Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: June 18 ~ 24, 2017


Veteran Member
Wishing all of our great Dads here a very Happy Father's Day!

We had a great evening with our wonderful son-in-law, daughter and the grandkids last evening; took them out to an early supper, then the little grandson decided he'd go home with us. We stopped at Rural King on the way home and somehow a small bow and some arrows followed us home - he and Papaw had a fun last night and this morning shooting it, but Papaw said "Next time, remind me to get him something we don't have to chase down!"

Today has been spent working around the house, catching up on rest, and getting laundry caught up as well. A lady gave me a large bag of adult clothing left from a garage sale to put in our clothing pantry at work but they were a bit musty from being stored in her garage so I brought them on home to launder them. I need to remember to take my label printer to work so we can get the clothing in the pantry a little better organized by size and gender.

I picked up half a shift tomorrow and am going to try very hard to scoot out of there on time. The garden is drying up nicely after our good rain on Wednesday and another lighter rain last night - I'm hoping to be able to get the tilling finished and possibly get the mulch down under the sweet potatoes, zucchini, and pumpkins (If Hubby remembers to stop and pick it up on his way home, that is!)

Back to work for my regular shifts on Tuesday and Wednesday so nothing useful will get done at home on those days. Not sure yet what Thursday and Friday will bring, but I did find out that the teen across the field is trying to earn money for camp, so I may be calling her to see if she wants to come over and do some work - I've got flower beds she can weed, a yard that could stand being mowed if Hubby doesn't do it tomorrow; and if it rains those days, I've got cabinets and woodwork that could stand to be lemon oiled - can't even tell that I did it just a couple of weeks or so ago!

Guess I'd better go figure out what sort of supper I'm going to put on the table this evening - you folks all take care out there!!


Veteran Member
Been a long week - DH was off this week (he works 14 on, 7 off), so there was a lot on the agenda. He got most of the garden cultivated, so I will water it tomorrow and check for leaks in the drip tape. Tuesday, we took the bull to the vet for fertility tests (needs to be done yearly) and while he was in the chute, he got branded, given shots, and back poured (treated for worms and flies). We decided to take him straight up to the north pasture because well, he was already rather ticked off, and i didn't want to have to chase him around the 100 acres at home in another week to take him up to be with the ladies. Dropped him off, and dh was fixing a sprayer. He sent me from the shop to the house for a tool, and on the way back, I almost got bit by a giant rattler.

I'm pretty sure my feet didn't touch the ground, and that I looked like a cartoon character as I was running and screaming like a little girl. DH killed the damn thing - it was about 3.5 feet long, as thick as my wrist, and had 15 buttons. The folks around here aren't getting many rattlers this year, but the ones they are killing are huge!

I've worked the last 4 days, so I have quite a bit to catch up on at home. It was a pretty good weekend - we had a motocross race with no ER admissions - amazing!


Veteran Member
know that a lot of my chatter on this thread likely sounds more like, well - chatter - and not about prepping at all. But I strongly believe that investing in, and being a part of your community is an important part of prepping. It helps you get to know not only who people are in your community - but also insight into them. Having that information is important in good times as well as in hard times - and I believe will be important in a survival type situation as well.

Renee - you are absolutely right!


Veteran Member
Oh my goodness, Moldy - that snake had to be frightening!! (Did you have Hubby skin him out and make a pot of stew ? :lol: ) And a motocross race with no ER-worthy injuries - wow!


Or make them very odorous. Was a wild monkey dance part of the response? It would have been around here. The wifey unit is totally freaked by anything even looking like a snake.

yikes......big snake!! that'll twist your knickers........


Veteran Member
Not sure if it was the wild monkey dance,but every time I go to the pasture now, I look like Elmer Fudd hunting wabbits - except I'm looking at the ground (and yes, I"m carrying a gun!)

Worked the last couple days - I couldn't have done much outside anyway with the heat. We had a lovely rainstorm last night (thank you, Jesus for watering everything for me!). I'm waiting for a friend to show up so we can work the last 3 calves and haul 5 pairs (mom and baby) up to the north pasture. The steers will stay here. The garden needs a lot of work, so that will be on the agenda for the weekend. There is an auction I would like to go to if I can get the time.