Prep Genrl Weekly prep thread: December 11-17


TB Fanatic
I was up really early and started to start the thread, but it was 3:00 am. Thanks Britches.

We went to a party at church last night, they had a fish fry. Huge pans of fried fish and someone got carried away with the salt. Way too salty, but it was nice to see folks though. Some people I haven't seen in a good while. One older gentleman that we use to see every day at lunch when we went to the local senior center . We stopped going because it kind of killed the day and the food went from home cooked to hospital type processed pressed meat crap. It was cheap but you got what you paid for. Its amazing the unhealthy crap that hospitals feed to sick people.

Another person that it was nice to see was a lady named Marie. She and her sister along with their mother used to be gospel singers, beautiful voices. Marie has end stage renal disease but won't stop smoking.

Well, its about time to get dressed for church. Have a blessed day.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I crashed hard last night. But I got a third wind before that happened. The Xmas gifts that needed to be ordered are ordered. As much as I hate it, two are going to be gift cards. But not generic. Just to stores that they can get to and I can't, and the shipping put any physical gifts out of the price range I can afford.

Scraps got sorted and washed last night. This morning was sorting and folding. They are all now tucked away for future projects. I used up some of the bags that sheet sets come in to store them in a nice neat manner.

And the brain figured out what I can do with all the pink and white scraps. They are going to become stitched squares to wrap the gifts with. Then said family member can keep and reuse them, or return them and I'll reuse them.

Discovered that as my stress level and head pain levels are decreasing, so is my appetite. I shouldn't be so surprised. I know I'm a stress/pain eater. It's embedded somewhere in my psyche from before I have memories and I haven't been able to dig it out and cut the link. Likely because it's a family thing so there are a lot of links. Either way, now I will have to be on the lookout to make sure that I consume at least 1200 calories daily so I don't slip my body back into starvation mode.

I was sent money with specific orders to buy something for myself. That's normally hard. But I had been looking at a set of wooden knitting looms. So I contacted the vendor and the looms were within my price range. Hopefully those will be here by this upcoming Friday. Those are part of projects to start after the new year.

The last lingering bits of edema are also fading with the stress. The slight over plumpness to the toes is fading. Same for other areas of the feet. It's nice to see. The weird sense of feeling is still there though, although it is no longer continual.

I'm running slow today. It's the "hangover" from the emotion, mental, sensory stuff yesterday. But I am still getting things done. I'm about to pop off the computer and go out to grab the pine tree limbs for decorating. And after that, back to working on Christmas gifts. I'm going to wait on putting up the rest of the decorations until a friend can come up to pull the boxes out of the attic and garage. It takes two of us to do that.

With the way things are going, this may be the first year that I'm not frantically working on gifts on Christmas Eve. And the boss has told me that I don't have to, but if I want I can take the week of Christmas off. That's a luxury I haven't had in over a decade. I won't do it this year. But it's nice to know that she is generous in that way. But I'm much more likely to want a week off in spring so I can get the garden in the ground.

Anyhoo, time to get off the computer before I lose hours back here.

As far as actual prepping, well, with that load of venison, the freezers are full again. I put away all of yesterday's stuff, including tucking the back up deadbolt in an easy to find spot.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have absolutely nothing planned for this coming week. Just "steady as she goes", trying to relax and be thankful for all our blessings.

eta...Now that I have all my ground beef, dry beans, mustard and turnip greens all canned up, I want to start canning other meats from the freezer. Will Polish Kielbasa get mushy if I can it for long term?
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TB Fanatic
Church was good, there seemed to be a few more people in the church than have been lately.

We went to mickyds in a smallish town 30 miles away. Stopped at walmart, I did the shopping I had on my list, got 12 cans of walmart brand chicken noodle soup for when DH isn't feeling well. I replaced a couple of things that I had used and of course at higher prices than what I used. The world seems normal in my neck of the woods, I pray it stays that way. Then again I'm in the south very rural.

The sermon was on Matthew 2:`1-7. As the pastor described it their world sounded like our world today, too busy to accomodate the birth of Jesus.

Last night I went to sleep very very early and woke up about 2:30 am and only went back to sleep around 7:00 am for an hour or so. When we got home from church I fell in my chair and just woke up about 1/2 hour ago. I could go back to sleep but I'll make myself stay awake for a few hours. TV is completely boring, so I've been reading. I'm rereading some of my favorite authors, Preston and Childs. They have a new book coming out in 2023, so I'm rereading some of their older ones. They are real page turners.

