Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: March 13~19, 2022


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All! Just getting the thread started before the grandsons wake up and the day gets hectic - I guess the time change is good for at least one thing, as those two might sleep a little later than normal - well, it will look like they did on the clock anyway. Don't envy daughter having to pry them out of bed for school this coming week until they adjust.... :) One good thing about working night shift; it's not as hard to acclimate to the time change 'cause half the time you don't know what day it is, let alone what time :lol:

Frost on the vehicles again this morning, but it's supposed to warm up nicely today, with highs in the 50's and 60's and lows in the high 30's then into the 40's this week. Given some of the not so lovely blizzards I've been through in March, I'll take this weather and be very glad to have it!

Not much will get done today other than laundry - too many fun things for us to do outside. We've planned a walk back to the lake, then will walk through the areas where we see a lot of deer tracks to look for shed antlers.

I picked up a half dozen small plastic totes yesterday - 16"x11"x5.6". A lot of the cardboard boxes I have for pint jars are wearing out; and while I can pick up more free ones at the Amish bulk food store, I can fit a dozen pint jars in these totes and they stay nice and clean. On the off chance I have to move some of the empty jars that are currently in the house to the shed, they will also stay cleaner in the totes than in boxes. I picked up 6 flats of assorted canned fruit - things that I don't can like mandarin oranges and pineapple - yesterday as well, so will use the cardboard flats to make dividers to go between the jars as I move them into the totes. I'll be taking empty jars out of the cardboard boxes they are currently in to use for canning, so it will be a gradual process to move them into the totes - the gradual process will make buying them be easier on the budget as well.

I'm currently only scheduled for 3 shifts each of the next two weeks. The last two weeks were crazy - nine 12+ hour shifts in 11 days followed by babysitting my co-worker buddy after his hand surgery - I couldn't have told you what day of the week it was on a bet :lol: I've been putting off knee replacement(s) for the past two years due to the covid crap - we were only doing emergency surgeries there for a while; then the short staffing nonsense, so it might be time to get it done and over with; just need to get the gardens tilled and planted first. I've got vacation time scheduled in April - over Easter - but daughter and the grandkids have plans already so that sounds like a good time to get it done. I have neighbors I can hire to do the tilling if I can't and Hubby won't.

Well, I hear boys stirring so I guess I'd better gulp down the rest of this cup of coffee, get this posted, and figure out what to feed them for breakfast. Once I get them fed and watered, the older one wants to bake something so we are going to try making some peanut butter brownies later this morning - there are still some small Hershey bars from Hallowe'en in the candy tote, so we can put those on the top after we take the pb brownies out of the oven and let them melt to make a sort of icing.

Take care all; stay safe out there!


Senior Member
Adding to our medical supplies today. We bought dh a cane and long handled shoe horn. He sees the knee surgeon on Tuesday to get stitches out and hopefully a good report.
The snow is gone the sky is bright blue! Makes me want to plant stuff so I'm going to start some seed in the greenhouse.
Walmart has Biljac in so I'm doing a small pickup order.
Have a good week everyone!


Veteran Member
Back from vacation and back to work! Hubby plans on finishing my garden beds this week and I just ordered a huge tall raised bed, so it will be easier on our backs. We have a few new ones this year and a few old ones from past years.
If I have time I want to play around with the dehydrator and see about dehydrating some rotel… (saw it on YouTube)


Veteran Member
Well, the joke is on me - daughter called and said she has to drive to the airport 2 hours away to pick up oldest grandson at 7:30 tomorrow morning, so wanna guess who is going to be trying to pry the two younger ones out of bed and get them off to school in the morning :lol: She promised homework would be complete and backpacks would be ready to go - I sure hope they are 'cause I'm not planning to check 'em out before I drop the boys off!

It's 50*F and they are out on the front porch playing with water balloons as I type...

(And we're about to run out, so a trip to Dollar Tree is in the offing :lol: )


Veteran Member
I was in Mexico last week and made sure I visited several pharmacies. Came back with several different antibiotics for the medical kit. Along with a couple of bottles of tequila for my "nerves".

