CRISIS What Do We Want This Nation To Be?


TB Fanatic
I thought we had more commonality and common sense on TB2K but I'm seeing a trend toward an uncomprehensible point of view.

I prefixed this thread CRISIS because I feel we are in a full blown crisis. We are at a cross roads in America and the direction we take now will determine our future from "The Sky's the Limit" to "Hello Third World Country".

I tend to be verbose so if you don't want to read a long diatribe you probably should just move along, these aren't the droids you are looking for.


Why are corporations outsourcing jobs to foreign countries?

A Corporation is notjust the Executives. A Corporation is not just the Members of the Board. ACorporation is not just the Employees. A Corporation is not just the Shareholders. A Corporation is not just the Vendors. A Corporation is also about itscustomers who are seeking value and quality for their money they spend. Let’sjust agree that the Executives are overpaid and get that out of the way. Their salaries account for such a small percentage of the total revenue it isinsignificant.

What is a Corporation? It is a mechanism by which a company can attract investors (shareholders). Corporations could have a six month, one year and five year plan. These plans often include aggressive growth goals which require capital. The shareholder comes along and invests with the company in the expectation ofmaking a profit, that is why they let the company use their money in exchangefor a piece of paper. Stupid you say, well, we all do it for a Federal ReserveNote. Anyway if the company is successful they make a profit. Those profits could be used to provide profits to the shareholders which in turn would incent those shareholders to invest more and maybe attract additional shareholdersallowing the company to follow its goals and plans. The investor assumes risk because the company could lose money, provide no profits so the investor actually loses money making them replace that company with one they hope they can make a profit on. That profit motive is what drives business and investors.Without it you would see stagnation or businesses going out of business.

Now, to address the concept of profit. How much profit is enough? And who should decide on the amount of profit to allow? Should it be the employees? Should it be the shareholders? Should it be outsiders or lawmakers who know what is best? And for the outsider making profit assumptions, are they taking into account the companies one and five year plans to allow for the growth and expansion?

Should the profits arbitrarily be reduced in order to pay the employees more money because that would be FAIR? That loss of profitpotential might just be the difference between and expansion and a contractionand why should the employees get more than the market value of their skill set. If they want to make more money, how about pursing a higher paying skill set or even better, start their own venture, risk their own capital and make their ownfuture and fortune.

And how would you decide what is fair, what is a “living wage”. Would it be one that puts a Flat Screen HD TV in every room? New Car?House? (in what neighborhood, at what price).

Know that every cost to a corporation is going to be either reflected in the price to the consumer and/or reflected in the amount of profits as well. We’ve already covered this, less profits, less investors, lesspotential.

So what about the poor people not working for this corporation? What if they are working for a corporation that made bad choicesand paying them over and above their market value would mean negative profitsor a loss of revenue for the company. Is anyone here seriously going to go with the platform that a company should continue doing business regardless of profits? Not that it matters because eventually the money dries up and the company folds, but seriously, anyone think that a company should not make profits?

What happened to personal accountability? Why is it acompany or the government or someone else that should be responsible for that person being able to make a living? Is that person living within their means,is that person willing to work, does that person have motivation to make something of themselves, is that person motivated to supplement their skill set if they aren’t making enough money with a skill that will allow them to do so?

Shouldn’t a person have a plan, maybe a one year, a five year and a ten year plan to achieve their goals? Or should they be allowed to drift through life lamenting on how unfair the “System” is and how socially and economically “Unjust” because someone else isn’t making them successful and people that do have initiative have more than they do.

What happened to you can reap what you sow? You sow a field,weather and luck notwithstanding you can harvest what you reaped. If you don’t sow much you shouldn’t expect to reap much. If you showed the initiative to sow a little more than you need to consume, maybe some for selling to invest in machinery for next seasons crops and enough seeds left over to sow again next year, should you be forced to provide some of those seeds to someone who didn’t sow at all. All your hard work plowing the fields, planting the seeds, plucking the weeds, buying and maintaining the equipment needed, having the foresight to plan for next year’s harvest and a little extra so maybe you can expand the area you sowed and anyone here think that part of the persons efforts, sweatequity should go to someone who had no motivation and provided no productivity or effort?