DH hasn't had to take a pain pill all day today. He has a follow up appointment on Friday.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
TV is completely boring, so I've been reading. I'm rereading some of my favorite authors, Preston and Childs. They have a new book coming out in 2023, so I'm rereading some of their older ones. They are real page turners.

Preston and Child are 2 of Cary's favorite authors, too. He just got the latest book in the Pendergast series, "Bloodless", with our last online book order. He has the whole Pendergast series, to date. We read a lot, too, and you're right about nothing being on tv to watch.


TB Fanatic
Looks like this may be a slow week in this thread.

The weather here is over cast, cooler and damp. Rain projected off and on this week.

I finished the book I was reading on my kindle, and I'm trying to get into another one. I have a sample two chapters of this one on my kindle and a regular book copy. The kindle is so much easier to read but I just don't want to spend the money to put the whole thing on my kindle (I read it on my phone). I'm forcing myself to keep reading it. Reading on my phone with the nice back light spoils me to reading a book and getting the light just right. I've got a book light that goes around the neck but it must need charging because its just not bright enough.

I have so much to do and am not getting any of it done. Must be the reading and sleeping, LOL.


TB Fanatic
Preston and Child are 2 of Cary's favorite authors, too. He just got the latest book in the Pendergast series, "Bloodless", with our last online book order. He has the whole Pendergast series, to date. We read a lot, too, and you're right about nothing being on tv to watch.
They are coming out with a new one "The Cabinet of Dr. Leng". This prompted me to just reread "The Cabinet of Curoisities".

I also have all of their books, some on Kindle, but those I also a regular book version. Some are hand backs and some are paper backs. I look for the cheapest I can find.

Other favorite writers that I like are Lee Child and James Lee Burke. Burke has many books set in south Louisiana and his descriptions of the area are spot on. It probably helps that he is from that area. Steve Berry is also good.

I've often thought that having a book review area here on TB would be nice, something besides current events to discuss. The world of books is much nicer than so much reality and doom and gloom.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I've often thought that having a book review area here on TB would be nice, something besides current events to discuss. The world of books is much nicer than so much reality and doom and gloom.

Absolutely, Judy. Sometimes, it gets pretty boring right here on TB, not to mention all the doom and gloom, we're all going to die mentality and politics.

Cary already knows about the new book coming out and is patiently waiting.


Veteran Member
When I put groceries away last week, I found the roof was leaking in the pantry. Even carrying the ladder is beyond me anymore, much less getting on the roof, and I told hubs but I didn't think he'd do anything about it. He went right out and worked on it and got it to stop leaking (at the moment) but I have to take him to get some kind of sealant if it ever stops raining.
My car has been broken down in the yard for 2 1/2 mos, my driveway is too bad for the wrecker to get back here, and now there is something wrong with my truck. I went and talked to my mechanic this morning and made an appt to get it fixed. I hope it runs until he can get to it. He is so busy you just have to wait your turn.
I paid my homeowner's insurance in Nov when it was due and I just got a cancellation notice for non-payment. I checked the date it cleared the bank and called them. Well they raised my premium and did not send me another notice --- or another bill --- so they just cancelled my policy. I didn't think they could do that. The money they already had would have paid for over 6 months. So I have cussed 2 people out this morning and I am going to report them to the insurance commission. I wish people would just do their jobs.
Judy, I would love to have a book review thread.
Right now I'm watching Doc Martin on the i-tv link that someone was kind enough to provide. There are a whole lot of BBC programs available that I like. I also watch re-runs of Pawn Stars and American Pickers. I didn't see them when they first aired because we didn't have cable.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Back in the Summer, we got hooked up with fiber optics for internet and tv service. We have a whole world of tv entertainment to choose from, but there's still nothing fit to watch. We have a handful of tv series that we watch, and that's it. We had rather read.

For a couple of months, every time it would rain, we could hear a drip, drip, drip, making us think we had a leak somewhere around our wood heater. We couldn't find anything. Cary went outside several times to see if there was something beside the house that the rain was hitting, causing the drip. Nothing. Got up on the roof. Nothing. Went up into the attic. Nothing. It was about to drive us crazy. Last week with all the rain we've had, he was determined to find where this leak was occurring. So, outside he went again, in the rain. He found the leak, which wasn't a leak after all. I have a huge yucca plant up next to that side of the house, and water was running down one of those spiked leaves and was dripping off the end onto a side vent that opens to the underneath of the house. It was dripping at just the right angle to hit it. He cut the yucca plant, and the drip, drip stopped! Thank goodness, the vent was closed, or we would have water standing under our house! We were planning to cut down the yucca this coming spring, anyway. I have plenty of others around and about.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Back in the Summer, we got hooked up with fiber optics for internet and tv service. We have a whole world of tv entertainment to choose from, but there's still nothing fit to watch. We have a handful of tv series that we watch, and that's it. We had rather read.
Truth. I find more interesting things on YouTube. But then network TV thinks people aren't interested in the things I'm interested in.

