What would you do if you were John Kerry???


Rush Hands Team Bush Keys to Re-election

We hope top Bush-Cheney strategists Karl Rove and Mary Matalin were tuned in to Rush Limbaugh's Friday radio broadcast, especially the segment where the top talker debuted what he called the "Commander-in-Chief Test."

If Bush campaign officials were listening in, what they got was a slam-dunk argument for President Bush's re-election that framed the case against John Kerry more eloquently and compellingly than anything so far offered by the White House. And we mean by miles.

"The Commander-in-Chief Test lets you be the history maker," Limbaugh began.

"First question: You're George Washington in 1776. You've lost every battle. The Revolution seems a bust. Your spies tell you that the British officers are wintering in Trenton. You think that means that the Germans are going to get falling-down drunk on Christmas Eve and sleep it off the next morning. However, they are the world's best soldiers and they'll beat you if they're awake, sober or not. Also, the Delaware River is full of ice and your guys have no food or shoes. Many New Jerseyites are Tories who might rat you out. Do you roll the dice to change the course of the war, figuring the Germans don't like fighting on Christmas, or do you wait for springtime rather than risk what little is left of the Continental Army?

"I just want to stress," the top talker interjected, "the answer to none of these [questions] is 'Call the United Nations.'

"Second Question: If you're Abe Lincoln in 1863, General Lee has crossed into the North, but no one knows where he's going. The Union Army has been beaten in most every battle so far, and if you lose on your own ground, the Union is likely lost to the South. Do you keep the Army away from Lee until he gets tired and heads back South, or do you send General Meade out looking for Lee even if they find that rascal in some crossroads town in Pennsylvania called Gettysburg?

"What do you do? What would Senator Kerry have done?

"Third Question: You are the duty officer in Honolulu, December 7, 1941. Two soldiers manning the newly invented radar call to report a lot of blips on the screen. Headquarters had already advised you to expect a flight of American bombers from California that morning. So, do you sound the alarm to the fleet? Do you scramble the fighter planes and hope Rear Admiral Kimmel and General Short don't yell at you if you're wrong, or [do you] tell the radar guys their shift is ending anyway and not to worry about it?

"If you're John Kerry manning the radar, what do you do?

"Fourth Question: You are Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1939. You've received a letter from the famous quirky physicist Albert Einstein recommending building an atomic bomb in order to beat the Nazis to the punch. Not really knowing what an atomic bomb is and not yet at war, do you ask Congress to study the matter and ask your intelligence operation to confirm if the Nazis are building one of these weapons themselves, or do you order secret development with money skimmed from other projects and hidden through phony congressional appropriations? Do you do the Manhattan Project?

"What do you do if you are John Kerry? Remember now, you can't call the U.N. At this point, it's the defunct League of Nations anyway.

"Fifth Question: You are Admiral Nimitz in 1942. Navy intelligence intercepted coded messages they reveal shows Japanese plans to steal the American island of Midway, but they also tell you Japanese could be planning attacks elsewhere. You know that banking on Midway would leave the door open elsewhere. Do you risk your aircraft carriers that escaped the Pearl Harbor attack, perhaps leaving no U.S. Fleet in the Pacific, or do you try catching the Imperial Fleet with the kimono open and reverse the course of the war at Midway?

"What do you do if you're John Kerry? Remember now, you can't call the United Nations. You can't call the French.

"Sixth Question: You are Dwight Eisenhower in June of 1944. Your weatherman tells you he sees a break in the bad weather and a narrow window for your landing forces to get on the beaches of Normandy. You hope, but you can't confirm, that allied disinformation has convinced Hitler the real invasion will be north. Do you risk a quarter million troops and the possibility of a stalemate in Europe, or do you say, 'Let's go,' rather than wait another month or two for D Day? (Remember, you can't call the United Nations.)

"What do you do if you're John Kerry? Remember, there's no turning back.

"Seventh Question: You're also Eisenhower in December 1944. Intelligence says the Germans are on the run. They're low on gasoline and ammo. The men deserve a break, and many officers want to leave for Christmas in Paris. How can the Germans possibly break through that dense forest? and knowing what we know from test question one, the Germans don't like to fight on Christmas. Do you ignore the intelligence and figure that Hitler will try to catch you with your pants down and inflict on the American Army its worst-ever disaster?