It’s basic human nature, if I was to do all that work just to have much of my efforts go to providing for people that did not work I wouldbe resentful. I would not plan to have extra so it will not be taken away fromme. Productivity would drop like a rock. Shades of Galt.

So the basic question for our society is do we want to provide an environment where people can reap what they sow? Do we want to motivate people to a hard work ethic or reward them for being non-productive? Do we want to develop a can-do attitude with acceptance of personal responsibilityand accountability with a hard work ethic or do we want to develop a nation of entitlement people that expect everything they want in life should be given to them, that it is the role of the government to provide it to them, that anyone that has more than they do makes for social unjustice, it’s just not fair.

Do we want a nation of providers and doers or a nation of takers?

Do we want the government that can’t run a business forprofit to save them to run more businesses at the expense of lost revenue tothe American taxpayer?

Do we want a government that continues to grow without restraint and spends without limits, without regards to the future? Do we want a government that enslaves people with entitlement programs and keeps people controlled by its ever increasing handouts even at a time when the spending can’t be justified as we are broke?

What kind of people are we? What kind of people do we want to be? Do we want to be the innovators that stepped on the moon? Do we want to be a third world country singing kumbaya and making $10 per day? Do we see value in instilling a work ethic in today’s citizens, where they are told the sky’s the limit and you can achieve what you can dream and work for or do we want to be the kind of nation where you are told “don’t want to work, don’t worry about it, there are plenty of rich people in this country and we will just give you a portion of their pie”.

Do we want to be a “Can DO” nation or a "gimme gimme" nation?

Do we want to be able to achieve spectacular successes (andfailures) or do we want to lower the bar where we are all equal, to each according to their own, no matter what you do from Brain Surgery to mowing yards it will all pay the same?

I know what I want.


Girls With Guns Member
I know what I'd like our country to be. A Constitutional Republic by the people for the people. Today there is too much government intervention and too many laws and regulations. We don't need laws to keep us from harming ourselves and let charity begin at home. I'm more than happy to give all I have to give but when it's forcefully taken from me at every turn it makes me resentful, stubborn and totally uninspired to even produce anymore.

Accountability for injustices would be a great thing too. Today the poor are thrown in jail and the rich buy their freedom.

We need to go back to basics. The "KISS" system comes to mind. Keep it simple stupid. ;)


Dstraito, very good but, as usual, the devil's in the details.

Corporations are not identical to free enterprise. They are supposed to be a way of limiting liability (for instance, so you don't lose your house if your business goes into debt). Since corporations insulate decision makers from the consequences of their acts then you must either limit the power of those corporations or watch them increase in power without limit. As short-term greed is a natural failing of almost everybody that power will be used to accumulate more money and power without consideration of long-term effects. And where is the greatest source of money and power in our country? Government. Thus you get the "corporate state" or "crony capitalism" which, to prevent competition, concentrates more and more control in fewer hands, eventually destroying the free enterprise system from which it originated.

So, no, I don't believe corporations (or any entrepreneur) is "required" to support the unproductive. I do believe that some of the arguments against corporate power are correct and that corporations should be totally barred from any kind of political contributions or support. They are supposed to be economic entities and should be limited to acting only in economic terms. As to "outsourcing", which you brought up, then dropped; note that most of the factories set up by US corporations in foreign countries was done with the assistance and monetary encouragement of the US government. My personal opinion is that if an item can be produced for less overseas then a corporation has a perfect right to do so, but should not receive US government tax benefits, tariff reductions or preferences. At the same time the US government must not impede legitimate domestic businesses by excessive regulation, union sweetheart deals or destructive taxation.

Kathy in FL

Very good points all.

