Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: January 29 ~ February 4, 2017


Veteran Member
Good Evening, All!!

Computer was wonky (again...) when I tried to start the thread earlier today, and I had to leave home to head to grandson's wrestling match, so didn't get back around to starting it until now.

Re: posts in last week's thread about canned soup being a good thing to have on hand - Yes indeed; it is!! To stretch a can of soup to feed more than one, try serving it over rice, or thinning it bit with water before bringing it up to a simmer in an iron skillet in the oven, then topping it with drop biscuit dough and baking until the biscuits are brown. Dumplings could be dropped into simmering soup as well to make it a stick to yer ribs meal!

No chance to go through the weekly ads as yet (why didn't I think to take them to the wrestling match?!) so don't know if there are any good buys out there or not! I did pick up some foil loaf pans at Dollar Tree today while picking up supplies for a work project - I needed the loaf pans to help me organize the mylar packets of tuna and salmon - prefer to use the foil ones rather than the cardboard boxes they come in in case of leakage as my pantry shelves are raw pine boards and if anything soaks into them it would be a pain to remove.

Still waiting on our new heater to arrive - the two day delivery has now stretched to 5... I am looking forward into getting it hooked up and running - especially since my computer is conveniently located about 8 feet away from it, so I should stay comfy for sure :lol:

Working Monday and Tuesday, have Wednesday off, minor surgery scheduled on Thursday, then Friday to recover - although youngest grandson has conned me into picking him up after school and taking him out to lunch lol! Work should be getting a little less chaotic in the next couple of months as we just got approved for 2 more nurses to work the unit - which means we need to hire three as we're still down one... Another change will be that all the day shift staff will be pulling an 11a~11p shift once a month - scheduled, not extra so we can't whine too much; we are blessed to have jobs to go to in any case!

Well, 0430 is gonna come plenty early, so I reckon I'd better finish up this post and see if I can get some sleep. You folks take care - especially if you're having to fly somewhere!!


Veteran Member
Tough, rough weekend at work. Now I'm off to KS to help put my dad in a nursing home. Doubt I will be on much this week, but I will probably lurk some.


Veteran Member
May the Lord bless you Renee with swift recovery and Moldy with traveling mercies and strength/wisdom...............picked up some canned goods on sale with coupons and also markdowns...I MUST ORGANIZE......I'm sure there's several cases of food I'll have to pitch......just difficult for me to move it all and repack it.....our sons can't help and dh can't help.....YIKES....... oh well


TB Fanatic
My decluttering has slowed down a bit, but I am keeping up with what I've already done. I am no longer embarrased if someone comes in my living room and kitchen because they are in really good shape.

Yesterday my washing machine stopped spinning. Got a repairman coming in the morning. With having a baby pig in the house in a container lined with towels I do need to keep those washed up.

Even though I'm not doing major decluttering every day I am doing some here and there every day. I'm happy with the progress I've made and try not to think about the two sheds and my camper that I need to tackle this year, oh and my 32' school bus needs major decluttering too. Oh well, one step at a time.

Only other prep I'm doing with food is the food I get in commodities, which can add up.



Veteran Member
I have got to ramp things up. I don't like the looks of the left and all that has been going on. So out of control and more so then at any other time I can remember.
I have been adding weekly $5.00 to my little emergency envelope. I am at $50.00 total as of this morning. I am going in tomorrow for a couple of cases of canned food to add to the stockpile and will add 2 more cases of water.
Things are adding up, but slowly. I am ready with seeds to start inside this weekend.
Going into February I will be concentrating on finances, growing the stockpile much larger and the garden.

Happy prepping all :)


Veteran Member
Dad went to the nursing home today. So far, so good. I'm a little worried about Mom - I think she needs time to grieve. She's got great neighbors, but I"m 8 hours away. I just worry.

Goals for Feb:

1) Get taxes put together to go to accountant.
2) Make a couple Christmas presents.
3) Start pepper and herb plants.
4) Go on a thrift shopping day with the girls (really really need this - it's already been a really tough week).
5) Breathe.


The Republic of Texas
Thanks for the reminder of taxes needing to be taken care of. Starting spring garden seedlings and shopping the deals on meat full of you know meat and not preservatives.


Veteran Member
Moldy, you have been in my prayers this week; prayers going out for your Mom and Dad as well...


Don't forget to watch for those sales of heaters and home heating equipment as we enter into the spring/summer stocking efforts at the stores for those who need it or want to add/update their preps.