EBOLA Why I Will Not Submit To Medical Martial Law


Veteran Member
This was actually written back on the 23rd. Think the talking points may have shifted a little since then. Still a good read.


One of the most dangerous philosophical contentions even amongst liberty movement activists is the conundrum of government force and prevention during times of imminent pandemic. All of us at one time or another have had this debate. If a legitimate viral threat existed and threatened to infect and kill millions of Americans, is it then acceptable for the government to step in, remove civil liberties, enforce quarantines, and stop people from spreading the disease? After all, during a viral event, the decisions of each individual can truly have a positive or negative effect on the rest of society, right? One out of control (or “lone wolf”) citizen/terrorist could reignite a biological firestorm, so, should we not turn to government and forgo certain freedoms in order to achieve the greater good for the greater number?

If the government in question was a proven and honorable institution, then I would say pro-Medical Martial Law arguments might have a leg to stand on. However, this is not the case. In my view, medical martial law is absolutely unacceptable under ANY circumstances, including Ebola, in light of the fact that our current government will be the predominant cause of viral outbreak. That is to say, you DO NOT turn to the government for help when the government is the cause of the problem.

The recent rise of global Ebola is slowly bringing the issue of medical martial law to the forefront of our culture. Charles Krauthammer at The Washington Post recently argued in favor of possible restrictions on individual and Constitutional liberties in the face of a viral pandemic threat.

The CDC now argues that in the case of people who may be potential carriers, or even in the case of people who refuse to undergo screenings, it has the legal authority to dissolve all constitutional protections and essentially imprison (quarantine) an American citizen for as long as they see fit to do so.

The Obama Administration is now using militant terminology in reference to Ebola response, including the formation of “Ebola SWAT Teams” for quick reaction to potential outbreak areas.

In typical socialist fashion, the nurses union ‘National Nurses United’ has called for Barack Obama to use “executive authority” to take control of all Ebola response protocols in hospitals across the country. Yet another perpetuation of the myth that more government power is the solution.

And finally, the Department of Defense has been tasked to create a military controlled “quick-strike team” to deal with Ebola within U.S. borders. This team will be under the command of none other than Northcom, apparently trampling the Posse Comitatus Act and setting the stage for the rationalized use of military personnel against U.S. citizens under the guise of pandemic prevention.

It should be clear to anyone with half a brain that medical martial law is being quietly prepared, and that the threat of such measures is not a paranoid conspiracy, but a very real possibility. It should also be noted that such provisions are not only the products of the Obama Administration. It was George W. Bush who first created laws intersecting with the World Health Organization’s pandemic preparedness planning. These laws include the “overrule of existing legislation or (individual) human rights” in order to quell a viral outbreak, and were originally drafted around the potential of an influenza crisis.

It is this kind of executive overreach that has set precedence for states such as Connecticut to announce a tentative state of emergency with medical martial law restrictions.

I discussed in great detail why Ebola works in favor of establishment elites in my article ‘An Ebola Outbreak Would Be Advantageous For Globalists’.

Understand that bureaucrats will come to you with promises of offering a helping hand, hoping that you are afraid enough to accept, but their intentions will not be compassionate. Rather, their intent will be to assert as much dominance over the public as possible during the chaos, and to erase any conception the people may have had in the past that they have inalienable rights.

But going beyond the hidden motives of tyrants, I think it is important to point out that the Center for Disease Control and the federal government in general has already lost all credibility in dealing with Ebola, and therefore, it has lost any authority it may have had in administrating a future response.

Ebola has been officially known to the CDC for over thirty years. Why has the CDC refused for three decades to produce proper care guidelines for hospitals? Medical staff in the U.S. didn’t even receive guidelines when the outbreak in Western Africa was obviously progressing out of control.

Why did the CDC leave Thomas Duncan, the very first U.S. Ebola case, in the hands of the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, without proper procedures in place to prevent further infection, and without a CDC team present? The CDC has an annual budget of nearly $7 billion. Where is all of this money going if not to stamp out such threats as Ebola?

The argument presented by the White House, the CDC, and even the World Bank, has been that stopping direct or indirect travel from nations with an Ebola outbreak would be “impractical”, and that such travel bans would somehow “make matters worse”. They have yet to produce a logical explanation as to how this makes sense, but what if we did not need to institute a travel ban? The CDC, with it’s massive budget, could easily establish quarantine measures in infected countries. Anyone wishing to travel outside of these nations would be welcome to do so, as long as they voluntarily participate in quarantine procedures for a set number of days. No quarantine, no plane ticket. Where has the CDC response been in Western Africa?

Why not use minor and measured travel restriction in Africa today, instead of using unprecedented martial law in America tomorrow? It makes no sense, unless, of course, the plan is to allow Ebola to spread…

Why has the White House nominated Ron Klain, a man who knows absolutely NOTHING about Ebola or medical emergency strategies, as the new “Ebola Czar”?

