OT/MISC Youtubes!


Veteran Member
After reading Dennis's post about needing more participation, I thought that I would tell you what I find interesting on youtube.

I mainly watch on my roku so that I can see the bigger screen and enjoy it much more than regular TV. I see that others are doing that too!

Here is a list of what I like to watch:

Alternative news.

I started listening to Trunews and usually get lots of suggestions when that is over, so I have heard many good ones. Usually short segments. I don't care for the computer generated ones.

Interesting stories

I was listening to some talk show awhile back and there was a man discussing all the disappearances in the National Parks. I don't get scared easily, but I could barely get to sleep after hearing his story.


I like to listen to the Daily Economist for a brief rundown on things going on around the world and financial insight.


Vertical gardening, crafty things, household hacks, etc.


I love watching the makeover on the Makeover guy. It's a girl thing, but I love to see the changes in people.

Feel good movies

Since I don't have cable, I usually will catch a few Hallmark movies on youtube, occasional some mysteries.

I rarely keep up with celebrities, current music or fashion, but I do like some of the shows that I used to watch on HGTV.

What have you been watching on youtube? Anything to recommend?


Veteran Member
I love YouTube! I have spent hours watching vids on prepping, survival, building rocket stoves, gardening, furniture building and jewelry making. We were also in the market, recently, for a travel trailer, so we did all of our research on YT. The best thing about YT, is our son taught himself how to play the guitar by watching YT videos!


Veteran Member
Oh yes. I really got into those van conversions on youtube. Wonderful about your son, I've learned to do so much watching videos. I watched "DebraJoy" talk about how she lives in her van and lives on SS. A lot of times I get ideas from fb and go and look up things. While others binge watch on netflix, I do it on youtube.


Veteran Member
I recently was able to fix our washer with the help of YouTube; dh had been resigned to buying a new one. I'm subscribed to several homesteading channels that are very informative. Youngest son jokes that he doesn't need college because he's enrolled in the University of YouTube...LOL!

Some good channels: FouchoMatic, Esther Emery, Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, An American Homestead. I'm on my phone so can't check my list but those are my favorites. There are others that I check into occasionally. I have to limit my subsription list or I'd be sitting there all day!


Veteran Member
I learned something the other day. If you have a smart TV that's hooked to wifi, hit the air play on you iOS device it pops up on your TV.

I had no idea it would do that. Accidentally hit the menu thing at the bottom pop up and was typing to fast and hit the air play before I pushed the tool bar (or what ever you call it) and what I was watching suddenly came on my big screen TV. It's great for you tube!


Veteran Member
bluelady, it's true, YT is an education in so many areas. I look everything up on YT. I have made so many over the air antennas! Oh and another good place for neat ideas is Instructables. Check the site out sometime. They have good how to's
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Veteran Member
You guys are really adding to my lists. Check out The Prophecy Club videos too! Thanks Westgardener, that looks interesting!


Veteran Member
For sure TheGatherer, I believe I have used some in the past for appliances around the house like bluelady. Love the education and you can't beat free!


Veteran Member
I really like the TED talks and here lately I have been geeking out on all of the great visualizations of physics and math concepts.


Veteran Member
I call it the 'YouTube University' lots of 'how-to's' on there.. and instruction manuals for most things...

That's a great description! I've used videos there for repairing my printer, and several times for auto repair. It's nice to watch someone do the job step by step, then repeat the process yourself. I've saved some of the videos for things I expect to have to do again in the future, just in case.

Red Sky

Southern Lady who loves the old paths
I very seldom watch tv anymore. I love information. So YouTube is where I spend a lot of time. I prefer watching a demonstration, rather than reading about it. I also love watching people living normal lives: Saccone-Joleys. Crawling in my web, budget girl, etc. YouTube is the best entertainment I have found that is free (except for cable fees).


Let's Go Brandon!
Blacknarwhal, yes I've heard about that. Such a shame!

I figure it's temporary. Google will bring out some spectacular new algorithm change that will "fix everything." It will kill some channels. Already I've been seeing more channels go to Patreon support, but that's not sustainable. People can't afford to subscribe to every channel they like.


North to the Future
Like a lot of you on here, I watch Mark Dice and Paul Joseph Watson, as well as Pat Condell, cowboy Chad Prather and Alfonzo Rachel, among others. It goes without saying that I don't always agree 100% with all of them, but for the most part, they have excellent viewpoints and humor in their presentations.

But if I was to recommend any new channel for you, it'd be Acts 17 Apologetics, with David Wood (and occasionally another fellow). He breaks down every single thing to arm us with islams own writings to provide proof of what anyone with an ounce of sense knows. Here's a link to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5H0uunC2qMk0iOF4SHKUw


Time Traveler
I spend 95% of tv time watching youtube videos. Behold Israel, Chuck Missler, JD Farag, John Haller, are all favs, but I'll also watch how to's, and have learned to do a lot of crafting type things, repair things, and of course the 'funny cats' videos. When we got the new vehicle I learned how to fix issues for free that would have cost thousands, I've repaired electronics, and the pellet stove with youtube vids.

I watch a lot of alternative health videos, Dr. Eric Berg and Dr. Joel Wallach being the two I seem to end up watching most, but many others, any time I find a new topic, I'll just put it on autoplay and it will take me through to channels on youtube I'd never found otherwise, like a Russian roulette of tv.

Between that and hulu and the other 450+ Roku channels I currently downloaded, I lack for nothing in the way of entertainment.


Techno Junkie
Well, what the heck, you guys like survival related stuff, here is my channel. I do gear reviews, build all sorts of stoves and other survival related projects, and general prepper type stuff. Enjoy. I am having a blast doing it, been doing it for about 2 years now. I go by a different name over there but this is my channel.


I had a video go semi viral a few months ago, how to make a copper coil alcohol stove got over 700,000 views and I got a load of subscribers from it. I try to upload at the very least one video a week but sometimes its 2 or more.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thanks Cappy, NOW you got me started watching how to make a waddle hut, thatched roof hut, grass shack, etc., etc., etc. :popcorn1::lol:


Veteran Member
David Paulides has Five books out about missing people
They are Missing 411 Eastern, Missing 411 Western and other Missing 411 locations
The 411 is the number of incidents in the book. Sometime there are more.
You want another good one. Off the Wall Death in Yosemite by Michael P. Ghiglieri and Charles R. Farabee Jr.
There are more if anyone is interested

They will shake your day to realize just how venerable and fragile we really are on the edge of society


Veteran Member
A father son team taking a 20 acre forest and converting a portion of it into a small farm. its real people doing what most of us only talk about. Its a slow progression having to fit it into a regular life but then that makes it all the more real.
As some of you probably already know you can make an income off of a YouTube channel. The channel has to get 1000 subscribers before they will pay you. Also when you comment and "like" the videos it gives the channel more clout in the eyes of those who pay for advertising on YouTube. These YouTube channel makers put a lot of effort into doing what they do and the hard work is rewarded by the viewers input and subscribing. Once I found this information out about YouTube I have subscribed to every channel that I like to help support them.




I am the Winter Warrior
Thanks Cappy, NOW you got me started watching how to make a waddle hut, thatched roof hut, grass shack, etc., etc., etc. :popcorn1::lol:

Yep! Think about it, if nukes fly or a 'Carrington Event' from the sun happens...we'll be back to that level of survival in a very short period of time. You and I will be ready...