"What do you do faced with the Battle of the Bulge if you are John Kerry? "Eighth Question: You are Harry Truman in August of 1945. FDR's atomic bomb recommended by Einstein is tested successfully, and you have two more of bombs ready to use. The scientists who build the bomb are opposing its use. Intelligence reports suggest the Japanese are starving and on their last legs ready to talk turkey. American bombers are already turning many Japanese cities into cinders. Do you secretly advise the Japanese they can surrender now before you drop the bomb, or do you drop the bomb and ask questions later?

"What do you do if you're John Kerry?"

Limbaugh cited several other examples where presidents took critical risks that saved both America and the world, before delivering the coup de grace:

"You are President Bush in early 2003, just months after September 11 and anthrax. The Clinton administration had indicted Osama bin Laden, citing ties to Saddam Hussein, and had bombed a suspected bioweapons plant in Sudan with ties to Iraq. ...

"Intelligence suggests that terrorists met with others in Prague. U.N. weapons inspectors are being frustrated in Iraq. British intelligence says Saddam was trying to buy uranium in Africa. Saddam invaded Kuwait a decade before. He had used chemical weapons on his own people. One of the perpetrators of the first World Trade Center bombing had taken refuge in Baghdad. Families of Palestinian suicide bombers were paid by Iraq. The CIA director - originally appointed by Clinton - tells you it's a "slam dunk" that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.

"The French are opposed to war with Iraq, saying their intelligence service believes Iraq still has weapons of mass destruction. Russian President Putin, [also] opposed to war with Iraq, tells you Russian intelligence believes Iraq has plans for terror assaults in the U.S. Most of the CIA contacts in Iraq are murdered.

"Do you wait to get more spies in the country to confirm the other intelligence, or do you go to Congress for a resolution supporting the use of force and then use the force?

"What would you do if you are John Kerry?" [End of Excerpt]

If team Bush is smart, it will borrow Limbaugh's "Commander-in-Chief Test" verbatim and simply repackage it as a campaign commercial. Or better yet, adapt some variation of the radio host's eye-opening national security history lesson for Bush's closing remarks in the final debate against John Kerry.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
<b>What would you do if you were John Kerry???</b>

I dunno - kill myself? I I hadda live with his wife, I'd rather be dead anyway...

:shkr: :kk1: :lol:


Membership Revoked
RobinYyes said:

Rush Hands Team Bush Keys to Re-election
It never ceases to amaze me how "Christians"
in a so-called "Christian Nation" are ignorant
of the simple truth repeated over and over in
God's Word... that it is GOD who decides who
rules over the nations of men !!


funny you said that dennis....

teresa is a dead ringer for my sister in law...both have portuguese for their first language and identical accents....freaky.....btw i don't get along with her either...


Freedom Isn't Free
What would you do if you were John Kerry???

Start throwing my campaign banners over the fence?
Have a pow wow with Jane Fonda?
Copyright the slogan... I served in Viet Nam and you didn't?
Find another heiress to marry?
Just quit?


Contributing Member
Well the first thing I would do if I was John Kerry is immediately stop pretending to read a goat story to the school children...


Devil's Advocate
If I were Kerry, I would tell the American public how I was going to get the stock market to go up.

People tend to equate "economy" with "stock market", IMO.



Membership Revoked
what would I do if I was Kerry...

...dump Theresa and fall in love with my VP pick (he's cuter and still has money!!!) Even if I lose it's a win-win!!

OOOPS - I think that's already in the works!!! :lol:


Well, all his answer to has to do is beat "Go on a bender" or "Pop pills" and hes the best of the lot


First, I'd get a triple facelift. Then, some bike riding lessons. Next, I'd stage a thousand photo ops with me holding a rubber Classic Double from Wendy's, although I doubt I'd ever be able to match Bush's rubber turkey job.

But seriously, if I were Kerry, I would view this election as if it were the last one America would ever see, as it may well be. Bush is 'in trouble'. For all of the "wonderful" things he has done for America, he should have a much higher rating and the people should be kissing his butt and feet for keeping them safe. As it is, he is going to have to fight for this one, and if I were Kerry, I would make the next 4 months the worst Bush has ever seen.

