ALERT [Mandatory vaccines/pandemic/flu summit] Something you all need to watch!!

Lost Patriot

Membership Revoked
Watch this video, listen to what she is saying.

First, I will point you to my post from over a year ago, April 2008:

My name is Lost Patriot on that forum.

I called this pandemic over a year ago, which the link above points out.. I told everyone it would mutate into a yearlong, drug resistant strain.. The reason being as everyone was injected with Tamiflu in the 2008 flu season. Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it is a medicine for the Bird Flu, and it use when not infected will cause the strain to mutate. Read the initial post, and then read the comments.

I really didn't think much about it until I was searching my past posts on the website. And I saw this post That I had made last year:
Bird Flu Pandemic Will Be The Next Attack - Update
With the above link as proof.

Now here is what I want you to watch, this lady is speaking of what is coming next. Which I also warned everyone of.
The herd gets rounded up for the slaughter... By the way, Bird Flu is a year long virus, not just winter.

Ok now here is the video, please watch this.. It's very important:
Did she just say, "Code Red, Imminent Terror Attack"?

This lady is warning us as to exactly what they are preparing. Be strong my friends.. I will not be taking the shot myself, and neither will my family.


Membership Revoked
Thanks for posting, worth the watch.

Just how perfect


"From CNN Senior White House Correspondent Ed Henry

WASHINGTON (CNN) – CNN has learned that the Obama administration is planning to convene a "flu summit" next week to make preparations for the fall, as officials in Argentina declare a health emergency because 35 people have died in the Latin American nation from swine flu.

Senior Obama administration officials stressed the summit, which will be convened July 9 at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, is being held strictly as a precautionary measure to make sure the U.S. is prepared for any potential swine flu outbreak, and not because of any specific fear of a crisis.

President Obama will be traveling next week to Russia, Italy and Ghana on a foreign trip, so the summit will be chaired by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, according to the officials.

The summit follows Obama's meeting this past Tuesday with several former federal officials who dealt with America's 1976 H1N1 flu outbreak and offered perspective from that crisis for current administration officials. Sebelius and White House Homeland Security Advisor John Brennan joined Obama at that meeting.

In a prepared statement after the meeting, Obama said it was valuable to hear from "a select group of individuals who could speak knowledgeably about the lessons learned from the 1976 influenza so that we can further prepare this nation for the possibility of a more severe outbreak of H1N1 flu."

Among the people who attended were William Howard Taft IV, the former general counsel at the Department of Health Education and Welfare, and Dr. Harvey Fineberg, co-author of "The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease.""


Stone Cold Crazy

I edited your thread title. The only reason I did not close this is there is enough information posted in to make it worth leaving open.

Note-do not post ambiguous post titles or they will be closed no matter how good the info is.



Veteran Member
The threat of mandatory vaccinations for H1N1 - the National Vaccine Info Center

Lost Patriot started a thread on this, but because it does not comply with the rules stated in Satanta's communication, and because the post seems a bit "over the top" with some hysteria, I'm starting a new thread. This should NOT be overlooked as a "woo woo" thread.

Lost Patriot's thread is here:

This Youtube video link has an incredibly stupid title "Did she just say Code Red??? Terrorist Attack - Swine Flu" That does not ACCURATELY reflect the importance of the message in this video - so do not let it disuade you from watching.

The woman in this video is Barbara Loe Fisher - whom I have known personally since 1985, and I can tell you right now that Barbara knows her stuff when it comes to vaccines.

The video is nearly 8 minutes long. Barbara goes into the laws recently passed during the hysteria that followed the outbreak of H1N1 which will enable government officials to enter homes with a "health emergency" as the stated cause. She goes into the fast tracking of the H1N1 vaccine and the inherent dangers of so doing. She talks about individual rights to make health decisions. She does in fact say "code red terror attack" but she's saying that the WHO's current level 6 pandemic alert is equivalent to the DHS "code red" in the event of a terrorist attack. So - I'm very dismayed that someone tried to hype that - because the message she is really giving is deadly serious without taking her words out of context.

I encourage EVERY member of TB2K to watch this video then be SURE you go to the NVIC web site to assure that you know precisely what rights you have in your state. You will find a link at the top of their home page saying "Vaccine Laws"

Lost Patriot

Membership Revoked
I didn't mean to violate any code of conduct here.. I just needed to put this warning out there. Thanks to Karnie for acknowledging the credibility of Barbara Loe Fisher.

Although I do not agree with the comment of Karnie's referring to this title as Incredibly Stupid:
"Did she just say Code Red??? Terrorist Attack - Swine Flu"

Apparently you haven't heard of the lawsuit?
Lawsuit Charges Baxter Used Dangerous Ingredients In Vaccines To Increase Profits

This virus was intentionally released, err, generated. For profit, and population reduction. IMHO

We can agree to disagree. But in a natural setting, swine, bird and human influenza do not mingle together. Ask any honest biological scientist.


Stone Cold Crazy
Karnie! ~SPANK!~

LP-it is an older requirement we let slip for some time. I posted on it here a few days ago but understand some might not see it or have been here that was why I let you know. No issues with me.


Membership Revoked
Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it is a medicine for the Bird Flu, and it use when not infected will cause the strain to mutate. Read the initial post, and then read the comments.

You can't mutate a virus you are not infected with by taking an antiviral drug.

