GROUP BUY What's New: HAZARiD Decontamination Kit- Protect yourself from threats | Ebola


Emergency Essentials Store
Introducing new product range for decontamination


The threats are many-from pandemic and biological-attack scenarios, to everyday infectious dangers from mold, staph bacteria, viruses, and mildew. Even odors are no match for this state-of-the-art solution adapted directly from industrial and hospital applications.

One of the very important ways of controlling any hazard is to maintain proper surroundings. Decontamination is critical to health and safety at hazardous waste sites. Decontamination protects you from hazardous substances that may contaminate and eventually permeate the protective clothing, respiratory equipment, tools, vehicles, and other things around you, your house and your workplace; it minimizes the transfer of harmful materials into clean areas; it helps prevent mixing of incompatible chemicals; and it protects the community by preventing uncontrolled transportation of contaminants from any contaminated object.

Hence presenting a new product-

HAZARiD Decontamination

Click Here to Watch Video

It disinfects, deodorizes, is a powerful fungicide, mildewstat, and virucide. It's used in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, food processing plants, and food service establishments. It is noted as being especially effective against HIV, Staphylococcus Aureus, and Pseudomonas.

Don't wait till the need arises ... by then it'll be too late to be ready.

Note: Our supplier is overwhelmed with orders right now. Ship date is 2 weeks from order date.

HAZARiD Decontamination 32oz Refill

32 oz. bottle of the hospital-approved Sanifect 128 (manufacturer's Materials Safety Data Sheet available upon request) good for 128 fogger refills.

Price: $85.00

Click here to Buy

HAZARiD Decontamination Kit

The new HAZARiD kit is like no other product available to the public. It provides you with the means to quickly and easily decontaminate biological hazards.

Price: $340.00

Click here to Buy

Ebola has been a concern for all of us..​
Stay protected and prepared. Better safe than sorry!

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To know more on our decontamination products click here.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
So is this a fogger type application and the cleaning media only useful when applied as a fog, or can it be diluted and applied as a direct cleaning agent?


Emergency Essentials Store
Hazarid Kit

HAZARiD is extremely versatile. The fogger is great for small jobs up to the the largest challenges (large locker rooms etc.).

However, the product could be applied via a hand spritzer, or with a sponge and bucket or put in a shallow tray to decontaminate shoes upon entry/exit. The list goes on.

It also has detergent qualities and some customers have replaced there current products with HAZARiD because it's so cost effective.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
HAZARiD is extremely versatile. The fogger is great for small jobs up to the the largest challenges (large locker rooms etc.).

However, the product could be applied via a hand spritzer, or with a sponge and bucket or put in a shallow tray to decontaminate shoes upon entry/exit. The list goes on.

It also has detergent qualities and some customers have replaced there current products with HAZARiD because it's so cost effective.

What products did some of these customers say this product replaced? Did these same customers use the fogger applicator?

How do these compare against cavicide wipes?


Saved, to glorify God.
It is unthinkable that I CANNOT FIND THE MATERIAL DATA SAFETY SHEET FOR THIS PRODUCT and considering the claims, that those selling it would not readily FURNISH IT FOR Potential CUSTOMERS TO READ!

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
It is unthinkable that I CANNOT FIND THE MATERIAL DATA SAFETY SHEET FOR THIS PRODUCT and considering the claims, that those selling it would not readily FURNISH IT FOR Potential CUSTOMERS TO READ!

Yes that was among the concerns. I thought that the sales pitch was missing some key points.


Senior Member
So why n95 masks? they are ineffective against Ebola that is smaller than 100 microns. I wouldn't trust this kit... Not one bit.

Used Camels

I know some say N100 masks are preferred, but according to the CDC website (, N95 protection is sufficient for at least some Ebola-related procedures (if properly fitted).

Note that the HAZARiD system has been around for many years and is a system that is a general-purpose decontamination kit made for most any bio-related situations, to be used in commercial and health care settings. Has it been tested or used in Ebola-infected areas? I have no clue. But I personally see this system as perhaps the best available, affordable preventive solution to help keep one's home and work area clean. It's what I have.

Again--my opinion, once you know an area is infected with Ebola or other high-risk biological agent or pathogen, then your first choice should be to evacuate and let the pros decontaminate the area if that is possible.


There are many products that meet the needs of disinfection for Eblola. As in 25% bleach water. Why can't one use a paint sprayer? Or air brush sprayer?

Reasonable Rascal

Veteran Member
Yeah N95 didn't protect the hospital worker in Texas who just came down with Ebola...

You are speculating on the transmission pathway and assuming it was inhaled. And an N95 mask would certainly strain out 50 micron-sized particles, well under the 100 micron size you used as a marker point. Decent N95's, or N100's for that matter, screen down to as little as 0.1 microns in size. The difference in the rating is only the minimum percentage of particle screening down to that size they are guaranteed to.


Used Camels

Taz--there are of course always more ways to skin a cat. Fresh bleach is a good option but (and I am not an expert in this) aerosolizing chlorine bleach sounds like it could result in overpowering and dangerous fumes, no? ... This HAZARiD kit is one ready-to-go solution that I know a lot of folks are opting for (and that have opted for in the past).

NamasteMama--near as I can tell, there is no verdict as to how the Dallas nurse was infected. My guess is that it probably had something to do with how she removed her protective gear, which would be a very tricky thing to do after having the suit or mask or hood or gloves or footwear exposed to the infectious fluids.

Finally--I am now just a civilian (ex-Safecastle guy), but just a friendly reminder ... this company is a paying sponsor at TB2K and last I heard, Dennis has repeatedly said that sponsor threads are not supposed to be trolled or "molested." Discuss and ask questions, sure, but criticizing a perfectly good product offer is not so cool from the perspective of the people who invest their discretionary advertising dollars here.


Saved, to glorify God.
If the NEW cleaner being sold is labeled and CALLED HAZARID, NOT "sanifect" THEN IT REQUIRES A NEW, (it's own)MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET for the product called "HAZARID", it is NOT LEGAL or ACCEPTABLE to claim HAZARID IS SANIFECT and doesn't need it's own MSDS!

Used Camels

The bottle of disinfectant in the kit is Sanifect. The entire bundle of products is called HAZARiD. That should be clear by looking at the listing. The MSDS is for the Sanifect. The HAZARiD kit does not need an MSDS.


Senior Member
Ebola is smaller than 100 microns N95 is no adequate and they is no speculation about it being airborne...
You are speculating on the transmission pathway and assuming it was inhaled. And an N95 mask would certainly strain out 50 micron-sized particles, well under the 100 micron size you used as a marker point. Decent N95's, or N100's for that matter, screen down to as little as 0.1 microns in size. The difference in the rating is only the minimum percentage of particle screening down to that size they are guaranteed to.
