Prep Genrl What are the must haves for first aid, medical supplies and OTC ?


Veteran Member
I want to have a more well rounded supply of first aid, medical supplies and OTC. I have been getting a few things here and there for first aid but I don’t feel I have a good handle on what to get. I’ve bought a variety box of bandages in hopes it would help me decide after looking through it, what I should buy more of. Nope, it didn’t, it has a few small rolls of gauze, a roll of tape and a few different size pad type things. I have lots of bandaids in different sizes, some that are waterproof, sensitive skin, etc. I’ve got plenty of triple antibiotic ointment, peroxide and alcohol (although those last two are probably way out of date). A few ace bandages from previous injuries through the years. I also got a couple of boxes of self adhesive wrap in two different sizes. I saw a post somewhere about butterfly bandages but I don’t have a clue about what to get or where.

As far as OTC meds, I keep allergy meds as well as my prescription one since my grandsons stay over and they both need it. I use off brand Tylenol and DH uses Aleve, vitamin D I have to take everyday and I keep vitamin C on hand for when we get colds along with cold meds.

Your help would be appreciated.


Neither here nor there.
Gauze bandages in several sizes, tape for the bandages. Liquid skin. That liquid soap they have you use before knee replacement surgery. Betadine (sp?), peroxide, rubbing alcohol, witch hazel, aloe vera, anti itch cream, antibiotic ointment, anti fungal ointment, various vitamins and minerals such as zinc. Bandaids of course.


Contributing Member
Here check this out it’s designed and manufactured by an ER Doctor and former Navy ER physician. Its great if your looking for something that’s already put together.
I calculated how much it would be to buy everything separately and make my own pack and it was a similar cost.


Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
Excellent list!


here's his wife's list - Nurse Amy's "home hospital" >>>>>

Here’s my list of Collapse medical supplies with natural remedies included (we should have these as back-ups or for first use supplies to save commercially made items!). Dr.Bones and I spend a lot of time and energy researching “back-up” plans for traditional medicine. We want YOU to have the knowledge to provide medical help if we have a collapse. I have planted over 60 different medicinal herbs in my raised beds and am learning how incredible natural remedies can be.

Collapse medical kit/ home supplies:

oral antibiotics- also consider including topical application of fresh crushed garlic and/or Raw honey, as herbal_alternatives for wound care

antibiotic ointment and/or antibacterial herbal salve ( with calendula/tea tree oil/lavender oils)

multi size bandages- lots of these in several sizes, spot, knuckle, size 1×3 is great to cover most lacerations

ace bandages- 3" or 4"- depends on your group member ages, you may need some smaller sizes also

steri strips and butterfly bandages to close minor lacerations

Tincture of Benzoin (sticky solution that helps steri strips stay in place for several days)

TONS of gauze/dressings (sterile and non-sterile 4x4s)- use non-sterile for compression to stop bleeding and sterile to "dress" wounds after cleaning

H and H compressed gauze- compact and sterile

include lots of “telfa” pads( non-adherent-so healing wounds won’t stick to the dressing, great for burn injuries) and a xeroform petroleum dressing (non stick)

ABD_gauze pads (usually 5×9) also called combine dressings

10×30 trauma dressings- for larger wounds

Kerlix roller Gauze

Coban or sensi wrap -self adherent gauze

Sterile OR Towels and sterile Lap pads- optional but useful

60cc or 100cc Irrigation Syringes- for wound irrigation and cleaning

tapes- include duct, adhesive and paper ( for adhesive tape allergies)

quality bandage scissor/trauma shear ( ALL METAL, the plastic handle ones break cutting jean material!)

Pliable fracture material- brand name SAM splints in multiple sizes

mole skin/padding- for blisters

scalpels #10

Solar Blankets- to prevent shock and treat hypothermia

Blood pressure cuff and stethescope


LOTS of nitrile gloves- to prevent allergic reactions in Latex-allergic patients

a couple pair (or more) of sterile size 7 1/2 gloves

hand sanitizer

Face masks (surgical) and N-95s

Goggles, Face Shields

Coveralls, hoodies, boot covers, bio hazard bags- if you have concerns about pandemics used with the N-95s and face shield

betadine swabs/wipes

BZK wipes-to clean hands/wounds, best for cleaning out animal bites to decrease rabies transmission

alcohol pads

3% Hydrogen Peroxide - a great oral mouth wash for ulcerations, gingivitis, thrush. ONLY for use in the first cleaning of wounds, if this is all you have. Don't use in wound care after the first cleaning, it will impede new cell growth and delay healing.