Now, you can take antivirals when infected with a form of the flu that is not very threatening, which can then result in a resistant version. However, to date, we do not place any restrictions on the use of antivirals. If your doc wants to prescribe them, you can have them regardless of what strain you are infected with. Most of the time, the doctor will never know what strain of flu you had, because that kind of testing is very rarely done on an out-patient basis.


Veteran Member
I didn't mean to violate any code of conduct here.. I just needed to put this warning out there. Thanks to Karnie for acknowledging the credibility of Barbara Loe Fisher.

Although I do not agree with the comment of Karnie's referring to this title as Incredibly Stupid:
"Did she just say Code Red??? Terrorist Attack - Swine Flu"

Apparently you haven't heard of the lawsuit?
Lawsuit Charges Baxter Used Dangerous Ingredients In Vaccines To Increase Profits

This virus was intentionally released, err, generated. For profit, and population reduction. IMHO

We can agree to disagree. But in a natural setting, swine, bird and human influenza do not mingle together. Ask any honest biological scientist.

The REASON I think it is incredibly stupid is that it will negate the legitimacy of the video for many people. What she has to say does not require hype and tin foil - it stands on its own.



I'm not going to address any "forced vaccinations" or anything else... not until some very bad misinformation gets addressed or corrected.

Lost Patriot... I'm not questioning your integrity, but I have no idea where some of this came from...

I called this pandemic over a year ago, which the link above points out.. I told everyone it would mutate into a yearlong, drug resistant strain.. The reason being as everyone was injected with Tamiflu in the 2008 flu season. Tamiflu is not a vaccine, it is a medicine for the Bird Flu, and it use when not infected will cause the strain to mutate. Read the initial post, and then read the comments.

WHERE in hell did you get "everyone was injected with Tamiflu in the 2008 flu season"? You are badly confusing a few things, and that unfortunately invalidates your entire theory.

Tamiflu is NOT a vaccine, and it is NOT injected. It's an ORAL anti-viral medication. They do NOT include it in any vaccinations. I'm not even able to find any reference to using it as an injection in any medical reference.

Now... (novel)A/H1N1 (the "official" name for "Swine Flu") IS NOT Bird Flu. The influenza strain of "bird flu" that has been floating around the world for several years, and which WAS in fact the strain which most experts feared would be our next pandemic threat, is H5N1... totally different animal. Novel A/H1N1 DOES have some genetics from AN Avian influenza strain, but NOT from H5N1... at least not at this point.

As far as the rest... well, we all know government is evil, and I don't trust their vaccines *at this point*. Not the new ones, at any rate. And no, I won't be taking a vaccine... for one thing, I've just recovered from A/H1N1, and should have some decent immunity unless it mutates beyond recognition. THAT IS POSSIBLE... we all have to recognize that. It happened in 1918, and we must remember that pandemic happened long before we had any ability to "create" new viruses in the lab. Sometimes, stuff happens.

As far as "year long, drug resistant"... yep. If you see some of my recent posts on A/H1N1, you'll see that I've been saying there is NO way it won't become Tamiflu resistant... because of mismanagement AND HUMAN NATURE. Huh? Simple... everyone started running to their docs and *demanding* Tamiflu if they'd been within a country mile of someone with suspected Swine flu. And the OLD H1N1 (last year's predominant Influenza A strain) IS 99% resistant to Tamiflu. Quite honestly, I'm surprised we're only now hearing of Novel A/H1N1 resistance... if it is a virulent mutation of the 2008 H1N1 strain, it could have just as reasonably brought that resistance along when it changed.

But add together the "human nature" with the sheer mismanagement by WHO (whose high paid "experts" were SO blinded by H5N1 that they had no plan in place in case a new virus appeared somewhere other than southeast Asia or China, where H5N1 has been endemic for several years- so when it appeared in North America, they didn't put the lock-down plans in action that they would have if it started in Asia)... and resistance was inevitable.

Given those facts, and the sheer ineptitude of too many of our "experts", we can now assume that every action they'll take to try to "solve" this pandemic will only screw things up worse.


jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
good thread. thanks Sat, for saving it.

from the NVIC site "vaccine laws"

RECOMMENDATIONS VS. LAWS: It is important for you to know the legal requirements of the vaccination laws in your state and to understand the difference between a legal requirement and a recommendation. While vaccine policymakers in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that the MMR shot be given to all children, your state may legally require only measles and rubella vaccines. In this case, you have the legal option to vaccinate with only measles and rubella vaccines and not with mumps vaccine.

You also have the option in most states to be exempted from vaccination or re-vaccination if you can show proof of existing immunity. You can go to a private laboratory for a blood test to determine if there are enough antibodies to prove existing immunity to a disease such as measles or whooping cough. A blood test that measures antibody levels can cost $55 or more, depending on the disease.

When making an informed vaccination decision, it is important to consider whether one or more of the following factors will affect the safety and effectiveness of a particular vaccine or combination of vaccines your child will receive:

Child's age
State of health at the time of vaccination
Number and types of vaccines to be given simultaneously
Past history of acute vaccine reactions or serious health problems following vaccination
Family history of vaccine reactions, severe allergies or autoimmune or neurological disorders
Legal Exemptions to Vaccination
Medical, philosophical or personal belief exemptions are worded differently in each state. To use an exemption for your child, you must know specifically what the law says in your state.

Philosophical Exemption
The following 18 states allow exemption to vaccination based on philosophical, personal or conscientiously held beliefs: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington and Wisconsin.

