more people vaccinated and obviously it's time for whatever mandates we can achieve," de Blasio said in a July 23 interview with WNYC's Brian Lehrer.


On TB every waking moment

CA Governor Gavin Newsom Compares Unvaccinated People to Murderous Drunk Drivers (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published July 26, 2021 at 3:00pm

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Monday compared law-abiding, unvaccinated Americans to dangerous, murderous drunk drivers.

CNN on Monday asked Newsom if it’s time to bring back the universal mask mandate regardless of vaccination status because of rising Covid cases.

Newsom immediately blamed unvaccinated people for the rise in Covid cases
“We don’t even have to have that debate if we could just get everybody vaccinated…living vaccine free is impacting the rest of us like drunk drivers,” Newsom said. “You don’t have the right to go out and drink and drive and put everybody else at risk including your own life at risk.”

Newsom added, “California is one of the highest vaccination rates in America but yet we’re still seeing an increase because so many people – 25% in California are refusing to get vaccinated.”

1:34 min

Newsom on Monday announced the state will require proof of Covid-19 vaccination or weekly testing for all state workers and some health care employees.

State workers will have to provide proof of vaccination or must test weekly by August 2nd.

Health care workers will have until August 23rd to provide proof of vaccination or proof of negative Covid tests two times a week.

Health care workers who refuse the vaccine will also be required to wear a mask.

Decline In UK COVID Cases Signals Coming "Inflection" For US As Delta Fears Subside

MONDAY, JUL 26, 2021 - 03:05 PM

Just one week ago, as Dr. Anthony Fauci was cranking the Delta variant "fearmongering" up to 11 once again, JPM's Croatian quant Marko Kolanovic was telling the bank's clients that a looming inflection point for new cases in the UK (widely seen as a leading indicator for the direction of new cases in the US) would soon arrive, kick-starting demand for value stocks and reopening plays.

Althought Kolanovic is a Wall Street quant, not an epidemiologist, it turns out his view was correct. Because one week later, the number of new cases being confirmed in the UK and EU has fallen, even as the UK's "Freedom Day" has come and gone. Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid described the decline in new cases in the UK "nothing short of remarkable".

According to Reuters data, the number of new cases fell for a sixth consecutive day, to 24,950 on Monday from 29,173 on Sunday. The total number of new cases over the past week, at just over a quarter of a million, is more than 20% lower than the prior week.

While the UK's economy-crippling "pingdemic" continues, and many have continued to isolate, meaning the UK is still a way's away from achieving a return to "normality".

Additionally, despite the fast rise of cases to near peak levels, mortality is currently 95% lower than during the January peak. This should give confidence to investors that delta is not a serious threat to global growth. If the US follows the template of the UK, daily cases might be peaking in the next 12 days...while we think Energy-Epicenter stocks are going to start to rally beginning this week.

While the Delta variant continues to dominate "our discussions with clients," Kolanovic claimed that fears about the variant are overblown. The UK, he added, appears to be following a timeline similar to what the world saw in India. This should give confidence to investors that Delta isn't a serious threat to global growth. Well, that and the drop in mortality. Speaking of markets, Kolanovic suggested that this is the start of a rotation into cyclicals.

Some might be tempted to attribute the drop in UK cases to a fluke, or the pingdemic, or some other factor. But as Kolanovic reminds us, the trajectory of India's recent COVID flareup (the first national outbreak to be caused by the delta variant) was similarly swift, as JPM illustrates with a handy chart.

The main thrust of Kolanovic's latest note is that markets - particularly bond markets - are too fixated on the potential economic impact of the Delta variant. Given the strong correlation between cases and vaccinations, BofA adds that economic risks for heavily vaccinated countries like the US - despite the Biden Administration's warnings about a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" - remain low.

The disparity can be seen quite clearly in a pair of charts from a recent BofA note: just look at the difference between the vaccination rate for the UK, and its attendant impact on virus-related mortality...

...and Indonesia, which has an adult vaccination rate well below 10%.

Analysts at Goldman have reached a similar conclusion: while rising cases may lead to more cautious consumer behavior, we ultimately view the economic and medical risks from the delta variant as manageable, given convincing evidence that the vaccines help prevent serious illness.

The implication for the US is pretty clear.
Someone should check on the use of ivermectin in these countries and the dates it started or ended, especially India and such.


Veteran Member

RT 52:20
Well worth the watch and puts things in perspective of what this vaccine may actually be. This video may have been posted before. I don't remember seeing it here.


On TB every waking moment
Posted for fair use.....

Antibodies from Sinovac's COVID-19 shot fade after about 6 months, booster helps - study

Mon, July 26, 2021, 7:27 AM·1 min read

BEIJING (Reuters) - Antibodies triggered by Sinovac Biotech's COVID-19 vaccine decline below a key threshold from around six months after a second dose for most recipients, although a third shot could have a strong boosting effect, according to a lab study.

Chinese researchers reported the findings from a study of blood samples from healthy adults aged between 18-59 in a paper published on Sunday, which has not been peer reviewed.

For participants receiving two doses, two or four weeks apart, only 16.9% and 35.2% respectively still had a level of neutralising antibodies above the threshold six months after the second dose, the paper said.

Those readings was based on data from two cohorts involving more than 50 participants each, while the study gave third doses to a total of 540 participants.

When participants in some cohorts were given a third dose, about six months after the second, neutralising antibody levels after a further 28 days had increased around 3-5 fold from the levels seen four weeks after the second dose, the study showed.

