Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: July 16 ~ 22, 2017


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All!!

I woke up early this morning and already have three loads of laundry out on the line, but haven't made it to the garden to see what needs picked as yet - gotta let the dew dry off a bit before I dive in to the zucchini or tomato jungles :)

It's cool enough here that I actually left the porch door open after I finished hanging up the hummingbird feeders this morning - woo hoo! The humidity is still high, but the temps got down into the high 60's last night, and it's only up to 74*F now, with a predicted high of 86*F - yeah, I can do that!

I've been having to take the feeders in at night as we have a family of raccoons coming up on the porch and emptying them - and making a big mess in the process. We've trapped and relocated but apparently 5 miles isn't far enough; they are all back - and peering in the porch door at us!

Hubby headed out to the nearby range a bit ago to sign up for a 3-gun shoot, but it isn't the kind that you see on TV; this is one where you shoot 3 different fireams - the handgun and rifle each from 3 different distances, then a round of trap. He thinks it sounds sort of boring since there isn't the action like there is in IDPA, but he went over to check it out anyway.

If he decides to stay, I may run over and watch for just a bit before I go pick up the grandkids this afternoon - I promised them a trip to the pool, and will hit the orchard for peaches while I am that close.

In between now and then, I need to clear the kitchen island counter - AGAIN!! How it gets cluttered so fast, I do NOT know, but it surely has. There are 3 canners, zucchini, a big cooking pot, zucchini, full and empty canning jars plus lids and ring bands, a stack of canning towels that need folded, and did I mention zucchini....:D One of these years, I'm going to figure out the magic number of zucchini hills to plant....

Wednesday was a busy day - I managed to get another load of pork 'n beans canned, then tossed the soaked beans that were left after I filled the jars into a crock pot with some bacon, a bag of frozen veggies, a pint jar of home canned tomatoes, a quart jar of tomato juice, a bay leaf and some other seasonings before I had to have the boys in town for the library program. After the program, I took daughter and the grands out to lunch before heading back home, where I chunked some frozen smoked sausage and tossed it in the bean pot, just for fun. I decided that I should till the two in-ground gardens and the new gooseberry patch in the early afternoon - which led to me spending the mid-afternoon flopped on the living room floor in front of the air conditioning duct, slurping homemade sports drink and re-reading 'The Stand' - some durned fool decided to work outside while the heat index was 109*F. Guess I'm getting wimpy in my old age :ld:

Speaking of homemade sports drink, here is the recipe again:
1/2 gallon of water
1 (or two) pkt of unsweetened Kool-Aid (or flavoring of your choice)
3/8 tsp salt
1/8 tsp salt substitute that containes potassium chloride (Morton's Salt Substitute)
8 Tablespoons sugar (you can cut this back if you just use 1 pkt of Kool-Aid) or 10 packets of artificial sweetener.

Mix together; chill and serve. If the grands are going to be here, I make it without flavoring and let them add in their own by putting their favorite flavors of Kool-Aid in small jars so that they can use my 'pinch', 'smidgen' or 'dash' measuring spoons to dip out the amount of flavoring they like.

While I was tilling, I deked around a few very healthy purslane plants that had conveniently planted themselves in a straight line; I'm hoping to harvest some seed from them and plant the in a more convenient location next year (it also roots very easily from cuttings - as anyone who has ever tilled up a garden full of purslane knows :lol: ) Between the purslane, pokeweed, and the lambs' quarter that self seed, we won't hurt for greens in an emergency where it's safe to eat out of the yard. I also noted a LOT of plantain sending up seed heads near the bee fodder fields, both wide and narrow leaf - plantain is a useful medicinal - here is a little information about it:

Thursday and Friday were insane days at work; Thursday started with transferring a patient to CCU. Boss did an 'exit, stage left' when he popped in to the unit for a minute later that and perkily asked me how things were going - I replied that wound care was sounding better and better and clarified it by stating that I'd rather be picking maggots from gangrenous flesh - and yes, I've dealt with both maggots and gangrenous flesh, not to mention other really icky stuff during a Home Health rotation. Home Health is not for the weak of heart OR stomach :lol:

I'd almost forgotten that Saturday was the cheerleader car wash fund raiser so headed in to town later than I'd originally planned. Got my van buffed and fluffed by a gaggle of giggling girls, then headed out to Dollar General - I'd stopped on my way home Friday evening to buy a broom for the upstairs as the current broom has this irritating habit of being on a different floor every time I need it and I was getting tired of playing hide 'n seek with the darned thing. I got a $5 off $25 purchase coupon good on Saturday; then I took a survey on the receipt (wanted to brag on the young man who was working that night) and got a $3 off $15 purchase coupon. I did two transactions - one for 14 boxes of Golden Harvest (made in USA) canning jar lids @ $1.75/box, plus a bag of those disgusting, squishy, orange circus peanut things (l love 'em :lol:), and one for 9 boxes of the lids; for a total of around $35 after tax and coupons were discounted, bringing my per lid cost to about 12.6 cents; not too bad. I also gained 2 more $5 off $25 coupons for next Saturday, so will use them to purchase more lids and/or school supplies.