Bottom line: If Kerry wants a shot at winning, *and* a real shot at damaging Republican credibility, he needs to call Bush's conservative, troop supporting, BLUFF!.

Kerry needs to get conservative, and force Bush much farther to the right than he wants to be.

He needs to talk non-stop about raising veteran's benefits.
He needs to promote a major tax break for small businesses while continuing with his tax hike on the rich.
He needs to match Bush's potential support for elimination of the IRS.
He needs to support the state's right to legalize medicinal marijuana. He could say, "We need the police fighting terrorists, not cancer and aids patients!" heh.
He needs to (fill in the blank....)

Imo, Kerry is a corrupt NWO sleaze, so I don't trust him on anything, the same as Bush, but if he wants in, there are a number of issues he could take a stand on, *AND* follow through on, which would not be lifetime deal breakers for the Democrats. If you're a 2 bit sleazball politician, there are a zillion ways you can turn a few bad (good) moves into good (bad) ones later on.

So he throws the people a few bones and then screws them over later. That's the way it always works, it's just a matter of how bad he wants in. I'm not sure he wants in bad enough.

If the current platform is anti-Bush, then they need to get serious about it. What better way to do that than to run on some conservative issues, and then ACT on them once you're in! That blurs the lines even more and makes the Rep's look like phonys.

Maybe I'm being too simplistic, but I think the appropriate phrase is, "Beating them at their own game." It's a matter of _investment_. Kerry will have to sacrifice a few things in order to gain in the long run. How bad does he want it?

Bearded Weirdo

Dennis Olson said:
<b>What would you do if you were John Kerry???</b>

I dunno - kill myself? I I hadda live with his wife, I'd rather be dead anyway...

:shkr: :kk1: :lol:

If she heard you talking about her like that, she'd tell you to your face to just shove it.


Membership Revoked
not exactly being conservative

He needs to talk non-stop about raising veteran's benefits.
He needs to promote a major tax break for small businesses while continuing with his tax hike on the rich.
He needs to match Bush's potential support for elimination of the IRS.
He needs to support the state's right to legalize medicinal marijuana. He could say, "We need the police fighting terrorists, not cancer and aids patients!" heh.
He needs to (fill in the blank....)

Raising veteran's benefits, or any entitlements is not 'conservative' (even though those who claim to be conservative, includign Bush, do it).
Raising taxes on ANYONE is not conservative - it's redistributionist and socialist. Conservative tax relief is tax relief for EVERYONE, and not some targeted redistributionist socialist tax decrease.
Elimination of the IRS will not even be talked about by Kerry. The IRS will become an even bigger tool of redistribution under Kerry.
Local laws should be local and Fed laws should be Federal, but seeing as conservatives are never going to get "fired up" about distribution of pot to cancer patients as it relates to terrorism, all it will do is paint Kerry as a pothead.
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mbo said:
Raising veteran's benefits, or any entitlements is not 'conservative' (even though those who claim to be conservative, includign Bush, do it).
Raising taxes on ANYONE is not conservative - it's redistributionist and socialist. Conservative tax relief is tax relief for EVERYONE, and not some targeted redistributionist socialist tax decrease.
Elimination of the IRS will not even be talked about by Kerry. The IRS will become an even bigger tool of redistribution under Kerry.
Local laws should be local and Fed laws should be Federal, but seeing as conservatives are never going to get "fired up" about distribution of pot to cancer patients as it relates to terrorism, all it will do is paint Kerry as a pothead.
I realize everything I listed wasn't conservative....I got sloppy and just tossed a few ideas together, but, how is raising veteran's benefits not conservative, or 'right wing'? How is that an entitlement? If raising them isn't conservative, then having them at all must be almost as bad. How are we to pay and support our military if not via 'pay and benefits' at some level of government?

Conservative tax relief is tax relief for everyone? Sounds good to me, but that puts a kink in Bush's tax cut though, as it certainly wasn't for everyone. I'm still waiting for mine...


Originally Posted by Dennis Olson
What would you do if you were John Kerry???

"I dunno - kill myself? I I hadda live with his wife, I'd rather be dead anyway..."

If she heard you talking about her like that, she'd tell you to your face to just shove it.
Then there would four more years of HELL!