Weekly Prep Thread, October 121 - October 27, 2007

The Freeholder

Another week, another prep thread. Probably going to stay slow here. The most I may do is cycle the gas stock, just to do it before the prices spike.

What is everyone else anticipating?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Global Thermonuclear War......

Other than that, my preps are done.

+1 on both counts


I have just started to put ALL of my preps into a spreadsheet for tracking (because I think I am done prepping for most general items.)

I started with the Medical preps (consolidated int a 12 gallon tote bin) I have to pull my other other stash of med preps into the above! In a fast Bug out I just pull the key bins and other items and bug out.

I did pick up a TRC-241 hand held walkie talkie so to extend the data I can get by listening to CB radio traffic.

Also I am finding out that the amount of diapers on hand are being used at twice the rate as I had anticipated.



Cheers all
First off BV how old is the child in question? I started my son off at 16 months on potty training, obviously he is no good at that age but it is fun and he will pee when put on the pot... a regular schedule (say every 2-3 hrs) keeps him drier longer (less diapers and is good training).
As for preps very busy weekend; split/stacked a half cord of firewood (by hand); dug out my septic tank (first time) to be ready for pump and built a heavy duty storage shelf (thanks to the alpha website for plans) in the basement.


Veteran Member
Nothing exciting this week here either. No real sales to get excited about. Will do my monthly run to PetsMart and grab what I can. I'm going to Sam's and WalMart (I know, I know) tomorrow to get just a few things we use regularly. I did finish my Walton Feed order and will send the money to the group leader this week.

Other than that, I plan on buying a couple of bags of flour or rice every time I head into the grocery store. I keep waiting for the flour to go on sale, but I don't think waiting much longer is a good idea. I'd like to get another 100 lbs for storage ASAP.


Veteran Member
I found Concord grapes on clearance, and plan to try out the Amish juice recipe. I picked up some seasonings and boullion at Big Lots today. The one near us didn't mark down any canning jars this year, and they haven't had any lids for months. Didn't find anything else good lately. We started pricing cement blocks today. I want to build shelves in the cellar soon and use blocks because of the damp floor. It's getting harder and harder to find any real bargains, as I'm sure you all know! It just really hit us today because we had an afternoon to roam through several stores.

Deena in GA

We went grocery shopping yesterday. :( It looked like practically everything went up and some of it significantly. Following our practice of only buying what's on sale and using coupons we still got better buys than many people, but even then it cost more than we're used to. Peanut butter was on sale buy one/get one free, so we stocked up on that - but $4.99 for a jar of peanut butter...ACK!!!! Of course, we got two for that price which made me feel some better, but I can't imagine paying that much for peanut butter. Remember when you ate it because it was cheap?

Anyway, added some food to the stock along with some paper products. Bought some gallons of water and will get more this week. We're discussing storing water in old bottles or containers out in one of the sheds.


Senior Member
Went prep. shopping this past saturday....hit a few good sales....well not really good but cheaper then most.

ground beef $1.49 a lb
boneless, skinless chicken breast $1.49 a lb
French bread 2 for $1.00 (only bought one because I usually make my own brd)

Then off to Aldi's

butter $1.49 a lb
coffee $4.49 a can
tomato soup .47 a can (I remember when it was .39 a can)
cream of mushroom soup .47 a can

did notice that their dog food now comes in a new bag and the price went up $2
it's $6 something now...not the $4.49 price anymore.

then it was Wal-Mart time......boy that was a real surprise:shkr:

I have to buy lactose free milk for my DGS (grandson) the price last week was $2.78 a 1/2 gal this week $2.99 ack.

I think I spent a whole whoppin total of $14.00 there. Boy the prices are going through the roof.

Deena, I'm curious what size jar of PB was $4.99? I've been stocking up on Kroger's brand 28 Oz. jar for $1.79 which is normally $2.79. I may be wrong but I thought that was a good deal? I've purchases 6 or 8 jars for that price and will get a couple more Wednesday. Everything is getting so high, isn't it?