The other half of the gaggle of girls were stationed at the Pro-Lube business, selling pulled pork sandwiches and hot dogs, so I pulled in and picked up lunch on my way home - 2 pulled pork sandwiches, chips and drinks for $10 which I bumped up a bit - they are raising money for uniforms and I figure I'm going to be helping pay for them one way or the other; this way, I got a BBQ sammich out of the deal :) My van is due for an oil change in about 800 miles; I will take it to that Pro-Lube as a thank you for letting the girls set up there, and supplying them with one of those shade tents.

Well, the dew ought to be dried up, and that counter hasn't started clearing itself yet, so I reckon I'd better get up and get to work. You folks take care out there; stay safe...


Veteran Member
Worked the weekend, it wasn't bad. We did lose one of our regulars; he was only 57. I spent at least 15-20 minutes every day in the garden weeding after work. I'm going to start mulching this week, so that should cut down on the literal hours I spend weeding (I hope!). Garden still looks awful ragged. I think I"m going to pull out the worst tomatoes and plant some brussel sprouts. I"ve never grown them before, but they will already have water, and I hate to let the space go to waste. DH wants to start working on fence... it's kinda hard to do by yourself, so I am looking around for help. I wish I had Renee's work pool of teenagers, but I don't. So tomorrow, I'm headed to the neighbors who have teenagers to see if they want to work a day now and then to earn some extra cash. We have to be careful - a neighbor hired a city kid, and his arm got caught in an auger during harvest. Yikes!

My friend is coming out Tuesday to help me with the garden, but with 2 little ones, fencing is out of the question. I need to work on getting stuff ready for school as well l- the 31st will be here sooner than I think.

I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday - my feet have been hurting for quite a while, and I need to get that taken care of. I did buy a couple new pairs of shoes. They were on sale, but still pretty expensive. You have to really take care of yourself, though. No one else is gonna do that for you.


TB Fanatic
Haven't posted here in a while, had a lot going on with my DHs health. I bought some ziplock mylar bags and oxy absorbers and a bag her and a bag there I'm packing up foods that I've gotten in our commodities. I don't think I'll ever use this stuff, but I want to keep it good in case any of my children ever want to use it. DH has lost his appetite and I don't eat enough to use much up. Eating less as we get older is not a bad thing.

Ya'll all sound very busy, keep up the good work. Take some time for yourselves.



Veteran Member
Yeehaw! DH was perusing Craigslist, and found a washer/dryer set (his oilpatch clothes are ruining my washer - and I would like to use the dryer occasionally just to get rid of the dog/people hair on the clothes) and window glass (50 pieces about 2x2.5 feet - can you say greenhouse?!) for FREE!!! He's picking up the set tomorrow, and I pick up the glass on Sunday. All within 15 miles (amazing when you live out in the boonies!)


Veteran Member
My pool of teenagers keep growing up on me, darn it! The grandsons were old enough to help me put down mulch without stepping on plants this year, so that was a help - just gotta keep feeding them so they'll get big enough to be more help lol!

Great deal on the washer/dryer; and absolutely FABULOUS deal on the glass, Moldy!!Sorry to hear of the loss of your regular; it's difficult to see that happen to a patient; especially if it's one you've gotten to know (and like).

Took the grands to the pool Sunday afternoon, then came home by way of the orchard, where I picked up a bushel of peaches. We stayed at the farm long enough to have supper, then I ran the kids home before coming back home to fall in bed - they wore me out at the pool lol! Met the ladies for aqua aerobics this morning, then snagged the grandsons and hauled them back home with me while granddaughter got packed up for cheer camp.