In many of these states, individuals must object to all vaccines, not just a particular vaccine in order to use the philosophical or personal belief exemption. Many state legislators are being urged by federal health officials and medical organizations to revoke this exemption to vaccination. If you are objecting to vaccination based on philosophical or personal conviction, keep an eye on your state legislature as public health officials may seek to amend state laws to eliminate this exemption.

Religious Exemption
All states allow a religious exemption to vaccination except Mississippi and West Virginia. The religious exemption is intended for people who hold a sincere religious belief opposing vaccination to the extent that if the state forced vaccination, it would be an infringement on their right to exercise their religious beliefs. Some state laws define religious exemptions broadly to include personal religious beliefs, similar to personal philosophical beliefs. Other states require an individual who claims a religious exemption to be a member of The First Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science) or another bonafide religion whose written tenets include prohibition of invasive medical procedures such as vaccination. (This kind of language has been ruled unconstitutional when it has been challenged in state Supreme Courts.) Some laws require a signed affidavit from the pastor or spiritual advisor of the parent exercising religious exemption that affirms the parents' sincere religious belief about vaccination, while others allow the parent to sign a notarized waiver. Prior to registering your child for school, you must check your state law to verify what proof may be needed.

Due to differences in state laws, the National Vaccine Information Center does not recommend or provide a prewritten waiver for religious exemption because it may not conform with what is required in your state, and may actually draw attention to your child, and you may be singled out and challenged.

If you are challenged, you could end up in litigation brought by your state or county health department to prove your religious beliefs. The religious exemption is granted based on the First Amendment of the Constitution, which is the right to freely exercise your religion. Because citizens are protected under the First Amendment of the United States, a state must have a "compelling State interest" before this right can be taken away. One "compelling State interest" is the spread of communicable diseases. In state court cases which have set precedent on this issue, the freedom to act according to your own religious belief is subject to reasonable regulation with the justification that it must not threaten the welfare of society as a whole.

However, parents have successfully obtained religious exemptions to vaccination. The constitutional right to have and exercise personal religious beliefs, whether you are of the Christian, Jewish, Muslim or other faith, can be defended. If you exercise your right to religious exemption, you must be prepared to defend it. It is always best to define your personal religious beliefs opposing vaccination in your own words when you write a letter defending them. If you do belong to a church and take the time to educate the head of your local church about the sincerity of your personal religious beliefs regarding vaccination, obtaining a letter from your pastor, priest, rabbi or other spiritual counselor affirming the sincerity of your religious beliefs may also be advisable.

Medical Exemptions
All 50 states allow medical exemption to vaccination. Proof of medical exemption must take the form of a signed statement by a Medical Doctor (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) that the administering of one or more vaccines would be detrimental to the health of an individual. Most doctors follow the AAP and CDC guidelines. Most states do not allow Doctors of Chiropractic (D.C.) to write medical exemptions to vaccination.

Some states will accept a private physician's written exemption without question. Other states allow the state health department to review the doctor's exemption and revoke it if health department officials don't think the exemption is justified.

Proof of Immunity
Some states will allow exemptions to vaccination for certain diseases if proof of immunity can be shown to exist. Immunity can be proven if you or your child have had the natural disease or have been vaccinated. You have to check your state laws to determine which vaccines in your state can be exempted if proof of immunity is demonstrated.

Private medical laboratories can take blood (a titer test) and analyze it to measure the level of antibodies, for example, to measles or pertussis that are present in the blood. If the antibody level is high enough, according to accepted standards, you have obtained proof of immunity and may be able to use this for an exemption to vaccination


Veteran Member

I'm not going to address any "forced vaccinations" or anything else... not until some very bad misinformation gets addressed or corrected.

Lost Patriot... I'm not questioning your integrity, but I have no idea where some of this came from...

WHERE in hell did you get "everyone was injected with Tamiflu in the 2008 flu season? You are badly confusing a few things, and that unfortunately invalidates your entire theory.

Tamiflu is NOT a vaccine, and it is NOT injected. It's an ORAL anti-viral medication. They do NOT include it in any vaccinations. I'm not even able to find any reference to using it as an injection in any medical reference.

Now... (novel)A/H1N1 (the "official" name for "Swine Flu") IS NOT Bird Flu. The influenza strain of "bird flu" that has been floating around the world for several years, and which WAS in fact the strain which most experts feared would be our next pandemic threat, is H5N1... totally different animal. Novel A/H1N1 DOES have some genetics from AN Avian influenza strain, but NOT from H5N1... at least not at this point.

As far as the rest... well, we all know government is evil, and I don't trust their vaccines *at this point*. Not the new ones, at any rate. And no, I won't be taking a vaccine... for one thing, I've just recovered from A/H1N1, and should have some decent immunity unless it mutates beyond recognition. THAT IS POSSIBLE... we all have to recognize that. It happened in 1918, and we must remember that pandemic happened long before we had any ability to "create" new viruses in the lab. Sometimes, stuff happens.

As far as "year long, drug resistant"... yep. If you see some of my recent posts on A/H1N1, you'll see that I've been saying there is NO way it won't become Tamiflu resistant... because of mismanagement AND HUMAN NATURE. Huh? Simple... everyone started running to their docs and *demanding* Tamiflu if they'd been within a country mile of someone with suspected Swine flu. And the OLD H1N1 (last year's predominant Influenza A strain) IS 99% resistant to Tamiflu. Quite honestly, I'm surprised we're only now hearing of Novel A/H1N1 resistance... if it is a virulent mutation of the 2008 H1N1 strain, it could have just as reasonably brought that resistance along when it changed.

