GOV/MIL "Wicked Problems' Displacing Humanity


Images and hyperlinks at the website, 2225 words. This came came from a long Internal Only agency document. If you do not know about One Health please read the first couple paragraphs. If you want to know about One Health and the economy it is addressed in several places. The Achilles Heel are things we can do the slay the OH beast (you are probably already doing many of them).

Part 3: VS2015-Strategic Plan for Implementing One Health​

Celeste Bishop​

USDA APHIS VS Internal-Use Only Document​

The Vision​

APHIS VS will provide US leadership for the animal health component of One Health (OH). As a dedicated OH partner they will contribute toward improving the global health of people, animals, ecosystems, and society.

The Mission​

As the Federal government’s animal heath authority, APHIS VS will contribute expertise, infrastructure, networks, and systems to partner effectively in a multidisciplinary, multi-level (local, state, national, and international) collaborative approach to “healthy” animals, people, ecosystems, society. (Notice the order)

The Strategic Plan for implementing One Health includes integrating the plan into a more comprehensive Synthesis Plan. By definition the Synthesis Plan is the composition of one or more concepts knitted together to form a compound which is why APHIS utilizes cornerstone principle. Synthesis is also process of reasoning which advances by a regular chain from principles before established or assumed (real or imaginary), and propositions already proved until we arrive at the conclusion.

Agriculture is a skill which improves our physical health by producing food, fiber, materials for shelter, and is also an important source of livelihood for many individuals. APHIS VS which was tasked with overseeing agriculture has begun implementing the concept of One Health Eco-militaristic strategy that oozes forth in a multi-agency coordination (MAC) effort. With the implementation of One Health APHIS VS adopts a new paradigm to collaboratively and collectively address the complex and often intertwined relationship among animal populations of any kind, humans, and their shared environment. APHIS VS is a dedicated OH partner which boldly advocates eliminating human primacy replacing it with animal primacy, and goes so far as placing ecosystem and socio-economic well-being ahead of human life, as you will see in their governance model. In a nutshell, you have just sunk to the bottom of the food-chain.

In 2008, Dr. John Clifford, APHIS VS Chief Veterinarian Officer, announced the VS2015 Initiative taking the organization towards ‘holistic changes’ to meet the animal health needs of the 21st century, saying, "While enhancing US animal agriculture by improving animal health will remain a cornerstone of VS' work in 2015, VS will also engage in health issues impacting public health when those issues are connected to animal populations of any kind." The scope of One Health includes but is not limited to climate manipulation, potential terrorist attacks, and the legal position of human life.

The OIE has appointed APHIS VS to be the federal government's animal health authority who will harness the synergistic power of the multi-disciplinary; local, state, national, and international effort to deploy Agenda 21 into "healthy" animals, people, ecosystems, economy, and society. OH singles out five vital goals that it must achieve as a “forward thinking organization”:

1. Align APHIS VS policy, programs, and infrastructure with VS 2015 OH vision

2. Paves the way for new collaborations and partnerships for empirical grow

3. Spearhead outreach and communication to build credibility, trust and respect in the OH community inclusive of the public who will be indoctrinated into OH principles

4. Transform culture and workforce

5. Support and enhance the OH community

One Health is a manufactured environment created for the artificial convergence of people, animals, and the environment into a powerful dynamic through which the health of animals is inextricably linked with the health of people and the viability of ecosystems. Unfortunately members of the US Congress have demonstrated their support for One Health principles by introducing legislation to promote, implement, and sustain OH through veterinary services and veterinary public health. APHIS VS is the perfect tools because as an agency it is devoted and loyal to the perverted global OH commitment made by the President, Congress, Secretary of Agriculture, stakeholders, and partners who have adopted and advocated that OH principles spread throughout America and the world.