Got the first part of the binding edge on the second Xmas gift. It's now moved to the hand stitch pile. Tonight I have to see if any of my med kit snips are sharp enough for thread. Because I'm taking the handstitching with me to the med testing on Wed. I'm not going to sit there and twiddle my thumbs. Or zone out on the phone because I'm not really in a reading mood.

Otherwise, just keeping busy at the moment. It's actually sunny and somewhat warm today, so I may take an hour for outside work.


Veteran Member
Good afternoon everyone.

I’m still exhausted from last week and feel like I’m just creeping along. The weather isn’t helping, I can’t remember when I saw the sun last. It hasn’t been raining but it’s been very overcast and dreary out, makes it easy to feel depressed when you already don’t feel well.

I continue to wonder why DH keeps directv, it’s too expensive and not worth it to me. Its like feast or famine with the programs, either nothing I care to watch or several things I want to see on at the same time. At those times I set the dvr and “save” some of the shows for the famines! I also buy some DVDs that I can dole out to myself during those times too. Like some of you, I’d rather read most of the time but when brain fog sets in during fibro flare ups, it’s hard to concentrate.

I‘m working on getting the laundry done and planning on putting the rest of the canned/boxed items away from last weeks shopping. I think supper tonight will be a “everyone for themsevles” night, there’s salad fixings ready, leftover lasagna from yesterday, sandwich fixings and a big old bowl of I’m tired mixed with I don’t care!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Good afternoon everyone.

I’m still exhausted from last week and feel like I’m just creeping along. The weather isn’t helping, I can’t remember when I saw the sun last. It hasn’t been raining but it’s been very overcast and dreary out, makes it easy to feel depressed when you already don’t feel well.

I continue to wonder why DH keeps directv, it’s too expensive and not worth it to me. Its like feast or famine with the programs, either nothing I care to watch or several things I want to see on at the same time. At those times I set the dvr and “save” some of the shows for the famines! I also buy some DVDs that I can dole out to myself during those times too. Like some of you, I’d rather read most of the time but when brain fog sets in during fibro flare ups, it’s hard to concentrate.

I‘m working on getting the laundry done and planning on putting the rest of the canned/boxed items away from last weeks shopping. I think supper tonight will be a “everyone for themsevles” night, there’s salad fixings ready, leftover lasagna from yesterday, sandwich fixings and a big old bowl of I’m tired mixed with I don’t care!

We let go of our Direct TV and Hugh's Net for our fiber. It's much cheaper, but still not much on to watch. Internet service is much better, though.

It's not raining here, today, either. It's really overcast, dreary, and a bit cooler than it has been. We're getting ready for strong storms coming in, I think, Tuesday night through Wednesday afternoon. Then, our temps drop back down to more normal for this time of year.

We ate the last of the big pot of spaghetti I made for supper as leftovers last night. Tonight, I'm making cubed steaks, boiled potatoes with butter for Cary, stir fried chopped broccoli in toasted sesame oil, and a jar of my home canned greens beans with bacon and garlic. I'll make Cary a small skillet of cornbread. No dessert. He can have his mini peanut butter cups for his dessert if he wants to.


TB Fanatic
When I put groceries away last week, I found the roof was leaking in the pantry. Even carrying the ladder is beyond me anymore, much less getting on the roof, and I told hubs but I didn't think he'd do anything about it. He went right out and worked on it and got it to stop leaking (at the moment) but I have to take him to get some kind of sealant if it ever stops raining.
My car has been broken down in the yard for 2 1/2 mos, my driveway is too bad for the wrecker to get back here, and now there is something wrong with my truck. I went and talked to my mechanic this morning and made an appt to get it fixed. I hope it runs until he can get to it. He is so busy you just have to wait your turn.
I paid my homeowner's insurance in Nov when it was due and I just got a cancellation notice for non-payment. I checked the date it cleared the bank and called them. Well they raised my premium and did not send me another notice --- or another bill --- so they just cancelled my policy. I didn't think they could do that. The money they already had would have paid for over 6 months. So I have cussed 2 people out this morning and I am going to report them to the insurance commission. I wish people would just do their jobs.
Judy, I would love to have a book review thread.
Right now I'm watching Doc Martin on the i-tv link that someone was kind enough to provide. There are a whole lot of BBC programs available that I like. I also watch re-runs of Pawn Stars and American Pickers. I didn't see them when they first aired because we didn't have cable.
I like Doc Martin too, but I can't get anything beyond the 4th or 5th season, so I quit recording it. I like british sitcoms, but not American ones.

