Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: September 3 ~ 9, 2017


Veteran Member
It was a fairly busy week last week - my vacation from work began late Wednesday evening; then Thursday was aqua aerobics with the ladies, followed by a trip to the city for a dental appointment. Spent a bit of time working outside after I got home; nothing major; just general clean-up. Another blasted dehydration headache hit me Friday about 3 am; I was useless until around 2pm - so I've been careful to push the fluid intake the past few days.

A local church had a collection point for folks affected by Harvey set up at the football game Friday evening; they'd rented a (one) truck. By the time I got there - an hour before the game - the first truck was full and a hastily acquired flatbed semi trailer that had been pressed into service was half full. I dropped off my donation of items that my family in the Houston area (4" of water in the house, but otherwise okay) told me were needed - several cases of water, bleach, laundry detergent, soap, toiletries and feminine hygiene products. My couponing paid off as I was able to load several boxes of the last 3 items boxes from my shelves.

As I walked toward the bleachers at the game, hand in hand with my grandsons, I realized again how blessed I am; not just in general, but to live where I do, and around the people that I do. Not just because of their generosity, but, well - everything.

Can you picture it in your head....Football game fare for supper - pork burgers and hamburgers (a local grocery store donated a new grill to the Sports Booster club), nachos with shredded pork, pork bbq sandwiches (all pork donated to Sports Booster club by daughter's uncle), pizza from the local pizza joint, tortilla chips with cheese, various sodas, HOT CHOCOLATE (it was in the 50's Friday night), water - which you definitely needed after a bag of the popcorn (and we needed 6), and, course, the usual table of candy. I was hoping for a bake sale but was disappointed :) Sports Boosters Club ladies with tables set up selling sweatshirts, t-shirts etc... with the school mascot on them, 50/50 ticket hawkers working the bleachers..

Football players running out through a giant inflatable helmet and lining up on the sidelines. Then, a moment of silence for an armed forces member from our area, another for a local man, a veteran, and a man who had devoted a great deal of time to the school sports program. A giant US flag hung from a fire truck ladder, a reminiscing smile from me (okay, I will admit that I leaked more than a couple of tears) as granddaughter ran from the cheer squad area over to pick up her clarinet and join the band in playing the National Anthem, just as my daughter did before her (except with daughter the instrument was a saxophone - the same instrument her father played in the same school band!) Everyone - in the stands and on the field - standing, hats off for the National Anthem; youngest grandson was standing on the bleacher in front of me, older one beside me; hands over hearts. A firework in the shape of the school mascot, snorting smoke to start the game; granddaughter and her squad performing to the school fight song at half time - said song which I mangled, as usual :lol: Not (entirely) my fault - my high school and daughter/granddaughter's high school both use the Notre Dame fight song, so my singing along is a combo of both daughter rolls her eyes :) Score a bit lopsided in our favor, a booming firework for every touchdown while our cheerleaders do a push up for every point; then a small fireworks display afterwards. The slow walk to the car, carrying one sleepy little boy; the other holding my hand because the parking area is busy... Yes, I am so very, very blessed...

Saturday morning, I mowed most of the yard, then hitched my trailer to the van and headed for town, aiming for the city yard waste facility where there was a large pile of free mulch. Hubby met me there after he got off work, and we filled the trailer with mulch in short order. A quick trip to Home Depot and he was off for home; I made stops at Aldi, Harbor Freight (looking for a tool bag to carry to football games), and Dollar Tree. I was about to head home when I got a text from co-worker Buddy.... a few more texts back and forth led to me making a quick stop at Wal-Mart for my co-workers, then backtracking a bit it to drop the stuff off at work - not sure my patients or co-workers recognized me at first in my off duty garb of yoga pants, t-shirt and flip-flops as I toted the bags into the unit :lol:

Today, Hubby did some reloading as I worked outside - weeded the east end of the gooseberry patch, watered it good, then flattened out some cardboard boxes I'd hauled home (an elderly lady whose daughter is a friend of mine was moving and needed to get rid of them, so I hauled 'em off for her), shoved them under and around the gooseberry bushes, then covered them with mulch to the extent of the load in the trailer. I'm going to have to get a new handle for the manure fork before I get more mulch, darn it! Then I hooked 3 hoses together and started deep watering a few areas around the yard - no rain for about 10 days now; maybe more; while I loaded the little trailer with jugs (cat litter jugs from a co-worker; about 2.5 gallons each) and 5 gallon buckets, then filled them from the rain water tank. While I was out dumping that water in various raised beds, the sweet tater patch, etc... Hubby took the opportunity to refill all our 5 gallon canning water jugs from the big rain water tank as well - rain water, around here at least, is soft water and won't leave lime deposits on the jars. It took 3 trailer loads of water to give the most important plants a drink - 12 jugs and 3 buckets per load. I need more cat litter jugs - those 5 gallon buckets are getting heavy for an old lady!