With the OH mandate APHIS began to take on qualities of god-like idols as it mirrored its creator at the UN declaring that APHIS VS, “feeds people, protects them from zoonoses, and supports the economy,” and the agency goes even further, liberating itself from the focus of freeing humanity and animals from specific diseases to an “organization recognized as a leader and partner of choice for all animal health issues at the animal-human-environment interface”. The strategic plan was developed in part through the comment period which implies active public participation and with a presumed nod of inferred consent as it was conceived in full public purview hence ‘transparency.’ The truth is that it was created by a limited number of people, specifically, the One Health Working Group, who supposedly represented the public.

In the days to come you will hear more about Senator Feinstein’s, Safeguarding American Agriculture Act, S.1673, which is actually code to implement VS2015 One Health strategies covertly into agriculture through establishment of an Office of Agriculture Inspection U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), within the Department of Homeland Security.

NIAA Global Food Basket PowerPoint Slide​

APHIS VS OH strategic plan emphasizes that the American Farmer today is facing tough economic times even though the demand for food is increasing and the world faces unprecedented global food insecurity. The USDA through its OH Initiative ‘benevolently’ promises that it “will assist rural communities create wealth so they are self-sustaining, repopulating and thriving economically”. Instead of sweet promises fulfilled as OH unfolds the American farmer’s and home gardeners will feel the real whip of burdensome environmental and public health regulations. In their own words, ‘wicked problems’ will be unleashed upon man and beast alike. These ‘wicked problems’ are uniquely designed, unwieldy, requiring non-traditional solutions such as depopulation and wealth transfer to international banksters. These unconventional solutions will be necessary for ‘continued economic development’ and to conserve ‘ecological resources.’ Private property will be seized and repopulated with wildlife, or at best an animal-human hybrid. Genetically pure human beings will be replaced by these animal-hybrids who will labor in the global plantation for the promised “wealth” of food, shelter and clothing (as shown) where “safe, plentiful, and wholesome foods will be grown and exported out to privileged and other peoples of the world. The Secretary of Agriculture highlights that, ‘rural communities will prosper,’ lands will be ecologically ‘healthy,’ ‘global’ food security (not American) will prevail, and American agricultural will be exported. Implementation of Executive Order 13534, the National Export Initiative, will demand high yield American production, encourage biotechnology (GMO), and increase ‘rural prosperity’ (held in trust for the people by global hands).

APHIS VS intends to engage and partner on all health issues affecting public health, environmental health, and societal health when those issues are connected with animal populations of any kind including production animals including fish, wildlife, companion animals, horses, exotic animals, zoos and laboratory animals. APHIS VS also will be trained and at the helm to combat both domestic and international health threats at any human-animal-ecosystem interface whether intentionally or accidentally released.

Increasing international trade with its consequences will require constant monitoring and surveillance to deal with the animal health emergencies, incursion of Foreign Animal Diseases (FAD), emerging disease incidents, agro terrorism, and even natural disasters to eradicate, control, and prevent diseases which threaten the biological and commercial health of the livestock and poultry industries.

Members of the eco-fascist OH cult are trying to lead traditional and historical farmers into a matrix of complex sciences who believe in a strict mandatory, unified and comprehensive approach to meet their vision to improve the health of “animals, people, ecosystems, and society”. (Notice the order) No longer will agriculture be a simple joy as farmers and home gardeners will be increasingly licked by the purging flames of regulatory fires. Both will be held tightly, like an insect, under the lens and perspective of a scientist’s microscope while being subjected to an array of unique tools and services from “animal health professionals” in the following fields:

Environmental health (includes water quality)
Food safety
Human-animal bond (Behavior)
Humane handling and euthanasia
Immunity & Immune Mechanisms
Microbial Diseases
Molecular Biology
Population medicine
Public Health
Research and gathering of evidence
Risk assessment
Systems approaches
Veterinary context
Wildlife diseases

All VS programs and activities have been imprinted the FEMA Emergency Management circle of life: prevention, control, preparedness, and response. For millennial biblical scholars and mystics alike have noticed the life and events and circular. APHIS VS intends to use this principle to keep its agency ‘sustainable’ and viable for generations to come.

