VIDEO You Need 2 Years of Food – Martin Armstrong

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane

You Need 2 Years of Food – Martin Armstrong​

By Greg Hunter On May 4, 2024 In Market Analysis, Political Analysis 19 Comments
By Greg Hunter’s
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on how well the Biden economy is doing. Spoiler alert: It’s not doing well, and the financial system is about to tank. I asked Armstrong if the US government could default on its debt if countries around the world continue to stop buying it? Armstrong explained, “I think the US could default on its debt as early as 2025, but probably in 2027. We have kicked the can down the road as far as we can go. It’s not just in the United States. Europe is in the same boat. So is Japan. This is why they need war. They think by going into war, that’s the excuse to default on the debt. They simply will not pay China. If they try to sell their debt–good luck. We are not redeeming it. The same thing is happening in Europe. So, once that happens, you go into war, and that is their excuse on this whole debt thing to collapse, which wipes out pensions etc. Then they can blame Putin.

This is the same thing Biden was doing before saying this was Putin’s inflation. Then, with the whole CBDC thing (central bank digital currency) . . . . the IMF has already completed its digital coin, and they want that to replace the dollar as the reserve currency for the world. . . . These people are desperately just trying to hang on to power. Nobody wants to give it up, and nobody wants to reform.”

I asked Armstrong what should the common person be doing now? Armstrong surprisingly said, “I think you need, safely, two years’ worth of food supply. . . .This is what I have. It’s not just prices will go up, but mainly because there will be shortages. Then, you do not know what they are going to do with the currency. . . . They will do whatever they have to do to survive. That’s what governments always do.”

Armstrong says his most recent data suggests that government approval ratings in the USA are worse that Biden’s 8% approval rating. Congress, according to Armstrong, is dragging the bottom with a 7% approval rating. Armstrong has long said that people will buy gold and silver when faith in government crashes. That is exactly what Armstrong is seeing around the world today. Gold is bouncing around the $2,300 level, and Armstrong sees “a new gold and silver rally coming soon.” War is also coming sooner than later with the announcement that Ukraine will be joining NATO as early as July. When the next war starts, Armstrong warns, “You are going to have to watch the bank because long term interest rates are going to go up. Nobody wants to buy government debt, and you are going to have to hunker down at that stage in the game.”

Armstrong is also predicting a big turn on or about May 7th of next week. Armstrong predicts a recession will start then and go on until 2028. GDP will continue to fall, and inflation will continue to rise. Armstrong says it is the perfect storm for a dreaded “stagflation economy.”

There is much more in the 54-minute interview.



Veteran Member
Three months. Three months is all you need. After the dead body stink goes away and you are still here the hard work starts. I don’t plan on surviving. My plan is the get my children and grandchildren over the hump and let them start the new society. Just three months and you will be here or not. Three months is a lot easier for us poor folks to deal with. Just stay on the low- low and survive. Keep from starving and keep fit and your family will come through. Tend to you neighbors as you can but family first. Three months.


Veteran Member
Spouting something like "two years" just overwhelms a lot of people so they never even try for "two weeks" which would be a darned good start for the general population.

And then of course, he never mentions having means and mindset enough to defend it.

Samuel Adams

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Fodder for the True Believers, nothing more.

When ratings sag for the conservative-leaning soothsayers, just trot out the admonition to STORE MORE FOOD.

That ploy works every time….for now.

The day will come that even most (never all) True Believers will accept that the collapse will never manifest….as predicted….and that we are forever now in the aftermath of the collapse that already happened a long time ago.


do you'all store meat in your preps? if so do you can your own?

For me I'm somewhat limited on space in the cabin so I have to store a lot of food in unheated outbuildings and it gets very cold up here in the winter. I do have freeze dried meats in entrees as well as beef, chicken etc. I also have #10 cans of TVP for protein. Not as nice as meat but it does work. And then in the heated cabin I have some space for canned chicken, tuna, spam, tins of ham so on and so forth. And I also have chickens for eggs but as they get older I can butcher the hens.

You need protein and while beans and rice can make a complete protein I'd imagine you would quickly grow tired of that if that was the only protein source available to you.


