Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: December 16 ~ 22, 2018


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All!

The grandsons are here, so it has been a busy morning so far; I'm ready to sit down and take a break at the computer!!

Later today, the boys and I will go in to town to help lay wreaths on the Veteran's graves at the local cemetery - including those of their Great Grandfather and Great Uncle (my father and uncle.)

Prep plans this week include using coupons/sales to add a bit more soup to the pantry - hopefully enough to get us through to this time next year, when the sales hit again. There is also a sale on Smirnoff Vodka, and I have coupons for $4 off 750 ml or larger bottles - I think there was a rebate deal going on; if I can find a rebate tag I will purchase enough to use up my coupons/get the largest rebate; then hide it downstairs for emergency use. Hoping to find it in glass bottles, rather than plastic.

I will also stock up on batteries at CVS as they have their brand buy one/get one 50% off, and will use coupons + sales to add a few cans of pineapple and mandarin oranges to the pantry to use in making homemade 'Dole Whip'.

The call for extra school supplies and Wet Wipes/Baby wipes went out - I found a sale and have coupons to pick up baby wipes to send; and was able to pack up a bag of other requested items send with the grandsons but was sure glad I stocked up during the back-to-school sales this fall as I'd much rather send crayons I paid 50 cents and markers that I paid $1 for to school out of my stocks than pay current retail prices (double or triple the sale price) for them.

Looks like I'd better get off the computer and start figuring out what to fix these two for lunch - may thaw some meatloaf mix, open a jar of home canned peaches, and make some mac and cheese. Their Mama can fight them to get them to eat vegetables :lol:

Take care all; stay safe and warm!


Veteran Member
Getting for Xmas here. I took day off, first one in month. Finally got cold, finally feeling safe to travel on ice. Need to get motivated and hit the trapping. Store had sale, people will think I am crazy, but I bought 75 dollars of chips for 99 cents a bag. I was excited, a good deal for out here.

Getting ready for Christmas Bon fire. I am very excited for this.


Veteran Member
Ivan, great score on the chips! I wish I could find them for that price!
Finally had time to do a Walmart run, and the store was pretty much cleaned out. I made a big dent in my shopping list, but didn't get everything I wanted because SO many of the shelves were empty. Got the trash hauled to the dump, we were running over. I have to keep everything except the used cat litter in the house until I can haul it off since we have bears here. Checking a few items off of my "To do" list.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have whipsawed between glorious beautiful sunny days in the mid sixties to dark cold and windy all week long. Today is the dark version. Since I have to be inside, I am going through 100 pounds of honey crisp apples and getting them in the Excalibur. Had more, but shared with the neighbor. I bought an apple corer peeler slicer at Thrift for $1.99. I can do apples and also potatoes quicker with that. I like! Why people get rid of treasures like that is beyond me. There has been no time for knitting or crochet, despite several patterns waiting to be done. When the food stores are laid in and the fire is toasty, there will be plenty of time for that. Stay warm and safe out there everyone.


Veteran Member
Solstice bbq and bonfire were big success. Everyone said it lifted their spirits. We bbq chicken, hot dogs, and brauts. Tasty! Then we bbq peppers and zucchini, even more tasty! I was so looking forward to this. Kids had blast sledding and roasting perfect marshmallow. My little girl collapsed into deep sleep. An excellent end to hard day.

It was minus 20 the last few days. I am all sore and stiff from dealing with frozen pipes. Good news pipes are flowing again. Now we can wash up. More good news I fixed it myself so no expensive bill.

Hard to go wrong with grilled meat and vegetables. We're not surviving , we're setting the bar high for living in Alaskan Bush.

Happy solstice everyone!!!
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Veteran Member
Your solstice party sounds like a lot of fun, Ivan (though I could surely do without the -20 temps :lol:) I'm careful about expired tomatoes because they seem to eat through the can seals; that said, we're currently using expired in 2014 tomatoes with no problems. What will you make with the stewed tomatoes, or will you eat them as is? My father liked Swiss steak made with them; I mostly just add them in when I need a second can of tomatoes in a soup or stew nowadays.