Fuzzy: Reality or Fantasy​

Today distinctions between reality and fantasy have become fuzzy. During the early environmental movement fuzzy math was applied to determine how best to remove rural populations from core wilderness areas that would eventually become off limits to human use. The One Health Strategic Implementation document takes the next step in this evolutionary process by experimenting in this document the order of presentation between ‘humans and animals’ or ‘animals and humans,’ finally merging both distinct species together under the Animal Protection Act, and various other regulations, as shown below:

Pg. 9
“animal health issues at the animal-human-environmental health interface”

Pg. 9
“containing diseases at the animal-human interface”

Pg. 12
“improve the lives of all animals, including humans

Pg. 41
“Joint investigations at the animal-human interface”

Pg. 46
“Alignment of activities with the Animal Health Protection Act beyond animal agriculture to include all species to protect OH”


No longer is war relegated to distant lands but will now found within our communities. Our children witness its ravages. APHIS VS is legitimatizing the One Health concept with its inclusion and categorization of WAR (Weekly Activities Report). How will this One Health WAR impact your family? Policies are being developed to merge all life including all companion animals which include your dog, cat, or pot belly pig into their WAR reports. Interesting acronym isn’t it? APHIS VS OH personnel will be empowered to provide tainted OH guidance to zoos, circus’s and other exhibition settings indoctrinating OH principles to our children and grandchildren on the surface, but they will be taught through every venue that they are lower than animals.

Partners in Crime​

There is an ancient military strategy known as the phalanx which is a body of soldiers, formed in ranks and files, close and deep with their shields joined and spikes crossing each other, so as to render it impossible to break, an effective tool to combat the enemy. The partnerships form part of the OH phalanx: Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN); domestic surveillance through the WHO-FAO Global Early Warning System (GLEWS); linkages between University and APHIS VS personnel; APHIS VS OH highlighted reports and publications are available using unified messaging through the media; Legislative and Public Affairs response to misinformation on OH hot topics; a global APHIS VS OH website and portal; APHIS VS OH speakers at industry forums, meetings and conferences; collaboration with OH partners in wildlife to support and participate in surveillance for wildlife diseases that impact OH (including the economy); APHIS VS assistance for non-infectious environment issues, such as nutrient management and environmental contamination.

SWOT! The Achilles Heel​

As one views this enormous landscape of this regulatory hell it is only natural to wonder if there is any hope in opposing, especially given the current political climate. There is one constant truth weaving through all empires and that is that they are arrogant. Their arrogance always leads to their downfall. APHIS VS in their haughtiness served the average person their agency’s weaknesses on a silver platter. It is our duty to use this gift to our advantage and drive back the forces of evil. These are the documented weakness of APHIS VS OH organization:

  • The strong traditional-historical agriculture group demonized as the“anti-science movement”, e.g., raw milk issue, no traceability
  • Lack of understanding and support within the agency
  • Limited coordination within the agency
  • Ineffective communication within the agency
  • ‘Gaps’ in their authority
  • Limited funding with the demand to down-size agency-public interaction
  • Stakeholder and employee turnover within the agency
  • Cancelled cooperative agreements (We the People demanding they return federal $)
  • Agency people skills weaken their infrastructure, hamper efficiency, and reduce
  • Resource shortages (personnel, funding) will force re-prioritization
  • Divergent views on the health issues within the agency
  • Politics and polarization of issues and positions within the agency

The APHIS VS OH document even provided a timeline for actions they are going to take and initiatives programs they are going to institute. For instance, in 2012 we can expect to see a Presidential Directive on One Health; farms will be targeted; contractual agreements with the CDC and OH players. In 2013, we will see policies covering companion animals, zoos and exotic animals; the agencies will begin to address misinformation on hot topics, and OH booths will be at fairs; new depopulation and vaccination technology will be deployed. In 2014, they will establish water quality; domestic-wildlife spillover’ program expands to non-infectious. In 2015, they will develop and market the Strategic Plan for Combating Neglected Tropical Disease: An Agricultural Approach as part of the Presidents Global Health Initiative, through which they will usher in a New Order.

