Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: March 12 ~ 18, 2017


Veteran Member
Umm, Morning?

Okay, I guess; if you insist :p

Some silly person agreed to trade shifts with a co-worker - for the day we 'spring forward'; and then topped it off by agreeing - enthusiastically, even - to go to a concert with a friend the night before... :screw:

The sale ads have been nothing much the past few weeks, so I am hoping to find some good bargains in this week's ad to add to the pantry. We have slowly been moving items from the long term pantry to the mid term one this past week, and will continue that in our free time this week as we want to do a deep-clean and then paint that room, change the configuration of the shelving, and install some spare cabinets we have on hand from a remodel. It will be a lengthy process - for some reason we move slower these days :lol: - but will eventually free up a room in the basement that we can then use to move Hubby's reloading and other related items into.

The weather - currently 19*F - is supposed to slowly improve through the week so I am also going to want to spend some of my free time outdoors enjoying it. The daffodils and forsythia are blooming, peonies are sending up their shoots - and potatoes are coming up in a bed where we apparently didn't find them all last fall :)

That darn clock is moving faster than I am am this morning; since it's Donut Day, I need to leave a bit early, so I'd best close this and go find some scrubs and my work bag.

Take care all, stay safe out there...


Veteran Member
Woke up to a text this morning - neighbor lady #1 has the flu, #2 doesn't feel well, #3 doesn't want to drive in the snow (did I mention the weather was supposed to improve? Silly me!).... #4 (that would be me) said 'Thank Heavens!' and snuggled back down in bed to catch a little more sleep :) Have I mentioned that I really do not like the time change nonsense?

The sales ads that came out in the weekend paper were nothing much; so I guess I will have to wait to see if the midweek grocery store ads have anything better to offer. In the meantime, I can work on the pantry transfer project...

I have the opportunity to go in to work today for a couple of hours of paid training - but the same opportunity is open on Thursday when I am also off work so I think I will stay home, fill my bird feeders and watch it snow. I could put the money to good use... but the drive in would be annoying, and the end of my shift yesterday was not fun - same patient, almost the same deal as last week but he didn't get the chance to assault me - AND I was able to get proof to show the doc that what he thought was causing the agitation apparently isn't the case. And besides, I'd rather not go in because today is Hubby's day off work so this will be one of the few days per month that we can spend the whole day together. Of course, that being the case, he may volunteer (otherwise known as grab me and stuff me in the truck lol!) to drive me to work by this afternoon :lol:

Except then I would want to go to Rural King on the way home... Hubby picked up my bird feed for me on his way home from work on Friday; I handed him the cash and told him he could spend the leftover on ammo, but he said he didn't see anything he particularly wanted. I suggested some shotgun shells; he reminded me that I hate my old hand me down 20 gauge, so I suggested that maybe a new shotgun to go along with the shells would be an idea. Why do men walk off shaking their heads and muttering when women say something so perfectly logical, I'd like to know?

Off to do something useful :D


Veteran Member
I haven't been around much lately. We've been really short handed at work, which means I've been pulling 12 hour shifts and working 60 hour weeks. The overtime is nice, but I am getting way too old to do this many hours! I've been able to save some money and pay some bills recently, and it looks like the hours might hold up for another 2-4 weeks before letting up a little bit.

Not much time to do any shopping either. Today was my one "free" day recently. I went to WM and stocked up on toilet paper and cat food--one I had good coupons for (White Cloud) and the other was getting lower than I would like (about 8 months worth of canned). I also caught up on laundry and cleaned my bathroom. I am totally wiped because I also worked my other job this morning (that is in addition to the 60 hours a week above).

Pretty well stocked on most things, just looking to add when a good deal comes along.


Veteran Member
PW - I got a day off, too - but I had to get it by unintentionally giving myself food poisoning. We have gotten a little done this week: taxes signed and emailed, floor plan for retirement place worked on, first calf delivered (well, the cow did that!), laundry caught up, bees fed, and seeds ordered. I am trying to get extra hours and work as much as I can (with a few breaks) until school starts for me in August.


Veteran Member
Moldy, hope your belly has settled down! I'm really looking forward to you going to school, hearing about your classes - it sounds so neat!

We use a dry erase marker to date food containers (lunch meat tubs, canning jars with plastic lids - remember the good old days of 'butter' tubs :) ) for the fridge, and I also use it to it to write my name on MY lunches so that they don't get eaten!

Off to find something to tote my lunch to work in - got to the car last night (late, as seems to be the norm lately) and discovered it wasn't hooked over my arm. I remember packing it to carry home - just don't recall what I did with it after that!

Have a great day, All!


TB Fanatic
I've only been working on consolidating my pantry, and purging my cookbooks, and any other book on my shelves that I know I don't want any more. I'm taking a huge pile of cookbooks to my oldest son, who is a great cook. I do have the laundry caught up. I'm going to see my sons and grandchildren this weekend (New Orleans), it will be the first time both of my sons families since 2010. They have not been getting along, but through the urging of my oldest son's lady friend they are now interacting. So looking forward to my visit and getting back home safely. I don't like to travel.
