Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: August 7 ~ 13, 2016


Veteran Member
Good Morning, All!! Please forgive any glaring typos today; minimal sleep the past two nights and not enough caffeine as yet this morning :lol:

I did do another CVS run last week; forgot that youngest grandson had paper towels on his school supply list and good old CVS had a deal on them, right when I needed it!
1 - 12 ct Bounty paper towels @ $9.99
3 - Tide detergent @ $5.34 = $16.02
3 - Hershey Symphony XL bars @ $2.19
4 - Irish Spring body wash @ 2/$7 = $14
4 - Fixodent @ $2.87 = $11.48

1 - $10/$40 purchase scanner coupon
1 - Buy 2/Get 1 Free Hershey deal = $2.19
1 - $1/1 Bounty coupon
3 - $2/1 Tide coupons
1 - $4/$14 CVS body wash scanner coupon
4 - $1 Irish Spring coupons = $4
1 - $20 Extra Care Buck
1 - $4 Extra Care Buck
1 - $3 Extra Care Buck
Total: $50.19
Paid: $7.87 plus tax out of pocket; got back a $10 ECB on the P&G/Hershey deal, a $12 ECB on the Fixodent, a $6 ECB on the Irish Spring = $28 ECBs

Then I hit Dollar General on my way home from work last night - my bag deal didn't work out exactly as planned because I had to detour down an aisle and stumbled over 2 DEEP dark red dishpans @ $3 each; that depth is nearly impossible to find, so I snagged them both as my current dishpan has a crack in it and will soon be turned into a plant holder.
2 - dishpans @ $3 = $6
5 - boxes Hefty zipper bags @ $2 = $12
8 - boxes Glad zipper bags @ $1.50 = $12
Total: $28
1 - $2/3 Hefty coupon
1 - $1/2 Hefty coupon
1 - $5/$25 Dollar General coupon
Total - $8
Paid: $20 plus tax; got another $5/$25 Dollar General coupon good for next Saturday

Gotta head out - today is Sunday paper and donut day so I have to leave a bit early :)

Take care, all; have a great week!


Veteran Member
Worked an incentive shift this morning (01=07). I get regular pay plus $175, and it's usually the quiet time in the ER. Back home, took a nap, now waiting for a friend to show up.

Tomorrow, we have 10-20 people coming out to help us harvest and put up about an acre of sweet corn.


Veteran Member
Overtime and sweet corn season here too, Moldy; but I'm not as smart as you - I picked up a Monday (aka: Day from Hell!) day shift for my overtime :p At least it's only 8.5 hours...

Daughter will be bringing sweet corn out when she's done working Monday evening, so I will be putting it up on Tuesday - as soon as the cleaning lady is done (and how foolish is that?! Please, clean my house so I can destroy my kitchen as soon as you're done :lol: ) Daughter will be out to help Wednesday morning if I don't finish up the corn on Tuesday, but I plan to not do one darn thing Wednesday afternoon except rest up for my Thursday/Friday shifts.

Work was chaos and mayhem today so I didn't have a chance to even pull my ads and coupons out of the Sunday papers, let alone figure out any deals. Hopefully I'll get some quiet time sometime over the next two days to get that done... I did pop into CVS on my way home to scan my card, and picked up a Snickers candy bar - on sale for 99 cents - 50 cent/1 coupon; paid 50 cents out of pocket; got back a 75 cent Extra Care Buck so am getting paid a quarter for buying a candy bar lol!

A friend at work gave me (FREE!) a Fitbit Flex, so I have been fighting with it and my phone, trying to get them to sync. I've not got it quite figured out yet, but it is counting my steps (but doesn't agree with my phone), is supposed to monitor my sleep tonight; and wake me up tomorrow morning - we'll see... Since it was free, I'll spend some time fussing with it :lol:

Well, it's only about 8:45 pm, but I haven't slept well the past two nights so I think I'm going to head on up to bed. You folks all take care this week; stay safe out there!