Burn Jel

Cervial Collar

CPR mask- even though chest compressions are the standard now, IF you or a member of your group know how to add rescue breathing this is a good item to have on hand

Oral Airways- set of multi sizes

masks- surgical(for sick people) and N-95s(for healthy people to keep them from getting sick!)

dermabond (Rx) OR super glue ( may burn the skin)- only used as a seal on top of the wound, not as an internal seal!

needle holder and sutures (2-0 nylon or 2-0 Silk and 2-0 Vicryl)- very invasive and may cause more infections in survival situations where wounds are likely to be dirty even after excellent wound cleaning)

Stapler and staple remover, with Adson_Forceps to hold the skin in proper position for stapling (invasive and may cause MORE infections in survival situations where injuries are likely to be "dirty"- don't ever close a dirty wound!)

curved and straight kelley clamps ( to remove foreign objects from wounds)


Iris scissors

Mayo Scissors

several large safety pins

magnifying glass

pen light

HeadLamp (for nighttime injuries or to look closely at wounds/injuries)

tongue depressor(s)

ParaCord- at least 20 ft.

Ammonia Inhalants

clotting powders/dressings- Celox gauze and/or powder(can use on patients taking blood thinners), cayenne pepper powder may help minor bleeding

styptic pencil- minor bleeding

quality tourniquet (SOF-T or CAT)- only use in severe bleeding that will not stop with a major pressure dressing or clotting agents

Chest Seals- Hyfin makes a Twin Pack for entry and exit wounds

Combat_Casualty Card and Red_Sharpie_Marker to document your actions

olaes modular bandage or Israel bandage 6"

blood stopper dressing (dressing with 2 kerlix attached for wrapping)


Chux Pads- to lay out as a clean surface for your supplies

cravet triangle bandages

rubber bag (hot water bottle)

Re-useable GEL packs- can be cooled OR heated

aquatabs or portable water filter

Soap Bar

Fels naptha soap- to wash off poison Ivy_oak or sumac from skin and clothes (also a great clothes detergent)

Sting Relief pads

Insect Repellant

dental kit- toothpicks, dental mirror, cotton-tip applicators, dental filling material ( commercial-dentemp or mix zinc oxide powder and 2 drops clove oil), pill cups for mixing the dental filling, dental extractors, dental elevator, dental scraper, cotton rolls, cotton pills, tweezers, Chromic 4-0, Actcel oral hemostatic, 2x2 sterile gauze

baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and 2 drops of peppermint oil make a great gum treatment and toothpaste

extra essential_clove oil (numbs dental pain when applied directly

Eye cup

eye wash

eye pads/eye patch


Pain and Sleep Tinctures- Rx meds will be hard to obtain

Back Patches- carrying heavy equipment and activies of daily living will be hard on our backs

an Ear oil natural remedy ( usually has garlic oil and mullein oil)- use 2 warmed drops in the affected ear and place a cotton ball over the ear canal secured with paper tape, repeat 3 times daily.

claritin (non-drowsy antihistamine)- hay fever/allergies

benadryl ( drowsy antihistamine)-allergic reactions to stings/medication/food/contact with irritants/this is the other ingredient in tylenol PM! It really puts you to sleep at 50mg dose, but this is a better dose for serious allergic reactions!

epipen (Rx), if needed for serious allergic reactions


Witch Hazel- for bug bites, burns, and hemorrhoid treatment

Drawing Salve

Antacid tablets

Vaseline and A&D cream

eucalyptus essential oil- also a decongestant and good for coughs ( direct or steam inhalation/ a good insect repellent

pain relievers/analgesics- aspirin (not for children) /Tylenol/ibuprofen

arnica essential oil salve - used as an analgesic used externally, see my articles ( on Natural Medical Kit:Essential oils. Great for bruises, joint and muscle pain, fracture pain, use ONLY on intact skin.

Other Analgesic Essential Oils -Consider 1 or 2 of these – lavender,chamomile,rosemary,eucalyptus, marjoram

Imodium-for diarrhea tx

Laxative- freeze-dried foods can cause constipation!

