PREP What manuals or books should be in your library to survive when TSHTF


Veteran Member
I was wondering of what manuals or books should be a must in your library to prep and survive when TSHTF. This can be any thing from farming, cooking, prepping, fire arms, hunting, making what ever including explosives and so forth. Thow them out there.
Medical books for sure. We found some good ones at Goodwill.

I keep printed PDF's of all my firearm's in case I have to play armorer.

While manuals are great, you should be practicing what's in those manuals too. Under stress is not the time to learn.


Bible (plus a concordance...)

Where there is no Doctor

Where there Is no Dentist

Ditch Medicine

Carla Emory's Encyclopedia of Country Living

Ball Blue Book


Has No Life - Lives on TB
my vote for carla emerys book also.. plus foxfire for home remedys and folksy entertainment as well as plant lore

Swamp Wallaby

International Observer
- workshop manuals for every vehicle and piece of machinery you own, plus any others you can find for common makes of car

- John Seymour's 'Forgotten Arts and Crafts' and 'Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency'.

- Local foraging guides

- Anthologies or collections of magazines like 'Mother Earth News' (or in Australia, 'Earth Garden' and 'Grass Roots'. Earlier issues are generally of more value)

- Merck Veterinary manual


Veteran Member
As well as the Ball Blue book that Limner mentioned, "Putting Food By." It covers many other methods of food preservation such as drying, salting, freezing and cheese making.


Contributing Member
I recommend 3 books by Ken Larson, if they are still available. (I saw a copy or 2 on Amazon.)
Nuclear Emergencty - How To Protect Your Family From Radiation

Nature's Free Pharmacy

Becoming Self Reliant