Why has all discussion on Ebola prevention revolved around government measures rather than community measures? Why has all talk centered on what the government will do AFTER an outbreak occurs, rather than on what can be done to prevent an outbreak in the first place?

The reality is that the federal government does not have any treatments for Ebola that are outside of the knowledge and capabilities of the average medically trained citizen. Meaning, the government and the CDC are NOT needed for a community to handle an Ebola outbreak, if that community is given proper guidelines and strategies in advance. Treatment for Ebola, at least in first world nations, consists primarily of regimented transfusions. These transfusions are a mixture of isotonic saline, electrolytes, and plasma, designed to keep the body supported until it’s immune system can build up a proper defense to the virus. Natural and homeopathic methods can also boost immune system functions making the body resistant to the virus before it is ever contracted. The most effective of all treatments appears to be the transfusion of blood from a recovering patient with anti-bodies into a newly sick patient. This is likely the reason for the quick recovery of infected doctors like Kent Brantly.

The CDC would never be able to coherently organize a large scale program of transfusion initiatives, even if it wanted to. Most hospitals around the country have no isolation wards able to handle even a minor Ebola outbreak. The hospitals that do have facilities are limited to less than a dozen beds. According to the medical workers I have spoken with, most hospitals require a minimum of around 50 health professionals to deal with a single Ebola patient. In the event of an outbreak larger than a few people per state, the CDC and local hospitals are simply not equipped to react to the problem. Blood transfusions from recovering donors would be few and far between, unless organized by local citizens working under their own directives.

Ironically, it was the Bush Administration’s own report in 2006 on the possibility of bird flu pandemic that admitted the government is completely unequipped to handle an outbreak of moderate size. The report stated that “all sources of external aid may be compromised during a pandemic,” and that “local communities will have to address the medical and non-medical effects of the pandemic with available resources.” Little has changed in the federal government’s pandemic preparations since the report was written.

This leaves individual communities to either prepare for the worst, or die off while waiting for the government to save them. Self isolation and self treatment are the only practical options.

The greatest danger to American citizens is, in fact, not the Ebola virus, but government reactions to the Ebola virus. Already, several medical outfits around the world are suddenly interested in producing an Ebola vaccination when no one seemed very interested before. This might sound like good news, until you learn the terrible history of modern vaccinations.

Pharmaceutical company Merck was caught red handed faking vaccine efficacy data. Merck’s Gardisil was found to contain DNA fragments of human papillomavirus.

Glaxosmithkline, a major vaccine producer, has been caught repeatedly attempting to bribe doctors and health professionals into promoting their products or outright lying about their effectiveness. Glaxo was caught producing rotavirus vaccinations tainted with a swine virus in 2010. Glaxo has been caught producing vaccines tainted with bacteria and endotoxins.

It is important to point out that Glaxo is also spearheading an Ebola vaccine initiative.

U.S. company Baxter produced a flu vaccination in Austria tainted with both avian flu and swine flu. The mixture just happened to be randomly tested on a group of ferrets by a lab in the Czech Republic. The test animals died. The exposure of this “mix up” was quietly swept under the rug by Baxter and the mainstream media, but reports indicate that if the vaccine had been used on the general population, a terrible pandemic would have erupted.

Beyond the fact that vaccinations have a tendency to cripple our natural immune system and infect patients with the very disease they are meant to prevent, none of these existing companies can be trusted to produce a vaccine that is safe even by traditional pharmaceutical standards (which are very low). If the CDC and the federal government trigger a medical martial law scenario, they will most likely include forced vaccination of the population to maintain “herd immunity”. The bottom line? The use of such vaccines will be a death sentence for many, a death more certain than the contraction of Ebola. In my opinion, Ebola vaccination should be avoided at all costs by the American populace.

I can think of no rationale for government involvement in the treatment of an Ebola outbreak. If it is not pure incompetence on their part that has exacerbated the threat, then even worse, it is a deliberate program of genocide. In either case, no military or CDC “strike teams” should be allowed free reign in our neighborhoods, towns, counties, or states. DHS and FEMA Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are also a no go, given FEMA’s track record of dismal disaster response. They CANNOT be allowed to take control of our communities.

The only way for Americans to survive such an event is to cut out government entirely and establish their own medical strategies, as organizations like the Oath Keepers Community Preparedness Teams (CPT) are doing.

If someone wants to voluntarily go to the CDC or FEMA for assistance, then they should be allowed to take that risk. However, medical martial law over all of us in the name of the “greater good” should not be tolerated. The government has proven beyond a doubt that it is not qualified to handle a viral crisis scenario, let alone determine what the “greater good” actually is. I can’t speak for the whole of the Liberty Movement, but as for myself, if a group of hazmat suited thugs decides to chase me down with a syringe, I am relatively certain none of them will live through the encounter.

