POL What kind of America do you want?


TB Fanatic
I started a thread in another forum. This thread is the conclusion of that forum.


What kind of America do you want?

Do you want an America that is turned into Communism, Socialism, Marxism?

Do you want an America where people view the Government as an entity that owes them something, they are entitled to or a Government that is minimal, just enough to keep the social fabric together?

Do you want to be able to have an idea, be motivated by that idea, create the business plan and implement that idea so you will reap the rewards of your innovation?


Do you want to create a company with innovative ideas, just to have the profits divided amongst the people?

Do you believe you are entitled to the rewards from your efforts?


Do you believe whatever you do, it should be equally divided amongst all the people, even the ones not contributing anything toward your goal?

Do you believe in a work ethic or should people be rewarded for doing nothing?

Should someone who gets four years of college and an advanced degree be rewarded the same as someone who just gets a GED? After all, what determines human worth? Do you think someone who works hard to improve themselves should be rewarded over someone who does nothing to improve themselves?

AMERICA - We fought Communism for almost the last century, are we going to go willingly toward that model now?

America - Do you want people that do not apply themselves, do not obtain skills or education, do not care about their future to be on the same level as those that work hard to get ahead?

America - Are we to fall victim to those who cry "Racism" and are the most racist? Are we going to let fringe groups define our country?

America - Are we going to let organized crime, ie; Unions, Politicians, Community Organizations, Communist Organizations, Socialist Organizations define who we are as a people? Are we going to cater to special interest at the detriment of this country?

WHAT ARE WE, WHAT DEFINES US? I contend we look at the intent of our founding fathers, not these latest malcontented anti-American anti-Capitalism, anti-decency forces that are trying to destroy us!


NOW is the time we either take our country back or lay down as sheep and let the lion devour us.

We either take back our country, take back the definition of what it means to be the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or abdicate and just let the jackals destroy any vestiges of what we were.


We are either Greatness, or we let our enemies conquer and define us.


We either fight the dark forces or we submit to them.


We are either free OR we are slaves to people who are more committed to their ideals than we our to ours.

Apparently, most of the electorate want to keep robbing Peter to pay Paul.

But a problem seems to have emerged - there are fewer Peters to rob and they're getting pretty pi$$ed off at the continual fleecing.

Wonder why that could be?:confused:


Should someone who gets four years of college and an advanced degree be rewarded the same as someone who just gets a GED? After all, what determines human worth? Do you think someone who works hard to improve themselves should be rewarded over someone who does nothing to improve themselves?

I don't normally read political stuff. Usually emotion and not substance. And I don’t see any difference between this post and any other rant.

Too many employers pays employees what they can get away with. And employees know it and respond accordingly. Even good quality employers only pay their employees what they are worth. If an employee has a GED, and does a fantastic job, and has done for the last 4 years, then the employer will pay the untried graduate less than the GED. If a graduate seems to think they are owed a better wage, then they will continue to earn less than the person who has a GED, who understands they have to be of value to an employer to get paid.

We are either free OR we are slaves to people who are more committed to their ideals than we our to ours.


Anyone with deeply held beliefs that pass laws, Environmentalists, animal rights activists... And deeply religious Christians that pass laws that kill women, children, and men one woman, one child, one man at a time!

Personally I am in favour of repel of large numbers of laws, and we get the opportunity to make choices, that others disapprove of. Ok others will make choices, I don't approve of, but that, IMO, is a small price to pay for my freedom.

I am not going to waste my time debunking the rest of this emotional post.