We have hughes net so I'm seriously limited in what I can stream. We also have hughes net and its a big rip off, but there is nothing else. DH loves westerns, although we do not have the western channel. The inspiration channel plays mostly westerns, and lots of gunsmoke, we watch them over and over.

I've started turning the sound really low while I read. sometimes I listen to music, I like classical to read by. My ex turned me onto classical as I had had no exposure to it.


Veteran Member
I like Doc Martin too, but I can't get anything beyond the 4th or 5th season, so I quit recording it. I like british sitcoms, but not American ones.

We have hughes net so I'm seriously limited in what I can stream. We also have hughes net and its a big rip off, but there is nothing else. DH loves westerns, although we do not have the western channel. The inspiration channel plays mostly westerns, and lots of gunsmoke, we watch them over and over.

I've started turning the sound really low while I read. sometimes I listen to music, I like classical to read by. My ex turned me onto classical as I had had no exposure to it.

Here you go! All 10 seasons. The Christmas special is supposed to air on on Christmas or Boxing Day so it will be along later.
Lots of other good things to watch!
And thanks again to whoever was kind enough to post this on main!


Veteran Member
We watch the cowboy channel and the rfd tv a lot....we have dish...we are busy doing stuff and it is on for background noise..and it is easy to fall into the story in the reruns.....

the Hallmark channel has the Walton's on almost all the time....we live not far from the original house and place the series was based on..the original house is still there....but Ike Godsey's store burned.....but has been rebuilt...I know one of the men who helped rebuild it....lots of things in that series bring back memories of the way things were here in Virginia when I was young..still remember my mother and aunt washing and saving aluminum foil...and memories of all the older family members who have passed....The series isn't perfect but they did better than most would think

Even remember my great uncle Gene...up in.the mountains....he was an old man when I was young..he was the husband of one of my grandmother's sisters....I can still see him sitting in the yard.. whittling on a piece of wood... grandmother was born near where I live back in 1870.... Between the depression and the rationing during WWII..things didn't change a lot here for many was so much simpler then...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The only tv shows we watch are, "Chicago Med", "Chicago Fire", and "Chicago PD". We also like NCIS. Other than those, it's reruns of the Star Trek Enterprise, and Star Trek Voyager series. Cary has watched reruns of the whole Columbo series so many times that he has them memorized. There's just not much on TV that we like, never has been.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Working myself out of work. I have about an hour worth of work for tomorrow. She has no time to train me the way she wants me trained on the next item until Thursday.
I'll probably do a mix of some of the transcribe gig jobs, and house chores, and working on Christmas gifts. Then the testing the neuro ordered is Wed morning. Already planning on which things to take with me to work on.
I might get started on a few more things. I have one more gift to hunt up. And one more that still needs to be cut and started.
I have dinner in the oven. And my son is in a mood. I'm just going to chill.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
They are coming out with a new one "The Cabinet of Dr. Leng". This prompted me to just reread "The Cabinet of Curoisities".

I also have all of their books, some on Kindle, but those I also a regular book version. Some are hand backs and some are paper backs. I look for the cheapest I can find.

Other favorite writers that I like are Lee Child and James Lee Burke. Burke has many books set in south Louisiana and his descriptions of the area are spot on. It probably helps that he is from that area. Steve Berry is also good.

I've often thought that having a book review area here on TB would be nice, something besides current events to discuss. The world of books is much nicer than so much reality and doom and gloom.

there's already a Media Center - some of us keep the movie sub-group going but the book main group is ignored ....


Veteran Member
DH watches what he wants on youtube - I really don't watch TV except the local news, and there's only one channel I can stand.

We got things battened down for the storm coming in (I hope). We're supposed to get between 7-10 inches tonight and tomorrow. So glad I am working from home, and that treatment doesn't start until Thursday! I plan on canning some carrots, slicing onions to go in the dehydrator (either in the canning kitchen or the garage), and doing some decorating for Christmas. I haven't really decorated in about 3 or 4 years, but just feel like it this year.