But add together the "human nature" with the sheer mismanagement by WHO (whose high paid "experts" were SO blinded by H5N1 that they had no plan in place in case a new virus appeared somewhere other than southeast Asia or China, where H5N1 has been endemic for several years- so when it appeared in North America, they didn't put the lock-down plans in action that they would have if it started in Asia)... and resistance was inevitable.

Given those facts, and the sheer ineptitude of too many of our "experts", we can now assume that every action they'll take to try to "solve" this pandemic will only screw things up worse.


All of which is why I initially started a whole new thread, thinking this one would be locked due to the unclear title. But please don't let any of that stop you from listening to Barbara. :)

Lost Patriot

Membership Revoked

Lost Patriot... I'm not questioning your integrity, but I have no idea where some of this came from...

WHERE in hell did you get "everyone was injected with Tamiflu in the 2008 flu season"? You are badly confusing a few things, and that unfortunately invalidates your entire theory.

Tamiflu is NOT a vaccine, and it is NOT injected. It's an ORAL anti-viral medication. They do NOT include it in any vaccinations. I'm not even able to find any reference to using it as an injection in any medical reference.

It was administered as a treatment, not a vaccine(you got me there), for the seasonal flu as Roche announced here:
Roche announced today that ample supplies of its prescription antiviral medication Tamiflu® (oseltamivir phosphate) will be widely available this flu season in pharmacies nationwide. Tamiflu is indicated for the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults and children one year and older and has been prescribed to more than 50 million influenza patients worldwide.

Whether Oral or Injected, it causes a drug resistance if used while not infected with the Bird Flu. Are you really not getting it yet? They prescribed this to patients with the flu. Not the bird flu. Which causes the bug to build resistance and mutate. As mentioned in this part of my article:
It is possible that Tamiflu given early after infection could save lives. But there are several problems. First, if Tamiflu is used indiscriminately, influenza virus will become resistant to it. Second, Tamiflu is likely to be effective only if started within 48 hours of the beginning of the infection. Third, the drug isn't perfect; several people in Southeast Asia infected with bird flu took Tamiflu early in their disease but still died from the infection. So, prevention by vaccine is still the best option.

I think that makes it pretty damned credible. Need I say more..? I have plenty of research sitting at my disposal.


Veteran Member
It was administered as a vaccine for the seasonal flu as Roche announced here:
Whether Oral or Injected, it causes a drug resistance if used while not infected with the Bird Flu. Are you really not getting it yet? They prescribed this to patients with the flu. Not the bird flu. Which causes the bug to build resistance and mutate. As mentioned in this part of my article:

I think that makes it pretty damned credible. Need I say more..? I have plenty of research sitting at my disposal.

Um - yeah you DO need to say more because in your so called "research" you missed some very important facts, including antivirals are NOT vaccines and vaccines are NOT antivirals. Your facts are jacked up which is causing people to NOT take the story seriously. And it IS serious!

Please - just stop trying to spin this and let people listen to Barbara.

Lost Patriot

Membership Revoked
Um - yeah you DO need to say more because in your so called "research" you missed some very important facts, including antivirals are NOT vaccines and vaccines are NOT antivirals. Your facts are jacked up which is causing people to NOT take the story seriously. And it IS serious!

Please - just stop trying to spin this and let people listen to Barbara.

I had corrected myself before you quoted me. But you are proving the case yourself. Why was the Antiviral "Tamiflu" given to "Treat" seasonal flu? Read what I posted for God's sake.

Tamiflu given to people NOT suffering from the H5N1 Flu will actually cause a resistance to any drug and cause the bug to mutate.

Ok, never mind that... Listen up.. When this bug first showed itself in Mexico, suppposedly, in April or so of this year................... Did they not say that it would take 6 months to create a vaccine to fight this bug? Yes they did. It has been only 3 months... Now within these 3 months have they not said that this bug has mutated? So given the statements, how is it possible to have a vaccine for a mutated strain which has supposedly just evolved?

Logical thinking is all one needs here.

And just to add insult to injury.. There is a very interesting post somewhere else on this site:
Military Personel Sickened And Dying From Secret Vaccine

Go ahead people, take the vaccine.
Last edited:


Lost Patriot... DEEP breath, please.

You are confusing several *different* issues here.

Tamiflu was developed to treat seasonal influenza, as Dissumilo correctly notes above. It's BEEN USED for seasonal influenza for several years...

The History of Tamiflu
Tamiflu was the first orally active neuraminidase inhibitor developed commercially. Gilead Sciences developed the drug, but Roche marketed it under its current trade name. In 1999, the FDA approved Tamiflu for the treatment of the flu in people ages one and older, and for the prevention of the flu in adolescents and adults.
At first, the drug's sales were unimpressive. However, fears of an avian flu pandemic and the subsequent international stockpile of Tamiflu led to a spike in Roche's profits.

It's a neuraminidase inhibitor:

Zanamivir and oseltamivir block the active site of the influenza viral enzyme neuraminidase, which is common to both influenza A and influenza B viruses. This effect results in viral aggregation at the host cell surface and reduces the number of viruses released from the infected cell.