Made an order to Walmart which has been mostly delivered and an order to Amazon which should be delivered by Thursday. These are my kind of "last of the last minute" prep items. Will be doing my best to stay on top of laundry and everyday stuff, but I can't really think of anything else that we can do at this point. So I'm trying to worry less about it, though that is not working all that well.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The weather warmed here some so today for a prep item I hiked all afternoon. I needed the exercise. I did see 8 mule deer which are somewhat rare in our area (mostly just elk).
My wife and I cannot think of anymore things to buy for prepping. Our storeroom was small to start with but now there is literally 'standing room only'.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Good Morning, Everyone!

Today, is our "date day", and I'm already getting a bit panicky over it. My anxiety is still over the top in some ways, but hopefully, the trip out today will help. We'll be leaving around lunchtime.

Cary has a check up, and get refill prescriptions at his PC doctor. No big deal, so we will go there first, and get that out of the way. We'll be going to Sam's to load up on some items to add to storage, but mostly, just to replace what I've used. I have a gift card for Barnes and Nobel, so we'll be going there to stock up on more books. Cary will probably find some he wants, too. He has a gift card for his favorite gun and ammo store, and I know he'll bring home new toys from there, LOL. Then, another gift card for OutBack Steakhouse, so that's where we'll eat, before returning home. It's been awhile, since we've had their "Bloomin Onion". Steak is aways good, too. A good bottle of red wine might just be what the doctor ordered to finish off my day.

Seriously though, my anxiety is just about to get the best of me. Would you all send a few prayers my way? I'm finding I am only able to spend very little time reading here, daily, and I've had to shut off all other news sources. I get up every morning, log in here, and go down the first main page. Reading the headlines gets me off on a bad start, and I have to walk away. I'm still checking in all throughout the day, but only to read the headlines for the most part.

Deena in GA

Praying for you, SB!

We bought two bikes in great condition with bike helmets at an estate sale. Even though one is a boy’s bike, they’re the perfect size for the two granddaughters that I homeschool. They were only $30 for both bikes and the two helmets!

We’re still moving youngest son’s family’s stuff out and our stuff around in the house. It’s been a bit overwhelming, but it’s getting done. :)

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
Good Morning, Everyone!

Today, is our "date day", and I'm already getting a bit panicky over it. My anxiety is still over the top in some ways, but hopefully, the trip out today will help. We'll be leaving around lunchtime.

Cary has a check up, and get refill prescriptions at his PC doctor. No big deal, so we will go there first, and get that out of the way. We'll be going to Sam's to load up on some items to add to storage, but mostly, just to replace what I've used. I have a gift card for Barnes and Nobel, so we'll be going there to stock up on more books. Cary will probably find some he wants, too. He has a gift card for his favorite gun and ammo store, and I know he'll bring home new toys from there, LOL. Then, another gift card for OutBack Steakhouse, so that's where we'll eat, before returning home. It's been awhile, since we've had their "Bloomin Onion". Steak is aways good, too. A good bottle of red wine might just be what the doctor ordered to finish off my day.

Seriously though, my anxiety is just about to get the best of me. Would you all send a few prayers my way? I'm finding I am only able to spend very little time reading here, daily, and I've had to shut off all other news sources. I get up every morning, log in here, and go down the first main page. Reading the headlines gets me off on a bad start, and I have to walk away. I'm still checking in all throughout the day, but only to read the headlines for the most part.
Praying for you! Sometimes I have to take a break when I feel my anxiety is high. It helps me to remember that God is bigger than the boogie man.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Raggedies are joining in SB and adding Cary as well. remember - HE is in charge. nothing to worry about. drop it at HIS feet . . . the remembering NOT to go back and pick it up is the hard part. putting our emphasis on THAT

The problem with anxiety is coming from the fact that I've weened myself off the Trazadone I've been taking for the past 20 yrs. My body is adjusting. I've been completely off of it for just over a week now. I just feel nervous and panicky over the least little thing. I've gone from 50mg every other night to 0. This has been a slow process for about 6 months, so it's not like I've just up and taken myself off of the medication. I started out at 150mg every night.

