MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Wanted to report how things are going in the new (to me) RV since cold weather began.
I am doing well in spite of not being able to plug into the pole with the original electrical cord; I have run electric extension cords (heavy duty) thru the wall of the RV and then filled the hole with expanding foam. I still don't have a fridge, but supposedly I can get it to run on propane, though I haven't hooked that up yet. But, I do have light, a small microwave, plugs for the computer, etc.
It was very chilly last night>>>down to 20, with a wind chill of about 8 degrees, I use a small propane heater and it does the job. I haven't turned it up beyond medium and need to get a concrete board to put underneath it, so there is no danger of fire on the floor etc. Again, if the propane will work on this RV, that problem is solved too. I am hesitant to hook up the propane in the outside "closet" because the demon who haunts me would be able to get to it. If you don't know what I am talking about, it's OK>>>just some monster from my past who likes to torment me.
Most of my cooking is done in either the microwave or my electric skillet.
I am "dry docking" which means I am not having running water since the monster destroyed all my water lines under the big house. I store mt water in bottles and bathe using water I have heated, diluted with cold water, to wash with and then dump it over my body to get clean. I use a big storage crate INSIDE the bathtub to collect the water used and then empty it outside by filling buckets and transporting it out of the RV. My toilet is a TALL bucket, which is lined with Clorox plastic garbage bags>>>>which have a lovely scent (!!!) prior to use. These are discarded outside, in a hole dug for this purpose, and covered with a shovel of dirt>>I empty daily. The bucket is covered when not in use thus the smell does NOT permeate the RV!
I do my dishes in a small dish pan that fits in my RV sink and they are rinsed in another one, both of which have heated water in them. I also have three dehydrators in the RV>>>>two small ones that hang on the wall and one big electric one that lives in the bathtub when I am not using the tub.
I think I have worked this out pretty well and I am quite happy out in the RV>>>>clean and easy to keep that way>>>>I enjoy it immensely!!
Any one have any other suggestions on how to make things better/easier>>>>feel free to comment.
I am doing well in spite of not being able to plug into the pole with the original electrical cord; I have run electric extension cords (heavy duty) thru the wall of the RV and then filled the hole with expanding foam. I still don't have a fridge, but supposedly I can get it to run on propane, though I haven't hooked that up yet. But, I do have light, a small microwave, plugs for the computer, etc.
It was very chilly last night>>>down to 20, with a wind chill of about 8 degrees, I use a small propane heater and it does the job. I haven't turned it up beyond medium and need to get a concrete board to put underneath it, so there is no danger of fire on the floor etc. Again, if the propane will work on this RV, that problem is solved too. I am hesitant to hook up the propane in the outside "closet" because the demon who haunts me would be able to get to it. If you don't know what I am talking about, it's OK>>>just some monster from my past who likes to torment me.
Most of my cooking is done in either the microwave or my electric skillet.
I am "dry docking" which means I am not having running water since the monster destroyed all my water lines under the big house. I store mt water in bottles and bathe using water I have heated, diluted with cold water, to wash with and then dump it over my body to get clean. I use a big storage crate INSIDE the bathtub to collect the water used and then empty it outside by filling buckets and transporting it out of the RV. My toilet is a TALL bucket, which is lined with Clorox plastic garbage bags>>>>which have a lovely scent (!!!) prior to use. These are discarded outside, in a hole dug for this purpose, and covered with a shovel of dirt>>I empty daily. The bucket is covered when not in use thus the smell does NOT permeate the RV!
I do my dishes in a small dish pan that fits in my RV sink and they are rinsed in another one, both of which have heated water in them. I also have three dehydrators in the RV>>>>two small ones that hang on the wall and one big electric one that lives in the bathtub when I am not using the tub.
I think I have worked this out pretty well and I am quite happy out in the RV>>>>clean and easy to keep that way>>>>I enjoy it immensely!!
Any one have any other suggestions on how to make things better/easier>>>>feel free to comment.