Preparation H

hydrocortisone cream- anti-inflammatory, good for rashes

helichrysum essential oil- also anti-inflammatory and additionally an analgesic

Lip balm-I love carmex brand

zinc oxide cream-rashes and a sunscreen

Sunscreen cream

zinc oxide powder medical grade- to mix with Clove bud essential oil, and make a temporary dental filling

Raw honey-externally for serious burns/internally mix with garlic oil for an antibiotic and sore throat tx

tea tree essential oil-antiseptic/antifungal/insect bite tx/burn tx

lavender essential oil-analgesic/antiseptic/calming effect for insomnia,stress/skin care-rashes and cuts

peppermint essential oil-respiratory and nasal congestion/Headache tx 1 drop to temples or inhale vapors/also good for digestive disorders/achy joints and muscle tx/ use 2 drops on toothbrush with baking soda

geranium essential oil- decreases bleeding when applied to wound/burn tx /antibacterial

thieves blend essential oil- A mix of clove,lemon,cinnamon,eucalyptus and rosemary oils- Antibiotic/antiseptic/and a host of other actions.

chamomile tea bags- internally relaxing,headache tx and digestive problems/ external compress for burns,bee stings

ginger tea bags- internally good for nausea, stomachaches, digestive problems like gas and bloating, also good for motion sickness (crystallized ginger is an alternative, but weighs more)

echinacea/elderberry tea bags- supports immune system, decreases flu and cold duration

aloe vera- good for burns applied topically

laxative tea bags- usually contains senna mixed with other herbs for a better flavor

powdered Gatorade or Oral Rehydration Packets -for rehydration drinks ( to tx dehydration)

multi-vitamins, extra vit c and zinc

Throat drops

Rid Shampoo or a lice treatment

Thyrosafe Anti-Radiation Pills- if you are in a danger zone

Pulse Oximeter- expensive but very helpful in major injuries or chest pain evaluation

Emergency Obstetric Kit- if you are with childbearing age women

Urine Dipsticks- helpful for evaluating several medical conditions

Hemacult Test- checks for blood in the stool

Enema Bag

With the above list you can treat:

colds/flu/cough/sore throat/lung congestion
aches and pains
allergies/allergic reactions
skin irritations and conditions
digestive upsets and nausea
bug bites/ bee stings/ contact dermatitis( poison ivy/oak/)
minor cuts. scrapes and lacerations-including suturing
major bleeding/ chest wounds
headaches, sinus congestion
ear/eye/dental issues
stress and anxiety
oral hygiene and basic dental tx
surface disinfectant
insect repellent
and wash clothes!

I hope this helps, I have spent 5 years researching what would be really helpful and USEFUL in a collapse situation. I would concentrate on the supplies you will need most and will likely be able use without too much training. If you have medical training, this is a comprehensive list without lots of Rx meds. Knowledge is power!

-Nurse Amy
Co-Author of "The Survival Medicine Handbook"


Has No Life - Lives on TB


here's his wife's list - Nurse Amy's "home hospital" >>>>>

Here’s my list of Collapse medical supplies with natural remedies included (we should have these as back-ups or for first use supplies to save commercially made items!). Dr.Bones and I spend a lot of time and energy researching “back-up” plans for traditional medicine. We want YOU to have the knowledge to provide medical help if we have a collapse. I have planted over 60 different medicinal herbs in my raised beds and am learning how incredible natural remedies can be.

Collapse medical kit/ home supplies:

oral antibiotics- also consider including topical application of fresh crushed garlic and/or Raw honey, as herbal_alternatives for wound care

antibiotic ointment and/or antibacterial herbal salve ( with calendula/tea tree oil/lavender oils)

multi size bandages- lots of these in several sizes, spot, knuckle, size 1×3 is great to cover most lacerations

ace bandages- 3" or 4"- depends on your group member ages, you may need some smaller sizes also

steri strips and butterfly bandages to close minor lacerations

Tincture of Benzoin (sticky solution that helps steri strips stay in place for several days)

TONS of gauze/dressings (sterile and non-sterile 4x4s)- use non-sterile for compression to stop bleeding and sterile to "dress" wounds after cleaning

H and H compressed gauze- compact and sterile

include lots of “telfa” pads( non-adherent-so healing wounds won’t stick to the dressing, great for burn injuries) and a xeroform petroleum dressing (non stick)

ABD_gauze pads (usually 5×9) also called combine dressings

10×30 trauma dressings- for larger wounds

Kerlix roller Gauze

Coban or sensi wrap -self adherent gauze

Sterile OR Towels and sterile Lap pads- optional but useful

60cc or 100cc Irrigation Syringes- for wound irrigation and cleaning

tapes- include duct, adhesive and paper ( for adhesive tape allergies)

quality bandage scissor/trauma shear ( ALL METAL, the plastic handle ones break cutting jean material!)

