Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: October 25 ~ 31, 2020


Veteran Member
Mornin' All - Hope you folks are all doing okay out there this morning. Me, I'm heading to bed - it was a pretty good night at work, then I picked up some really good deals at the grocery store, some of which will be used for Trick or Treat this coming weekend. I celebrated the store opening back up the area where you can choose your own donuts by bringing home a maple square topped with bacon so I have to give the past 15 hours a thumbs up for sure :lol:

Hubby was able to pick up an order of bullets, pistol and shotgun primers yesterday, so that had me feeling a little better about home defense; and I added some more coffee to the stash in case we need to stay up to use 'em! Next month's work schedule finally came out and it looks like I have a 5 day stretch off over the election, coming back in to work on the night of the 4th. I'm thinking about putting up a note on the hometown facebook page offering a ride to the local polls - we have TWO whole precincts in our town/township, but we all vote in the same building. I love small towns - and the countryside that surrounds them!

My eyes are trying to close, and I want to have enough energy left to keep 'em open long enough to see if anything I need to know about happened overnight, so I'm going to go ahead and post this to get the thread started for the week.

You folks take care out there; stay safe!
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Cary finally got our new TV and DVD player working last evening, so we, at least, got to watch a few DVD's last night. We're still waiting on the Direct TV satellite receiver to come in, since lightning fried it, too. It's not a big deal for us not get to watch regular programs, since we don't do that much anyway.

Cary went to see the neighbors down the road who had two huge oak trees blown down in the storm. One tree landed on their garage. He wanted to make sure everyone was ok. They told him he could have as much wood as he wanted for firewood. He plans on starting on that tomorrow. We have 7 cords under roof already, but our wood shed can hold another cord or two. He can tarp the rest if he wants to cut more, after the shed is full.


Veteran Member
I popped into Walgreens, mainly for distilled water, but also picked up some candy (M&Ms, yum!), some toilet paper, and more Dawn dish soap. I must have over 50 of those 7 oz bottles by now. At 79 cents each, I pick up 4 every time they are on sale, which seems to be about every other week. I also hit Dollar General the other day to take advantage of some good deals on soup. Added 2 to the food pantry giveaway box and 8 to my personal stash. Won $25 in Walmart gift cards, which should come by Monday or Tuesday, so I will probably go Wednesday and just get more, just because. Maybe some more propane bottles this time.


TB Fanatic
One thing I'd been remiss in having in my pantry is tomato soup. I do have several cans of tomato bisque the is delish, but kind of pricey. Last time I bought campbells tomato soup it was about 50 cents a can and now its at least 92 cents a can. Walmart and savalot both have tomato soup for 50 cents a can, so I stocked up, at least 15 cans.

I've been watching a lot of utube videos about stocking up, mainly to get ideas on something I might have forgotten. Lately I have not seen anything except Betty Crocker's sweet potato flakes that I don't have and walmart is out of those and they are too expensive on amazon. I am keeping any eye out for them though.

I've been buying boxes of tea bags and last night I finally got a lot of those in mylar with 02's and put in a bucket that will go in the she shed.

For some reason I have two cases (10 each) of black bucket lids. I think I got them because they were out of white. I like to wrote the contents of buckets around the edge of the lids, makes it easy to see the contents when they are either stacked or on a shelf. I only stack buckets that are light on another bucket. Although the contents of each bucket are in mylar bags, stacking heavy buckets will ruin the lids on the lower bucket.

God is good all the time



Senior Member
Even after my last big shopping I am finding holes that need to be filled. We are working to get our small farm on the market but we've run into a weird problem so we've been delayed.
We got Thanksgiving dinner settled so that's done. We are changing the menu somewhat, doing ham and turkey breast, if I can find some fresh turkey legs I will do a couple. Since family dinner is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, I'll make dh and I a small traditional dinner on Thursday. I have most everything but the ham which I am going to buy this week.
I'll make a small Walmart run this week for Biljac and a couple of other things.
The next two months should be interesting.


Veteran Member
Hi everyone.

We’re in the process of changing gears now that it seems that fall is definitely here finally. DH built a fire in our outdoor wood furnace earlier and will be changing our water heater over from electric to the wood furnace later today. It’s a nice little savings on our electric bill for several months.