We have a small window of opportunity to defeat the goals and objectives of the malevolent One Health plan. You can do something each day or week to challenge the One Health agenda. Ideas: buy non-GMO food, eat organic but know where it comes from, buy local, support your local farmer (but ask questions on their farming practices), educate your physician, and alternative media. By an act of mercy we have been shown their underbelly and it is time we unify and make sure this OH beast is slain.
Problem is, who is a stakeholder? It could very well be your neighbor. IMHO the agency (in collaboration with international actors) is the head of the snake. This is the agricultural-natural resource equivalent of NDAA. This is the document strips you of your absolute-right-in-property saying you are legally less than an animal. The one I am working on now (very short) is their depopulation strategy. Ugh!

From the trenches of liberty,


TB Fanatic
Stakeholder can be a Corporations' and politicians that have invested with said corp that stands to profit from these laws and or act that stem from enactment of the law. It's the follow the money game and once you found it you just may have them in checkmate.


On TB every waking moment
Dovetails with California's "Health in All Policies" (HiAP) mantra of the Strategic Growth Council (Sustainable Development/climate change)

CA Health in All Policies Task Force
Health in All Policies HiAP Task Force Report to the Strategic Growth Council;
Recommended Priorities;
Strategic Plan (Sustainable Communities)
NRDC Climate change threat to health maps
If you read the whole series which will be done this coming week One Health is the sustainable agenda. Of course, it is not about health at all, it is all about depopulation. The CA initiatives are the incremental localized issues biting away at our country as a whole. This is happening across our nation.

From the trenches,



I'm reading this very well done assessment with what would be great disconcert, except for the context it is in. The context is an overwhelmingly economic one. OH therefore is one of those plans that the certain soon implosion of the world financial system will guarantee never comes to fruition. The underlings to the power brokers of the world, such as political administrators and executives, don't seem to understand: they can dream of increasing their power and control, they can promise continued comfort and power to their lackeys carrying out "enforcement", and so on, but under a world financial system that is far beyond redemption, there will be no results. We are too close to an economic/banking precipice most refuse to even try to comprehend.

When I see comments to the effect that, for example, a rise in oil prices will derail the world economy, or "our industry is doing very well right now", or some such isolated conclusion made in a financial vacuum, I know that most people can't escape the Keynesian worldview that has been drilled into their heads for 80 years. That is, every financial reversal can be neutralized and growth restored via monetary and credit means, and meanwhile there will always be pockets of prosperity that grow outward to restoration of "normal". But the conditioning must be overcome. There is NOT any mathematical way to escape a dire and comprehensive contraction in all government ( including regulatory ), university, school, health care, most hi-tech, retail, distribution, and most transportation industries, given the resolution of the overhanging debt, or even 1/10th of it. When worldwide debt outstrips the production of wealth as far and as fast as this cycle has allowed, we have simply been heading towards a blowoff that cannot be avoided.

Of course, the other thing is, when governments learn to their dismay that they no longer have power to dispense control via money spent on agencies and programs, because they can no longer get credit, then they try to lash out for totalitarian control in a last-ditch effort with those personnel who can still be fooled into believing they will prevail. Syria is a good example of that happening now. But, when the crisis spread worldwide, as it is soon to do, we will see this sort of thing happening everywhere, where the diehard loyalists to the present denuded powers try to bully their way into ownership of private property. It will be a hapless effort. In fact, I look at the OH movement as one of the vanguards in this sort of desperate property grab ( and that's what it really is ). So, we will be faced with more and more draconian regulations, even as the power behind their enforcement weakens with reduced fiscal wherewithal, and with certain physical conflicts here and there, but eventually it will all fall flat as even the loyalists are either eliminated, or realize they have to go back and support their families, as the promised booty from property grabs gets too difficult. So, OH really is about depopulation and starvation/weakening, because that facilitates a seizure, but it will run out of funding before it can get very far, hopefully.