Tomorrows plans are still up in the air; there are two Labor Day parades nearby, but one is in the city and I don't go there unless absolutely necessary. The other is closer to home, but the grandkids have other plans, so we will probably skip it as well. I reckon I'll just stick to buying coffee for the union construction workers - some of whom have the sticker from my father's union - IBEW - on their hard hats - who are building the addition to the hospital where I work.

Hubby wants to go to town to look for work pants tomorrow; I'd go along and take the trailer to load with mulch but the temps are supposed to be back into the 90's and I'm just not quite that foolish! Instead, I'm hoping to make some low-sugar black cherry jam - picked up black cherries for 99 cents/lb at the store, so will pit those, chop 'em up and see if I can't get get a few jars of jam ready to go in the pantry. I like to fix a half pint jar about 2/3 full of yogurt, drop in a spoonful of homemade low-sugar jam, then top it with granola to carry to work for breakfast; cherry jam will be nice to add to the Dutch apple, strawberry, peach, black raspberry and blackberry I have lurking in the fridge at the moment :lol: Not sure how it will go with peanut butter, but I'm likely to find out! Daughter has some squeeze bottles that she loads with my homemade jams and jellies, then keeps in the fridge for the kids to use in making pbj's - have to watch out for the youngest one squeezing jelly right into his mouth; otherwise it works out pretty well - and saves the mess of dropped glass jars, or sticky knives on the counter.

I also need to pull the chicken I bought on sale last week out of the freezer and into a cooler to thaw slowly so that I can work on getting it canned Tuesday...

Vacation? What is the meaning of this word vacation..... :)

Take care all; wishing you a fabulous week!


Veteran Member
Money in the bank

I have been cutting fire wood every spare moment. It is a mix of hard wood and spruce. Twenty cords. Maybe three years worth if I wait and burn it, or money in the bank if I sell it.

The few breaks I took were for fishing. I caught over 50 salmon, keeping 30.

I bought a new genarator, which I am excited about.

Tomorrows goal is to fill some gas tanks. Local station is out of fuel.


Senior Member
After low temps for August, we are in the 90s until tonight when we have an unseasonal cold front come through! Yay! It's been two weeks of low to mid 80s here so this feels hot.

Put peppers in the freezer, I will go shopping in the morning for more canned goods and have to call the dentist to get my front tooth fixed. I broke it this morning on a piece of bacon. :( I want to get another bag of cat food and some more dog food to stay ahead of the game. Got my order of toilet paper and deodorant from amazon and I picked up more tp at the grocer store for a good price. Restocking paper goods, laundry detergent and a few other non perishables so we will be in better shape as winter comes. I also found more pop lights, I will put a couple of packages in my storage tote then put new ones in the bathrooms and bedrooms. Makes it easier when the power goes out.


Veteran Member
Mmmmm - Salmon! Sounds good, Ivan :)

How do you prep your peppers for freezing, Paxim?

Well, didn't get much done on Monday other than run to town to look for work britches for Hubby - he couldn't make up his mind and I got bored waiting so reminded him to look for a handle for my manure fork, then wandered back to the firearms counter and found 500 ct boxes of .22LR for $26.99 w/12% rebate (haven't seen any coupons for ammo; gotta settle for a rebate lol!) With the rebate, the price comes out to about 4.75 cents each so I picked up the max of 3 boxes. I looked at an AK while I was there - dang those things are rough looking!! Then I looked at a Remington 870 express 12ga and a Mossberg 500 12ga, both with slug and bird barrels. The safety on the Mossberg is on top, so would be easier for me to shoot left-handed. Hubby walked up about then and I reminded him my birthday is coming up... :) I snagged a couple bags of potting soil on the way to the checkout- I tell you, this getting old and wimpy stuff is for the birds; had to get 1 cu ft bags instead of the bigger ones that they had! I needed it to pot up some herb cuttings to bring inside, plus pot up some tree seeds - mostly persimmon and paw-paw; probably ought to change out some of the potting soil on my houseplants as well. I had offered to take Hubby out to supper but our favorite restaurant was closed and I'd blown most of my mad money on ammo, so we stopped at the little store in town and picked up some cube steak to make baked steak instead - he got the new handle on my manure fork while supper cooked - baked steak, baked taters, home-grown and frozen sweet corn, black raspberry dumplings from home grown/canned raspberries - had to take up the rest of the space in the oven with something :)

Today was pretty much a wasted day as well - I almost felt guilty, but then reminded myself that I am on vacation! Did a couple of loads of laundry while giving the utility room a, good scrubbing; then got ready to go up to the pool with the neighbor lady - no aqua aerobics for us for about a month due to a time change so we just did some general water exercises. I decided I needed to swim laps since I hadn't for a while; had to stop and catch my breath after the first lap, and the second, and the building up some endurance is now on my to-do list. Neighbor had some errands to run, so I rode along; then I stopped at the Habitat Re-Store on my way home - dollar each for USED canning jars with no ring bands - no thanks! I came home with one fancy octagonal old fashioned canning jar I found on the knick-knack shelf - for 50 cents :) I've been storing my coffee in a regular quart jar; think I'll use the old fashioned one instead as it will look prettier on the kitchen counter:)