Thanks for any and all prayers.
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Res ipsa loquitur
plans this week are to make a Sams run (tomorrow AM) and top of a few items. I'm also in the process of rebuilding several of our raised beds. that will be finished in the next couple of days. starting seeds this week - tomatos peppers and eggplant. next week will be squash varieties. I'd decided last fall NOT to plant potatoes this year - either the kennebecks or the sweets but with the way things are going in the world I may plant do it after all.

I took down several big Ash trees a few weeks back . . . 90% of that is still to be split stacked and covered. typically I don't start splitting what's up in the wood lot until I'm completely in the ground but I feel a very strong need to get it DONE.

also plan on redoing the grape arbors this week a project that was started last week. I like to use the concrete reinforcement panels that look like fence sections for my beans. I plan to get several new sections of that if I'm in town this week.

LOTS to do now that spring has (at least begun) to "sprung" :D. thank you FATHER for not only the work but the opportunity and health to do it.


Veteran Member
Prayers up for you SB. I’ve been struggling too with everything going on and I pay for it with stomach pain. There has been a lot of mylanta used around here!

I added some rice, pasta, coconut and olive oil and I ordered a couple of cans of dehydrated diced carrots, some seed starting soil, seedling trays, etc. to get ready for gardening.


Veteran Member
This week is all about our vehicles: Schedule routine maintenance to rotate tires, change oil, do the dealer checklist for whatever the mileage is now and detail the interior with a good cleaning of carpets and seats. Stocking up on automotive oil and fluids for home use. Also, I'll dig out the spare tire to look it over, charge up the portable emergency starter and change out the emergency bag seasonal supplies from winter to summer, etc. You know I have a checklist for it! LOL


Res ipsa loquitur
sure thing toosh - its basically 4" round PT fence posts sunk two and a half feet in the ground 20' apart and anchored with concrete. I use a two tier system of tension wire (like bottom wire for chain link fence) and the ratchet type wire fence tensioners (check Tractor Supply - about $5 ea). locate (height wise) your wire level (you'll do that twice - one high and one somewhere about half way up) drill your hole through the post(s), locate your tensioners - you'll need TWO - one high and one low - on ONE end post of each arbor . pull your wire and take a couple of turns around that first post; twist it tight at the post and anchor it well with staples. pull the rest of your run at that level -insert the wire tag end into the hole in your tensioner and tighten to your satisfaction. pretty simple process. hope to get that done this week. if I forget to get you pics - shoot me a PM and ask again - please - cuz old peepl fergit stuff :D


Veteran Member
Today I got my yearly scam of 'we will file your periodic report that is required by the state (that you can do yourself for $10) for the very low price of $110'! Yeah, no thanks. I did keep the return envelopes as they work great to save seeds in. Gotta think ahead, you know!!

DH made a Sam's run - I'm not sure I want to know how much it was. He said there was NO dog food or Tang or regular powdered Gatorade and pasta was thin.

Tomorrow I get labs and EKG done in case of surgery. My appointment with the oral surgeon is next Tuesday. I'm packing a bag just in case, and even told the nurse I would stay NPO in case they get an opening that same day!


Veteran Member
Today we checked all the cold damage after the deep freeze over the weekend. It looks like there won't be much of a blueberry harvest. Peaches look better than the blueberries but not by much! Our tulip poplars were in full bloom but not a bloom is left. We bush hogged today. Cabbages and onions look good. And we started on another raised bed. Found a mouse in the green house. Not as bad as a snake but did make my heart skip a beat! My seeds are not coming up as well as usual. Not sure what the problem is. Giving it another few days and then I will replant. If you don't succeed try try again right?!
Everyone rest well. SB praying for your peace.


Veteran Member
Just finished reading LIGHTS OUT and BIG OUT.
Wow really good, the second was really scary.

I opened my seed bucket to find that all my seeds were soaked last fall and most are no good. So I'll have to start buying again. Ug.

Hubs had his 6 month apt with kidney doc. All good
I made it to one chiro appt so far. Need about 4-5 more to see if it helps.

4-H meet this Sunday so me and daughter doing heavy cleaning.
I'm at son's for the night. Needed the break

Weather has turned warmer but frost is still in the ground. I don't usually plant till May 1st.
I'll be watching my chickens very carefully. They are starting to lay and I want to be super careful due to reports of the bird flu. Won't be buying any new ones from anywhere right now.