Will I be accused of aiding the spread of Ebola because of my non-compliance? Of course. Do I care? Not so much. Each individual American will have to make their own decision on this matter in due course. Is it better to conform and risk annihilation at the hands of an ignorant and/or corrupt government, or, to fight back and be labeled a bio-terrorist? With the clear lack of tangible government preventions for outbreak in the U.S., you’ll probably get your chance to find out soon enough.

This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Alt-Market.com

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Brandon has very little knowledge of the treatment regimens for Ebola.

"...regimented transfusions, electrolytes..." require some lab tests that are VERY outside the capabilities of a community, as are the hygiene practices and requirements.

He is also WOEFULLY UNAWARE of where the quarantine authority rests....

He also has no idea as to what CERT is or does.
Poor boy.


Well, I don't even know where to start, but I'd like to at least address this quote from the above article:

Why not use minor and measured travel restriction in Africa today, instead of using unprecedented martial law in America tomorrow? It makes no sense, unless, of course, the plan is to allow Ebola to spread…

Even here, I don't know where to begin. This is supposed to be a Libertarian position? Who is the US govt to restrict travel of its citizens outside of US borders? What is wrong with just not letting people back in who have been there in the past 21 days?

Also what, exactly, is ment by "minor and measured?"

I have to agree with night driver on this piece. The author doesn't seem to really know what he is talking about. Like it or not, we already comply with extensive veterinary protocols, we have an extensive history of quarantine for TB and Spanish Flu; but Ebola is for some reason his line in the sand?

I too, would like to arrange things so that we can still recognise our country if/when this Ebola problem is over with, but I don't think this guy has the right approach.


Why I Will Not Submit To Medical Martial Law


Wanna bet?


Brandon has very little knowledge of the treatment regimens for Ebola.

"...regimented transfusions, electrolytes..." require some lab tests that are VERY outside the capabilities of a community, as are the hygiene practices and requirements.

He is also WOEFULLY UNAWARE of where the quarantine authority rests....

He also has no idea as to what CERT is or does.
Poor boy.

^^^^ This. And it is somewhat sad to see his ignorance on the subject. I've met him and thought he was brighter than this.


Stone Cold Crazy
Yeah, this is such a great FUBAR situation. We have the government whom we can't trust on one side and we have people like that Doctor in NY and nnurse in Maine who just go out Willy Nilly like Ebola-carrying Typhoid Mary's.

I think sitting on the roof and just shooting anyone who comes around sounds like a balanced idea.


The war on poverty didn't work, and the war on drugs didn't work, neither did the war on terror...So now, the TPTB have given us the war on Ebola (either in an off-the-shelf intentionally weaponized version, or in "never let a good crisis..." convenient coincidence). Monty, I get that.

John Rapapport (spell?) may be right (the link is around somewhere, JoE's thread?), that even the positive test readings are not accurate. I don't know, but to claim the disaster in W. Africa a hoax is a streatch for me. Maybe the bowling alley Dr. has Ebola, or, maybe it was an intentional false positive. I don't know.

Ready or not, we seem do to be headed for medical martial law. Looking back, I have to wonder, what took them so long?

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
So this article was first published a week ago, and has been noted above, before Dr. Spencer and Nurse Kaci created their ruckus. The actions of those two have caused me to recalibrate how I felt about quarantine, but Brandon is right to point out that this situation is quite the opportunity for those who want permanent restrictions on us.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So this article was first published a week ago, and has been noted above, before Dr. Spencer and Nurse Kaci created their ruckus. The actions of those two have caused me to recalibrate how I felt about quarantine, but Brandon is right to point out that this situation is quite the opportunity for those who want permanent restrictions on us.



So this article was first published a week ago, and has been noted above, before Dr. Spencer and Nurse Kaci created their ruckus. The actions of those two have caused me to recalibrate how I felt about quarantine, but Brandon is right to point out that this situation is quite the opportunity for those who want permanent restrictions on us.

I hate to break this to you but if the government imposes martial law and declares zip code 99999 or whatever in full quarantine with shoot on sight orders, it would mean all businesses are closed and you can comply or your relatives will see you placed into a large black Ziploc bag. The authorities will not go door to door unless there is a belief in violation of said restrictions. Thus those who have prepped to shelter in place will be fine.

Only those regions that indicate signs of open insurrection would have something to fear at that point. His article fails to point out the obvious; there are not enough soldiers willing to subject themselves to the exposure risk to go door to door so suppressing the individuals will be impossible outside of openly attacking homes with massive firepower to intimidate everyone in the area.