Tamiflu and Relenza both will work on both Influenza types A AND B.

Two other drugs (Amantadine and Rimantadine) only work on Influenza A.

Influenza has a rather unique ability to mutate rapidly in response to environmental effects. There are specific strains which are common to birds, to swine, to humans, and to other mammals (dogs, cats, horses). BUT.. unlike many other infectious organisms, it's not species specific... it happily "begs, borrows or steals" genetic material from any other influenza virus it encounters. That's why we so often see new "mixed" viruses emerge from the poor countries of Southeast Asia... where people often live WITH their poultry and swine. (and that's as far as I'll go in excusing WHO for screwing up... even though it's "most common", they *should have had* a Plan B.. and more)

THESE "Re-combinations" happen all the time. It's *entirely possible* this particular strain was simply a very unlucky natural change (that "air travel factor" which is now being blamed for the SPREAD of the virus may well be the culprit in the very existence of the virus... it's no longer possible to say "hey, that's a North American strain, it couldn't POSSIBLY have gotten mixed with European swine virus". Except.. it sure could.

Peter Scientist visits a hog farm in Poland (he's a US university bigwig). He just happens to be hacking and coughing that day, but it's minor. But... as it turns out, he's got a fairly mild case of Influenza A. And he just happens to inspect the feeders a little too closely when he has a coughing fit... and a few hogs pick up the virus. Which then blends with the *subclinical* virus they already had (Peter Scientist was actually a consultant who was trying to figure out why this farm was seeing less than optimum results)... and Polish Paul, who is the farm manager, picks it up. Before he's not contagious, he travels to Europe, in a continuing search for the reason his hogs aren't doing well. Hearing of an oddly similar problem in a large poultry farm, he stops there.....

IT CAN HAPPEN. In fact, despite stringent biosecurity measures at many farms, it DOES happen, more than we know. That's because "biosecurity" on almost all farms (including ours) means "keeping people from bringing in known livestock diseases on their boots or clothing"... NOT "preventing multi-species viruses from spreading or getting together".

As far as the "Tamiflu resistance"... well, that was as inevitable as the sun rising. Because- as I said before- there was a serious misperception of how far this flu strain had already spread, and so some local authorities in some countries tried to "contain" their cases (which were actually not local spontaneous occurances, but the first warning of the many who already had it) by using a "Tamiflu blanket"... giving tamiflu to all people who may have had contact with the ill person.. including entire communities.

That's like giving penicillin to everyone in town because the mayor (who just happened to speak at the school last week) has pneumonia! Want to develop some SERIOUS resistance to penicillin? Do that in a few thousand communities around the globe!

Anyway.. no, NO ONE HAS BEEN INJECTED WITH TAMIFLU! And at this point, there isn't any indication that what we're seeing is anything more than expected mutations (to be resistant to overused drugs) and typical bureaucratic incompetence.


jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
George Ure posted this email to him today at his site ( and made other comments regarding how and why he will opt out of any "mandatory" vaccinations...

"Hi George--

I'm a pharmacist by trade, and very interested in prevention of illness--

It is likely that just taking Vitamin D3 supplements when Flu arrives in your area could be enough to prevent catching the flu!

I highly recommend reading the entire fascinating discussion at the Flu Trackers website.

You may want to recommend that your readership stock up on Vitamin D3 (not D2) prior to this Fall.


Vitamin D appears to be essential to build one's natural immunity (cytokine immunity), that _prevents_ us from getting sick. This is why, for example, most 'common colds' are caught in winter; No sunlight--> No Vitamin D--> Low immunity--> more viral infections.

Here's another link to document what I am saying (see paragraph 6 in the link);

Personally, I take two 2000-unit Vitamin D3's (4000 units) per day for 5 days when I feel a cold coming on. It seems to prevent illness. I took one 2000-unit Vitamin D3 per day from about October to March, and had no illness, despite many of my co-workers coming to work with colds and other illness. People with heart or liver disease should talk with their physicians before taking high doses daily for months, but the 5-day course should be safe for most of us.

Constant use at that level during the sunny season may not be a good idea, especially since the skin makes its own Vitamin D with sun exposure (ie., Summer). Too much Vitamin D3 for a very long time can lead to heart or liver toxicity, though its not often seen (not as often as that caused by alcohol!)

Again, I strongly recommend to you and all readers to stock some Vitamin D3 before this Fall. If Flu comes to your town, start taking 1000 to 2000 units of D3 a day (If you have heart or liver trouble, consult your Dr first). Let me know if you want more information on this topic (or anything else related to medication issues).

--name withheld RPh, CGP (*Certified Geriatric Pharmacist)

Yup, got our 1,000 IU bottles of D3 ready and a take a little sun every day - easy enough to do in near drought conditions.


Veteran Member
Constant use at that level during the sunny season may not be a good idea, especially since the skin makes its own Vitamin D with sun exposure (ie., Summer). Too much Vitamin D3 for a very long time can lead to heart or liver toxicity, though its not often seen (not as often as that caused by alcohol!)

Again, I strongly recommend to you and all readers to stock some Vitamin D3 before this Fall. If Flu comes to your town, start taking 1000 to 2000 units of D3 a day (If you have heart or liver trouble, consult your Dr first). Let me know if you want more information on this topic (or anything else related to medication issues).

