Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: July 1 ~ 7, 2018


Veteran Member
Sorry for the delay; we had storms at the beginning and end of the day yesterday - hitting when I had opportunity to post - that kept the internet blipping in and out, so I kept losing what I was trying to post.

Congrats on the land purchase, Digger! Sounds like it will take some work to get it back in shape, but having that barrier between you and the neighbor will be a blessing!

20Gauge and Southern Breeze - good luck on the pantry organizations! (When you get yours done will you come over and do mine? :lol: )

Moldy, you have been so busy with work and school, I don't know how you get anything done in the garden! I was finally off work on a day (Saturday) that the garden was dry enough that I managed to get all the rows tilled and some of the weeding in between the plants done, but there is still so much more to do. And then we got another inch of rain yesterday... I'm really not complaining as I've barely had to water the garden at all this year but I sure wish I could coordinate the rain fall and my work schedule - I've been considering going back to night shift as at least I'd have daylight on my side, but then I'd miss football and basketball games...

Long day yesterday with the grandkids, getting prepped for and then celebrating youngest grandchild's 6th birthday. Hubby disappeared for a bit after the air pig he'd brought along ran out of air after inflating just a couple of pool toys; he came back with a small electric air pump that made the job go much quicker! The $1 beach balls from Dollar Tree were a hit, and the ring toss game made out of pool noodles cut in half for the stake and those blow up pool donuts as the ring were a big hit as well (total cost: $3). The birthday boy fell asleep in the van on the way home at 6pm and didn't wake up for supper or when Hubby & I lifted him into his top bunk - and he's still snoozing!

Not sure what our plans are for the day; that inch of rain means we won't get the mowing done today unless it happens in the very late afternoon; and I won't be able to get much of anything done in the garden - I've only got one row I can get close enough with the hoe to weed from the edge of the tilled area. I guess I can get the herb and flower beds weeded, at least. The grandkids will be underfoot until 3pm or so; Hubby and I might take them home before that and spend some time in the pool with them.

I did manage to pick enough green beans to make a meal, so we will cook those up with some bacon and some new potatoes I picked up at the Farmer's Market for supper this evening. We'll have BLTs to go with, and some sliced peaches.

I work the 3rd and 4th; I could hang around for an hour and a half after work on the 4th as the fireworks are set off pretty much right across the field from the hospital, but rain and 90*F temps are forecast for the 3rd & 4th (and 5th & 6th) and after a 12+ hour shift on psych, having to deal with the crowd heading home after the fireworks.... I think I'd just as soon get out of town while the gettin' is good!

Uh oh - I hear someone stirring in the boys' room; reckon I'd better get myself up and moving on breakfast prep!

Take care all; have a wonderful day, and a Blessed 4th of July!


Veteran Member
Worked last night. DH calls on my way home and asks me to check fence because we have some trees down that also took down a power line. I came home, located the electric company worker and took him out an easier way to the back of the property where the line was down. He arranged to cut power, and I made sure the cows were OK and the fence was still up. Went to bed, and as I was dozing off, I heard sirens ..... CLOSE. Went out to find the (wonderful) volunteer fire department had come as the downed line had sparked a grass fire. They had it under control pretty quickly (maybe burned about a half acre), but they had to cut a fence. Electric company comes-has to keep the fence down, but spliced it after they were done. While they did that, I went up to the pasture to check on it (it's about 12 miles away, and I wanted to check on it for storm damage). It was OK.

Came back home, aired up a tire, took a short nap. Then up to feed dogs, check chickens, and check the back area to make sure the fire didn't start back up when a little storm front blew thru. DH will be home tomorrow, and he has made plans to do clean up and weed. So.... the plans I had for tomorrow are on hold. Hopefully, I can get them started Thursday. More tired today than I was before school let out.


Veteran Member
Hoping that you got some good rest, Moldy!

An hour in the pool with the neighbor lady this morning, hauling water and watering the garden, two loads of laundry washed and hung on the line to dry and then brought in folded/put away, then another hour and a half in the pool with the grandkids this afternoon left me ready for bed at 6pm - I'm trying to read online for a bit to fend it off at least until I can stuff the boys in to bed at 8:30 :lol:

Neighbor lady and I stopped in at a garage sale on our way home from the pool today; I got a heavy Wilton mini muffin pan for $3, and an older model Foodmaster veggie cutter/shredder/slicer thing in new condition for $5 - this has a heavy metal frame with room between the two front 'legs' to fit a large bowl - I remember using one like this in my first 'real' job in a restaurant to chop all the ingredients for slaw and it worked wonderfully!

The work schedule was wonky this week due to holiday staffing, but I did manage to pick and can two canner loads of green beans this week; a friend had gotten her garden planted much earlier than I did, and was taking a short trip so invited me to pick while she was gone - so nice of her to think of me! I have some small yellow cherry tomatoes in the garden coming on finally, so bought a cucumber and a couple of small onions at the neighbor kids little produce stand yesterday and made a batch of my favorite summer salad - chunks of cucumber, halved cherry tomatoes, chunks of onion, chunks of mozzarella cheese (string cheese cut into chunks), pepperoni cut into quarters, then all doused with some Italian dressing and left to marinate in a canning jar - Yum!!

There was not a single thing in any of the weekly sales ads that I felt I really needed - or even wanted :lol: I'm not even going to use my $5 off $25 Dollar General coupon tomorrow! (Unless daughter comes up with a list and some coupons between now and morning, that is :) ) I do need some hair elastics but still have two that aren't stretched out or broken, so can probably hold out until next weekend - or I could stop at Dollar Tree on my way home from work tomorrow. Wonder if there is anything else there I need to stock up on before the tariffs take effect?? Playing cards and cheaters (reading glasses) to donate to work, maybe...

Yawning so big I can't see the screen; reckon I'd better get up and walk around for a bit if I'm gonna last another hour and a half!

Take care all; stay safe this upcoming weekend!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This week, I got my New Mexico Hatch peppers set out. There are four kinds, some hotter than others. Those will go in the home canned Rotel. Have you priced that stuff lately? Rotel tomatoes are taking over the garden. It has finally started to rain here.

I made Deer tallow candles in a flat of pint jars I wasn't going to can with. They have a soft little pop sound when lit I find restive. The light is just like a candle and the scent isn't bad. I could have put scent in them, but wanted primitive.

I have had the Excalibur and the Nescos working as well. I have a lot of Basil and what the Rabbits don't eat is getting dried and bottled for hard times. I make my own spaghetti sauce in the crockpot and can in Pint jars. I will dry other herbs later in the month. I found out the electric dehydrators work better than the 100 degree Texas sun- go figure.

This morning, I cut back the Mints. Spearmint is in the Nesco (other one has the Basil) and the front porch smells wonderful. I put some cuttings off the Spearmint in water to root and cut both back. I know it propagates from rootball division, but I didn't want to waste the cuttings not fit for the dehydrator.

Supper will be a Summer Squash casserole with wild hog and plenty of cheese. The meat tastes better than the Boston Butt I can get at the store. Infidel and proud of it.

I used a sliver of deer bone to make a needle to do Naal Binding with. It is silky smooth and goes through the yarn easily and feels good in the hand. I dressed it with a little deer tallow to seal the pores. It has a curve to it that I like. My new dog (Mo) found the bone on one of our walks and watched me make and use the needle. My first big project will be dog beds, so good ground score, Mo!

I wish everyone a happy and blessed 4th.
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Veteran Member
Had to look up Naal Binding - pretty cool form of needlework, Seeker22. What materials did you use to shape Mo's bone into your needle? Sounds like you have had a productive week in the gardens :)