I moved a small shelving unit out of our pantry down the hall to the laundry room that has my instant pots, crockpots, etc on it. I’ve got a slightly larger one that I’ll be putting in that spot in the pantry to reorganize some things. I’m a self confessed gadget/small appliance-aholic, and the pantry is a tad out of control to put it mildly.

The grandkids have gone through our entire supply of microwave popcorn so I need to get that replenished pronto. I do have regular popcorn and a hot air popper but the boys are used to making the microwave kind whenever they want and honestly it’s just handy. So I’ll probably be making a list like some of you. Those holes always have a way of showing up no matter what!


I've been prepping seriously for 40 years (hard to believe!!). One thing that has been a huge help for me is a three part running list... The top part is for routine grocery/health care/whatever purchases. The vast majority of that stuff is either produced at home, or bought as part of my "2x a year" shopping runs.

The next segment of the list is "Needs as soon as possible"- these are things that we feel are necessities if things get tough, but which we haven't been able to justify spending the money on. These items are also on my "If the SHTF" list... if "something" happened, I'd use the emergency fund and make a major run, buying them.

And last is my "wish list". These are things that we'd love to have, or think would be very handy, but financially are out of reach. I've been amazed over the years at how many of them have become available- at prices we can afford. I attribute that to prayer and God's amazing provision. A biggie years ago was a plant shelf... multi-level shelf unit with lights on the underside of the shelves, to start seedlings or grow plants indoors. They've always been several hundred dollars, and I just couldn't justify it. But a friend was clearing stuff out, and offered us theirs- definitely an older style unit, and I had to replace the "starters" on all the florescent lights. But it cost me a total of $50 for the parts, and an afternoon rewiring it. And I've used it to start thousands of plants over the past 25 years...

Regardless, lists are absolutely invaluable. When money is tight, just make a rule that "if it's not on the list, I don't buy it" (RARE exceptions can be made for a super clearance deal, but really, even those ought to be on at least ONE section of your list!!) I keep a copy of the list (and a separate copy of my "SHTF list") in my wallet. It comes in very handy.



TB Fanatic
This thread had kind of gotten off to a slow start, several other threads on the main that have prepping in them, oh well. I'm tempted to go to walmart to pick up a couple of things, although they are not crucial and I may just do without. I mean really how often do I have everything in the house to last for months.

We could use some more english muffins because we have been eating sausage gravy, but I could make biscuits and I know I actually could bake english muffins, although that's not very likely. There was one other thing I thought of but now I can't remember, must not be all that important.

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
Was down and out yesterday with a virus of some sort. No fever. But I'm feeling better today.
Had to reschedule my shot in the back, and if I can get some chiro treatment first, I may skip that.
Just doing like everyone, checking inventory and making list.
Hubby and son both won a rifle of some kind in a raffle. They will pick up Thursday. Told them better look for ammo, which is non existent here.
Grandsons doing well. Daughter is depressed and critical somewhat. Her house has had a lot of showings but no offers yet as far as I know.
Not long till election day. Quiet out here in the boonies. Except some guns going off as deer season coming up.


Veteran Member
I got my teeth cleaned yesterday. While in town, we stopped at 10 Box. I didn't need anything, but we still managed to spend $100. We picked up 2 cans of this and 1 of those as we wandered through the store. They did have a few canned carrots my friend has been hunting. I got her 6 cans and we dropped them off on the way home. I bought me 4 cans of ready to eat bean salad. That left only 1 can on the shelf. But my local Harps the cans were almost a year past the best by date. The cans at this store have a best by date of 2021. I also got a Lysol multi surface cleaner. It wasn't the lemon sent that I prefer, but it smells good.

Some of you may know that I sell and use Plexus products and supplements. Yesterday morning I was making my monthly order. I was going to order 2 bottles of their Ease Cream. I use it on hubby's back. Plexus was sold out. I have never seen that before except for some limited special promotions. The Ease cream and Body Cream were both out of stock. I think they are having trouble getting ingredients. I heard that one of the probiotics and protein shakes will be limited in January. This is a first for our company. I depend on my supplements and no others have improved my health like these. I am ordering a few extra things next month to go into my growing pile of extras. I also use Summertyme's Ouch ointment on hubbys back and it is very good too. I highly recommend it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We're getting a deluge of rain this morning from Zeta. It's to last til tomorrow sometime. No storms, though. I'm having a hard time maintaining an internet signal, so looks like it will be touch and go for me here today.