FarOut, I'll tell you honestly that hubby and I have thought long and hard several times about whether to sell our assets into a corporation or even an LLC. I have to tell you that we chose not to, to operate as a DBA. One of the primary reasons was due to tax issues but another was because we trust our own accountability and we limit who we work with because we don't trust other people's accountability in this age of suing people for the temperature of the coffee.

I have a feeling ... no, I know ... that the current movement called OWSers is anti-Constitutional. They'll dismantle everything rather than take personal responsibility for their own choices. They want too much "free stuff" for them to ever willingly live under our Constitution. I hope though that enough of the people left in this country still believe in the Constitution.

Michael Moore is claiming that the OWSers are Obama's only hope of getting re-elected. I'm beginning to wonder if he isn't onto something there.


Son, Husband, Father
"A nation is the more prosperous today the less it has tried to put obstacles in the way of the spirit of free enterprise and private initiative. The people of the United States are more prosperous than the inhabitants of all other countries because their government embarked later than the governments in other parts of the world upon the policy of obstructing business." -Ludwig Von Misses, The Anti-capitalistic Mentality (1972)

It is evident from threads and postings that socialism and Marxism have invaded the body politic, even here at TB2k.

Think the publik skools aren't doing their job? Think again.

Think class warfare doesn't work? Read a few threads.

People blame Wall Street, Capitalism, and the Free Market. They blame the "rich." They blame outsourcing for the loss of jobs.

Just like the protesters in OWS, this country is full of what Marx called "useful idiots."

If you want to blame something, blame the intrusive government regulation that controls you from the moment you wake up in the morning until the moment you turn out the light at night. The same regulation, starting with the Progressive movement (isn't populism grand?) regulates every aspect of business.

Did you know that the good 'ol US of A is now ranked 13th in the world as the best place to do business?

Did you know that we have the highest corporate income tax in the world?

Do you know that we have some of the most onerous regulations in the world?

Why wouldn't a corporation move overseas?

The problem is that we sitting in a boiling pot still telling ourselves that we are free. We are not free. Not even close. We are in imminent danger of losing ALL our freedoms, and we will very soon.

The feeble and simple minded among us buy into the meme that it is the evil corporations or the evil rich or the evil bankers when the evil is pseudo-capitalism which is really a soft fascism.

Since the anointed ONE took office, the thin veneer of this soft fascism has hardened into a rigid form of fascism. The government and unions own 2 of three major car companies (while the rule of contract law was shredded in the case of the bondholders.) The government by all definitions owns most of the major banks. Government is soon to control 15-18% of the economy in health care.

America, you are living in Mussolini's wet dream.

America, you are swallowing the company line hook, line, and sinker in a way that would make Goebbels blush.

If you want to "blame" someone, blame government. Blame the "there ought to be a law crowd" (there are many on this board.) Blame the progressives for destroying this country with their tools of the income tax, the Federal Reserve (inflation is an insidious tax,) the 17th Amendment, et. al.

Read Marx. Educate yourself. Understand that they are using the hollowed out shell of "Capitalism", to blame Capitalism for the failure, and next they will give you Marxism to pacify the masses.

Beware of that opiate. It only lasts for a short while. After the brief high, you wake up as a slave to the state.

It is how every Revolution is fomented. It is what is happening right before our eyes. This is not a "people's revolution." It is not the 99% v. the 1%. These are lines from Alinsky, Lenin, and Marx. This is the propaganda.

This is NOTHING MORE than Barry Soetoro Obama's life goal. The USSA.

Let that burn in real deep.

We are in the midst of the ultimate Marxist revolution. This is his plan. This is his goal. This is his sole purpose.

We are so close now, that many can smell it in the air.

When the last glimmer of the Light of Liberty goes out in this Nation, there will be total darkness in the rest of the world.

The Destroyer is among us. Don't be deceived by his smile.


Veteran Member
Hey Palmetto, you said it all. This is so basic and yet so many miss it!
Read Marx. Educate yourself. Understand that they are using the hollowed out shell of "Capitalism", to blame Capitalism for the failure, and next they will give you Marxism to pacify the masses.

