Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: February 18 ~ 24, 2018


Veteran Member
Just getting the thread started for the week before I head in to work ;)

Wishing you all a Blessed Sunday; take care, stay safe!


Veteran Member
It's been slow for prepping lately as I've been working a lot. I got my taxes done. Going through change the other day and found a silver quarter and a silver war nickel. Never found silver in the change before, so that was exciting. Getting rid of some old clothes (larger sizes). Lots of laundry. A couple of personal clients to take care of that will mean extra money to cover some upcoming bills. And about 8 cans of green beans w/potatoes for the pantry (BOGO at Publix).


Veteran Member
I've been trying to dehydrate some cantaloupe with a Nesco dehydrator that was given to us by a friend--sadly, I can see why they got rid of it. The thing has taken two days to get anywhere with the cantaloupe, and it's still isn't done. Sheesh. Oh well. Guess I'll have to make my own dehydrator. I plan to try gutter gardening, and I'm very excited about it! We eat a LOT of strawberries--okay, I eat a lot of strawberries :D--and I've found some gutter gardening methods that look like they'll do really well. There was one that I found that functioned as both a garden and an arbor for shade. Cool stuff.


Veteran Member
Big prep score this week!! 23 assorted size boxes of jars that my jar collector/seller co-worker bought at auction - she cherry picked the ones she could sell through her Etsy shop; these were the leftovers. She didn't want any money for them, so I'll be giving her a donation for the church based food bank she helps run as a thank you. My co-worker Buddy who met her at the auction house to move the jars from her trailer into his truck only unloaded the boxes he had in the bed of his truck once he got to my house - we had some pretty good storms come through about that time (I was picking up 3 kids and dropping them off at various places while all this was going on); so - per him - there are still at least 8-10 boxes still in the back seal of his truck that I'll need to pick up this week.

Another of my co-workers followed me home from the pool today and we sorted out a couple of large boxes of wide mouth pints for her (I'll get salsa in return lol!), and then another large box of non-canning jars for a friend of this co-worker's who paints on them and sells them at craft fairs. After she left, I loaded the top rack of the dishwasher with various styles of 4, 6, 8 & 12 oz jars; the bottom rack is loaded with pints - I will leave Hubby a not asking him to run the dishwasher when he gets home from work tonight.

I'm also scoring a little extra pay at work this week as I agreed to flip my day shift tomorrow for a night shift tonight, so will get night shift differential - AND some Wal-Mart cards (I drive a hard bargain lol!) I plan to tuck the extra away for garden improvements. The grocery sales are pretty dismal this week so I'm tucking my 'Bargain' money back for next week in hopes of better deals.

Don't know if it's the thought of working night shift or the biscuits and gravy we stopped for on the way home from the pool, but I'm about to yawn my fool head off - guess I'll take advantage of it and start my before work nap here in a few minutes. I'm hoping to have enough energy to go to the pool after I get off work tomorrow morning.....we'll see :lol:

Take care all; stay safe!


Veteran Member
Gonna have to teach my co-worker to count - I carried 19 boxes of jars out of the backseat of his truck yesterday. I don't believe I'm saying this, but I may have reached critical mass on jars :eek:


Veteran Member
Scored two silver dollars, that is ten since August. ?

Big storm blowing in today and night. I cut wood and rested. It was a long week. I thought I could improve my collection of tax documents as the year proceeds? Any ideas?

I looked high and low for some decent winter boots for the wife. Her Sorels lasted years but need to be retired. I struggled looking for two years, not sure why. Didn't like what we saw. They had to be winter close out priced, slip on, and durable. The new pair came and the wife liked them....whew.... I was worried . Happy wife happy life. ?

Started process of creating a corporation to own our businesses, at arms length; I will be happy to complete that process. We should have done this years ago.

Time to pull trap line, clean up, and decide how best to sell the fur.


Veteran Member
Started process of creating a corporation to own our businesses, at arms length; I will be happy to complete that process. We should have done this years ago.

Ivan-could you post a few more details? Not of your business, but of the process. I have been trying to set up LLCs for our business, but right now,I just don't have the brain cells to get it all together (and that's even with a friend helping). Now, a family member tells me we should set up an S-corp instead due to tax changes, that my accountant says no one knows the ramifications of yet!!

I spent today doing homework. Yes, all day. I will get better, but trying to do formulation is challenging - and math is hard!

I'm hoping to get more cleaning, freeze-drying, and some sewing done tomorrow. Seems like I"m running in place thru pudding most days. MMMmm....pudding......