Judy - we took your advice - and we had a great day!! Papaw had ordered the boys an EBR looking BB gun, so they set up a target in the front yard and were shooting at balloons - they were using large latex balloons that I'd bought to use with a helium tank, and they would not break with the plastic pellets they were using, so I rummaged through the small tubs of party gear and found a couple of bags of water balloons.... First we blew them up and hung them on the target, then we filled them with water and hung them on the target, then it deteriorated into an all out water balloon battle :D We had to call a cease fire in the middle when the UPS man came by; the boys were down to underpants by then and Mr. Brown laughed all the way back to his truck (and after I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I wonder if maybe it wasn't JUST the boys he was laughing at :p ) After lunch, the boys and I changed into dry clothes and took short naps while Hubby went to town with the idea of trading off a firearm - he came home with the original and another that he'd ordered last week and - ahem - forgotten to mention :lol: Co-worker Buddy came by to visit for a bit and bring the boys some books he'd ordered for them, then we put the boys to work helping fix supper - one squished the meatloaf ingredients together while the other one helped put together hashbrown cassarole (snuck in some grated yellow summer squash hee hee!) Hubby monitored them while snapping green beans, and I peeled and sliced enough peaches to make a big enough dish of peach dumplings to have for supper AND carry in our lunches the next couple of days. Since I was thinking ahead to work lunches, I ran out to the garden to snag a green bell pepper, which I cut into 4 lobes, then packed them with the meatloaf mix before Hubby put the rest of the meatloaf in the oven. I'll put them in the crock pot tonight on low, topping them with some homemade spaghetti sauce - my cut-the-corner version of stuffed peppers :) I ran the boys home after supper, with a side trip to the local ice cream joint to pick up cones; had to pull into a parking spot and give them 5 minutes to wake up before going through the drive up to get the cones - think we might have worn 'em out :)

I just got back in the house from bringing the hummingbird feeders in - we're down two raccoons and hoping to take care of the rest of the family tonight. I'll be glad to be able to keep my feeders out, and to fill my regular bird feeders again. And maybe my corn patch won't be totally torn up....

Back to work for 3 days starting tomorrow, though I'm going to try to swap Thursday for Saturday so I can ride up to the town where the cheer competition will be held with daughter and son-in-law Thursday afternoon. If I can't, it will be 6 hours in the car on Friday, but that's okay. Somewhere in there, I need to keep an eye on the peaches and get them worked up so that Hubby can put them in jars and run them through the canner; I'd like to get another bushel to can on my three days off next week (Mon/Tue/Wed), but the county 4-H Fair is going on so I'll take the kids to that, plus I also need to stick my head in that ACLS book; and maybe go in to work one day and knock out my other required testing - I have to have ACLS done by September 1st, and the rest by October 1st, but I'm taking vacation September 2 ~ 20, so don't want to have to cram the other testing into the 10 days after I get back to work :)

Off to bed, take care all - have a great rest of the week!


Veteran Member
Ugh - it's hot here! Got the melons weeded yesterday with the help of a friend. She and her kids are more like my kid/grandkids than my own flesh and blood. How in the world do you keep a relationship going when you seem to be the only one that wants it? Breaks my heart, but I feel like there is nothing I can do about it.

Anyhow.... checked bees this am, but the girls are being kinda lazy this year, so I didn't have to add more supers. Got some cleome planted my MIL sent to me, and am now working on all the little things that add up. I did get my jar order from Ball - nice plain (no marking) boxes. Very discreet.

The washer fell thru, but I"m supposed to pick up the glass on Sunday.


Senior Member
I got two gallon bags of tomatoes in the freezer to can later when I have more and it isn't 100 degrees, next I'll make some red pepper jelly and some more relish. I don't mind the jelly and relish, it doesn't require to huge pots of boiling water! LOL

Next, I'm going to set up some worm bins for compost and maybe to sell some worms. We'll see how that progresses.

I've sold a few things on the facebook market and still have some things to list. It adds up and the money is going into savings as we are a bit low right at the moment. The decluttering continues!

We still have relatives living at the farm and working on some projects although it's really too hot to do much in the house. We only have a/c in two rooms so it's hot inside, we have 12 foot ceilings, but at least they have two rooms to cool off in. Dh is very appreciative of the help.


Veteran Member
Miserably hot here - and plenty of humidity to go with it! 90*F with a heat index of 112*F. That's down a bit from the 94*F it was just a bit ago as I was driving home from town - we got a short rainshower that cooled it down a bit. Still have thunder rumbling around, and the radar screen is showing a big green and yellow pop up blob of something heading our direction; I won't complain a bit if it keeps me from having to water...

Worked Tuesday, Wednesday and 9 hours on Thursday; then zipped over to daughter's so I could ride to the cheer camp competition with them. Too much noise in the hotel hallway so it took me for-EVER to fall asleep last night; then I got woke up at 0430 by a call from work, wanting me to come in!! Uh, no. 'Bout melted into a puddle in the non-airconditioned university field house where the competition was held - gonna try to remember to take a battery operated fan with me if we go again! Here in a minute, I'm going to plop down on the couch to rest for a bit, then get things set up to can peaches tomorrow morning. While I was looking for more of the short, square wide mouth pint jars I use for peaches, I found 5 cases of canned peaches from last year! Don't know who stacked them in with the boxes of empty jars, but it looks like I'll save a little time and money this year as I won't need to can any more than the ones I have setting out to take care of right now. And it's likely that I'll use some of them for peach jam...