Veteran Member
I’m in “trying to get it all done” mode this week before my surgery in a week. I’m actively knocking out my to do list getting things ready for Christmas and for when I will be out of work in January.

I got great news yesterday - the colonoscopy doctor called, and my pathology reports of the polyps he removed are benign. Thank you God! They will still send the polyp away they surgically remove to pathology but so far, I’m looking good. I am SO thankful I got my colonoscopy done.

Can any of you make suggestions on what I should pack for my hospital stay? They say it will be three nights.
Also, I’m interested in ideas for things to have at home for after surgery. I have not stayed in a hospital in 22+ years, and that was to give birth so nothing like this.
(My hubby is an amazing cook, is retired and will do most of the cooking once I’m home. Heck, he does most of the cooking now.)

Slow and steady (although this week it’s more like frazzled and crazy).

Sending love and prayers to all here.


Veteran Member
I'm getting ready to start cancer treatment, so I've been making large meals and freezing the leftovers. Grocery shopping is done, sheets are changed, house cleaned, etc.

I would take as little as possible to the hospital. Cell phone and charger, comfort items you have to have (for me it was tea and Manuka honey). I slept in a hospital gown and wore hospital socks.


Veteran Member
We did my contract job yesterday. I wanted it done before the really cold weather gets here. It wasn't too bad trash wise. But two areas had dumped dogs. One I never saw, but there was a tarp shelter with food in a pan. It was in the woods a little bit. I left it as it was. Another area had some young pups dumped out. They had a purchased plastic dog house and food in a dish. We know there is a man that looks after the dumped dogs at that location. Hopefully he will find them homes.

Preps lately has just been replacing what we use. We are still buying formula for our granddaughter when we see it. She is eating food now too so we are also getting some jars of baby food also. Formula seems easier to find now at least. At our local Harps last week 1 pound strawberries was $6.99 a pound. This week they were $7.99 a pound. I took a picture of them both weeks so I would know I wasn't mistaken. That's crazy prices

I need to butcher these roosters before the cold gets here. I am just not sure I can manage it all. They are eating too much and I don't want to feed 2 pens in awful cold weather. I may try to do some today even though it's raining. I could do some between showers.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Can any of you make suggestions on what I should pack for my hospital stay? They say it will be three nights.

Like moldy said...As little as possible. Our medical center furnishes everything you need (gowns, slippers, disposable underwear, personal hygiene items of all kinds). For sure, take your phone and charger, personal items such as books to occupy your time, etc., and food items to snack on in case your hospital doesn't provide those. Ours does. All you have to do is ask.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have another severe storm system coming in later this afternoon and into tonight. With our already saturated ground, it won't take much for high winds to topple trees. Up to 4 inches of additional rain forecast, too. I always get concerned about power outages, so.....

I've got all my laundry done, and supper tonight already started. If we lose power this afternoon, most of my supper will be cooked. It will just need to be warmed up, and that won't be a problem without electricity. We have back ups for back ups, LOL.

Since I spent so much on groceries last time, I've only got a very short list made out to get, Thursday, when I go shopping again. It will be the last time to shop, before the new year. Mostly, it will be fresh produce, fruit, yogurt, Jewish rye bread, and cheeses, plus Cary's dark beer and treats for our dog. No meat this time. A Sam's order to get my throat and dry mouth lozenges, since we're not going into big town before the 28th of Dec., my next doctor's appointment.

My shoulder rotator cuff has finally healed. That TEN's unit is a must have, along with gentle exercises!

ETA. We were just issued a flood watch for our area through tomorrow afternoon.
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TB Fanatic
My shoulder is really bothering me. I injured it getting in the tub Saturday and since then its troublesome. And my knee is acting up some, but I've got the knee braces from the VA and they work wonders. I'm going to start taking NSAIDS again hoping it will help my arm and shoulder. This is the same arm that I dislocated back in March '22. And I'm doing some losening exercises. Only God knows where my tens unit is. I know it would help.

Yesterday I hot soaked some baby limas and meant to get them on to cook, but didn't. so last night I put them in a crock pot with some ham pieces. I turned it on high for a couple of hours and then down to low. so a nice pot of beans this morning, I put too much water for them to be creamy, but they are still very good, but need salt. I love beans and most kinds.

We got commodities (the 40# box) yesterday. We got potato flakes again and there were more canned goods than lately. I haven't really looked to see just what was in the boxes. We use to get two boxes of shelf stable milk and two jars of juice, but lately have been getting one of each. That works for us because we don't really use much of either. Although I do use the milk when called for in cooking, but we give the juice to our pastor.