--name withheld RPh, CGP (*Certified Geriatric Pharmacist)

Yup, got our 1,000 IU bottles of D3 ready and a take a little sun every day - easy enough to do in near drought conditions.

One thing I recently learned about D produced by your body from natural sunlight is that it takes about 48 hours after sun exposure before it is fully absorbed from your skin. Natural skin oils are necessary to get it into your system. So when you shower, use soap only on places you must - arm pits, nether regions, face, etc... but on your arms (and legs if exposed to the sun) just use water to clean so as to not prevent absorption of the vitamin D your skin produces... and the longer you go without showering after the sun exposure the better (for absorption - not necessarily for interpersonal relationships :lol:)


Membership Revoked
I agree with Barbara Fisher's conclusion, and most of her presentation. I will forward it. However, I did listen to what she said in the video, 2 weeks ago. She is flat out wrong, in the beginning of her presentation, when she soft pedals this "novel" Swine flu.

The TB2K team has done a wonderful job, in the comprehensive Swine Flu thread. No one who is not wrapped around Micheal Jackson, can read read that thread, and not conclude this flu aint right/normal.

We have Hobson's Choice.
A lying corrupt government that can not be trusted/believed, and a lying corrupt government that can not be trusted/believed.

Me and mine do not, and will not take "their" Vaccinations, but we also do not trust their song of "mild" flu, open borders, can not be contained etc.

Just leave us alone.

Sic Semper Tyrannis,


Membership Revoked
One thing I recently learned about D produced by your body from natural sunlight is that it takes about 48 hours after sun exposure before it is fully absorbed from your skin. Natural skin oils are necessary to get it into your system. So when you shower, use soap only on places you must - arm pits, nether regions, face, etc... but on your arms (and legs if exposed to the sun) just use water to clean so as to not prevent absorption of the vitamin D your skin produces...

This doesn't make sense - I think it may be a combination of the means of vitamin D3 production in humans and heavily furred mammals.

In humans, D3 is produced in the lowest layers of the epidermis, where skin oils don't really play a role. It is absorbed into the dermis and finds its way to the liver from there (where it is eventually converted to vitamin D). It is true that the precursor for D3 is found in oils on your skin, but your skin doesn't really reabsorb those oils - they are continually produced and lost to the environment.

In heavily furred mammals, extra oils are produced and migrate out onto the hairs, where the D3 precursor is converted by ultraviolet light. Then, when the animal licks its fur, it consumes the converted D3 along with the oil.

So, I'm not sure you need to skip any showers, but if you really need extra vitamin D, you might want to lick your dog or cat. :lol:


Veteran Member
This doesn't make sense - I think it may be a combination of the means of vitamin D3 production in humans and heavily furred mammals.

In humans, D3 is produced in the lowest layers of the epidermis, where skin oils don't really play a role. It is absorbed into the dermis and finds its way to the liver from there (where it is eventually converted to vitamin D). It is true that the precursor for D3 is found in oils on your skin, but your skin doesn't really reabsorb those oils - they are continually produced and lost to the environment.

In heavily furred mammals, extra oils are produced and migrate out onto the hairs, where the D3 precursor is converted by ultraviolet light. Then, when the animal licks its fur, it consumes the converted D3 along with the oil.

So, I'm not sure you need to skip any showers, but if you really need extra vitamin D, you might want to lick your dog or cat. :lol:

Hmmmm... I'll have to go look up the link again. Perhaps I mis-remembered what I read? But I think I'll pass on licking the dogs and cats. :lol:

Lost Patriot

Membership Revoked
Lost Patriot... DEEP breath, please.

You are confusing several *different* issues here.

Tamiflu was developed to treat seasonal influenza, as Dissumilo correctly notes above. It's BEEN USED for seasonal influenza for several years...

It's a neuraminidase inhibitor:

Tamiflu and Relenza both will work on both Influenza types A AND B.

Two other drugs (Amantadine and Rimantadine) only work on Influenza A.

Influenza has a rather unique ability to mutate rapidly in response to environmental effects. There are specific strains which are common to birds, to swine, to humans, and to other mammals (dogs, cats, horses). BUT.. unlike many other infectious organisms, it's not species specific... it happily "begs, borrows or steals" genetic material from any other influenza virus it encounters. That's why we so often see new "mixed" viruses emerge from the poor countries of Southeast Asia... where people often live WITH their poultry and swine. (and that's as far as I'll go in excusing WHO for screwing up... even though it's "most common", they *should have had* a Plan B.. and more)

THESE "Re-combinations" happen all the time. It's *entirely possible* this particular strain was simply a very unlucky natural change (that "air travel factor" which is now being blamed for the SPREAD of the virus may well be the culprit in the very existence of the virus... it's no longer possible to say "hey, that's a North American strain, it couldn't POSSIBLY have gotten mixed with European swine virus". Except.. it sure could.

Peter Scientist visits a hog farm in Poland (he's a US university bigwig). He just happens to be hacking and coughing that day, but it's minor. But... as it turns out, he's got a fairly mild case of Influenza A. And he just happens to inspect the feeders a little too closely when he has a coughing fit... and a few hogs pick up the virus. Which then blends with the *subclinical* virus they already had (Peter Scientist was actually a consultant who was trying to figure out why this farm was seeing less than optimum results)... and Polish Paul, who is the farm manager, picks it up. Before he's not contagious, he travels to Europe, in a continuing search for the reason his hogs aren't doing well. Hearing of an oddly similar problem in a large poultry farm, he stops there.....

