what brand of big box store seeds stores the best? Any experience?


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Hi...any opinions on whose seed packs are the best?

(I learned to never buy Walmart brand....every squash I put in had at least one plant per hill that was some wierd variety I didn't even recognize.)

Should I stick with Burpee? Anybody ever compared the germination rates after a few years?

Thanks for any help....and yes I want a stash of hybrids, not just non hybrids.


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I've had good luck with Burpee's. I grew a garden one year solely on American Seed...the chaepy 10 and 25 cent packets at Walmart and dollar stores. I had great germination but found like you did that some strange varities crept in. I couldn't complain for theprice though and I think I got my money's worth. In a survival situation it might pay to have 50 bucks worth of 10 cent seed packets.

I have had good luck with EBAY as well. The stuff sold by the mom and pop's that grew it. I bought a bunch from Valueseeds.com (99 cents or less) and 99 cent shipping. I haven't tried any yet but I couldn't help trying them out for the price and amount I got in each packet. Plus, their packets are sealed foil so they are great for storing.



Veteran Member
If you are serious about the seed thing: Don't buy from a store that has the seeds out in the area where they water the plants. Seeds need to be dry...very dry...in order to maintain germination.

I order much of my seed from Willhite's. I think it is whillhiteseeds.com, but go "ask." Their prices are very good! Much of the seed is open pollinated. Some of it is treated, and I don't believe that compromises the "organic" goal.

If you are "prepping" buy more seed that you will use in a year...generally that is even the smallest pack they sell, and store it in a cool dry place, or in the refrigerator.

If you are "seriously prepping" do this: Buy the seed, repackage it into small coin envelopes, label and date. Get the two quart canning jars, with the lids. With a punch, put a hole in the lid. Get a small cannister of nitrogen at a welding supply house. You'll need hoses and such. Pack a year's supply of seeds into one jar, or two. Have some duct tape cut, close by.

Nitrogen gas is harmless to you, but it drives out the air in a container. Put the nozzle of the hose into the little hole (after you have packed the jar and put the lid on!) and let the nitrogen go into the jar. Give it about a minute. Quickly take the nozzle out and apply the duct tape to the hole.

Date and label the jars.

You can use this same method with wheat, whole grain cereal, beans, etc. Buggy things cannot live without oxygen either, and the nitrogen does not hurt the food.


I haven't found any difference in the store brands of seeds providing they were fresh, kept inside the store (in the air conditioning) and of the same variety.

Mostly I mail order my seeds, but occasionally I'll decide to plant something at the last minute that I don't have so will buy seeds at the store. Many farm supply stores carry seed in bulk.



Veteran Member
Burpee is the only outfit where I haven't had some type of disappointment. Their seeds have a great germination rate.

Twenty years ago I planted a packet of Burpee wax beans and thinned the row down to about 10 plants. When the neighbors asked grandma to make me stop handing them out and asked where the field of beans were, I canned a case or so and let the critters have the rest. Good seeds.


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I have had good experience with seeds bought at Walmart ....but I never bought Walmart brand. They have several brands. I like Burpee and Plantation brands. I buy according to what plant I want to grow....picture of it is on the face of the package. The seeds have always been viable.... And, the best part is that if you wait until the end of growing season of any given summer the seeds are on sale at a really reduced price. The are still viable the next spring.

Of course, I don't buy ALL my seeds there..... (the old adage of don't put all your eggs in one basket). ......but, I haven't had any problems with the seeds I do buy there.

I also buy seeds from Big Lots......they too have been viable....and reproduce their own kind. (in other words they are not terminator seeds)

I buy some seeds online and I also buy seeds from a local seed & feed store.


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I think some of you might be going to a lot of trouble to save seed. I keep mine in a container that is ventilated by dry and cool. I had seeds that are still viable after 5 years. I don't do anything special to them. I think if you start out with good seed to start with it certainly helps.