I've made out my shopping list for Monday. I did go ahead and add more things for the pantry, although, I don't know where I'll put them. I may have to move more non food items out to my mini barn to make room in the pantry. I've still got paper products in the pantry that can go out there. Cary just put out new rat/mouse poison in there, so hopefully, nothing will be eaten besides the poison if there are any critters in there. We do have 4 barn cats that seem to keep the rodent population under control for us.

Cary managed to cut a cord of firewood from the neighbors fallen trees, yesterday, and got it to the house. It still has to be split and stacked. Because of the rain, today, it might be a few days, before he can get back to cut more. Cary and another neighbor down the road are cutting the trees together. There's more than enough for the both of them. These are two monster oak trees!

We've also been checking our security fence around our property. Someone is going to get a surprise if they try to climb over! LOL! Also, reinforcing the double wooden gate across our driveway out at the road. Arms and ammo ready. Cary carries even here at home, but laying out extra ammo and magazines. I don't expect any trouble out this way on election day or afterwards, but we want to be ready in case it does get a bit hairy. We live in a mixed rural community.


Veteran Member
My gift cards came in, so off to Walmart I went. Should be my last trip before election time. They didn't have any butane canisters so I got a 2 pack of propane bottles. Got 2 18 pack eggs, 2 1-lb bag navy beans (didn't have them last time), 5 of the foil patch packs of pork in bbq sauce (never seen that here before), some boxes of couscous and some bleach. A few things for the freezer were added for easy meals, a gallon of fresh bleach and some things for the church Thanksgiving food baskets also made it in the cart. Nothing major.

A few people were going out with overflowing carts, but it wasn't that busy on a Wednesday afternoon. The shelves were pretty well stocked, at least the ones I saw. They still didn't have any distilled water, but I got that at Walgreens the other day.


TB Fanatic
Since I'm as prepped as I have room for I'm not ordering or shopping for anything right now. Still organizing and trying to find a better mouse trap so to speak.

DH went to the VA in Shreveport today to get his INR checked. He doesn't have to go in the hospital, they have set up a small building for blood work. So he is in and out and will only stop to fill up gas and diesel cans.

We've decided not to keep the table top ice maker so I do have to return that. But I won't be doing that just yet, not going to town. We decided against it because it's a pain to drain and we just don't use that much ice.

DH made coffee on the wood stove this morning, he was so proud, but it was basically tasteless, I did not tell him I didn't like it. He used a perculator and I've only ever had drip coffee. I do think it does taste different. I do have a couple of non electric drip pots, so I'm good to go on that.

Since DH went to the VA I'm tasked with keeping the wood stove going. Its about 52 outside and that's probably the high for the day, although there is no freeze predicted for tonight.

God is good all the time



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Judy, what we do during the winter, is make coffee in the drip coffee maker and transfer it to our stainless steel camp coffee pot. It stays on the wood heater to keep warm. In a power outage, we just use the camp coffee pot to make our coffee right on the wood stove. I can tell a difference in taste, too, but it's one we like. For the same amount of cups, to me, it takes less coffee to make it.


Veteran Member
Today I grabbed just a few things we needed. A 70 count box of Idaho potatoes, bread, dog food, chicken food. I've got enough animal food for a couple months right now so thats good.

Also at the produce place she gave me a case of coleslaw mix that expires today. I brought it home, repackaged it, and put 6 gallon zip lock bags in the freezer, and fed the chickens one big bag. I've never frozen cabbage before but I figure if its not edible to us the chickens will still enjoy it. Besides it was free!

Monday I'm making our annual mountain apple trip, plenty of apples to eat and applesauce and apple butter too.

Then after voting on Tuesday I am home until things are safe. Oh and the stores were packed today!


