Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: October 1 ~ 7, 2017


Veteran Member
Woo-hoo! It's October! Garden is winding down but still plenty of work to do out there, and lots of things to store away for winter - have I mentioned that fall is my favorite time of year? :)

Off to work again today; haven't had much chance to peek at the Sunday ads as yet, but do know that Progresso soup is sort of on sale, and I have coupons, so that will be one item on my shopping list this week. I will be adding to the candy stockpile as well as there are a few good sales w/coupons on the small fun or snack size bars this week.

For some reason, I can't seem to pry my head away from the diaper sales this week - no chance of any more babies in my immediate family, but still diapers keep popping in to my head... between the CVS sale, coupons, scanner coupons, and Extra Care Bucks much of the cost will be negated or returned, so I will likely do the deal, then check with daughter to see if any of her friends are in need or take them to my friend who runs a church based food bank.

Well, that blasted alarm is telling me I'd better get ready to head to town - it's donut day after all, and my coworkers have been deprived the past few weeks so I don't want to disappoint them (especially since it will be another 3-4 weeks before I bring them again, due to the timing of my vacation :) )

Take care all; stay safe out there!


Veteran Member
Besides living in bug out location a guy can pick up silver dollars at the store for dollar. Picked up one dated 1900, and fifty cent piece date 44. �� Sweet.

Had some warm weather and sighted in my rifles. It was a good day.


Veteran Member
What great luck to find the silver, Ivan!

I was going to go down to our range and practice with two of my revolvers but the range is under some hickory trees and the wind is blowing pretty strong, and the couch is singing it's siren song again - 4 nights in a row with 4 or less hours of sleep, it's easy to get me to fall for the lure...


Veteran Member
I meant to mention your post about turning your labor - firewood - into new equipment, Ivan; that is the sort of hard work and resourcefulness that is so missing in today's society; so glad to know that it's not gone totally missing!

Added to the stockpile this week:
4 - bags Hallowe'en candy @ 4/$12
4 - 6 packs of Boost protein drink @ $11.49 = $46
12 - cans soup @ 4/$6 = $18
4 - cans soup @ 4/$5
2 - jugs Purex laundry detergent @ $2.49 = $5
1 - bottle hand washing soap @ $1.88
Total: $87.82
1 - $1 scanner coupon on hand soap
2 - $1 coupons on Purex = $2
2 - $1/2 Progresso soup coupons = $2
4 - 75 cent/1 Campbell's soup coupons = $3
4 - 50 cent/1 Campbell's soup coupons = $2
2 - $1/2 Campbell's soup coupons = $2
2 - $1/4 Campbell's soup scanner coupon = $2
4 - $3 off 1 Boost = $12
1 - $4 off $20 Boost purchase scanner coupon
2 - $1/2 Mars/Hershey coupons = $2
1 - $10 Extra Care Buck from last week's sales
1 - $6 off $30 purchase scanner coupon
Buy one, get one 50% off sale on Boost = $11.50
Total: $49.50
Total out of pocket paid: $38.32 plus tax; got back $4, $4, and $1 ECBs