Hubs grabbed a flat of black beans. We wanted to do a clean up of the pantry and take inventory.
Gas is holding steady at $4.25 a gal unleaded. Cost my son $80 to fill half up for his truck.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We had a great time on the town, yesterday. It was the first time I had been to Big Town shopping, since, before Christmas!

Cary's doctor visit went well. He got all of his prescriptions renewed for another year. He has a return visit in 4 months.

I got everything on my list at Sam's. The store was stocked well. Cary paid for some of the items, and I paid the rest from my budget money. It wasn't as bad as I had expected. Cary also topped the car off with gas while we were there. $4/gal for our premium. I told Cary we were going to have to start shopping in his Jeep, since it takes regular gas which is cheaper. I forget what regular was.

Cary and I bought 2 books at Barnes and Nobel. Now, I have something to read while he watches re-runs on TV. I love to read, but I like to have hard copies of all my books. We're always looking for more books to add to our ever growing library.

Cary used his gift card at his favorite ammo store to buy another pair of camo pants. He really didn't need anything else, even though, there were boy toys that he really liked........

On our way out of town, we stopped in at our favorite little donut shop for a dozen glazed donuts to bring home with us. Man, they're addictive. Cary usually has to stop every time we're on that side of town.

Even though, we had decided not to restock anymore, we made a stop into our wine shop, and restocked our wine/liquor cabinet. I just felt the need was there. We had let our supply get too low, and now isn't the time not to have something in the house just for "those" times. Ya know? Gosh, the price for all that was ridiculous just like everything else. Our favorite wine had gone up $1.88/bottle from the last time! Cost wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't let our stock get so low. Won't do that again!

Last, we ate at OutBack Steakhouse. Cary got his favorite steak meal, and I got my favorite chicken. I love steak, too, but with my teeth, I can't chew it. The chicken was so tender and delicious. Of course, we couldn't pass up their "Bloomin Onion" as an appetizer. By the time we ate, we were about starved. We ate the whole onion and our meal. It was so good to relax, eat, and enjoy ourselves for a change.

So, this morning, I feel well and refreshed! I managed to get more sleep last night than I've been getting. I think it was all the fresh air, exercise, food, and wine......It's raining, today, but I've got laundry and house cleaning to do inside.



Veteran Member
I envy you Sherree! But we go to big town on Thurs. One more appt with oncologist and a couple of scans and we will shop and probably stop in at Sam's.
Today before the rain started we got one more raised bed almost completed. It is gonna be so great to not have to stoop and hopefully they will be easier to stay on top of the weeds. I weeded the herbs. Rosemary is blooming! And such a great refreshing aroma when ever I brushed by the plant which is about 4 feet tall and is 4 years old. Started life as just a sprig! I often cut it and bring it in just for the fragrance. Right now I have forsythia and daffodils in the house.
Yesterday I found what I originally thought were Glads in the woods. Turns out they were irises. Hope they are purple but I love surprises!
Question for you that make flavored vinegar. Do you can it? Pressure or hot water bath? You have my attention!
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Deena in GA

While we were in town today for homeschool co-op, we stopped at Fresh Market for some of their ground chuck, which is on sale on Tuesdays for $3.99 a pound. We keep socking it away in the freezer. They wrap it in plastic and then in freezer paper. Then I put three packs in a freezer ziplock bag. It lasts for at least two years that way. The manager there is who told me last week that people need to be stocking up on it (he definitely is) and not just buying a pack or two a week. He believes the trucks will stop and there won't be anymore for a while. Today hubby went in to get the meat and talked with the same manager. He told hubby that tomorrow they will have bacon and pork chops on sale and they he's going to buy a bunch of it to put up too. I know we're on the right track when people in the grocery business are stocking up.

We put garbage cans out by the garden to catch the rain water, hoping that will help when it's dry. If we can manage to keep the mosquitoes out of the water, that is.


Veteran Member
When I used to make it I never did anything to preserve it. The vinegar does that. Think of the vinegar in the grocery store, no special preservation. I sterilized the bottles or jars, but that is all. Maybe Summerthyme does it differently.

