WTF?!? You Want the Nunchucks? You Got the Nunchucks! - AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich


The Executor
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Let's Go Brandon!


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Yeah....had a buddy back in the 70's that thought he was Bruce Lee.....we were both in Judo and Karate classes at the time. We were supposed to work out and when I dropped by to pick him up to head to the Dojo I found him unconscious in his back yard. He was swinging the Nunchucks backwards and totally knocked his arse out!! Then later tried a cross over between his legs.....and damn near "busted a nut"! :eek:

I told him maybe those weren't be best choice of martial art weapons! :rofl:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Ask Melodi about her Clacker Prowess...
My sisters and I had those crackers too, very dangerous!

There was this one little shithead in the neighborhood who used to love laying in wait for us girls to go down this hill on our bikes.

This POS would run out and shove a stick our bike spokes.

So my sister was ready for him this time.

She gets off her bike, has her sparklie Clackers in her right hand, winds here arm up and loudly announces as he’s running away, “He’s not outta range yet!” then proceeds to throw the Clackers like a Bola and just f’ken nails him in the head and neck

He goes drops like a downed cow.

He is now an attorney and lobbyist in DC.

For you guys who are friends on my Facebook, you’ll see what she looks like the latest post she tagged me in.

She’s the gal standing next to the huge tuna and she caught. And the other one of her with her bang stick doing target practice. And no, she got her years wrong. It wasn’t 35 years ago, it was 20.

You’ll see me (the blonde) in the other pic.

My profile pic was taken last Oct. V