Don't screw with an engineer
You need protein and while beans and rice can make a complete protein I'd imagine you would quickly grow tired of that if that was the only protein source available to you.
Storing beans and rice is wise. But, you need some various stuff to flavor it so it's not bland and you can vary the taste.
Bouillon cubes/packets, FD meats, ham seasoning packets such as Goya, etc. Maybe even a case or two of Yoder's canned bacon.
One other thing I've done is buy small sliced hams and put some of it in a dehydrator. Once done, I freeze in plastic bags.
You can eat it for snacks, but it's fairly hard. But, you can break the pieces and grind in a spice/coffee grinder, and use the powder in beans, lentils, etc.


Veteran Member
do you'all store meat in your preps? if so do you can your own?
I have around 200 meals worth of commercially canned chicken, beef, and tuna, as well as another 50+ meals worth of soups and stews, etc. with meat, commercially canned. Additional protein source is about 400 lbs. of navy beans in 5 gallon buckets, and about 500 lbs. of rice in 5 gallon buckets. The freezer holds another 30 or 40 meals worth of pork, chicken, and beef.

I also have a flock of 19 chickens, so we have plenty of eggs. In addition, I have about 1500 lbs. of meat "on the hoof" if you will, and over 2500 canning jars to accommodate that meat in the event we decide to slaughter, or if the freezers fail and we need to cook and can that meat up quick. We live pretty rural, and livestock is plentiful all around us.


So, Samuel Adams, True Believers will accept that the collapse will never manifest…
This is what the people of the Prophet Jeremiahs time said, "God will never allow Jerusalem to be destroyed. After all the Temple is here and we are God's people."


Veteran Member
Storing beans and rice is wise. But, you need some various stuff to flavor it so it's not bland and you can vary the taste.
Bouillon cubes/packets, FD meats, ham seasoning packets such as Goya, etc. Maybe even a case or two of Yoder's canned bacon.
One other thing I've done is buy small sliced hams and put some of it in a dehydrator. Once done, I freeze in plastic bags.
You can eat it for snacks, but it's fairly hard. But, you can break the pieces and grind in a spice/coffee grinder, and use the powder in beans, lentils, etc.
I forgot about the Yoders bacon!! I have a couple cases of that.

Also have several Rubbermaid tubs full of bouillon and spices, all vacuum sealed, as well as 5 or 6 cases of beef and chicken stock.


Veteran Member
Spouting something like "two years" just overwhelms a lot of people so they never even try for "two weeks" which would be a darned good start for the general population.

And then of course, he never mentions having means and mindset enough to defend it.
^^This. We can't even afford to put up one year's worth--we put back what we eat, and we can only purchase enough each week to replace what we ate last week. I'm hoping my garden will do much better this year, but one never knows, and it is certainly a learning process.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
An extra bedroom turned into a walk-in pantry holds us around 2 year's worth of food, plus another 1/4 of another bedroom. All cleaning supplies, lamp oil, paper products, etc. are stored in a mini barn outside. The barn is unheated and no a/c, so it's just for non-food item storage and survival gear and supplies.

We have commercially canned meats, plus what I can myself in our storage. I also have 2 chest freezers. One for meat only, and the other is for all other items that need to be kept frozen such as cheese, butter, flour, cornmeal, etc. for freshness.

I don't think many people realize just how much food it takes for one year, much less, two. Try eating only out of your food stores for about 2 months, nothing else, and you will quickly realize how much food you will go through in a short time.
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Armstrong is calling for collapse in 2025. Indeed, I've noticed that he always puts off the collapse till next year.

IMO, we're gonna see it this year.

Things have progressed where a single black swan event can take us down now. Will that be next week, next month, next year? Only God knows the timing in this. I have a hard time believing that they will let the election go through unless they try to lock us down with bird flu so they can try to steal the election with the mail in balloting again. Without that I don't think they can get away with it this time but we'll see.

Every day that passes and the collapse hasn't become so obvious that the man/woman in the street discerns it yet is another day we have a chance to prepare without millions of others vying for the same things we are putting away.


TB Fanatic
My thinking is 6 months of food. But it could be much longer.
3-6 months are to get you over the hump.....production must start at some point and the idea of 2 years is a bit silly unless you are counting on the freeze dried stuff and then sure. I can go with that.

You need to have a garden, trees that produce, order to survive longer term. Either that be one of those who benefit from taking from others.... usually by force .......

Much like the food stamp silliness of today..... taking from those who pay taxes, and giving as much as $1400 per month per child to those who barely make an effort.....

Yeah, it is as much as $1400 per month here abouts in my area.