TB Fanatic
Judy, what we do during the winter, is make coffee in the drip coffee maker and transfer it to our stainless steel camp coffee pot. It stays on the wood heater to keep warm. In a power outage, we just use the camp coffee pot to make our coffee right on the wood stove. I can tell a difference in taste, too, but it's one we like. For the same amount of cups, to me, it takes less coffee to make it.
Funny I can't remember making coffee when I was a younger adult, although I've always been a coffee drinker. I was 30 when I married my ex and he had a drip pot. He filled the whole coffee grind part full of coffee grounds. It was strong but we liked it that way. Now in my electric coffee maker I use a heaping tablespoon of grounds to make a ten cup pot. The coffee pot does have a make it stronger button, which I use. The coffee from the heaping tablespoon tastes good and bold. The coffee from the perculator is tasteless. As soon as the perculator gets cold enough I'm going to see how much coffee grounds Dh used this morning.

I'm pretty sure growing up that my folks used a drip pot.

God is good all the time



Today I grabbed just a few things we needed. A 70 count box of Idaho potatoes, bread, dog food, chicken food. I've got enough animal food for a couple months right now so thats good.

Also at the produce place she gave me a case of coleslaw mix that expires today. I brought it home, repackaged it, and put 6 gallon zip lock bags in the freezer, and fed the chickens one big bag. I've never frozen cabbage before but I figure if its not edible to us the chickens will still enjoy it. Besides it was free!

Monday I'm making our annual mountain apple trip, plenty of apples to eat and applesauce and apple butter too.

Then after voting on Tuesday I am home until things are safe. Oh and the stores were packed today!
Ginnie... you can freeze or can coleslaw, using a recipe I posted here: Farm - Garden Planning for Next Spring!

To freeze it, just put it into wide mouth pint (or half pint or quarts, depending on family size) jars, leaving 1" headspace. It keeps well for several months.

The recipe makes a sweet and sour" type slaw. If you prefer a creamy slaw, just dump the jar into a mesh strainer, and rinse it with cold water. Then dress with a creamy dressing of your choice...



Veteran Member
I was talking to my brother this afternoon--our dad is in the hospital with a broken hip and other complications. Brother is not a prepper, but big sister can still scare him. Before the covid outbreak and lockdowns I got him to stock up for himself and his dog. He recently ate through that. I chewed him a new one and told him to get back to the store and restock. He confirmed today that he had restocked for at least a month in canned good groceries and in dog food. And water. He has guns covered. I feel more at ease as he lives in a big city. Even if he is 54, he is still my baby brother.

ETA-we live 1000 miles apart.


Senior Member
Walmart pickup today, they had my dog food but no Northern tp, no Bounty and no Pur water filters. I can get those three things at Lowe's. I'm almost done, I think, either way except for Biljac, I can go until after Christmas just need to pick up the hams for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I am almost done with Christmas except for the husband but I know what I am getting for him.
Still working on getting the pantry(s) fully organized. My niece is coming in a week to help me get this place in shape so we'll get all of them done.
Going to get the alternative cooking methods out and practice again with them. I'm wanting to build another small solar cooker.


Veteran Member
Hubby got his back injection and we are home from the big city. Hubby is hurting more than usual, but there are 2 big bandaids this time. There is usually one small one. I pray this helps. He has been really hurting even with his pain medication. Thank goodness he took his cane. He needed it when we stopped for brunch on the way home.

Yesterday was spent getting things ready for the cold. My phone app said we would get to 32*. But the lowest I saw was 35*. Still, I picked everything in the garden but the lettuce. I may throw a cold frame up around it next week.

Hubby cleaned our propane heater that is in the main bathroom yesterday. It can heat the whole house on cool nights so long as the days warm up. We have not built a fire in the wood heater yet, but it won't be long.


Veteran Member
Ran a couple of errands when I was waiting on playtime with the grandkids. Went to the liquor store and picked up a couple of bottles of things to add to my hot chocolate this winter. Already have plenty of the other stuff. Then went to the Party Store, where it seems like the entire city was shopping for Halloween costumes, and bought a bunch of sterno knockoffs for heating up foods. I think I have some already stashed away, but I am not sure where they are if I do have them, so I got some new ones. I also picked up a prescription and filled up my car with gas. Got everything done so I don't have to go out tomorrow, though I do have a request from better half to go to Walgreens and pick something up on Sunday.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I've been on a light bulb kick since the porch light burned out, and I found I didn't have the proper replacement (now fixed).

