POL why do people support or oppose Obama


Veteran Member
All of the above but foremost he is for killing unborn babies. If life at it's most vulnerable is not protected than none of us are safe.


Better hope plastic face wins. He might feel the enough heat from the right to nominate a good SCJ. Osama would nominate a total left wing nut case. People do not lose sight of the big deals..


From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days(4&3/4 months), of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After 143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World, and fill the shoes of Abraham Lincoln, FDR, JFK and Ronald Reagan. 143 days. I keep leftovers in my refrigerator longer than that.
- Columnist Cheri Jacobus

Of course this was AFTER denying any presidential aspirations...
Too numerous to list but here's a few no brainers:

The (presumed) Dem. candidate has openly declared his interest in RAISING TAXES AND EXPANDING THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT...with resulting reduction in personal freedoms.

Plenty of other issues with that candidate.

Will never vote for a Marxist Redistributionist Prevaricator.