TB Fanatic
ANYONE and I mean ANYONE that can stomach that shit has more than doubled their odds of living. I would absolutely DIE if I had to rely on that abomination of food/protein to live. It will never be in my preps.
I used it back in the 80's and its okay, needs a lot of seasonings. We didn't rely on it, just used it to extend some things. Sadly, its in a lot of canned foods.


Veteran Member
I am pretty sure my beans are hard, and won't soften well. Most have been in those buckets for 15+ years, however we plan to grind into bean flour and use to thicken sauces, soups, and stews if we can't eat them whole. The protein content is still there!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
3-6 months are to get you over the hump.....production must start at some point and the idea of 2 years is a bit silly unless you are counting on the freeze dried stuff and then sure. I can go with that.

A 2-year supply for us isn't silly. We have a one-year supply of cases of different Mountain House #10 cans of food, plus a year's supply of store-bought foods that we eat every day. We aren't fortunate enough to have a big garden or orchard. I'm continually adding back what we use from the pantry each shopping trip, and we do have a small garden. We also add more to the pantry each shopping trip. I don't think anyone is ever done prepping. Pretty soon, I'll have 2 bedrooms full.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
do you'all store meat in your preps? if so do you can your own?

A lot of mine is dehydrated. Much lighter and easy enough to rehydrate when the time comes. Learning to pressure can meat so it doesn't come out like glop, should have happened a long time ago. Those who can can, can and should!

P.S. Don't forget to stock up on spices for cooking and baking.


Veteran Member
3-6 months are to get you over the hump.....production must start at some point and the idea of 2 years is a bit silly unless you are counting on the freeze dried stuff and then sure. I can go with that.

You need to have a garden, trees that produce, order to survive longer term. Either that be one of those who benefit from taking from others.... usually by force .......

Much like the food stamp silliness of today..... taking from those who pay taxes, and giving as much as $1400 per month per child to those who barely make an effort.....

Yeah, it is as much as $1400 per month here abouts in my area.
Why is it silly? Many of us have done it, and continue to do it. Can't really pinpoint what is silly about it.


Black Out
Three months. Three months is all you need. After the dead body stink goes away and you are still here the hard work starts. I don’t plan on surviving. My plan is the get my children and grandchildren over the hump and let them start the new society. Just three months and you will be here or not. Three months is a lot easier for us poor folks to deal with. Just stay on the low- low and survive. Keep from starving and keep fit and your family will come through. Tend to you neighbors as you can but family first. Three months.
It's going to be the neighbors that will make a nice butt bun roast out of you!


ANYONE and I mean ANYONE that can stomach that shit has more than doubled their odds of living. I would absolutely DIE if I had to rely on that abomination of food/protein to live. It will never be in my preps.

I did get a few cases of this stuff. Leaves a lot to the imagination of pretending it's meat and making burgers out of it but it isn't half bad for casseroles, chili and as a meat extender. Better than the TVP actually.

Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 10.29.02 AM.jpg


Don't screw with an engineer
Things have progressed where a single black swan event can take us down now. Will that be next week, next month, next year? Only God knows the timing in this. I have a hard time believing that they will let the election go through unless they try to lock us down with bird flu so they can try to steal the election with the mail in balloting again. Without that I don't think they can get away with it this time but we'll see.

Every day that passes and the collapse hasn't become so obvious that the man/woman in the street discerns it yet is another day we have a chance to prepare without millions of others vying for the same things we are putting away.
The average American believes what they see on the evening "news". And that propaganda is to portray the house of cards as rock-steady and stable. They'll buy into the lie that inflation is "only 8%" (or whatever the reported figure is) and then complain about the high-and-rising cost of goods and food.
The subliminal message pushed by officials and media is "don't believe your lyin' eyes".


Veteran Member
I think silly because most can't wrap their minds around it. We are good for awhile, I also say store vitamins and herbs.
Those who, at this late date, can't wrap their minds around 2 years worth of storage, likely don't even have 3 months worth. Once you've done 3 months, then 6 months, a year, or two, looks do-able.

I understand that it can be overwhelming when getting started, and folks can get discouraged easily, but I often wonder if it is discouraging not because of what they actually need to do to accumulate a years worth, or two years worth, but because they keep hearing how it is "too hard", or "silly", or "would require a whole other house to store it all", etc., etc.. One thing I have learned about the prepping world is that many in it are way too quick to tell everyone how very difficult it is, and they scare people off.

Word to the wise everyone....listen to those who HAVE DONE IT, and continue to do it, not to those who say it can't be done.