Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: December 30, 2018 ~ January 5, 2019


Veteran Member
Good Day, All!

Hope everyone is doing well today - it's just above freezing here, but the sun peeks out now and again so not too bad of a day. One of my little plague vectors blessed his Mama and me with a rotten cold this past week - how his older brother avoided it, I do not know. At least it was a fairly quick one :) Temp of 101.3, no energy, body aches, freezing/sweating, congestion... It was about all I could do to crawl in and out of bed the first day, but at least it's mostly over except for the occasional coughing spell and temp spike - but the spikes are down in to the low 99's at least. Daughter came down with it the day before I did, which was good - she was better in time that there was no need to cancel their trip to Montana; and I didn't come down with it until after they left so could handle the laundry/packing/etc... for the trip.

So far today, I've stripped my bed and those linens and the pair of sheets I put over my recliner are in the washer on the sanitize cycle plus bleach, the pillows are hanging out on the clothesline, and the blankets are bagged for a trip to the giant commercial washer in town. So glad I stocked up on disinfecting wipes when they were on sale during back to school time - so much easier than having to make up my own. I had store bought Gatorade on hand to use until I felt like making my own, plenty of acetaminophen and aspirin to knock down the fever a bit, epsom salt that I infused with a few drops of Thieves oil before dumping it in the hot baths I ran to help with the aches. And Kleenex - lots and lots of Kleenex!! It is good to be prepared!

It's a wonky work week due to the New Year's holiday - not sure if I'll be on call tomorrow or not but last I heard there was a pretty good chance. I'll be glad when the schedule settles back down to it's norm.

I did pop in to CVS to pick up a gallon of milk on my way home from checking daughter's house yesterday - they had minimal holiday clearance, but then - they hadn't had much holiday stuff out to begin with. The Valentine's Day stuff was already out on display on the 26th.

I've not seen the sale ads for this week yet, but my phone has been going crazy with various clearance sales - I have a $40 JC Penney card that I should probably try to use before I manage to lose it, but nothing I saw online (in the clearance or great deals section of course!) has so far has piqued my interest; and the only thing I specifically went looking for - the tee shirts I wear under my scrubs - were out of stock. I suppose I'll stop in to the physical store to see if they have any in stock; if not, I'll check out the bedding department as I've gotten great deals on flannel sheets in January before.

Well, reckon I'd better close this and go get those sheets in the dryer if I want to have enough energy to make my bed when they are dry - still get tired pretty quick from the bug.

Take care all; have a blessed week, and wishing you all a wonderful New Year!


Veteran Member
Temperature rose 50 degrees in 24 hrs. It feels great, walked around in sweatshirt all day, even though it was only 25 degrees. The warm weather brought two feet of snow.

I loaded my sled for trapping. Going to make my line. It is going be more work this year, prices are down . I will have tan the fur myself, and make products gloves and hats. I will have to market the fur and search for retail buyers, and special buyers ( taxidermists). The pay out will be slower and requires patience.

I went to camp and set everything up. I came back to town for one last holiday.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
While in town, yesterday, I stopped in at Walgreen's, and stocked up on Sambucol Black Elderberry syrup, since the remaining bottle I had on hand turned out to not be a brand that works very well. It was just a cheap WalMart version.

I also managed to pick up a very nice Cashmere pull over sweater for only $12! The style is such that you can pair it with jeans, dress slacks, or leggings, depending on how dressy you want to be. I thought it was a great deal.

Also, did my bi-monthly trip to Sams' Club. They had a sale going, and I stocked up on some of their bargains. Their sale runs til the last of the month, so I will be going back in two weeks to take advantage of it while it lasts.


Veteran Member
Ivan, thank you so much for your posts - gives us a glimpse into a different 'world' :)

Thanks for the reminder to check the elderberry tincture, Southern Breeze!


Veteran Member
Ivan - if you make gloves and hats, please market them here as well. I would be interested.

Feeling pretty blah. We've had a lot of flu A here- evidently the vaccine was not well chosen. Even folks that had the shot are coming up positive. Pretty sure I may have a touch of it, or some other virus. I've been drinking a lot of tea (including boneset = so bitter!!) and taking fire cider and elderberry elixir.

I have a few days off - trying to get business stuff taken care of - but I"m just slogging thru it.

China Connection

TB Fanatic
Only up around 39c here. Things are drying out. Want some rain.

Going to buy some fighting Banten chickens over the weekend. Jungle Fighters.


Veteran Member
Went to a self defense class at a church in the small town I live near this evening; it was well worth the time, and I hope to be able to follow through all six classes but will need to do some shift trading at work in order to be able to do so.


Veteran Member
We paid for a hive of bees to replace one of the two we lost. We talked to two bee keepers that had many hives. They both said it had been a tough year. One guy lost 25 hives the other lost too many to be selling any bees this spring.

I sold a little more hay. I also told her if they wanted to pick it up off the field in when we cut, it is $2 cheaper a bale. I would love to have most sold right out of the field.