CORONA Will you be the minority? The future of freedom...

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
Earlier in today's Coronavirus Task Force presser, one of the reporters posed the question about "opening back up the country" to Dr. Fauci. He asked something along the lines of (paraphrasing) "I can't imagine we'd go back to sports stadiums of 75,000 people or political rallies of 25,000 people. So how do we go about bringing Americans back to everyday normal?"

Great question, right? I myself have thought many hours about the future of air travel or concerts, of shopping malls and hotels, of restaurants and grocery stores. Will we ever feel comfortable in crowded, confined spaces again?

Then Fauci said something that made my spidey senses tingle. He said (again paraphrasing), "Well, we have two things we can use in the future. One is antibody testing, which will determine who's already had the virus and therefore are immune and safe to be in public. And eventually we'll have a vaccine, which will be available to those without the antibodies."

Hold up!!! Wait a second. Did anyone else catch that??? So... is it possible, probable even, to imagine a society in the very near future in which you cannot participate in large crowds, or travel on a plane, or gather at a public event, unless you've had either a positive antibody OR a vaccine?

I'm not here to lead this into a "mark of the beast" conversation. I'm just legitimately wondering how this sort of thing might play out. And before you say it won't bother you one bit, think about the ramifications of something like that. If you weren't immune, it might affect your job status or prevent you from getting hired. You might not be able to attend a wedding or visit a relative in a hospital. It could mean you aren't authorized to have a surgical procedure, or get your tooth pulled, or get an eye exam, or visit the doctor. Heck, you may not even get approved for insurance. The list to this is endless.

I can only imagine the kind of discrimination that might occur to those who took their social distancing seriously during the pandemic and avoided the virus altogether, but who decline the vaccine when it becomes available. The fact that Bill Gates is heading up this vaccine path is even more disconcerting. Is this shaping the future of freedom? I think that most Americans who are even a little squeamish about taking a new vaccine might give in quite easily once they realize they could be forbidden to take their Disney Vacations or lose their job if they don't comply.

Will you be in the minority? And if this scenario does play out, could you give up the things that "immunity" would offer?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Minority here. Fast tracked, unproven vaccine? When the only other SARS vaccine took 17 years to get right and only just passed it's first set of human trials about 8 months ago. Nope.
And my son has bad vaccine reactions. And my reactions, at least to flu, are not good.
But then, I work from home. I hate crowded events with a passion. And I'd love the reason for nosey pita people to avoid us.

Jubilee on Earth

Veteran Member
Minority here. Fast tracked, unproven vaccine? When the only other SARS vaccine took 17 years to get right and only just passed it's first set of human trials about 8 months ago. Nope.
And my son has bad vaccine reactions. And my reactions, at least to flu, are not good.
But then, I work from home. I hate crowded events with a passion. And I'd love the reason for nosey pita people to avoid us.

Hope you don't take any medications or ever have to go to a doctor. I can imagine that life for us "unimmunables" could get very tough. Imagine a health system denying care to those who refuse to have the vaccination. I mean, look how easy it was for public schools to deny children who weren't vaccinated.


Veteran Member
It all depends on whether this thing dies back of it's own MERS and SARS.
Even if it becomes seasonal, it's a plus, because we may have a vaccine by fall.

Hey...I still have hopes for the Alice Cooper concert second week of June.


Veteran Member
Or that one cannot participate in society unless they have ID2020, Bill Gates' sick pet project that forces vaccination and a tattoo with your medical data on it onto people if they want to 'buy, sell, or hold down a job.' Considering that Fauci is on The Gates Foundation's leadership council, it wouldn't surprise me one bit.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hope you don't take any medications or ever have to go to a doctor. I can imagine that life for us "unimmunables" could get very tough. Imagine a health system denying care to those who refuse to have the vaccination. I mean, look how easy it was for public schools to deny children who weren't vaccinated.
I'm already dealing with it. Many doctors refuse to see kids that are not vaccinated. We ended up going with a family GP that our family knew because of how many doctors refused to take my son on when I would not vaccinate him. It didn't matter to them that we had proven negative reactions. It didn't matter that if they ran titers, the titers showed that he still had full immunity from when he had been vaccinated. I wouldn't let them update his vaccines, they didn't want him as a patient.
You would be surprised just how many people deal with that situation right now. It's a rather large population segment. But if they bring it up at all they get branded as anti-vax and ridiculed.
As for not seeing doctors, well that's been happening for over 5 years. The same GP that sees my son will see me if it's urgent but otherwise I avoid doctor offices.
Now, when they produce a full, double blind, placebo vs vaccine study, I'll consider it. Depending on what the study finds.


Veteran Member
Well, it’ll be a large enough minority (God willing!) that a black market will develop.

Look, we really already have alternative medicine driven by people dissatisfied with corporate medicine.

So, why not the next step and under ground visits? People had abortions for decade while it was illegal, women still have breast and butt implant/ augmentations underground even now!

Could be that this economy will create the supply of MDs, RNs, PAs, NPs, etc who’ll do house calls discretely.

Heck the gangs, Mob, etc have disgraced doctors on call for shootings, ODs, etc they don’t want reported.

Drugs are already an enterprising RN, MD etc to treat, suture, operate etc is all that’s needed!


Veteran Member
I have been hearing of using the (blood) test for antibodies for a while now, combined with the app.

I have been hearing too of a similar approach which uses saliva to test if you have the virus (again with the app). Problem with this approach is daily testing.

No, I am not an insider: just another ”news hound”.

Between the health, economic and constitutional issues, it is hard to see a “happy path” through this. Hopefully it is just that I have poor vision...


On TB every waking moment
Life is as you describe in China NOW, if your "social score" is not high enough. Spreading disease would be the ultimate reducer in your American social score, right?


Senior Member
The Future of Freedom. I would say that there is no future of freedom. Freedom is something that has to be strived for. Fought for. Passionately desired. I do not see enough people in the world today that would be willing to make the sacrifice necessary to make a difference.

The forces of money, power, and control are in the hands of people who desire those things. Most of us just want to have a fulfilling life.

During everybody`s lifetime on this site, Freedom has slowly but surely been taken away. By those with money, power, and control.

Freedom will become less for our children. And then even less for our grandchildren. And so on.

Enjoying the freedoms that individuals have at present, is about all that we can do. Until some of those are taken away.

As far as getting vaccinated or not............ this is very easy to envision as being used as a tool of power and control.
Many on this board including myself can say that we will not. Until such a time where the hardships created by saying no, will outweigh the "freedoms" of giving in.
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