Pliable fracture material- brand name SAM splints in multiple sizes

mole skin/padding- for blisters

scalpels #10

Solar Blankets- to prevent shock and treat hypothermia

Blood pressure cuff and stethescope


LOTS of nitrile gloves- to prevent allergic reactions in Latex-allergic patients

a couple pair (or more) of sterile size 7 1/2 gloves

hand sanitizer

Face masks (surgical) and N-95s

Goggles, Face Shields

Coveralls, hoodies, boot covers, bio hazard bags- if you have concerns about pandemics used with the N-95s and face shield

betadine swabs/wipes

BZK wipes-to clean hands/wounds, best for cleaning out animal bites to decrease rabies transmission

alcohol pads

3% Hydrogen Peroxide - a great oral mouth wash for ulcerations, gingivitis, thrush. ONLY for use in the first cleaning of wounds, if this is all you have. Don't use in wound care after the first cleaning, it will impede new cell growth and delay healing.

Burn Jel

Cervial Collar

CPR mask- even though chest compressions are the standard now, IF you or a member of your group know how to add rescue breathing this is a good item to have on hand

Oral Airways- set of multi sizes

masks- surgical(for sick people) and N-95s(for healthy people to keep them from getting sick!)

dermabond (Rx) OR super glue ( may burn the skin)- only used as a seal on top of the wound, not as an internal seal!

needle holder and sutures (2-0 nylon or 2-0 Silk and 2-0 Vicryl)- very invasive and may cause more infections in survival situations where wounds are likely to be dirty even after excellent wound cleaning)

Stapler and staple remover, with Adson_Forceps to hold the skin in proper position for stapling (invasive and may cause MORE infections in survival situations where injuries are likely to be "dirty"- don't ever close a dirty wound!)

curved and straight kelley clamps ( to remove foreign objects from wounds)


Iris scissors

Mayo Scissors

several large safety pins

magnifying glass

pen light

HeadLamp (for nighttime injuries or to look closely at wounds/injuries)

tongue depressor(s)

ParaCord- at least 20 ft.

Ammonia Inhalants

clotting powders/dressings- Celox gauze and/or powder(can use on patients taking blood thinners), cayenne pepper powder may help minor bleeding

styptic pencil- minor bleeding

quality tourniquet (SOF-T or CAT)- only use in severe bleeding that will not stop with a major pressure dressing or clotting agents

Chest Seals- Hyfin makes a Twin Pack for entry and exit wounds

Combat_Casualty Card and Red_Sharpie_Marker to document your actions

olaes modular bandage or Israel bandage 6"

blood stopper dressing (dressing with 2 kerlix attached for wrapping)


Chux Pads- to lay out as a clean surface for your supplies

cravet triangle bandages

rubber bag (hot water bottle)

Re-useable GEL packs- can be cooled OR heated

aquatabs or portable water filter

Soap Bar

Fels naptha soap- to wash off poison Ivy_oak or sumac from skin and clothes (also a great clothes detergent)

Sting Relief pads

Insect Repellant

dental kit- toothpicks, dental mirror, cotton-tip applicators, dental filling material ( commercial-dentemp or mix zinc oxide powder and 2 drops clove oil), pill cups for mixing the dental filling, dental extractors, dental elevator, dental scraper, cotton rolls, cotton pills, tweezers, Chromic 4-0, Actcel oral hemostatic, 2x2 sterile gauze

baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and 2 drops of peppermint oil make a great gum treatment and toothpaste

extra essential_clove oil (numbs dental pain when applied directly

Eye cup

eye wash

eye pads/eye patch


Pain and Sleep Tinctures- Rx meds will be hard to obtain

Back Patches- carrying heavy equipment and activies of daily living will be hard on our backs

an Ear oil natural remedy ( usually has garlic oil and mullein oil)- use 2 warmed drops in the affected ear and place a cotton ball over the ear canal secured with paper tape, repeat 3 times daily.

claritin (non-drowsy antihistamine)- hay fever/allergies

benadryl ( drowsy antihistamine)-allergic reactions to stings/medication/food/contact with irritants/this is the other ingredient in tylenol PM! It really puts you to sleep at 50mg dose, but this is a better dose for serious allergic reactions!

epipen (Rx), if needed for serious allergic reactions


Witch Hazel- for bug bites, burns, and hemorrhoid treatment

Drawing Salve

Antacid tablets

Vaseline and A&D cream

eucalyptus essential oil- also a decongestant and good for coughs ( direct or steam inhalation/ a good insect repellent

pain relievers/analgesics- aspirin (not for children) /Tylenol/ibuprofen

arnica essential oil salve - used as an analgesic used externally, see my articles ( on Natural Medical Kit:Essential oils. Great for bruises, joint and muscle pain, fracture pain, use ONLY on intact skin.