Beware of that opiate. It only lasts for a short while. After the brief high, you wake up as a slave to the state.

It is how every Revolution is fomented. It is what is happening right before our eyes


Most Americans do not know what real capitalism is- the military/industrial/corporate complex ain't it.


TB Fanatic
Dstraito, very good but, as usual, the devil's in the details.

Corporations are not identical to free enterprise. They are supposed to be a way of limiting liability (for instance, so you don't lose your house if your business goes into debt). Since corporations insulate decision makers from the consequences of their acts then you must either limit the power of those corporations or watch them increase in power without limit. As short-term greed is a natural failing of almost everybody that power will be used to accumulate more money and power without consideration of long-term effects. And where is the greatest source of money and power in our country? Government. Thus you get the "corporate state" or "crony capitalism" which, to prevent competition, concentrates more and more control in fewer hands, eventually destroying the free enterprise system from which it originated.

So, no, I don't believe corporations (or any entrepreneur) is "required" to support the unproductive. I do believe that some of the arguments against corporate power are correct and that corporations should be totally barred from any kind of political contributions or support. They are supposed to be economic entities and should be limited to acting only in economic terms. As to "outsourcing", which you brought up, then dropped; note that most of the factories set up by US corporations in foreign countries was done with the assistance and monetary encouragement of the US government. My personal opinion is that if an item can be produced for less overseas then a corporation has a perfect right to do so, but should not receive US government tax benefits, tariff reductions or preferences. At the same time the US government must not impede legitimate domestic businesses by excessive regulation, union sweetheart deals or destructive taxation.

I agree that Corporations are not free enterprise. I also agree that lobbyist have introduced unfair tax advantages and loopholes that need to be addressed. Government regulation is burdensome.

I guess my main thought on corporations I was trying to talk about was that corporations are a result of a business that is successful. It may have started off as a mom and pop operation where they sacrificed their capital and time and built it to the point where other people wanted to leverage their success and invest with them. Since their is no guarantee of success, the limited liablity is a good way to seek capital investors while not exposing your personal income. This is how companies grow. Every company I've worked with or for has a plan. They don't always have a good plan but they have a plan. The plan usually includes growth which requires a level of revenue streams to support it.

Take away corporations and you take away the mechanism for doing business and growth and investors and jobs. Attacking and killing corporations is equivilent to throwing out the baby with the bath water. It is illogical and wrong.

Another point I wanted to make is let's assume that corporations are greedy, so what. It is their vision and their income and they should be able to do with the profits what they want. Now if they are doing something illegal they should be held accountable which is a matter of justice, not social or economic justice. If their are loopholes they are taking advantage of they are still legal constraints. Again, the corporation should not be held accountable, if the people think the loopholes are unfair, they should be legally closed. GE has an entire department staffed up to handle their tax considerations and find the most advantageous situation possible. Hold the Government accountable, stop the lobbyists, revise the system but don't kill the primary mechanism of market and jobs in this country.

An example of a bias media is reporting on Exxon's profit. The reports show the Exxon profits were up 49% from last year. In most peoples minds that equates to they made 49% profit. No so, the 49% was the increase in profits over last year at this same time. I think the profit was $10 billion dollars which sounds like a lot of money but you have to frame that with what was the total revenue. I think it was 2008 or around then but in the past there was another energy company, Exxon or Mobil that made $8 or $10 billion profit. People were outraged. Hitlery was calling for a wind-fall profits tax. The reality was that $10 billion dollars represented about a 8% return on investment (ROI). Is eight percent really that excessive? At the same time there were Wall Street companies making in excess of 90% ROI and nothing was said.

The media is framing the situation to achieve a liberal agenda and most of us are not aware of the subtle manipulations that go into that.