So seal it but no processing. I get the part of vinegar as a preservative but was unsure. Thanks.


When I used to make it I never did anything to preserve it. The vinegar does that. Think of the vinegar in the grocery store, no special preservation. I sterilized the bottles or jars, but that is all. Maybe Summerthyme does it differently.
Yeah... no preservation necessary. Keep it in the dark, and it will stay bright flavored and colored for several years.



Veteran Member
This week building (completely out of free scrap material) small add-on's to the chicken coop/run to keep a few males in (isolated from the rest of the flock) to keep more breeding stock around. Plan to consume more soup birds later this year & next, and need more genetic diversity to help insure the line stays as strong as possible.


Senior Member
I envy you Sherree! But we go to big town on Thurs. One more appt with oncologist and a couple of scans and we will shop and probably stop in at Sam's.
Today before the rain started we got one more raised bed almost completed. It is gonna be so great to not have to stoop and hopefully they will be easier to stay on top of the weeds. I weeded the herbs. Rosemary is blooming! And such a great refreshing aroma when ever I brushed by the plant which is about 4 feet tall and is 4 years old. Started life as just a sprig! I often cut it and bring it in just for the fragrance. Right now I have forsythia and daffodils in the house.
Yesterday I found what I originally thought were Glads in the woods. Turns out they were irises. Hope they are purple but I love surprises!
Question for you that make flavored vinegar. Do you can it? Pressure or hot water bath? You have my attention!
I haven't made home made vinegar yet but have made ferment starters. Vinegar is on my list of things to do. Here is a video on vinegar making which I think is really good. She explains so much as she goes along and also has several other videos on vinegar making. Run time is about 14 and a half minutes.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The only flavored vinegar I've ever made was hot pepper vinegar. It's been years, since I've made any. Mom and Dad always made it to pour a bit over their turnip/mustard greens or southern peas. I always heated up the vinegar to a boil, then filled the jars. Sealed up. Guess I didn't have to go through that step. I'm always learning something new here!


The only flavored vinegar I've ever made was hot pepper vinegar. It's been years, since I've made any. Mom and Dad always made it to pour a bit over their turnip/mustard greens or southern peas. I always heated up the vinegar to a boil, then filled the jars. Sealed up. Guess I didn't have to go through that step. I'm always learning something new here!
Well, especially if you are using homemade vinegar, it's not a bad idea... bacteria can continue to work and will eventually turn vinegar to acetone, which isn't very tasty (or healthy!). I've just never had a batch go bad...



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, especially if you are using homemade vinegar, it's not a bad idea... bacteria can continue to work and will eventuallyDad really loved growing all of his hot peppers. turn vinegar to acetone, which isn't very tasty (or healthy!). I've just never had a batch go bad...


Dad really loved growing his hot peppers, and they loved hot food. That's why Mom canned so much hot pepper vinegar. They loved it. Dad would save all his peppers from the garden all week, and make a big batch of the vinegar on weekends. I don't know that any of it ever went bad. It was always in sealed pint jars. I think Mom would also save and reuse the resealable top jelly jars from the grocery store, too.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We went to Walmart to buy groceries, today. Nothing special to report. The store was well stocked, except for egg noodles (I bought the last 2 bags), dog food, and the meat department was pretty thin. 1lb pks of ground beef had gone from $3.18 to $4.64 in 2 weeks! Roasts were ridiculous, so I passed on those this time. Pork and chicken were still pretty reasonable, so that's what I bought. There just weren't very many sale items this go around. The Great Value canned veggies had gone from $.50/can to $.78/can. I bought only what was on my list, plus some doggie treats. So, I guess we're done shopping for another 2 weeks.

I did good. I bought what I needed at Sam's the other day, and bought groceries, today, and still managed to stay within my allowed budget. I'm happy.


Veteran Member
Well, especially if you are using homemade vinegar, it's not a bad idea... bacteria can continue to work and will eventually turn vinegar to acetone, which isn't very tasty (or healthy!). I've just never had a batch go bad...

Never had vinegar turn to acetone but I did have some home made muscadine wine turn into champagne one time! Have never been able to replicate that accident!!;)