However, IF, however unlikely it is, they cross the property line, all bets are off because that's when I will not comply.
I can completely understand his fears; considering EO 13295, (pasted below), and it's recent rewriting by the current administration. As a freedom loving individualist who understand the price and responsibility of freedom I would, if exposed to a deadly contagion, quarantine myself willingly and gladly. Sadly, not all can be trusted to do so; as we have recently learned. So in some cases, when others freedom/life is in peril I can understand the abundance of caution.

My fear is that TPTB will use this to "quarantine" anyone they want out of the way. So would I submit to general Medical Martial Law? Not bloody likely. No FEMA camps in my future unless I'm toes up and their dragging my stiff body there by my gun strap.

Looks Harmless


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
July 31, 2014
Executive Order -- Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases


- - - - - - -


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 264(b) of title 42, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Amendment to Executive Order 13295. Based upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Acting Surgeon General, and for the purposes set forth in section 1 of Executive Order 13295 of April 4, 2003, as amended by Executive Order 13375 of April 1, 2005, section 1 of Executive Order 13295 shall be further amended by replacing subsection (b) with the following:

"(b) Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. This subsection does not apply to influenza."

Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
I hate to break this to you but if the government imposes martial law and declares zip code 99999 or whatever in full quarantine with shoot on sight orders, it would mean all businesses are closed and you can comply or your relatives will see you placed into a large black Ziploc bag. The authorities will not go door to door unless there is a belief in violation of said restrictions. Thus those who have prepped to shelter in place will be fine.

Only those regions that indicate signs of open insurrection would have something to fear at that point. His article fails to point out the obvious; there are not enough soldiers willing to subject themselves to the exposure risk to go door to door so suppressing the individuals will be impossible outside of openly attacking homes with massive firepower to intimidate everyone in the area.

However, IF, however unlikely it is, they cross the property line, all bets are off because that's when I will not comply.

Whatever happened to, there are not enough police and soldiers?

If you want to capitulate , by all means go ahead, but dont ask the rest of us to go to FEMA camps, singing Lee Greenwood.

Plain Jane

Just Plain Jane
Whatever happened to, there are not enough police and soldiers?

If you want to capitulate , by all means go ahead, but dont ask the rest of us to go to FEMA camps, singing Lee Greenwood.

I was listening to Hannity a bit ago. He reported that the nurses at Bellevue are already being shunned by their peers. I think it is possible that the enforcers will also melt away if they face the same thing.


I hate to break this to you but if the government imposes martial law and declares zip code 99999 or whatever in full quarantine with shoot on sight orders, it would mean all businesses are closed and you can comply or your relatives will see you placed into a large black Ziploc bag. The authorities will not go door to door unless there is a belief in violation of said restrictions. Thus those who have prepped to shelter in place will be fine.

Only those regions that indicate signs of open insurrection would have something to fear at that point. His article fails to point out the obvious; there are not enough soldiers willing to subject themselves to the exposure risk to go door to door so suppressing the individuals will be impossible outside of openly attacking homes with massive firepower to intimidate everyone in the area.

However, IF, however unlikely it is, they cross the property line, all bets are off because that's when I will not comply.

(my bold, above.)
I'm just worried they have someting worse up their sleeve. Massive firepower doesn't seem all that unlikely to me.


Veteran Member
Does anyone really believe that if they impose martial that we will come out of it with half the limited freedoms we went in with?


Constitutional Patriot
All signs point to this situation being steered towards radical and aggressive moves against freedom by the government. They've been keeping it hushed during the election period but it seems clear, given their obvious mishandling of it, that they are itching to twist it to their nefarious agenda.

This guy clearly hasn't a clue about the extreme necessities of supportive care that simply can't be provided in a community environment. In order to actually save a life it takes a full blown medical facility. He's out of his depth in that regard.

Medical martial law will be nearly impossible to enforce. They could certainly setup blocks at major roadways but that's about it. People will just move on foot. There just aren't enough troops and LEOs available to enforce anything resembling true martial law...that doesn't mean they won't try it though. Just look at how compliant Boston was after the bombing and that wasn't anywhere near as dangerous a situation, they did it because they were told to do it. Sheeple compliance could make martial law effective in some areas, especially the liberal urban areas.

I expect after the election the fear factor will be ratcheted up to the max by TPTB, they will not let this crisis go unexploited. If anything they will do it just to see how many sheeple they can get to comply.

I wouldn't have a problem staying home, I think most of us have already made that plan A regardless of what the .gov is putting into place.

The whole thing is at least being set up as a national shock test. It's an experiment to see what they can get away with and will be a legal test of the emergency laws they have put into place since 9/11. They might be planning to use it as a way to cover up their offensive against the prepper community. We know that Obozo has a serious boner for using his power to squelch all of those who oppose his agenda.

I do agree that SOMETHING has to be done to enforce isolation of verifiable risk cases.

Ultimately I do think the OP is correct that this outbreak is being steered towards spreading rather than containing; which is just another in a long list of shady actions committed by the .gov out of their endless socialist hubris.