Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: March 10 ~16, 2019


Veteran Member
Getting started for the week - grandkids are here so it's chaos :lol:

I'm getting ready to make a trip to town; the microwave that we bought 2 years ago - to replace the one my parents bought me when I was pregnant with daughter 35 years ago - bit the dust a couple of days ago and Hubby wants to get a replacement. Then there is Aldi, Rural King, chain grocery to pick up items that are on sale; said sale will end tonight. Then it will be a quick trip by CVS to scan card and pick up an ad. The grandsons are going to go to co-worker friend's house while I'm shopping; they will eat pizza and then pick up the sticks in his yard for him.

And I guess if I'm going to head to town in 10 minutes, I'd better go pry the older boy out of the tub - took longer than that to get him in the darn thing in the first place! What is it with 8 year old boys and baths, anyway? If it was warmer, I'd just turn him out in the yard with a hose :spns:


Veteran Member
Whew - that was a heck of a trip to town yesterday - it was way too people-y out to suit me :lol: I did manage to get Hubby to pick out enough soup to carry him through the next month, at least; but will need to go back to Aldi to add some items to the prep stocks later on.

I'm lollygagging on the computer while catching up with laundry - in addition to the usual work clothes, the boys made some forts this weekend, and several pair of very muddy garage sale camo pants ended up getting dunked in the water tank to remove the mud, then draped over the porch rail to dry (or freeze, as it happened :lol: ) We've been under a wind warning for the past few days, and you sure can tell it by the looks of my yard; plans for this afternoon include dragging fallen limbs to a staging location until the ground dries up enough to haul them to the burn pile. Hubby and I also need to make a list of work that needs done, materials needed, and discuss who we want to use for the work we plan to hire done. Other plans for the day include running a load of canning jars from the shed through the dishwasher and getting them boxed up and added to the stacks of ready-to-use jars, and scanning the pantry shelves to see what else we are close to running out of - last week it was Hershey's syrup and chili beans; who knows what gaping holes I'll find in the stockpile this week! I'm also going to spend some time reading and relaxing in preps for the next two days at work; short staffed again...

Can anyone come up with a use for metal cookie tins? Cylindrical, 7" tall, 4" in diameter, fairly tight fitting metal lid. Someone in this household has developed an addiction lately, with a little help from a short co-conspirator...


Veteran Member
Renee, I use those tins to ship livestock blood samples in. So far, the PO hasn't been able to smash one of them, but they did completely lose the last one. Dh takes some of them to the shop and uses them for screws and nails. He labels on the top what they are.
The weather will not let up. It is so muddy you can hardly walk in the yard and still raining. I did manage to make a regular grocery run and get the trash hauled off but that was it. I have a feeling that we may skip spring just like we did last year and go straight into 90 degree weather.


I use metal cookie and popcorn tins to keep food away from mice in the root cellar. We use it as sn adjunct refrigerator for the winter months, and the tins protect cheese, etc from the rotten buggers.


Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
in regards to metal tins >>> I keep an inventory of various sizes & shapes - you buy some item that needs to be protected - SHTF oriented or not - and all you get is a paper box and maybe a vinyl case/sleeve - cushion it with paper and put into a can ....

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
Weeded the OTC medicine. Some of it was dated 2007. My bad. Funny on how time can get away from you when you're not looking.

Have two more fruit trees left to prune. Should have been done months ago. Oh well, better late than never.


Veteran Member
we're on plateau just now...….a good one for health.....dh is stronger every week and I'm dealing daily with my own issues...prepping has thinned but did purchase 20 cans of organic soup today...…..sometimes I just can't stomach a meat/potatoes dinner and soup is my go-to...…

when avg. price with tax = $2-$3 + dollars it's good to pick 'em up for less than half price.....

I do make my own but not for storage...… room


Veteran Member
I guess we're having rough winter. Storms took out our cell tower, and local internet 3 or 4 weeks ago. Cell service is back finally but not Internet.

Storms have been so bad local stores ran low of food most of winter. Anything you ordered took 6 weeks in the mail, even express. If anything good was at the store it sold quick.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The weather down here in South land has finally turned nice for a few days! No rain or tornadoes! DH mowed the lawn for the first time, today. Also picked and cleaned up our yard of all the tree limbs and twigs that the storms brought down. The ground is still too wet to dig around in the gardens just yet, but I'm anxious to get them started.

Made a run to my favorite health food store to pick up more essential oils that have been on my "to get" list. Was running low on some of them.

Also, hit some great deals on new clothes for the summer at Belk's. I stocked up! They had a 75% off sale.