IT CAN HAPPEN. In fact, despite stringent biosecurity measures at many farms, it DOES happen, more than we know. That's because "biosecurity" on almost all farms (including ours) means "keeping people from bringing in known livestock diseases on their boots or clothing"... NOT "preventing multi-species viruses from spreading or getting together".

As far as the "Tamiflu resistance"... well, that was as inevitable as the sun rising. Because- as I said before- there was a serious misperception of how far this flu strain had already spread, and so some local authorities in some countries tried to "contain" their cases (which were actually not local spontaneous occurances, but the first warning of the many who already had it) by using a "Tamiflu blanket"... giving tamiflu to all people who may have had contact with the ill person.. including entire communities.

That's like giving penicillin to everyone in town because the mayor (who just happened to speak at the school last week) has pneumonia! Want to develop some SERIOUS resistance to penicillin? Do that in a few thousand communities around the globe!

Anyway.. no, NO ONE HAS BEEN INJECTED WITH TAMIFLU! And at this point, there isn't any indication that what we're seeing is anything more than expected mutations (to be resistant to overused drugs) and typical bureaucratic incompetence.


That still doesn't explain how they claim to have created a vaccine in just 3 months for this new strain. And it has mutated since then. So, how is it possible that they could have a vaccine ready before fall? It's not.

You seem to know what you are talking about, so I would really like an explanation please?

My other question is this, why would they have not closed the borders, and travel, to and from Mexico at the first sign of this swine flu problem? Why wait until we reach phase 6(pandemic) and still not stop travel? This all does not make any sense. It's deliberate in my opinion.
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Wise Owl

I have been preaching against ALL vaccines for years, LP. Lot's of folks listened, some not. dissmulo will never listen. He loves drugs of all sorts. Sorta like the salesperson for the big pharma on tb2k.....

I just ignore him now, for the most part.


That still doesn't explain how they claim to have created a vaccine in just 3 months for this new strain. And it has mutated since then. So, how is it possible that they could have a vaccine ready before fall? It's not.

You seem to know what you are talking about, so I would really like an explanation please?

My other question is this, why would they have not closed the borders, and travel, to and from Mexico at the first sign of this swine flu problem? Why wait until we reach phase 6(pandemic) and still not stop travel? This all does not make any sense. It's deliberate in my opinion.

Ok, here is what I know. And I'm not an expert, by any means.... but I was watching H5N1 for several years, have done a ton of research into various remedies, and have watched the evolution of the "WHO Pandemic plan".

The vaccine is NOT ready to go... it doesn't matter who says so! The "index case" (which was discovered by *accident*, believe it or not... a young boy who got treatment for flu through a military provider out in California, where it just happened that a researcher was doing a study, took some samples from him (as well as many others, I'd presume) and discovered that the flu the kid had was brand new. IIRC, he had been in Mexico, and when people started dying in Mexico, it turned out to be the same strain)... was back in March or April.

When Mexico blew up, they did at least have the samples left from the first case to work with. And it was those specimens they sent to the drug companies to try to make a vaccine from.

*AT THIS POINT* (to the best of my knowledge, and I'll admit to not watching it on a day-by-day basis... fighting H1N1 here at home combined with the usual summer farm craziness has made me have to use some "triage" of my own as far as how much time I spend on theoreticals) they have managed to "develop" a vaccine (ie; they found a way to modify the strain, or kill it without destroying the genetic material, and multiply it). That's all.

What they have at this point, is the "seed stock", if you will... sort of like saying "I've got 10# of sweet corn seed, and we're going to all eat sweet corn in September".

IOW, it's highly likely they will be able to use their "seed stock" to create multiple copies (doses of vaccine) by fall... and that was *always* where the "6 months" came in.

(I also believe I read- but don't quote me on this, and I don't have time to go digging today- that they were using a different method of growing this virus out, rather than using eggs, which is typical. I could be wrong on that, but I thought I read at the time that it would "speed up the process", which was why they were doing it. Damn, getting old-er sux!)

As far as the borders... well, that goes back to what I said about them having tunnel vision, and BADLY screwing up because they were concentrating so hard on H5N1. I was stunned when I realized they had NO plans in place if a virulent virus emerged *anywhere except* southeast Asia. Margaret Chan admitted as much in one of her early press conferences.

And, of course, "closing the US-Mexican border" is fraught with huge emotional and political connotations... and we have a President whose proven tendency is to "vote present"... ie: not ever going on record to make an unpopular decision.

(I also should point out the sheer logistics of "closing the border"... and the potential for unintended consequences. When this blew up in Mexico, THOUSANDS (probably tens of thousands) of tourists (probably the majority Americans) were in Mexico, as it was "spring break" and "spring vacation" for many schools. My daughter, her husband and several teachers from their school were among them! "Closing the border" completely would have stranded a ton of non-Mexican citizens, and for no reason... DD and DSIL were perfectly healthy when they came home. Several of their group stayed longer, and then were stranded at the Mexico City airport for 24 hours due to weather conditions, and then stranded again in St Louis... they ended up renting a car and driving home in order to not miss their first day back at work! THOSE latecomers were sent home and told to self quarantine, until they got a doctor's certificate saying they were healthy. AFAIK, none of them developed clinical disease... but *someone* brought it back to their area, because their county is loaded. DD caught it there, a few weeks later. But... since we already HAD at least one case (and it's like cockroaches... if you see one, you KNOW there are many more) in the US... it would have been closing the door once the horse had escaped. Add in the extremely fragile world economy - which IS the god of most political types- and it would have taken having hundreds of bodies bloating in the streets before they would have shut down travel.)