Veteran Member
Well, my 10 people that I was expecting turned out to be 4; but it was good. A great friend showed up, and I laughed more than i have in weeks! It's now 9 pm, DH and DD are still cutting corn off the cob to freeze (although they should finish in about an hour). Oh - and we only did 8 rows (out of probably about 60)!!

Neighbors have come by and picked some, and hopefully some more folks will come by later in the week. What was I thinking with this big of a garden?? Oh well - I felt I should have a big one in February, and maybe it was to mostly bless others. I'm good with that.

I had meant to have stuff more ready to go today, but we spent 2.5 hours last night chasing a bull. We had a new bull delivered to our pasture about 3 pm. About 6, a neighbor called that he was out. We spent quite a bit of time driving him back about a mile to the trailer, then delivered him home (it wasn't ours, thank heavens).

I have to work tomorrow - good thing - I need the rest!


Veteran Member
Well, daughter apparently did her own sweet corn; when I texted to ask about it Monday evening after I got off work (Overtime Shift From Hell!!) she didn't reply. Oh darn :)

Hubby and I were on the run until about noon on Tuesday - he was supposed to have his 'Wellness' screening, as were 11 other people - but sadly, the Wellness people didn't show. I had Hubby drop the van and me off at the yard waste site's giant mulch pile while he went across the street to have breakfast. He returned in time to help me finish throwing the last few forks of mulch in the trailer. Then it was off to the farm store to return the 1 7/8" ball that I was handed when I asked for a 2" one (couldn't reach them), and the feline Advantage that they gave me instead of the canine. Popped across the street to Catholic Charities and found 3 lace curtain panels for daughter's wedding decor, then headed for home. Hubby appears to be having some trouble acclimating to 3rd shift; he went in the house and sat down in a chair until 5 pm, then went to bed. Helloooo - you aren't going to sleep if you aren't tired; you need to get up and move!!! I went out and put down cardboard on the north side of the raspberry bed, then unloaded mulch on top of it as far as it would go, then pulled a few weeds, but then I got into a nest of yellow jackets and got stung 5 times, so bolted to the house and slammed 100 mg of quick dissolving Benadryl and grabbed my inhaler to see how bad the reaction would be - just some bad swelling and a lot of pain at the site of the stings, but after 100 mg of Benadryl, I was pretty much useless the rest of the night.

Today, I picked up a friend's brother who is sorta down on his luck, waiting to be called for a job. We headed back to the mulch pile and loaded the trailer full, then hit Home Depot for some plywood and other supplies - he's going to put the sides on my trailer for me (he is now Hubby's new best friend, because I was starting to get a little testy about not having an easily used trailer FIVE months after being promised one. As I told him - I need a trailer NOW; not in December or January or whenever you get around to it; there isn't anything to haul that time of year. Once back home, I started putting down mulch while the friend weedwhacked (and weedwhacked and weedwhacked...) weeded, cut back branches, etc... Once I got the trailer empty, we grabbed a bite of lunch (Hubby did cook), then he headed back outside to work on the trimming and mowing the yard, while I headed to the sale barn to get a trailer load of composted manure. It took me TWO solid hours to unload that little trailer load; I was about whipped when I was done. Of course, the heat index was 94*F...

Took the brother home but didn't stop anywhere while I was out because I looked like the wrath of hell after all those hours outside. I picked a canteloupe from the garden and got it cut up and ready to carry to work tomorrow, then went out to cut a 2 gallon bucket full of elderberries to run through the steam juicer. Once I get this quart jar of cold water finished, I need to cut up some peaches and pack them for my lunch, then chop and saute some zucchini for tonight supper and lunch tomorrow as well. Then I need to get the dishes done before I go downstairs to throw the towels in the dryer and myself in the shower :lol: I'll also need to decant the elderberry juice and leave it out for Hubby to put away once it's cool before I fall into bed. Oh, and somewhere in there, I think I need to take about 800 mg of Ibuprofen...