The average agency drone working in these departments to accomplish these projects: 1) is glad to have a job; 2)probably thinks they are a do-gooder in some kind of neo-Orwellian fantasy way; 3) has a blind trust that their superiors and the government in general must be far wiser than they; 4) has a subconscious bent toward socialist/communist/marxist solutions for the world's problems; 5) is a coward who stands for no basic principles when those get in the way of getting along and not having trouble. But no matter, they will lose that job and be forced to reckon with a real world soon enough, when the government's creditability runs out, and the money-printing begins in earnest.

In my opinion, and evidently that of many others, I see this beginning in earnest in the next 3-6 months, so hang cool and we'll see. Thanks for the information and heads-up; it helps to keep some method of gauging cause and effect to know where we are in this coming calamity. I know I may not have been clear here, but this economic controlling context is a vast backdrop that requires quite a bit of development to fully describe.
Thank you for your in-depth comment. The article is part of a series the next being Depopulation. I have to think of a summation paragraph and title and then it is ready to post.

Your conclusion about OH being depopulation and starvation is accurate as is the summary on the average drone worker bee.

I was taking a very large document and crunching it down to manageable size to write what I knew would be a long article that many would not read as they skim the news. The reality was that some topics I would not be able to elaborate upon topics such as the economics, but at least I wanted to get it out there, that it is a factor.

The government knows very well it crashing economically and that is why OH is now coming into public purview. Their rationalizing is that money is tight so they no choice but to condense agencies, talent, enforcement into one. Stepping out into global governance has put them into a position of fighting for for their very viability against other talented and powerful actors.

I agree this is unfolding quickly, we will see things ramp up sooner than 3 months. This has been in the works awhile (3 years) and there is a big step from plans to indoctrination to implementation to final execution. We we are quickly wrapping up indoctrination, have already phased into implementation, which may not take very long. During implementation they will phase in execution to perfect the system.

I am greatly encouraged and heartened by three things: my faith...knowing that there will be a remnant no matter what they do, the presentation of your well articulated comment(there actually are people who *see* the picture such as yourself), and that they were so arrogant as to expose their underbelly. I would hope that humanity as a whole would rally but I know that is not reality.

From the trenches of liberty,


Celeste, you always have good relevant topical choices. You also have my sympathies for the huge task of condensing long articles for the quick read we all need in these news-explosion times. My head sometimes spins from the daunting challenge of just skimming all the news !

Great comment about there being a remnant. Years ago, when I taught Sunday School actually using the Bible as my "quarterly", I regularly taught, as it came up in sections throughout the Bible, that God always has His remnant no matter how far deviant or under judgment society has gone. I hadn't thought about that in years.......but now it's our turn, it seems.

Another observation is that these types of hindrances to normal, age-old agricultural production are coming at a time when people need fewer impediments, not more. Thus, we are setting up a classic irresistible force/immovable object problem. The more they push people suffering more and more because of the financial abuses and capital impairment they have caused, the harder and more resolvedly those people push back. That is, a really bad time to try to take from people, is when they have less and less to begin with. Or, as Celente says, when people have nothing to lose, they lose it. For now, all is orderly, with isolated abuses only raising some eyebrows. When they start pushing hard in wholesale fashion, I think the dam of tolerance breaks. And, one must consider that TPTB know this will provoke open confrontation, and plan on it as a pretext to "restoring order" by totalitarian dictates and martial law. The world will recoil in horror as they realize the world's most liberty-defending and law-ruled state has just poured all that down the drain when things didn't go their way.