Influenza, as some others have pointed out in the past few months, is a really bad (poor) choice for a weaponized disease. It's highly prone to mutating on it's own, and in very unpredictable ways. It's not all that "shocking" or even visible... unlike, say, smallpox, whose victims were instantly recognizable even in fairly early stages. And it's not all *that* contagious, if people are careful.

My bottom line: I'm not taking the vaccine (and wouldn't even if we hadn't already had the bug). Not because I'm afraid it's a nefarious plot to reduce the world's population, but because it's too new, has been pushed through in a potentially dangerous haste, and the fact that we have laws in place that protect the vaccine companies from lawsuits if they screw up doesn't give them a lot of incentive to make absolutely sure they are actually safe and effective before they release them.

And the other thing: there is NO way they can produce enough vaccine in the next few months to vaccinate everyone! They may manage to get enough produced to give to those on the "front lines"... doctors, nurses, other health care workers, EMT's, cops, maybe down the line to school teachers. But the politics of the situation will mean that poor countries are going to DEMAND their "fair share"... and there are a lot of people in the world.

You can probably find much of what I've just sketched out here by searching that incredible "flu thread" on TB2k... all the news conference transcripts, etc, are on there.

I don't know what else to tell anyone: at this point, taking a vaccine needs to be a very personal decision, preferably made after discussing your own health and risks with your own doctor. (no, we don't have a personal physician, and I realize that optimum scenario is probably impossible for many these days). Our own choice has always been to self-isolate, and do self-care... and it's worked very well. I couldn't very well avoid the social interaction required by the upcoming wedding of our youngest, or we likely wouldn't have gotten sick... our lives are naturally very isolated on our rural farm.

But you also need to remember, many of the "accepted protocols" for keeping influenza in check aren't working with this strain, because it *is contagious at least 24 hours before a person feels ANY symptoms*. That is one reason why we're still seeing it spread... even the most conscientious person who wouldn't dream of going to work or school if they were ill, may well spread it to several others *the day before* they break with a fever or sore throat. So while "wash your hands frequently, and don't touch your mouth or nose" is helpful... "stay home if you're ill or running a fever" is too little, too late.

In conclusion... I'm not minimizing the severity of this flu... it's a dangerous virus, even in it's current "mild" form. It has the worst inflammatory effects I've ever seen in a disease... I can easily see how it can kill. But at this point, I don't see any reason to believe it was "man-made", and certainly not a deliberate release.

I could be wrong...


China Connection

TB Fanatic
I've watched Dissmulo post for some time. I don't always agree of course with what he says but I have come to respect him as intelligent and very worth reading.

In no way shape or form do I think the timing of this pandemic is natural. The bugs however could be natural or allowed to mutate in or out of a lab.

The question as to could this be natural I would have to answer yes. In the less clean places here in China you have pigs, chickens and ducks on the same property. They can be eating one another’s poop and the farmer eating some of his own livestock and / or badly cleaned vegetables off the property where wastes have been used raw for fertilizer.

No doubt this also happens in plenty of other countries.

From what I can see the spread of bird flu has been helped a lot.

What they are doing with Swine Flu in regards to quarantining of people is totally uncalled for when it has already spread and currently has such a low death rate.

I have every reason to believe that we are being set up for the kill!


Contributing Member
A lot of good information in a somewhat confusing thread. I just wish everyone would REMEMBER TO SEPARATE antibiotics (good for killing the things that accompany influenza and toothaches and inflammation) and anti-virals (generally useless except if taken within 24 or 48 hours of onset of flu, they MAY reduce symptoms).

There is no cure for the flu or the common cold. Tamiflu will not cure anyone's influenza. Period. It may ease symptoms. Then again, it may not help at all.

Despite what Pharma would like you to think.

Be Well

may all be well
My other question is this, why would they have not closed the borders, and travel, to and from Mexico at the first sign of this swine flu problem? Why wait until we reach phase 6(pandemic) and still not stop travel? This all does not make any sense. It's deliberate in my opinion.

Because the WHO is run by Margaret Chan, servant of the PRC. And the CDC is run by people who are run by the political/financial PTB who kowtow to the PRC via the WHO; and gov't traitors at all levels. It's all about money and the economy - squeeze every last penny out of everyone before they die.


Veteran Member
Not that I don't think the depopulationists are quite capable of doing something this terrible, but I've just been wondering one thing about the various theories and speculation that someone is deliberately engineering this epidemic...won't they and their loved ones get it too?

Be Well

may all be well
Even if this was not manipulated or from a lab (which I have no idea about), TPTB that are lying, are hoping that they themselves will have the vaccine (COG for one thing, and wealth buys protection), and if a few millions (or even hundreds of millions) of "regular people" die, so what, to them.

If they really wanted to stop it - can't really be done, but it could be slowed down, which they have not done, and people should wonder why. People don't shop and rack up their credit cards if they are trying to avoid getting a pandemic variety flu.

CIDRAP has been advising (for a good figure) business and .gov bigwigs how to bunker up, for quite some time. Don't think these big guys and gals don't have their own fancy bugout locations, well stocked.