Next Monday we get our USDA commodities, the 40# boxes come from Catholic Charities. So the commodities this month and last came early because of the holidays. I'm always greatful for what is given to us and what we don't use we share with others.

I'm going to start taking one or two dozen eggs to the pastors mother on Wednesday nights. She's my cousin and we were very close some years back, but we both remarried and we each got wonderful husbands. And both husbands were glad to get us for their wives.

I'm on the hunt for a next book I want to read, I checked the she shed and the cabin and its not there.

Looks like the goats know the rain is coming they are are all getting under the bus, which is where they all sleep. We have a couple of goat barns but the prefer under the bus.


Veteran Member
Praying for all of you...shoulders, knees, treatments, storms, operations...the whole nine yards...and will keep it up.

We are trying hard to get prepped for the new little fur kid..we got her Nov 20th...but God is good and we are finding food to put back for her..she is a rescue and is sweet as can be....she was totally unexpected...and so tiny after our Great Dane..

We have barn cats and noticing dry cat food isn't as available as it was...but have buckets to store it in..busy gathering that too..

My cousin saw a video on the web saying Kroger is planning to double or triple food prices...I didn't see it but have heard that prices will go way up after the holidays....what will people do...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Praying for all of you...shoulders, knees, treatments, storms, operations...the whole nine yards...and will keep it up.

We are trying hard to get prepped for the new little fur kid..we got her Nov 20th...but God is good and we are finding food to put back for her..she is a rescue and is sweet as can be....she was totally unexpected...and so tiny after our Great Dane..

We have barn cats and noticing dry cat food isn't as available as it was...but have buckets to store it in..busy gathering that too..

My cousin saw a video on the web saying Kroger is planning to double or triple food prices...I didn't see it but have heard that prices will go way up after the holidays....what will people do...

I already avoid Kroger as much as possible. It's the most expensive place to shop for groceries in our area. Even their sales are more expensive than regular price at Walmart and Aldi's.


Veteran Member
I already avoid Kroger as much as possible. It's the most expensive place to shop for groceries in our area. Even their sales are more expensive than regular price at Walmart and Aldi's.
We don't have one near us and I never shop there....but I know they own a lot of other chains....but if they go that high can all the other stores be far behind......


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Tired. Been a busy day and I have to be up well before dawn tomorrow. I have sewing set aside to go with me and stuff prepped.

Tonight I resized one of my son's fleece body pillows. When he was younger, he loved them. Not so much now. This one had split down the side. I wash it and then cut it in two. Then stitched it all back up.

Did more on Christmas gifts today. A lot of cutting. And more sewing. And I'll likely still be done early. I like that part.


Veteran Member
It's really concerning how high prices will go next year for food and everything else. I'm hoping and praying we will be able to grow and can more of our own.
Hubby‘s growing system in the garage is going great again this year. He’s growing lettuces and box choy, spinach, etc. We have enough for two BIG salad for BOTH of us twice a week.
It is delicious.


Veteran Member
Hubby‘s growing system in the garage is going great again this year. He’s growing lettuces and box choy, spinach, etc. We have enough for two BIG salad for BOTH of us twice a week.
It is delicious.
Does he have heat. .....and or grow lights..


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We ordered all our seed this past summer. Enough to plant our whole yard, front, back, and sides if need be. Never know what the future will bring, so we wanted to make sure we had enough. As it stands right now, we still use several raised beds, and have a regular garden that takes up the back corner of our yard. We can increase the size of it any time we want. If I don't have enough garden space to grow what I want next Spring, Cary will increase the size. We've already laid in several years' worth of fertilizer, garden soil, manure, and I also compost.

We are getting flooding rains. It started late yesterday afternoon, through the night, and it's still coming down. We were spared any bad storms, but got a few rumbles of thunder, overnight. Flood watches and warnings are still ongoing. No more drip, drip, drip, either. LOL.

Cary's project for today is to get the bathtub drain fixed. He was cleaning out the drain, yesterday, and he broke the flipper thingie that opens and closes it. Now, he's got to tear into it to try and fix it. Thank God we have plenty of stoppers for the tub! I have no idea what all it will take to fix it, but I'm not buying a new bathtub. Our is one of those old cast iron tubs from yesteryear, and it will have to be broken into pieces to get it out, or either, knock out the whole outside wall in the bathroom to get it out all in one piece. A rubber stopper to keep water in the tub is a whole lot cheaper.