1. I replaced the harsh "cold" LED bulbs in the living room lamps with "warmer" ones. (HUGE morale booster! Well worth it!)
2. I bought a few more appliance and ceiling fan bulbs.
3. I went ahead and replaced the garage door opener bulb (and recorded the date). I had never replaced it, and it was warm enough for me to be outside on the step ladder.

I also bought six furnace filters.

Next is taking apart the dryer hose/vent and cleaning (maybe replacing) it. I have the spare. This is a basement dryer, so no tall ladders are involved, but it takes awhile. I need to replace the screw clips with ones that have wing nuts instead.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We went to the local small town today. Mostly just for something to do. We did buy a few groceries and quite a bunch of mixed items at the Dollar Tree.
I have been ordering some odd seeds to have here. The Yarrow seeds came today. Also got another simple fuel siphon hose/pump today. I order items whenever I think of something different that I believe we should have on hand.


TB Fanatic
We ordered a 250 gallon propane tank with three connections for it. They will call the first of the week to make arrangements for delivery. Get a connection for the generator, my camper and my gas stove that is on the camper porch/summer kitchen.

God is good all the time



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Making my way down into the old freezer this morning, I drug out 6 bags of egg noodles I have had it there for 2 weeks. I always put things in packages or sacks in the freezer for 2 weeks to kill off any nasties that might be already in there from the store (eggs). I emptied most of them into glass canning jars and sealed them up. I also put some of them into those thick plastic jugs that nuts come in from Sam's. Those things make the best storage containers, and they're stackable. I also save the quart size and larger plastic mayo jars which make great storage jars for rice, dry beans, and pasta.

Doing laundry and cleaning today getting ready for our home church fellowship tomorrow. Monday is shopping day. I know I'm cutting it close, but Monday is the earliest I can get to town.

Cary will be continuing to cut more firewood today. It has turned cold here, and we may get our first frost tonight.


Veteran Member
Took the 2 grandsons to town in Ohio. DH had doc appt. So boys and I hit the goodwill and the park.
After hubby was done we went to china buffet to eat. Then dollar tree, game stop, smokes place, pet store, then Wally world and gas.
Whole town was very crowded and everyone on a shopping binge. Some of course was Friday payday and 1st pays since it falls on weekend.
A lot of people at eachothers throats. Lots of Trump signs Thank God.
Everywhere was pretty well stocked.
We had to wear masks everywhere and in the china buffet, a plastic glove to serve ourselves. Didn't mind too much, just went a long to get it done.
2 young people were turned away at Wally world when we went in for no masks.
I almost gave mine to them as we are exempt, but they left.
We are about as stocked as possible except for couple items can get local.
It was a fun day to be sure.

Judy, I like to make cowboy coffee if a power outage. Kettle on coal stove, water and brew coffee. Boil it several minutes, then cup of cold water to settle it. Makes good coffee.
Got to be careful I don't drink too much as it makes my joints hurt. But it's a good strong cup of coffee.


Veteran Member
Better half had fun today with the new battery organizer that came in. It holds up to 180 batteries, including button size, and has a battery tester built in and has a handle making it easy to carry. Our batteries were formerly stored in several containers, so they are now all organized in one place with a few corroded ones tossed away. We now know exactly what we have in each size and will be getting a few more in various sizes. We also ordered a few more for Christmas presents this year.


Better half had fun today with the new battery organizer that came in. It holds up to 180 batteries, including button size, and has a battery tester built in and has a handle making it easy to carry. Our batteries were formerly stored in several containers, so they are now all organized in one place with a few corroded ones tossed away. We now know exactly what we have in each size and will be getting a few more in various sizes. We also ordered a few more for Christmas presents this year.
Do you have a link?



Veteran Member
Did a heavy grocery run, finished topping off the fuel supplies, replaced the #20 lbs propane tank, truck is topped off.
Did a double check of existing supplies and equipment, charged up all the radios and spare batteries. Cleaned up the house and did all the laundry and withdrew some additional cash. Want to make sure that I have as much taken care prior to Tuesday. Stay safe everyone