Deena in GA

It's the 40 oz jar of peanut butter. Yes, you've been getting a good deal!

teadrinker, I sure wish we had an Aldi's around here! The ONLY soup at Publix that was under $1.15 was they had Campbell's tomato soup on special for 4/$3. They did have a few Publix soups for $.89 a can, but most of the soups (just regular soups, not the really good stuff) were $1.39 and up. We did get a good deal on Folgers at $4.99 for the 2 lb. 7 oz. container. And we were doing good to get butter at Sam's for just under $8 for four solid pounds.

I told my hubby we might have to just stock up now and not even go to the store during the winter.


Veteran Member
I, too, rotated the rest of the gas, because prices are cheaper here now at 3.39/gal for regular.
Made two huge batches of fruitcake, stores a long time and is very nutrient-dense. Yum!

Picked mushrooms to dry and put their spore out for next year.

Am collecting kindling for fires. Also worked on compost layers and picked tomatoes from the greenhouse area.

At the thrift store, found some insulating weatherstripping for DS's trailer, a great deal at $1 a box.

Food prices are really shooting up. I follow the "only on sale" buying also, but there wasn't much I wanted to buy!

Found a good loss-leader sale at Tru-Value Hardware for LED flashlight and companion pocket LED, good for Christmas present for both DSs. Had to get rain checks, but it's worth it.


DW Family is cleaning out the Grand mother's house since she has moved into a home. None of us wanted to be there,... but it has to be done.

I picked up all of the canning jars and rings I saw,.. Will be a nice addition to my bare shelves.

Also picked up a 6qt pressure cooker.

Still feels wrong having to do it,.. But,..


Butchering 36 more chickens this week. Did 30 last week, then spent three days boning out the breasts, individually quick freezing all the parts and bagging them, making broth and canning it, and canning 72 1/2 pint jars of cat and dog food! Ack... what a job! No one here likes giblets, and we have plenty of meat, so I cook all the backs, necks and trimmings for our broth, and then spend too much time picking all the meat off the bones. I cook the giblets separately, grind them up in the food processor with the water they are cooked in (which makes the ugliest looking and smelling mush you can imagine- the cats LOVE it! LOL!) and mix it all together with the meat scraps, and can it. Oh, all the fat I skim off the broth goes in there too.

It's a PITA job, but makes a lot of high quality protein food for the house cats. But I'll be very glad to be done with chickens for the year. (we'll have 6 more to go into the freezer as whole roasters, but that's a minor job).

On buying soup.. MAKE IT! I canned a lot of tomato soup from the garden this year, and it turned out wonderfully. I make big batches of bean soup, usually when we've had a ham, so I use the ham bone for flavoring. But you can just use "ham stock" (sort of boullion) instead.. Add some onions, carrots, celery, a bit of garlic... you've got a great, filling soup. Can it up in pint jars, and it's ready to heat and serve. The tomato soup I canned will also make a great base for anything from minestrone to Manhatten Clam chowder. I've also got a recipe for a "clone" of Campbell's Vegetable Beef soup, and it's great. I haven't bought commercial soups in years... well, I bought a flat of Aldi's "chunky" soup to give to my son in college, and we opened one can. It was almost too salty for us to eat!

If you have leftover mashed potatoes, you can make a fantastic "cream of potato" soup... saute an onion for every cup or two of mashed potatoes, add a cup or two of chicken broth or stock (measurements depend on how "oniony" you like it, and how thick you want it). Then add the hot onion and broth to your leftover mashed potatoes and blend together in the blender. Salt and pepper to taste. It's filling, and wonderful on a cold day.



Paranoid Pagan
the storms that ran thru Tulsa this past week were a boon to us. We spent this afternoon and evening running around town, filling up our trunk and backseat with downed limbs and free firewood. We also downed some limbs of our own on the trees in the front yard. Tomorrow, Ben plans on taking out the two dead trees in the easement and making them into firewood as well.