Ender mentioned the military industrial complex as skewing the free capitalistic model. He is right as lobbyists have perverted the system and the impetus driving much of what we call capitalism is favoritism and congressional spending based on successful lobbying efforts. How about we withdraw our troops from every country in the world and start concentrating on improving life in the US. We could start by abolishing the IRS and the FED. We can go with a flat rate where all the tax loopholes are removed. We can stop giving other countries like Brazil subsidies to drill while we deny drilling in our own country. We can stop subsidizing foreign countries to develop cars based on their relationship with American businessmen, especially powerfully connected ones.

We can start removing onderous regulations that penalize companies doing business in America.

We can also stop the Class and Corporate warfare that the leftist agenda is foisting upon us. They would have us kill the engine that pulls us forward. Since they can't make us all equal as millionaires, they will make us all equal by removing the wealth of the rich so everyone is equally poor. They will fundamentally destroy the greatness of this country and in doing so guarantee class and race divides that threaten to tear this country apart at the seams.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
All have human history has been about dominance and submission..................always.

In any time and any epic. The elite over us all................

The founding fathers of this country when creating a constitutional republic.............created for the first time ever a unique form of the Greek governing ideals in a manner that could break the chain of the dominance/submissive reality.

It didn't last very long..................(as Ben Franklin feared it woudn't)

The elite power families in Europe started losing grip on our republic and over time made sure through wealthy industrialists that they formed a central banking system to control the money.............. You control the money; you control the government and the people.

Dominance and submission................

The way I see it..........the power pyramid of dominance follows from the top down in the following manner..........elite families ie Rothschild's, Rockefellers, Morgan’s, the international and national central banking the transnational corporations............all over the governments........................then us at the bottom.


paradigm shaper
Most Americans do not know what real capitalism is- the military/industrial/corporate complex ain't it.

Agreed but think the list of culprits is incomplete.

There is a difference between free market capitalism (something we have not had since the North's Aggression succeeded) and bare knuckle capitalism that happens under the backdrop of oligarchical controls of all inputs necessary for modern life (what we currently live under and have since CW1).


TB Fanatic
Anybody make wine? at a point the process poisons itself with the alcohol it creates and stops.

Where is the tipping point where Americans cannot afford the products American companies make?

Will that be accelerated by taxation & onerous regulation that add a burden to the bottom line?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I agree that Corporations are not free enterprise. I also agree that lobbyist have introduced unfair tax advantages and loopholes that need to be addressed. Government regulation is burdensome.

Laws against robbery are always burdensome to the robber.

Every regulation has a cost and a benefit. Where the cost does not justify the benefit the regulations should be abolished. I'm pleased that the Obama administration is proceeding to unneeded burdensome regulations are being removed by executive order.

seeking one

So.....your local barber has to be licensed by the city.......and the benefit is?

Acually, your local barber and hairdresser has to be licensed by your state after having a blood test to insure that he or she is not diseased and spreading same by him or her in the course of business. This blood test must be performed annually. There is a technical test on approved standards only the first time, but the health issue is the main one.

Kathy in FL

Acually, your local barber and hairdresser has to be licensed by your state after having a blood test to insure that he or she is not diseased and spreading same by him or her in the course of business. This blood test must be performed annually. There is a technical test on approved standards only the first time, but the health issue is the main one.

In Florida that license has nothing to do with a blood test but on an academic test ... not whether they can actually cut hair and do nails but whether they know what all of the health codes and city ordinances are. And annual licensing is quite expensive for the income level.

Rearden Steel

Veteran Member
Acually, your local barber and hairdresser has to be licensed by your state after having a blood test to insure that he or she is not diseased and spreading same by him or her in the course of business. This blood test must be performed annually. There is a technical test on approved standards only the first time, but the health issue is the main one.

And just when was the last time someone was kept from getting their state license or had their license taken away? Ever? Would you get a life threatening disease? How about we forego government intervention. If I was looking for a new barber, I would ask some friends for recommendations or look up reviews one line. How about the better business bureau. In short order there would be independent inspection and auditing companies, a “Good Housing Keeping Seal of Approval” equivalent. It just a tax and more bureaucracy.