We had lunch while we were in town, then stopped at co-worker Buddy's house; he had a couple of cat litter jugs for me; and had also picked up 2 more bags of black cherries for me at 99 cents/lb. The ones he bought had a lot stronger/sweeter cherry flavor than the ones I'd gotten, so I tucked his back in the fridge to eat fresh, then pulled out the 4 bags I'd purchased and got them pitted and chopped up for jam making tomorrow; ended up with 2 half gallon jars full. I cheated just a little bit and added a half a packet of unsweetened black cherry Kool-Aid powder to punch up the flavor a bit. I've added a bit of apricot Jello powder to apricot jam before and it worked out fine, so I thought I'd try the Kool-Aid. I keep Kool-Aid on hand for making home-made sports drink, and to add to homemade applesauce before dehydrating it for fruit leather. I also keep it in my preps as I figure it will help with food fatigue -make stored water taste a bit better; and a teeny bit of strawberry Kool-Aid in powdered milk turns it in to strawberry milk - no squeeze bottle with a bunny on it needed :)

Plans for tomorrow besides the jam making in the morning include walking over to the neighbor's house to catch a ride up to the pool, emptying one shelf in the current use pantry and organizing it, then either picking up a load of composted manure at the sale barn or driving over to work for a blasted quarterly meeting (reckon I'd end up with a bunch of BS either way :lol: ) then loading up the trailer with free mulch on the way home. I also need to drop off a pie plate at the foo-foo bakery for my birthday pie, pick up some autumn colored flowers to make a wreath for my parent's headstone - better get some for my aunt and uncle as well; then I'll pop in to the used book store to see if they have a book in the series I'm reading, and drop off a note at daughter's for grandson's teacher regarding being a 'Mystery Reader' for his class next week.

It's cooling off nicely tonight so we have the windows open - I've been hearing an owl hooting in the woods north of the house, and coyotes yipping across the waterway to the east so I just glanced out the window and the moon caught my eye; big and full....maybe I'd better skip out on that meeting at work tomorrow after all - catch the one next week instead... :)

Take care all; stay safe out there...


Veteran Member
Well, I've managed to get most of the items on my Tuesday to-do list completed this week; just haven't added any lol! Instead, I hung out with the grandkids and the neighbor lady, had a couple of lunches out (VFW for all you can eat walleye on Friday - yum!), took lots of walks, read several books, took some photos of wildflowers, gathered persimmons and hickory nuts to send to a friend to plant, and attended another football game - I have to say that it's been a very nice vacation so far :)

Had to run to daughter's town this morning to make sure that the mystery key on my key ring actually was to her house; guess I haven't needed it since I stayed with the grands last year around this time :lol: It now has her initial written on it in Sharpie, so maybe I'll remember what it is for next time... While I was in town, I stopped by CVS and picked up 4 - 6 pks of Boost for Hubby - he goes to the gym after work 4 times a week, and usually drinks a bottle of the Boost on the way home so that is 6 weeks worth added to the stockpile. Price was $8.99 pkg, but they were buy one, get one 50% off, so $27 for the 4 pkg. I used 2 - $3 off 2 coupons, a $3 off $10 Boost purchase CVS scanner coupon, and a $5 Pharmacy Bucks extra care buck (fill 10 'scripts, get $5); total: $14. Paid $13 plus tax; got back an $8 Extra Care Buck. If I could convince my blasted printer to work (un-install and re-install is the one and only trick up my sleeve lol!), I'd have 2 more $3 off 2 coupons, and could do the deal again, using the $8 Extra Care Buck.

Got in late from the football game last night and didn't want to wake up Hubby as he has an IDPA shoot today, so plopped down on the grandsons' bed to sleep. Knocked myself half silly when I rolled out of bed about 2 am to see what was causing a racket out on the porch - forgot I was in the bottom bunk. The raccoons now have one more mark against them!! (Hubby already took care of 6; don't know where this one came from!) Didn't get back to sleep for a while, so now I'm yawning my fool head off and contemplating taking a short nap - have to go out to supper with the in-laws this evening; 3 of us have birthdays in the next 10 days, but since I'll be tied up next weekend, Sister-in-Law decreed we'd celebrate this evening....hope Hubby remembers to stop and pick up cards...

Take care all; have a safe weekend!


Veteran Member
as usual, Renee, you're on overdrive!! Though $$ slim, found pretty good deal at local Sprouts store......a ridiculously high priced 5 oz. can of organic chicken ($5.40 per can) was on clearance for 99 cents each........bought all but three dented extra liquid, just chicken and sea these should be good for just about anything in future.....still good throughout 2018......

Also picked up 7 items for 50 cents each which are normally $3-$5 that's okay too.............

take care ya'll..............


Senior Member
Renee, I basically just slice them and lay them flat on a cookie sheet until frozen, then put them in Ziploc bags. Usually about a good handful in each bag is good for most things.