Still collecting water. Loving those $4/4 gal jugs of Cactrus filtered water I found at Wally World.

Buried my gma this Monday, and managed not to get into a fight with my cousin about how to deal with her belongings. The good news is that the whole family is siding with me, and standing up to that spoiled, good for nothing, manipulative brat- even her mother.

Grandma Bernice was a prepper at heart. I know you have heard me speak of her before. She taught my mom and her two sisters to sew, embroider, crochet, knit, paint, can, cook, garden.... She was 91. She had lived thru the Depression. She had lived with an abusive, oppressive father and brother, then with my equally oppressive grandfather. She sacrificed greatly for her family. She was a teacher for the school that my mother went to for a time. She was a professional photographer. When I was a child, I was staying with her for the weekend, and I was awakened by an ambulance arriving to take her to the hospital. She had had a stroke. It damaged her heart. However, she lived strong and healthy after that, continuing to be generous and loving to her family, and waiting on gpa hand and foot, too.

Her funeral, despite the driving cold wind and rain, was standing room only. I never knew how many ppl she had touched until I was at that funeral. All three daughters exclaimed how huge the turnout was. I think I recognized 10% of the ppl there. It's just too weird without her, right now....


Veteran Member

I am so very sorry to hear of your loss! You have written a wonderful testimony of your grandma!


Contributing Member
Then off to Aldi's

butter $1.49 a lb
coffee $4.49 a can
tomato soup .47 a can (I remember when it was .39 a can)
cream of mushroom soup .47 a can

Teadrinker - I'm with Deena in GA - Man!!! I wish we had an Aldi's with prices like that!! Even cheap cream of mushroom soup around here is at least 20 cents more than your prices and butter is only cheap when Kroger puts it on sale (about 3 or 4 times a year) at $1.98 a lb. We truly need an Aldi's in GA!!!


resident read-a-holic
Don't know what made me do it, but I checked over our water jugs today & found 2 that had split across the middle. Water got into the wood they were on - apparently was a slow leak, its warped the wood in the pantry. Will need to replace the water asap. Don't know what to do about the wood. A good reminder to all to double check your water jugs!


Senior Member
Nine and Deena I wish that there was an Aldi's by you because most of the time the prices are really good there.....but sometimes the other stores also have some good prices.

I shop at 2 or 3 other stores it's a pain but I have to do that to stretch the $.
The produce at Aldi's is usually a lot cheaper then the other stores but for some reason their meat is usually .20 a lb more.

3 green peppers where .79 a pkg but last week the price went up to $1.89 for the 3 pack of peppers. :shr:

Frozen pizza's are $1.99 each very good too. Most of the canned vegs. are between .35 to .49 each. Tomato sauce is .19 a can. But I usually can most of my vegs. It's a good store to prep at.

I was watching a tv show about the Duggard's, the home school family with 17 kids and they showed them shopping at an Aldi's. I am not sure what state they are from but I know it's one of the southern states. Maybe it would be worth the drive to wherever they live, for a prep run.



Veteran Member
I usually hit the grocery store twice a week. Each time I am now buying at least 10 lbs of flour and a 3 lb box of kosher salt in addition to my regular groceries. Thirty pounds of extra flour so far. Did some more putting away, especially of medical stuff bought over the past few months, and caught up the inventory. Today I bought 3 boxes of extra strength tylenol (125 count each box) for $15+ after coupons and got $10 in extra care bucks back from CVS. Grocery store trip brought in canned tomatoes (9 cents a can after coupons), instant potatoes (buy1/get1 free), some soup and the flour and salt. Just not a lot here on sale worth buying.


3 tubes toothpaste
more meds & vitamins (2 beano & 1 60-ct vits)
cat food (24oz)
1 small box kotex liners
2 pairs of shorts for the Elders (my oldest 2 boys) to grow into
canning jar flats (partial pkg, only 7, but for 10¢)

All this stuff and some bananas for about $5.