Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: June 23 ~ 29, 2019


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All! Hope everyone is having a good weekend; and that it continues through the next week.

I'm still accumulating sugar - added 5 more bags last week, but the rainy weather has made me hold off since the bags seem to get damp even though I put them in plastic bag when I'm toting them out of the store and in to the house - hate sifting sugar to get out the lumps; it seems to go everywhere! The sale runs through another week, so I will hopefully have time to finish stocking up.

This week, I'm watching for sales on chicken - my pantry has plenty of jars of chicken in broth, but I need some for the freezer; grandsons are back to wanting Papaw's homemade chicken strips every time they are here :) Hoping I have time to peruse the ads today as I found a few other holes in the pantry. I swear I'm going to put locks on the doors and require a personal password to enter them if people continue to ignore the inventory sheets :lol:

I have a friend that keeps encouraging me to buy gold stocks (maybe mining?); told him I prefer something I can hold in my hand as in a crisis those paper stocks might be nothing more than toilet paper. He's starting to wear me down though - what do you all think about that?

It's another work weekend, so I have to leave early to buy the donuts - you folks all take care out there, stay safe!


Veteran Member
Well, wish me luck, y'all. I'm going to my first county commission meeting to counter a proposal for a new board with the ability to 'acquire' land and implement taxes. Never been to one before and I'm hoping it goes our way. DH heard at work that the other side is paying people to show up.....


Veteran Member
I made myself speak, even though I was quite nervous. Our state is quickly going the way of California, and I feel we have to get involved politically or leave. I left after speaking (there was a lot of turnout, and I had already been there over 2 hours). I get why the liberals are always the ones speaking/being heard. The rest of us have to work!!


Veteran Member
Getting down to the stuff that has been stashed in hard to get places and that is now too old to be much good. Tossing it out and rebuying new. Killing my food budget, but doing it better this time around. Won't get as much flour for LTS this time--have plenty of wheat in #10 cans and in buckets that will last a lot longer. Bought a lot more pasta and will get some more fresh rice soon. Stocked up on fresh peanut butter this weekend when it was BOGO. Also stocked up on a bunch of paper plates that were BOGO, replenishing the stock that we had used since last year, doubling our supply. Experimenting with freezing eggs.


Veteran Member
We needed to cut the other half of the hay field, but it was supposed to rain all week. They kept moving it a day each day. It did finally rain over the weekend. We got 6 3/4 inches of rain in 36 hours.

I am trying to put up a few peaches. It is hard keeping the brown rot out of them with all the rain. My potatoes are ready to dig. Green beans are just starting to produce. My garden is way behind.

I did my contract job today. One area I pick up on the Arkansas river is still under water. I will not get paid for that this month. But the other 2 are done now. I had been picking a few herbs at a couple of areas, but they are gone now. I guess the flood killed them.


TB Fanatic
I made myself speak, even though I was quite nervous. Our state is quickly going the way of California, and I feel we have to get involved politically or leave. I left after speaking (there was a lot of turnout, and I had already been there over 2 hours). I get why the liberals are always the ones speaking/being heard. The rest of us have to work!!

Thus the basis for their success despite their minority status in this nation.


TB Fanatic
Thanks to the suggestions from people here, I was able to find my "grail" food item this week. I did have to drive for two hours, but the wife was happy as she got to do some shopping for fun.

We managed to get my #10 Hunts Ketchup. I now have a case of it and will get more.

It appears that each Sam's Store has different items to stock. Our local one doesn't have nearly the selection that the ones south of us have.

Well one more thing checked off the list!

Next project..... build the wife's get home bag for her car. She works 9.6 miles from home, (yes we measured it), so we have a mid way point for here to stop at, (parent's house), but she needs the goods to get home safely.

I only work 4 miles from home, so no big deal.

I just realized that this is the closest I have ever worked to home without actually working at home. The longest was 122 miles away.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
Thanks to the suggestions from people here, I was able to find my "grail" food item this week. I did have to drive for two hours, but the wife was happy as she got to do some shopping for fun.

We managed to get my #10 Hunts Ketchup. I now have a case of it and will get more.

It appears that each Sam's Store has different items to stock. Our local one doesn't have nearly the selection that the ones south of us have.

Well one more thing checked off the list!

Next project..... build the wife's get home bag for her car. She works 9.6 miles from home, (yes we measured it), so we have a mid way point for here to stop at, (parent's house), but she needs the goods to get home safely.

I only work 4 miles from home, so no big deal.

I just realized that this is the closest I have ever worked to home without actually working at home. The longest was 122 miles away.

do both of yourselves a favor - make the GHBs also a "Bug In at Work" bag >>>> plenty of SHTFs where the smart move is to just stay put - leaving the bug in part of the bag is always an option - making yourself more comfortable, safe and survivable is what it's all about ....


Veteran Member
Added 6 more 6-packs of Ensure for Hubby to the storeroom this week; and will pick up more sugar tonight (if I get out of work on time), and again over the weekend.

Nancy in OK

Senior Member
Canned 26 pints of green beans and put enough peaches in freezer for 5 pies. My trees are still loaded so still have a bunch to do. Do any of you can peach pie filling? If so, do you use clear gel? Would love your receipe if you can it. Most important is we are finally able to get in the hayfield and cut hay. We need around 400 bales and we had only been able to cut 100 before.


Veteran Member
I"m jealous, Nancy. Wish I had some peach trees, even if I could just harvest leaves. The leaves are a really nice herbal remedy.

DH and I spent the morning butchering turkeys - they are pretty old, so stewing them is how I choose to deal with them. We got 14 done in about 2 hours, just before the thermometer hit 86*. It's supposed to get to 98* today, so this afternoon I plan on working on my apothecary and making a tincture for a client.

And we lost the county commission vote. It will be placed on the ballot in November, but we will also probably be asked to accept a mill levy for work on the courthouse also. Sigh.

Nancy in OK

Senior Member
I wish you were close Moldy. There are quite a few peach orchards around here. I froze 8 more cups of peaches and a gallon of cut up okra today. Looks like I have a new daily summer job lol. Black-eyed peas will start in less than a week, squash, okra, tomatoes, green beans, and peppers are abundant!

Nancy in OK

Senior Member
In Edmond, OK they have a new farmers market that several market gardeners are involved with. They have people doing fresh bakery almost daily, fresh milk, cheese, butter, herb plants, fresh flowers, every kind of veggie and fruit, garden plants, chicks, eggs. You name it. It is about 120 miles from me but I am going soon. I so wish it was closer! They have an 18 wheeler that there are organic farms in Minnesoto, Colorado and some other states where they go and pick up a truck load of apples, peaches and other organic fruit. They had a man I think that was from Vermont and that had a vat of new maple syrup. Another man came with local honey. It is such a great concept. They are on Facebook. Conscious Community Co-op I think. I will have to go look for sure the name. If you are on Facebook you can look at their operation.