Tomorrow is back to work (Thank goodness, I need the rest :lol: ) Ditto Friday; then Saturday if the weather is fit, I'll go pick up the friend's brother again so he can work on my trailer; when I take him back home, I'll snag the grandkids to stay overnight... And those thoughts just made me all the more tired - guess I'd better get to those peaches and zucchini before I totally wear out!

Take care all; have a great rest of the week!


Veteran Member
Had some pretty good storms come through last evening and on through the night - I finally crashed around midnight, and slept clear through til almost 7 am; must have been worn out! One more week with an overtime shift built in, then two full work weeks, two days the week after that and I am on VACATION!! Not that I'm counting the days or anything.... :D

I've got elderberries in the steam juicer this morning; have at least two more batches worth on the clump of bushes in the front yard, plus more I can pick down our road, so will keep the juicer busy this weekend. My wine grapes are ripening quickly, so I might save the juice back until I can run a few batches of grape juice, then mix the two for wine. I've been looking at these stills with thoughts of making some brandy:

I've got lots of things to get done this weekend. The current and forecast weather pretty much puts paid to my friend getting the sideboards on my trailer this weekend - I had to work late both days this week and didn't get a chance to stop to buy paint or a new circular saw - someone left ours sitting on the concrete floor of the machine shed instead of putting it back up on the shelf and it rusted badly. Someone else isn't very happy about that, nor about having to pay for a new one!! I might head to town today to get that taken care of; while I'm out and about, I'll also pick up school supplies for a co-worker's kids - I thought my grandkid's lists were bad; these kid's lists are totally off the charts!! I need to take a little time to go through the CVS ad before I head out, too - I got another $10 off a $40 purchase coupon that makes some ehhhh deals look a little better this week - next week's sales (when the $10/$40 expires) are even more blah, so I need to decide if any of them are worth doing.

While I'm in town, I need to go by Aldi and pick up the wine for daughter's wedding - she gave me a list of what to pick up; says that their wines are pretty good! I don't care for the taste of alcohol so don't consume hardly any beyond the occasional hot toddy - when I'm so stuffed up that I can't taste it anyway lol! - so I wouldn't know good wine from bad, but if that's what she says she wants, I reckon I'll get it for her. I also need to pick up some stems of purple flowers to see if I can find any that match her colors so I can get started on the table decorations - she wants canning jars with lace/twine and candles or flowers in them. I found some 1 qt size mums that would just fit in wide mouth quart jars for a reasonable price - but the colors aren't listed on them and I don't want to buy ones that are close enough to bloom to tell as they would be done blooming by the wedding....

Tomorrow, I plan to do some cooking and baking for the week; I subsisted this work week on sandwiches, fruit, and a little bit of leftovers; I want real food next week lol!! If the rain stops, I need to pick tomatoes and peppers and get some salsa canned as well. I do need to take the time to get some mental rest as well as physical this weekend - we've had some very high acuity patients - including having to have one patient room shut down for 3.5 days for repair after one pitched a fit - that have just left me drained after dealing with them for 12 (13, 14...) hours straight, followed by difficulty winding down from the adrenaline dumps into my system from the behaviours, that resulted in my having trouble sleeping. That Fit-Bit thing a co-worker gave me told me that in one 7.5 hour time period in bed, I was awake 13 times and restless another 23 times; the following night was close to the same. Must have been tired last night - it only showed 3 times awake and 11 times restless!!

I need to remember to check with Hubby to find out if he figured out when we could get my van in for repair - 4.5 months old, and already the passenger rear door isn't working - it won't open and the lock mechanism just flops back and forth. If this is fortelling, I'm glad we picked up the extended warranty on it!! Can't hardly work on vehicles these days :(

Okay, got enough coffee in my system that my brain might work, so I reckon I'll shut off the juicer and get ready to head in to town. Take care folks; stay safe out there!