Other Analgesic Essential Oils -Consider 1 or 2 of these – lavender,chamomile,rosemary,eucalyptus, marjoram

Imodium-for diarrhea tx

Laxative- freeze-dried foods can cause constipation!

Preparation H

hydrocortisone cream- anti-inflammatory, good for rashes

helichrysum essential oil- also anti-inflammatory and additionally an analgesic

Lip balm-I love carmex brand

zinc oxide cream-rashes and a sunscreen

Sunscreen cream

zinc oxide powder medical grade- to mix with Clove bud essential oil, and make a temporary dental filling

Raw honey-externally for serious burns/internally mix with garlic oil for an antibiotic and sore throat tx

tea tree essential oil-antiseptic/antifungal/insect bite tx/burn tx

lavender essential oil-analgesic/antiseptic/calming effect for insomnia,stress/skin care-rashes and cuts

peppermint essential oil-respiratory and nasal congestion/Headache tx 1 drop to temples or inhale vapors/also good for digestive disorders/achy joints and muscle tx/ use 2 drops on toothbrush with baking soda

geranium essential oil- decreases bleeding when applied to wound/burn tx /antibacterial

thieves blend essential oil- A mix of clove,lemon,cinnamon,eucalyptus and rosemary oils- Antibiotic/antiseptic/and a host of other actions.

chamomile tea bags- internally relaxing,headache tx and digestive problems/ external compress for burns,bee stings

ginger tea bags- internally good for nausea, stomachaches, digestive problems like gas and bloating, also good for motion sickness (crystallized ginger is an alternative, but weighs more)

echinacea/elderberry tea bags- supports immune system, decreases flu and cold duration

aloe vera- good for burns applied topically

laxative tea bags- usually contains senna mixed with other herbs for a better flavor

powdered Gatorade or Oral Rehydration Packets -for rehydration drinks ( to tx dehydration)

multi-vitamins, extra vit c and zinc

Throat drops

Rid Shampoo or a lice treatment

Thyrosafe Anti-Radiation Pills- if you are in a danger zone

Pulse Oximeter- expensive but very helpful in major injuries or chest pain evaluation

Emergency Obstetric Kit- if you are with childbearing age women

Urine Dipsticks- helpful for evaluating several medical conditions

Hemacult Test- checks for blood in the stool

Enema Bag

With the above list you can treat:

colds/flu/cough/sore throat/lung congestion
aches and pains
allergies/allergic reactions
skin irritations and conditions
digestive upsets and nausea
bug bites/ bee stings/ contact dermatitis( poison ivy/oak/)
minor cuts. scrapes and lacerations-including suturing
major bleeding/ chest wounds
headaches, sinus congestion
ear/eye/dental issues
stress and anxiety
oral hygiene and basic dental tx
surface disinfectant
insect repellent
and wash clothes!

I hope this helps, I have spent 5 years researching what would be really helpful and USEFUL in a collapse situation. I would concentrate on the supplies you will need most and will likely be able use without too much training. If you have medical training, this is a comprehensive list without lots of Rx meds. Knowledge is power!

-Nurse Amy
Co-Author of "The Survival Medicine Handbook"

Thank you. I have most of that covered. I always look to the natural and herbal remedies first, and save the commercial OTC meds for later use if they are needed. Where I'm still lacking is in the dental field, but do have a plentiful supply of Clove Essential oil and other items for oral use. I've bought several books over the years, and studied them well about the use of natural and herbal remedies for most minor issues. Of course, when you need emergency care and a hospital, sometimes that's the only option.

I do have some medical training as I was a RNA once upon a time. That'a not much, but better than none.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Here’s a good family level first aid kit. My daughter who’s an RN/NP got this one recently.

Jeff B.


Veteran Member
Thanks so much everyone. I’ve been under the weather and haven’t been online much. I got a tablet and pen out but I see I’ll have to get the printer warmed up.