Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: October 8 ~ 14, 2017


Veteran Member
Sorry for the late start; been having trouble with my internet most of the week. I can - sort of - read the site on my phone, but typing on that little bitty screen is beyond me! Plus, Hubby managed to go through nearly an entire months data allowance on my phone in three days because he didn't know how to close out websites on it; and I didn't even notice he'd been using it to check the 'net lol!

Have spent more time with various health professionals this week than I have in the last year, I swear - 1 dentist, 2 nurse practitioners, one ER doc, plus - finally - my family doc. Friday, I was given an antibiotic for a cut to my face that ended up raising my bp to scary levels - 214/135, 199/112, etc... which was discovered by the dentist's office on Monday; they refused to do my dental work and told me to go see my doc - who would be closed by the time we got there so I went to our walk-in clinic, where they told me to get my fanny to the ER, and diagnosed me with shingles while they were at it, tossing a 'script for that at me as I headed out the door. Got to ER and was started on a fairly heavy duty BP med in spite of protesting that my BP was normally normal - like 122/78 normal - so they needed to figure out why it was high instead of just throwing a 'script at me. Finally got in to see my doc today and he agreed with my 'diagnosis' that the antibiotic was at fault; and oh, BTW, I don't have shingles. Sure glad I have good insurance through my job - including for 'scripts (all but one of which (Bactroban topical) I'm supposed to throw away), so I'll probably be only about $500 out of pocket after all is said and done. Now I remember why I stay away from the those folks lol! I'm still feeling wonky from some of the meds I took; waiting for them to work their way out of my system, so have spent most of the day being quiet at home.

Tomorrow morning, I'll be hanging around home waiting on the 'net tech to get here to update us - we basically have two choices out here; both limited use - no Netflix, etc... for us - but at least we'll be able to get on line again! I'm going to use my time at home sort through some paperwork, pack up some clothing to take to the thrift store, and sort through the grandson's outgrown toys to take to the toy drive; already have a giant bag of duplo legos ready to go :)

Soup is on sale at the store again, and I have coupons galore to knock the price down further, so will be doing some stock up on that; probably about 3 cases worth. I don't really care for it, but Hubby will take it in his lunch, and it's good to have on hand - heat a can of soup and dump it over some rice or noodles and have dinner for 2-4 people. I won't turn my nose up at it in an emergency :)

We've gotten quite a bit of rain the past several days - 3.4" in one storm! - so outside work options are at a minimum right now. The sprouted sweet potatoes I planted a couple of weeks ago are going crazy in their pots - we will have plenty of sweet potato 'spinach' to eat as long as I can keep the pots protected from frost. Hard to believe we haven't had frost yet, and we're heading toward the middle of October! I did have to pull a jacket out of the closet this morning, and my neighbor was actually wearing socks when she came over to drop off a plate of homemade snickerdoodles, so the temps are dropping a bit - and I'm not complaining at all :)

Friday is another home football game - Senior night, so there will be a good crowd. Looking at the forecast, I'm thinking we may need to take a blanket or two with us - last game we took a spray bottle of water to mist ourselves with to cool down :lol: I guess I'd better check with granddaughter tomorrow to see if she needs anything to take to the pre-game feed.

Getting late; reckon I'd better head to bed. Take care all; stay safe!


Veteran Member
Hope you're feeling better,Renee. School, work, and today put my dad on hospice. Did I mention DH is out of town for the next couple weeks? Sigh.... thank God for good friends to help out.


Veteran Member
Keeping you and your family in my prayers, Moldy; especially you father. Good friends are invaluable; I don't know what I'd do without my two closest friends (well, other than lose weight because they are always dragging me out to eat or bringing over treats lol!) I hope both work and school are going well for you.

'Net tech was done shortly after noon (and a fabulous job he did!), so I called the neighbor to see if she wanted to go to the pool; instead we ended up making a run to town for some craft supplies - her church is having a bazaar and has requested members create items to sell. Since I was along on her shopping trip, I went ahead picked up most of the stuff I will need to make Christmas wreaths for my parents and aunt/uncle's graves - even though it irks me to think about Christmas before Hallowe'en! I have a feeling that I will also be roped into helping make the bazaar items - hope they like glitter... :)

While we were in town, I added 40 cans of soup to the pantry stock - sale was 4 for $5, so started out with a $50 cost estimate, but using an assortment of coupons, purchase rewards, and doing four transactions (friend helped with two as payback for making me look at Christmas stuff so it only took a few minutes each), I ended up with a total out of pocket of $30 plus tax.

Today, I plan to hit the pool to exercise this morning. There will be no walking outside today as they are combining the last half section of soybeans in the neighborhood, so I will probably have to hit the treadmill this afternoon (groan - I detest walking to nowhere!) My friend is having a potluck 'snacks' gathering tonight (she is calling it a cocktail party but I'm thinking that doesn't exactly describe beer 'n wings type grub lol!) - I agreed to come and bring a couple of trays (cheese, deer summer sausage/crackers; assorted olives) before I realized that it would be Friday evening - on Friday evening, the high school football game is where I will be (even if it is breast cancer night and I will be drowning in a sea of pink :p ) I will stop by her house early with my trays and help her get her things ready as well, on my way to the game. I have the bunk beds cleared of stuffed animals in case I come home with a pair of little boys after the game - Papaw can help me hoist the 60+ pound one into the top bunk lol! I imagine that the pool will be on the agenda sometime this weekend if the kids are with me.

Guess I'd better force myself to get up and get into my swimsuit - with the temp at a chilly 52*F, I'm not really looking forward to it but better go...

Take care all; have a safe and fabulous weekend!


Senior Member
Been out of pocket for a bit! I'm sorry about your dad moldy.

I was out of canned corn so I was able to pick up 12 cans for .58 which I thought was a good deal. My sister went to a meat sale for us and got a case of whole chickens for 35.00 plus 1 lb. packages of ground chuck for 1.99 a lb. This grocery store has this 4 times a year, we think it's really worth going to.

Sorted through towels and was glad to find that only two needed to become dog towels . Threw one dog towel away as it was in really bad shape. I honestly miss my Kmart store, I shopped there for everything and have no desire to go to Walmart.

I was sick all weekend and found some holes in our medical preps so I'll be restocking the sick pantry. It was a mild case of stomach flu but dh had to make a couple of trips to the store for things I usually keep in the pantry.

While down with the sickies, I did some online Christmas shopping so I'm a little ahead of the game and used the opportunity to do an add on lantern at a great price. It will go in the emergency tote.

Have a great weekend everyone!