The study was conducted by researchers at disease control authorities in Jiangsu province, Sinovac, and other Chinese institutions.

Researchers cautioned the study did not test the antibodies' effect against more transmissible variants, and that further research was needed to assess antibody duration after a third shot.

(Reporting by Roxanne Liu and Ryan Woo; Editing by Mark Potter)


Posted for fair use.....

Antibodies from Sinovac's COVID-19 shot fade after about 6 months, booster helps - study

Mon, July 26, 2021, 7:27 AM·1 min read

BEIJING (Reuters) - Antibodies triggered by Sinovac Biotech's COVID-19 vaccine decline below a key threshold from around six months after a second dose for most recipients, although a third shot could have a strong boosting effect, according to a lab study.

Chinese researchers reported the findings from a study of blood samples from healthy adults aged between 18-59 in a paper published on Sunday, which has not been peer reviewed.

For participants receiving two doses, two or four weeks apart, only 16.9% and 35.2% respectively still had a level of neutralising antibodies above the threshold six months after the second dose, the paper said.

Those readings was based on data from two cohorts involving more than 50 participants each, while the study gave third doses to a total of 540 participants.

When participants in some cohorts were given a third dose, about six months after the second, neutralising antibody levels after a further 28 days had increased around 3-5 fold from the levels seen four weeks after the second dose, the study showed.

The study was conducted by researchers at disease control authorities in Jiangsu province, Sinovac, and other Chinese institutions.

Researchers cautioned the study did not test the antibodies' effect against more transmissible variants, and that further research was needed to assess antibody duration after a third shot.

(Reporting by Roxanne Liu and Ryan Woo; Editing by Mark Potter)
Here we go


On TB every waking moment

Dr. Charles Hoffe issues Vaccine warning… Deep dive on endothelial damage to blood vessels…
Posted by Kane on July 26, 2021 11:53 pm

9:17 min

Dr. Charles Hoffe discusses the D Dimer test and Vaccine patients

But here’s where the problem comes. In a virus, in a Coronavirus, that spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule. In other words, the cell wall around the virus, called the viral capsule. But it’s not in the virus. It’s in your cells. So it therefore becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium. Which means that these cells that line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that blood flows smoothly, now have these little spikey bits sticking out.

So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form. Because your blood platelets circulate around in your blood vessels. And the purpose of blood platelets is to detect a damaged vessel and block that vessel to stop bleeding. So when the platelet comes through the capillary, it suddenly hits all these all these Covid spikes that are jutting into the inside of the vessel, it is absolutely inevitable that a blood clot will form to block that vessel. That’s how platelets work.

So….just as [inaudible] is absolutely predicted to cause cancer because it is full of carcinogens, these spike proteins will predictably cause blood clots because [inaudible] they are in your blood vessels. Dr. Bhakdi then said to me the way to prove this is that we need to do a blood test called a D-dimer test, find out of this is really happening. So…the problem with…the blood clots we hear about through the media, that they claim are very rare are the big blood clots.

These are the ones that cause strokes and clots in your brain…those are the ones that show up on CT-scans and Angiograms and MRIs. The clots I am talking about are microscopic. These are tiny…they are literally on a capillary level and they are scattered throughout your capillary network. They are not going to show on any scan. They are just too small and too scattered. So the only way to find out for sure if this predictable mechanism of clotting was actually happening was to do this blood test called a D-dimer. And so the D-dimer is a blood test that shows a recent blood clot. It doesn’t show anything else other than a recent blood clot. It won’t show an old blood clot. It only shows new blood clots. And so I have been now doing that on my patients…um finding people who have recently had their Covid shot within the previous seven days…it needs to be between 4 and 7 days, and doing a blood test on them called a D-dimer.

And so I am still trying to accumulate more information. But on the ones I have so far, 62% of them have evidence of clotting. Which means that these blood clots are not rare. It means the majority of people are getting blood clots that they have no idea that they are having. So Laura Lynn, the most alarming thing about this is that there are some parts of your body like your heart and your brain, and your spinal cord and your lungs, which cannot regenerate. When those tissues are damaged by blocked vessels they are permanently damaged.

So I now have 6 people in my Medical practice with reduced Effort Tolerance, which means that they just get out of breath more easily than they used to. I have one fellow that used to walk to my office every week for actually for an arthritis injection and told me that he could walk two miles without any problems, and now after a quarter of a mile he is absolutely out of breath and it has been like that for five months.

So on the basis of this D-dimer test which proves that the majority of people are clotting, these six people who now have Reduced Effort Tolerance, actually what has happened to them is that they have plugged up thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs. And the terrifying thing about this is not just that these people are short of breath and they can’t do what they used to be able to do. But once you block off a significant number of blood vessels to your lungs, your heart is now pumping against a much greater resistance to try and get the blood through your lungs. And the problem….so that causes a condition called Pulmonary Artery Hypertension.

It’s actually like high blood pressure in your lungs because the blood can’t get through because so many of the vessels are blocked. And the terrifying thing of this is that people with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension usually die of right sided heart failure within three years. So the huge concern about the mechanism of injury is that these shots are causing permanent damage. And the worse is yet to come. Because, you know, there are some tissues in your body like the intestine, liver and kidney that can regenerate to quite a good degree but brain, and spinal cord, and heart muscle and lungs do not. When they are damaged, its permanent. Like all these young people who are now getting Myocarditis from these shots, they have permanently damaged hearts.